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The guys discuss Sam's restaurant, Howard's new book and listen to some important tapes.
way back in town. Way back. That's not the way. Way back way to rewire these speakers there. Too
hot. She don't lie. She don't lie. She don't. I in town. Nice boys are back in town. Your country You're burning. What? Your ears are burning. Here's a burning. Well, we were talking about you last night when you worse sleep.
I knew it.
Well, we were talking about authors bugs. They were fighting your ears like, should we wake him up? Should we should? We swept the bus
here. We get bread. It's getting read. It looks like
you're years allergic to be. You know how When you want to make a pizza big, you sling it up near the ceiling and the centrifugal force spreads it out. That's kind of what your ears looked like. It looks like they spin all the time, and it looks like, well
down throwing your ears up in the air all night long.
Yeah, well, I went Teoh this Italian restaurant and I left, and now these bugs have been flipping my here. I hear little tiny little tiny like
I actually we were eating the other day and we ran out of bread sticks and I I
ran out of your animals.
Well, yeah, I guess. Technically, I guess both. And then, um I think we get a little more and
there's into the ether. You said, Can I get a little more?
And the funniest thing was not a waiter didn't bring us over, Matt Breadsticks. We thought it was floating over to a slowly on the
like a like a little bunch of little ads had at anyway. It was your ears. Yeah, it was
the years themselves, not the bugs that create pizza that cooked meats on. Here's your ears. Dis est from your head
way were eating him.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So how were they
were? They were They were a little chewy, so we put it back on.
Okay? Yeah, I remember that. You send him back. The bugs were a little bit about that, because the restaurant you could said some stuff back, but usually not the free breadsticks.
Well, I mean, I think so. These air tell little chef, but
yeah, I mean, it's a classic credit to its situation. Some bugs air cooking me up and serving. May, uh uh a Italian restaurant.
And that's why your ears were burning.
And that's why I'm I'm
honestly surprised this didn't happen to
me. Yeah, for making me think. Yeah, like a me thing to There's a lot of you can have it if you want. I think
it is your thing here, and you're gonna have to keep it a lot, Honestly
and honestly for me, I I say, thank God it's happening to you now, and, uh
Okay, well, I
said that about a lot of stuff on the show that I can't handle.
E I don't know what our deal is with eating human flesh. It's their deep Maybe in me, it's nothing
I've always thought about, but in a vague way. Yeah. Have you guys had
this impossible burger?
00 yeah. You know, I haven't I've seen a lot about you Had it.
I had it, I had it. And it's just like a hamburger. Uh, it's not. They use no beef drips like it's bloody. That's the thing I kept saying. It's better drip like it's a bleeding. Birger
writes your part. You wanted to. You were like, I don't care if it's vegetarian, but if I don't see a cow get its head. I don't want it.
That's right. That's right. So now I got what I dio is. I'll bring in an Isis Cal video every time I have an impossible burger.
I don't know why they think these cows have information. I
do. People confide in their farm animals.
Yeah, that is true. Yeah, and a lot of these a lot of Washington bigwigs have farm.
I told my deepest, darkest secrets to my pets growing well.
Not only did George Bush know about 9 11 before, also the Chick fil A cow's did on.
It's surprising they should have said somebody. All they said was eat more chicken
trying to say 9 11 is coming.
Just only know three words.
So they try to say it was the writing
upon billboard trying Let us narrow self funded. The milk and misty
eat more, they thought if they said it like they were saying, 9 11 is coming, right? Eat more chicken. We a eat more chicken. They think that
there's billboards. There's a lot of 9 11 imagery
through a ton.
Here I go with 9 11 again, it's in their deep Teoh.
If you think you think about a lot.
Yeah, let's label him. So far, it's cannibalism. And 9 $11 of 9 11 by the way,
being obsessed with an authority figure to the point of love.
