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Employees attempt to solve the multiple issues at a Chevron-McDonald's.
If you find yourself creeping up on exit 42 and hear your tummy rumbling and your gas tank rumbling, 2, you better open your ears and listen because they're telling you to come on down to the location in today's episode.
Alright, guys. Listen up. Listen up. We've had some problems. Okay? We've had some problems and I gotta tighten it up. I gotta tighten
up the ship. Not this again.
do you mean not this again? We've had problems.
It just feels like every 3 or 4 weeks, We've had problems, quote unquote, we gotta do another staff meeting where we get everybody in here. Listen. And you tell us why we're bad. And then we tell you why we're not. And then things go fine for 2 weeks, and then we're back in here. Calm down.
It's not about you being bad. This is the McDonald Chevron, and this is the nicest spot on the exit. And I sorry for wanting to take a little pride in this place. Jake,
okay. Jake, and and And also, mister Windsor. Mhmm. You said this is the McDonald's chevron. Right? Yes. III was just wanted to point out this is the only full McDonald's with a small Chevron in it. In yes. In this whole state, And it's just it's it's throwing me, and I know every 3 weeks, we we have some problems. And and Jake is your son, and I know you guys talk about things at night, and maybe
listen, I know you I know you transferred from the Chevron McDonald. And it's throwing you for a loop a bit here. Okay? Everything's a lot
the proportions are just a little bit different. Yeah.
Jake, I got it.
Okay, dad. Why
did I take the
assistant manager training? Why did I take the training if you're not gonna let me have any leadership responsibilities, dad? Okay. You're right. Why't you come up and stand next to
me? We'll lecture the team together. I
like her. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We've been having some
problems here at the McDonald Chevron. Okay? And first of all, it's cleanliness. And I think everybody knows what I'm talking about. From the bathroom to the fryer, we've had cleanliness problems.
Okay? Well well, I will say that in between the bathroom, and the kitchen where the fryer is, there's a diesel pump and it's really tough to keep it clean. And I know we did run the pipe out the front door. So the trucks can get their gas out there, but there's some that gets clogged up sometimes. So that's my fault. I'll try to keep the diesel pump a little more clean. Okay. And
that's fine. And again, I'm sure that you're thrown off coming from a Chevron McDonald's and now being a McDonald's Chevron. Obviously, things are a little different. Because And this
was your idea. Right?
Well, yeah. I couldn't make a deal. I couldn't make a deal with Chevron upfront, so I I locked down McDonald's. And then Chevron, of course, came running, and I made a little room for him. So it took
franchises the the franchises you landed were in the opposite order. That's right. Normally, you start with the
gas station and add food. I was only able to land food, and then, of course, gas came a run-in. Because everybody stops for the burger. That's what they don't realize. Everybody stops for the burger then you realize you need the gas. So let's try to keep that diesel pump clean.
Yes. Yes, sir. And
what was your name again,
I'm Taylor. Okay, Taylor.
I had laid off. We're gonna
put you on full bathroom duty.
Okay, I feel like that might be punishment, and I'd like to say before we get into the punishment that if we kept the window the car window soap water further from the Mcflurry mix I wouldn't get them confused as often. Okay. So I I'm sorry for some poisonings. I'm sorry the poison again. And that's okay. And I'm sorry for the filthy windows.
Hang on. I just wanna say you're you're accepting that you're always going to make this mistake. It'll just happen less often if we don't keep things. You know
what? You're fired. Jake, wow. Way to show some initiative.
Yeah. That's right.
I can't let you I can't I can't enact that, but I like your spice.
Don't fire me. Don't fire me. My my dad's back. He's in the hospital again. 00I
thought you back in the hospital?
Well, no. No. He's he's back in the hospital. He's living there now.
He's going rent? Yeah. He
went from the dog house. What the metaphorical dog house my mom was mad at him and he was sleeping on the couch and to get back at her, he rented a bed in the hospital and he just has to pretend he's sick. He's got a little deal there. Wow. That
must be really hard for you. I'm really sorry.