Yeah, Dressing up is something you're not
constantly presiding. Finding new personas. Yes, yes. Sticking with the thing for one fso by
that description, I'm sure you know what you're listening to. This is the teachers last,
Todd. Good host.
And, baby, we are in 44 in four, and we're in deep And were there used to be the first, best and only podcast pertained issues pertaining to the Hamilton High School community. Now we're in for it. Arm Todd. Padre, uh, theater political activist, Political theater activist. Welcome to the show. Well, we introduced ourselves. Still, people
know periodically. Sometimes somebody doesn't get introduced to the last five minutes.
I like the assumption that at any given time, someone could be coming in for the first time. Way purposefully kind of record this in a way that you could drop in whenever you want. And it
will make sense
to take care of our listeners. We know you love us, and we love you right back. My name? Yep. Did you want to go?
No, no, no.
My name is Sam. Weatherman. Formerly sexy. Sammy Silver. And I feel the persona coming back a little bit because I'm high up on Capitol Hill
just right. You're back in your I like to the most when you were wheeling and dealing is an age.
Thank you. This is the power suit on a power tie.
Yes. You look just like Gordon Gekko from, uh, Wall Street was recalled.
Yeah. Wall Street. The city never sleeps, baby. Yep. That's how I think D. C is. I think D c is like Wall Street s. I'm dressed in a high powered New York City. Look, with the power tie. I have little gold things in the tips of my collar.
Started answering every phone call with Talk to me.
Talk to me. What
is a lot of talk to me, Todd, I'm about I am trying my best. Okay. Uh, yeah. We shall ever know you were back in the Minnesota. Is the city many more also aside for them. Shorter episode after sizes again. Name? Uh, Sam. How's it going? I mean you are moving.
It's going. There may
have been Wait.
Yeah, I'm moving weight and I'm gaining weight. Okay, my pockets. Air fat And so are my jowls. I am going to a lot of these chain restaurant dinners a k therapy a k where all the movers and shakers Because most of Washington's business is done over a meal. Absolutely. BJ's Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse Sometimes McDonald's If I have my
way What I like about you two u two, the band But also you is
he was talking to me. He was also put on our iPhones
without our knowledge.
That's right. That's a Do you
think your words, words of discouragement, right?
That's right. Words of discouragement to get you out of that rut and onto your butt. It didn't really have appointed rhymed though
drive. But what I like about you is you dio you'll do a fancy no matter where you are you're getting the steak. So I saw you at IHOP You got the steal The guy that gets the stake There s so you're always something really calling taking
You know how I like to order Shoot blood rab blood rare. Don't even cook it. Bring the cow through the kitchen. It's new ass. I don't say that.
I saw you in the back of a lows in the outdoor furniture section, eating just cutting through some steak gristle on how to her table having a meeting with you were
sitting. You were at an outdoor table sitting on a Tommy Bahama recliner. Time mama recliner not required. Adirondack Find out on deck. That's Ah, and you're slicing a stake up. And you, I think you moved over. Ah, £50 of heroin.
That was a steak heroin giveaway. That way cooked thousands. Or you cook £50 of prime New York Chuck and £50 of prime heroin, and you just give it out in the back of the lows. It was lobbying event for the Republican National Committee way eso we had all the races come in and we had all the of the misogynist companies have
taken separately. Do they? They
are always Roman through lows There. There they come in separately. But the Venn diagram is pretty overlap. Yeah, racism, massage.
Yeah, I'll tell you, if you will walk through the lows someone's going to come up to you and belittle you, but also try to help you with it with whatever you're there for.
That's right. That's right. Everybody who's employed there is the smartest person at construction. Oh, yeah, I really want to let you know
eso But you You look happy or I can't
see in your
out through the jowls. But you do look in your element.
Hang on, Let me pull it back.
Oh, there, There it
is. I just have to pull my jowls back so you can see my smiling face. Guys, I'm I've never been happier. My pockets are fatter than when I was a big agent. Really? They this government money? I don't know if you guys know this. It is big government money. Special interests.
Yeah, it's crazy cause a lot of people these days air sort of coming out like we will take zero special interest money, like lobbyists are have
love because there's so much more on the table for me to scoop,
right? Right. You're taking that approach.
I'm talking to McDonald's, Burger King and Taco Bell all the same time because
nobody else will. Burger, Burger, Taco. That's right. Are you talking to Burger burger talking
burger burger taco I'm talking to were trying to form a new Mega Corp to compete with Viacom. It's all the fast food restaurants, which is the biggest industry in the nation, that people
are trying to get into media or they just turn.
Yeah, commercials, the most popular commercials. And they're going to sell commercials on the commercial.
Yeah, I saw you
think it's gonna be fast food commercials that are really popular and funding. We're getting all the big celebrities in there already laying Paris Hilton already Leg Paris Hilton. Ah, Andrew. Dice Clay is his son who plays drums on Entourage. Oh, my, I all the big
ones. This is I got to say, I am very happy for you. And I'm proud of my friend. I mean, control commercials. That's controlling America's mind. Yes. You're telling people what toe like what toe want. So
I'm just noticed you handed Sam a little manila envelope, Did you? Yeah. Um is this
do you like burgers? Then come see a play.
Oh, I guess if you wanted to put that on the air, you could throw it out there. Yeah.
Yeah. I don't see the connection but yeah, Todd plays air. Great. You complimented me as a friend, and now you're a friend of mine. It's all about relationship.
Thank you. Thank you. Big here.
How is the place value? Big handshake hitting the floor and in the chandelier. Weight. Classy
way. We're bringing enough dates in here that we're like, What's class this Obama political
types. Big ballroom dance for
I mean, you came home with the date. I came home with a fig and we had a wild night the other night.
It's right. It's right. I mean, I hate to kiss and tell, but Bill, a figure in a date,
It's funny. You're asking How did that happen? Us. You get it, You get it, OK? Yeah. Us from either side to small pieces of root. And
let's leave it a house, So I get it. So you were having sex with a fig and you were having sex with the fruit date? Yes, not a human
date. Well, no, no, I was on a date with the day.
Okay. Uh oh, no equal opportunities.
Listen, I'm all for people. 11 who they love. So that's beautiful. Yeah, that is
beautiful. I'm glad you're taking a stance. That's beautiful. For once.
11. 11. He love you guys Implants. A pretty nasty propaganda. Okay, well, listen, you know, guys, I don't know if you guys have paid. Hey, paid much attention, but I actually have been on a book tour this last week. Way noticed? You noticed? Oh, yeah, I've been I've been promoting my new book incredibly saying the truth about being right,
Incredibly saying yes, it's very, extremely sane. Yes, that's funny.
It's the title hooked me and all right away because I relate to both things telling people I'm saying and also that I'm right. So this is I mean, I'm on board, you know, they sent over the book. They sent it over before the record today. I didn't get a chance to read it now. Sent it over this into screener over.
Well, you sent the screener in my book. Yeah. Thank God. Yeah, they've been sending manuscript, and I told him you guys got to start sending this
recording. I watched the screener, and it's just a man flipping through the book page by page Read, and you can't tell what is in the book, But you do get a sense for how one feels while reading,
right? Which is exactly what you guys know. My whole thing is I'm all about emotion. First content, second right. Decide how you feel. It doesn't matter about the specifics and then working in work in the specifics later.
Now, incredibly saying, I wish I could feel this way. I feel saying, you know, But I don't know that I feel it deeply. Yeah, I feel like my sanity runs pretty shallow. Yeah. How would you say that? You are incredibly sane. Yeah, because the New
York Times did review your book and they gave it 1/2 a star and a dog protest too much, which I didn't even know that you could draw that. Yeah, but they
put it on Franken's big, fat liars in the lying lies that they tell that
Well, I honestly I read the review. I don't necessarily agree with it because I think each Shafter does have Ah, a point. You know, they say doth protest too much. If they had read the first chapter where the Tyler chapters? No, really? I mean it. It's basically just about how reiterating a point over and over and over again. Yeah, lulls the person who is arguing with you into silence.