It's costing my family a fortune. So please
oh, they're not giving him like a rental fee. He's paying hospital bill.
Yeah. The man he's paying Bill.
Hey. The if if you if Bill comes through here at any time, I'm gonna scream my head off at Bill next time he comes in here. Last time I had to go to the hospital, I had to pay him way too much money, and he kept
that Hospital bill?
Yeah. I paid hospital bill. 400 dollars 3 different times just for using the waiting room to tie my shoes. I know. This is why this is why I think it's really important. We don't
privatize medicine. Because hospital bill runs that place with an iron fist, and I'll tell you what, we've had a lot of grease slips. Mhmm. We've had a lot of beef sickness And, you know, it's it's tough. I've spent some time at the hospital, Bill's Hospital.
Yeah. And
don't forget about all the gas poisonings, awesome.
Yeah. The gas poisonings in the kitchen.
I'm sorry. I don't know who there is a balance of power issue here and I don't know who to pay more attention to. Is it the father or is it the son? Because you're both behind the podium now, and
you're both speaking at first You're leaving 1 you're leaving 01:30. Yeah. The
toilet. And
you need to go clean the toilet, Taylor. We fought through the side of the holy toilet.
Yeah. Exactly.
The holy trinity, the father of the son, and, of course, the
holy toilet. Look, I just do the
toilet. A little bit. Jake back, move your left a little bit, Jake.
Can can we maybe take a vote and maybe agree that the toilet has been a lost cause for about 2 months now? And
it Yeah. How much duct tape are we gonna put on that thing? Guys, come on,
guys. We're a high traffic zone. If I fix the toilet every month, I'm gonna be fixing a toilet every month. Okay? I can't afford to do this. We're gonna have
to duct tape as long as we can. And like I always say, It's porcelain. It'll be fine. Well, I don't I don't know why you didn't just decide to do a McDonald's bathroom instead of instead of focusing on having a gas station bathroom
in side of a McDonald. We had the key already, on the big spoon. Yep. And it would be weird to have a McDonald's bathroom that you had to go up to the counter and ask for the key on the big spoon. And
when we designed this place, we also thought it would be cool to do the line down the middle that really delineated which 1 you're in. Unfortunately, we didn't realize the bathroom was fully on the Chevron side and not on the McDonald's side. And we had to stick to theme. You'll also notice that play place is filthy, covered in soot, and has a truck drive through car wash in it.
Yes. Yeah. I know it. You keep saying you'll notice that, and we've noticed it.
I just don't know if you know
if everybody understands what we're doing here, we're a McDonald Chevron. And I we're the big ones. Okay? We're the big 1. And I you know, I think people know and I wanna have a good reputation. Well I apologize if I've been a little lacks and it's been a lack of direction problem. That might be my thing. I'm sorry. I just I I wanna
have a good reputation too. But when I tell everyone at night school I work here, they go, oh, the place that makes you the most sick and gets your car the least gas. It's a bad reputation. That's what they say. Yes. It's the 2 things that you're known for. They use
most and least.
Then what do you mean gives you the least gas? Our gas pumps work.
death for you. There's many
places in this area of town that get you sick and also don't give you much gas. But this is the place that hits you the most sick -- Yeah. -- and gives you the least guess. Well, I'll tell
you, I'm just made by that. I I really didn't know that was the case. That that bums me out. I thought we were given gas.
I think a lot of people are pretty disappointed with we've got the, you know, the 87, the 89, and the 91. The 63 is given pretty bad gas.
But it's cheap. It is cheap. The 63 I bet you what? 63 is our value menu gas.
Yeah. But you buy that for Donald's. Yeah.
Yeah. You can.
Yeah. Our number 7 combo is a
is 63 gas, a cup of
63 gas, a cup of 63 gas,
10 piece gas. A 10
piece gas. And and a large order -- A French gas. -- French gas with
yeah. I'll let you go. You're doing a great job, Jake.