What about the chapter? Don't look into this. About how saying you are.
I love you to read that chapter. Then maybe you would know You would know what the chapter said. Don't look into this. Don't don't. People should not be pulling people's arguments apart. What
about the chapter? No matter how much time has passed, I will never have a new perspective. What about it? With with the forward of that chapter with that was called The World is changing. But I am not. I don't want
to be a flip flopper. You saw what happened to John Kerry. Yeah, right. Yeah,
you got lately was. So somebody hit him in the leg and a nice and ice rink. No, that's carry struck. No, no, it happened to him, too.
Yes, that did happen to John Kerry. Bob Dole hit drug Kerry. John Kerry was at Rockefeller Center with with his family and his friends. It was Cholula. Yeah. Yeah, little bag, Louis.
And now that is irony that Carrie is where he was willing.
Gillooly and Gillooly got a taste of his own medicine. His friend got hitting any
Have you guys Now? I let something last night. Have you guys smelled it? Go. Holy Podd Julie, is that he sells on your lighting
that you're not where you come under a
lot of fabric about whatever they sent on pyres. Oils. It's miss Flammable us. Gillooly. Patchouli. Yeah. Okay. I like that. Yeah, it's pretty good, right? It's 1,000,000 tons.
Well, I don't know if you guys have noticed. Ah, maybe it's a little stickier in here. I've been using some M Elmer's glue. Lee, uh,
four. Exactly. Been putting it around.
Oh, it's if you wanted Teoh. If you wanted to glue ice skates to your feet. Okay. Wow. You would use that so that you don't have trouble tying them when you're nervous.
Uh, skating in physical activity. I actually had just bought some brand new workout gear. Ah, gluey lemon. Leggio
supposed to be very loose. Yeah, well, because I think it's the Gillooly style. Their little loose.
Yeah, they're also not made out of spandex.
Oh, I forgot to tell you guys later. If we're all going to be around one, watch a DVD or something I got the hours of Gillooly. I got the owls of Gillooly. That movie about owls from Gillooly? Yes. That, like, beat up their girlfriends way. Want to
do a, uh, we want to do a double feature. I have. Ah, swim fans starring Julia Stiles.
Get Okay. Okay, that would be really fun. Let's watch two DVDs.
DVB. Okay, Rich man,
I drag. I don't think I'm gonna be able to watch two DVDs, actually. Have a meeting with my lawyer later. Rudolph Giuliani.
Oh, my. He was on the scene at 9 11 I'm back. That's right. Way be funny yet? Yes. Can we be funny yet? And he just hit Lorne Michaels in the booth. Well, um, I think
eso on this book tour. Where have you been hitting?
You know, I've been hitting the books sections of every walmart, Uh, in
both the best book sex, religious stuff, romantic stuff. Uh, Garfield Garfield.
Yeah, yeah. Lots of Garfield.
Now you're banned from any actual bookstores that well,
that band year only being silenced by being invited about by any sort of non big box store have been silenced. Uh, it's really frustrated.
And Amazon said you're the only thing they won't sell.
Yeah, they left the page up there as a sort of more of, like, a relic of what I had. And they've put some really mean insults on there
And actually at a borders last week, uh, here you did a signature. Erasing that. Is that what you Well, I
didn't do it. They got someone else in. People could bring in their copies of myself. That weapon
we're so excited to have your sign Booker race that they re open Borders.