I'm trying, Bob. I'm trying. I'm
trying. Well, you know, You know how they have the Travis Scott meal at Yeah. We can McDonald Are you
gonna talk about the Travis Tripp meal?
Yes. Yes. I'm from Travis Tripp meal. Travis Tripp meal, which
a bag of the Nature's nuts trail mix, which is very Raise it heavy?
Mhmm. Thank you.
A single menthol
cigarette. And
a plain hamburger with just pickles and ketchup. See,
there's not a blame you do get a little bit of McDonald's with this 1. It is technically a Chevron meal, but you do get a little Mickey D's. Just like with every McDonald's, you get a little bit of Chevron.
And the That's sort of our cell. But the napkin is the little thin scratchy brown paper towels from the bathroom.
Uh-huh. Right.
Yeah. And it all comes in a plastic bag, which looks terrible.
Well, it's a valvoline bag. Yeah. It's a classic Valvoline bag because, you know, Valvelyn, Chevron, they're tied together.
Listen, you can do an oil change. And they get 2W2. Oil with it.
Like, do
you guys wanna work here tonight? Do you 2 wanna work here now? That's the dipping
sauce. Yeah. Good question, Jake.
Is my question. It seems like we have these little meetings every couple weeks, and you guys just complain about how everything's going on. But then you're still accepting your paycheck You know, if you don't like the way that things operate around here, you too, you can hit the bricks. Wow. You can
well, we don't like how you make us accept them.
The PayTech ceremony is
what? Outdated?
What? Oof. It's the most outdated in
town. What?
Just because we don't have direct deposit. Yeah.
Well, you guys know how much it costs to set up direct deposit with a bank? Seriously. It's way easier for me and my dad to sit in our backyard and you guys come over. We have our our my sister and my young cousin play a trumpet fanfare. You guys walk up we we sort of take your paycheck and we put place it and tap it on both of your shoulders. Mhmm. And we say, with with this check, thoust become nights. By
the way, we also know that that young cousin is actually your daughter. You're not fooling anybody. You A young cousin didn't just move in with family all of a
sudden. Now that was a young baby cousin a couple years ago, and now she's 3. That was a young cousin who moved into town because my sister is a deadbeat.
I I mean, no 1 year olds don't move into town.
But, yeah, we had to move her. It
was kind of like a Fresh Prince thing. You remember Fresh Prince?
Who delivered?
Who delivered that baby? The doctor. Hospital bill. Yeah. We had to pay him. We could check
with hospital bill. No. He's not still giving out records, is he? For
a price? Hello, woman.
Oh, god. Well, look. God.
Okay. Can I serve this customer real quick? Or do you Taylor, go ahead. I appreciate that. I appreciate
that. We have been letting them yeah. I wonder what they want.
Hi. Welcome to Mc Donald Chevron. Are you hungry or is your car with me to
death? Both. Perfect. Oh, that's perfect. Yes. I'm so confused. Where do I pull my car?
Are you in the drive through right now. Right? Yeah. I'm in the drive through. Okay. So first window pay, second window, fill her up. Third window will give you the
What can I guess for? 3 there's 3 prices out here on the sign.
Dollar 29 dollar 49 and a dollar 69. Does that have
do with the food or the gas?
None of the above. That's the temperature.
Yeah. It's hot 1 out there today. I'm sorry. To hot 1 out there today. So
i look at the let me get the mic up to my manager.
Sorry, Taylor. I just didn't it seemed like he was giving you some trouble. Do
who who's gonna take my order? You or the man yelling at the background?
Actually, neither of them will. I
will. A third person. Yeah.
Yeah. And it's me. It right here outside your passenger window?
Like, in the numbers? Like, in the numbers
outside are a parity because it's hot. Like, they're, like, saying, like, it's a hundred and 29 degrees. Yeah. But why are there 3 of them? And there's no clear
like, we couldn't make the funniest number.
So so we went with 3 options. Whatever It's a hot 1. No. It's a hot 1 out there. Get up onto the bike, boss. It's a hot 1 out there.
Alright. Well, let me get the You you know how McDonald's has the
yeah. We are McDonald's. We are McDonald's. You can order a McDonald's meal here.
The menu. Well, most yeah. You know? Most you know the
mcDonald's and the daddy Yankee meal.
Yeah. Caselina.
You want the Gaselina meal? No. I'll take the daddy Warbucks.
Oh. Well, bad news you're getting the Gaselina anyway. Funny. All are all I don't want, Caselina. Okay. Well, I'm not burgers. Do you want lettuce or unleaded?
I want lettuce.
Huddl lettuce. Huddl lettuce. Huddl lettuce. Huddl lettuce. What's more of those? What's more of those?
What's more?
Okay. So we got you for a 10 piece unleaded That
sounds good. Yeah. In this state itself served for the meal, but we have to do the gas for
So I just come in and III just get it out of the kitchen? Yeah. Come on. Even get it. That's the third window. Alright.
So after you pay
off the
drive through, you just park and then walk on it. Okay. So a friend of mine You'll know you'll know where it is. Just Park walk in and
getting back at the long line. But not at the Chevron. There's 1 line for the Chevron. That's because we're understaffed. Get in the long line for the McDonald's, which were overstaffed.
Okay. Too many people And can I get a peek at
the condom machine with some satanic stuff written on it?
Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty funny. And it's right next to the stickers. So if you want a Justin Timberlake in sink sticker that's pretty shiny. We got those too. Awesome. Awesome.
Alright. Alright. So later
see, that system was so difficult. Or I don't know who who I should talk to here as far as boss or
jake, go ahead and take this 1. Jake?
Yeah. I'm here. That
was such an inconvenience. Right? Yeah. I hear you. I hear you. You would never get unleaded on a burger in the first place. You would never get gas on a burger.
Okay. It's just so bad. Well, not normally. Alright. Let me take these I'm gonna take these notes down. I'm gonna take all this down and so that me and my dad can sort of stew on it. So all look, give me all all the problems you have with the with the
business network. Get a pen if the pen doesn't work, you could say, hang on, get a pen and work. I'll just I'll just I'll just write hard.
No. It's no.
You need to get a pen though. No. No. I'll just write hard and the imprint will be on the
page. I don't know. I'm not gonna be able to read the imprint later. Get a pen that works. Go over to the Chevron part.
Okay. Fight. Go get a pen.
It's on the it's on the the big
spatula. Oh, the weight is all off here. The weight is all off.
Oh, yeah. That's 1 point for me. The bathroom key is too heavy. There's a shovel on it. It's attached to a shovel
for the men.
Yeah. For the men. Well,
i've got a few bathroom key issues. Obviously, the key is too heavy with the shovel on it. Secondly, we don't need to do the heavy thing system on every object in the Chevron.
How do you expect us to not have things to
be stylish? I spent 2 hours the other morning attaching big iron cubes to all the skittles.
have you noticed the skittles are still fully stocked. We haven't lost a single bag of skittles, you know, with kids that are coming in stealing.
Yeah. But no one's buying skittles either.
Okay. You know, I get it. Your guys' livelihood isn't completely attached to the success or failure of this business. Okay?
Get them, man. You can just
quit and you can just get another job. Well, me and my dad can't. Okay? Because we're weighted down by 2 different contracts. 1 with McDonald's, 1 with Chevron, both very bad terms. Okay? Not to mention the amount of rent that we pay for this building. Okay? You
guys aren't on
the line for any of us.
Is the rent exorbitant? Exorbitant.
Yeah. Think of a number. I guarantee you our rent is higher. We're
paying 3 rents. We're paying rent to the building owner. We're paying rent to McDonald's, and we're paying rent to Chevron.
Yeah. Rent.
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