Borders, writhe lady who wrote twilight came in and erased all your
signatures? Yeah. If that fucking pissed me, I No. And something in my left knee. Rally row. That's what I wanted it to be. Oh, but it wasn't when I wasn't in some threw it out Anyway. It was
not funny. What was
it meant to be? Funny isn't
funny. Here's the three
important thing is that your book is out there, right? You wrote this thing? What? Five days last and it's less than five
years. I last, huh? I mean, four days, probably no less than five. Read it in a day, sat on it for four days read it back one more time, Didn't
proofread. Said you read on it twice. What? You read it twice, but you never said road it
was sitting do because I saw you putting it. I saw you putting it on a pillow and then just sort of sitting on it with your bare butt, like you were incubated resting. It was kind of
like you were saying, if what? You were clucking eyes incubating the book, making sure that it's sort of matured to its Ah, it's proper state to be ready for the
world. Okay, I'm not sure this tracks, but I saw you breast treating the book, You know, like after a book is hatched, you were chicken breast
feeding this book. I wanted this wanted this book to imprint. Speaking to twilight. That's a big a big part of that book is Ah, the Bellas Bella's baby. That's not what
I was talking about. Well, the idea I'm just
saying the guys, the ideas in this book are like my Children. Okay? No eso I I wanted
to I saw you screaming at the books. Little late game.
Yeah, which was It was hard for me to get the little it into a little lead in the first place. Busy? Yeah, but you ended
up getting in a fight with a ballpoint pen at the game. You got under with the ball. Boy,
you should have seen how it son was throwing it mind.
You followed that bump with home to let him know you
grabbed that ball point pen and wrote until he ran out of ink and died.
Yeah, and stupid wife and his kid. And I said, See you later. Now, who is he married to? Uh, the ballpoint pen. Uh, he's married. Teoh. Yes.
Penn Jillette married. A ballpoint pen
is their best. Hey, PanAm, can I ask you a question? Do you notice that your life is your first name? Yeah, that's it, ain t
I can't believe he did
that, but I am. I'm actually working through I did get banned from Twitter also this week, so I'm having gone by the end of
they will ban almost nobody. Yeah,
Yeah, I got reported by a bunch of hooligans, I guess.
Well, I'm glad cause I'll tweet all time at Jack, so you'll put up with this. I'm always tweeting. Hey, at Jack,
you fascist. So this is OK. And when that's working
for you, right. Well, everyone knows that I have strong opinions, and I'm always right. So that's good that
I should have thought about that
for the title of my book. Everyone taking for the 2nd 1
Okay, I am working on the sequel as we speak.
You are uncomfortably usually Yeah, yeah, yeah. What? You're working on the book. If you're sitting uncomfortably, your stomach looks bloated. It's
all. We have a video camera from the eighties. Like you're gonna film a home video when it comes into the world. Listen, guys, What? Who's this
guy in scrubs in the van?
That's my doula. Your doula is in scrubs that I thought they were, like, more holistic than like being in some of them. Are
You have a jeweler and scrubs here to deliver your second book of the week. Okay. I mean, oh, I'll support.
Thank you. That's the thing is seriously,
that's all. I'm looking
for a big thing with these cinnamon episodes and really are were in D. C to support each other. I think a lot we've gotten at each other. Yes, but we want to hold each other up. A rising tide raises all
fish. You know what I think this is? These are not just cinnamon episodes there. Cinnamon sugar episodes because they're sweet.
Yes, because cinnamon by itself is not actually that. Get speaking. I was eating way. You're
on a long kids book. You wrote a novel, but it's kids book contents.
Yeah, I was trying to get back it. Cinnamon. I had done a bunch of cinnamon challenges. What? Actually, I was I was the one
who came up with the Cinnamon Challenge, which is putting a big business roomful of cinnamon.
Was it for a call you invented? Oh, I know, I know. But it was It was never for a call.
It was for Gene Simmons tongue to raise awareness for for people who had Gene Simmons.
Yeah, it was like to nominate three of your friends because we want to. Ah, we wanted to get rid of Gene Simmons tongue. We were tired of him doing it on talk shows, and, like we just got sick of it. That's not fun. Um, but yeah, so I was, but, you know, it didn't go that well I wish. I wish I would have written it past, like lately. So when I knew my dynasty, I could have called in some favors because I'm learning how deep Thurgood Cravy is. Routes run in this town. Yeah.
I was hearing some rumors about their good A lot of people because I brought him up. Now that I know that you're related history and a lot of using for your own benefit Well, yeah, I might, uh, I'll pick up that name I dropped just now, but yeah, I used Thurgood Cravy to get out of jail. Uh, what's that free? No, I paid a lot of Yeah, I use the name. Um but it turns out a lot of people are saying that he actually might have secretly had ridiculous voice, and we all know that they're good. Cravy did a lot to silence people with ridiculous voice. Yes, and so it's a little complicated. His history
very Catholic, aided. And it just, you know, as someone who's living his ridiculous voice, you know, out it was a really tough thing to hear because he was really given it some people in the fifties,
and I actually I don't know if you've heard it, but I actually dug through some archives you day. I did, and I found I found ah p a recording from one of Thurgood speeches. Wow. Wa. And it's it's It's very interesting because it doesn't necessarily sound like he's hiding his voice. Uh huh. But you can definitely tell that there's a little something ridiculous. There's something in there, right? Let's play that clip now. Yeah, I'll put it in here, and maybe we'll just We'll just see. It was it was a speech he was giving. Ah, about like, a housing development. I
couldn't play that clip,
so I'll just throw it into the tape deck right here on. Uh, we'll go ahead and I
think we're just now we're finally ready. Just play that. Yep. Now
I thank that Excuse me. I don't speak up. I'm trying to Sweet now. Good. Use me. God damn it. They can hear it. Get it together. I think that housing should be a universal right people and in the state and pause.
Wow. You can definitely hear it cracking through
that. You can hear at him referencing it on my Yeah,
I was turning away from the mic far enough because you get still here.
Now, that's a tough thing to hear.
And progressive on the issues. House
forever. It's pretty crazy, cause ridiculous voice skips a generation, as I think,
but it is nice. It is nice that he was pro housing for all because I look back at my history. I mean, Theodore Padre Sr was housing for almost none. So that
way we have that tape you're
talking about. His reverse orphanage.
I did. I did, actually. I dug through. I looked up, all of us. Fortunate for us, you know? No, Sam, you're fine. You're clear. And there's no weatherman. Lakers like legacy.
Yeah, I know. I'm the first.
First. How does that work? Exactly? Immaculate conception, right?
Yeah. Well, not because I wasn't born, so it wasn't. I was a huge thing. Let's take it into today. I think this is its own,
You know, over later, I
kind of want to know.
Now I want to listen. I want to hear Theodore Tadre
way. I mean, we could I mean that your origin story is very interesting. I think it needs its own thing.
I agree. First of my living I one day exist
with one of these many episodes. Maybe one of these days we'll just dive into the sandwich. It's
one of the most complicated. If if you think Batman story is tragic Oh, yeah, eight years all
say this. It's going to be almost impossible to tell this story. And I can't wait todo
uh, Let's let's hear. I was when I found I found a clip from a speech of his as well, uh, and we'll just play it here. We'll put it in the tape deck here, and
let's go out and play
it. Where is everyone? Nobody came way fly on, didn't we? Well, I'm still gonna say it, sir. I'd like to live here. May I live here, Please? You can live here. Uh, what, you just go sit on that right there and flush. You know, pause.
Todd, your grandfather flushed orphans down a toe.
Uh, I don't know. I I barely knew the guy.
You're like the same time.
I know. But for the longest time, he was raised as my brother. I thought he was my brother. One of those weird thing, right, you know, right. So I grew up for 40 years thinking my grandpa was my brother, and then I found out when he died that he was actually my grandpa. Wow. Wow. Yeah, yeah. Um, so, but very interesting. A lot of differences between him and I. It sounds like, Yeah, you know, nobody wanted to go to his speech
differences. You said?
Yeah, Not striking similarities. Oh, I don't know if you heard, but my new place selling out
it. Wow. Tell us about it.
Oh, no. But your new plays selling out when you look at the title of it. Yeah. Yeah. We haven't sold very well, but my new players called selling out.
Okay, You said that like you're trying to drum up
a Usually when someone sells out. They had a cool thing going first, right? I don't know if you ever did
right. No, this is my I sold out because I'm so I'm sorry to all the Todd Padre stands out there, but I sold out
last doing, like, big corporate thing. You got paid a lot of money for this.
Well, um, I am sponsored by, um Don't tell me the hair white became back sponsor. If you don't. Tallis. Well, I'm sponsored by the hair. The a new product from people who do the hair wipe. It's called the hair dye P.
Di p. Not familiar with Di P as a term for diaper. What is a hair diaper? Well, this would
be a diaper for your head.
Just what slogan? Justin kid.
I'm not just a spokesman. I'm their number one user. That's classically has votes game. How many times have you needed a diaper but not want it? Not had one on you are not wanted to pull one out of your purse or whatever the story is
And for your head? Well, no, no. I think this is a storing making. It is. Oh, you see, I don't know if
you noticed my hat that I'm wearing today. Yes, we did, but it's actually ah, hair dye P. So you're at a party. You realize that you need your diaper e, but you're too embarrassed to bring one with you. Just wear this.
What? Eyes disguised at all as hair. Are you looking hat? It says head on it. Yeah, Yeah, span. It's a c a. Teoh says cat.
That's not how you spell
No, no, this is a C. But now I know where my cowboy hat went and why it's in that litter box.
Well, I think it's great that you are sponsored. And even if it's the weirdest thing I've ever heard.
Yeah, that weird. It's a great idea against we. How many times have you been around people and didn't want to store a diaper in your purse sitting on your
hands? No time. God storing it if it's in your hand. Well, you
know the put in your backpack in your satchel. You don't have to. I could wear up to 40 hair diapers on my head
on and not, but it wouldn't look like 1/2. Then it would look like 40. It would look like Marge Simpson hair.
OK, so you've seen the
product, I guess. I
think you need to go back to the drawing board on this one. Big guy.
Uh, well, it's not my business, OK? So I can't go like the drawing board there. My sponsor. Uh, so hair dye P presents selling out a standing room only show.
What does that mean? You've sold all the tickets, sees
What's that? What? No it's standing room only. So no matter where you are, when you bought your ticket, you're standing. You're standing. Yeah. Even using the restroom. You're standing. So, as you all know, with an episode, it can't go forever on. And that's and that's the
thing. This out of here? Get us out of here, quick.
That's the thing with especially a shorter episode is you gotta ended a certain times seven times already, and, um and so we ever wants to on the show. We like to take the
winding back way. Have a college have I ever
did ever given out our phone number
coming from Minneapolis. Hello? I want Sorry.
You tricked me. I played along. I don't know what's going on. It was saying
I thought I
would be great.
It did seem exciting. I kind of want to keep going.
I think that's taking them listener calls is funny. Yeah, Yeah, we don't We don't have time to do it. Today
s call in guys. Next episode Call in when you think we're recording and
while we're doing it will pick it up. Yeah. Ah, And that reminds me what a great show we've had today. Yes, thank you. And we just want to thank some of the people that are possible. McDonald's, McDonald's, Cinnamon, Cinnabon A hair dye P Burger Burger Taco Burger Burger Taco Ross Perot, Ross Perot Rahe Stress for less borders
Old tapes Ballroom in a van.
Ballroom dancing Aunt Chefs on T Chefs. Chef Carlin,
Chef Chef Bobby Flay Catering
Flaming young minions. Theme mignon. Theme minions, Medium rare.
All right, thank you to our sponsors for today
s so much. And like we like to say at the end of every teacherslounge stay Flippy.
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