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The guys discuss some big updates with Howard's book, Billabong and recording in the Las Vegas of the East.
way back. The boys are back in town. Can you stop hitting back so hard?
In fact, Todd, coming in with a little Todd got their way. He started down way. Goddamn Todd, You got the snare.
What do you think? I
I love you. Drums of that. I think
we're getting too many things inside the van these days of the chandelier.
I gotta tell their
ballroom dancing
wardrobe said about dance for
I think we gotta go, curly boys,
you got you got You got a snare drum. And also one of those big tall hats like, Yeah, well,
you know, it's a high. Uh, well,
that's what that is, Todd. Yeah, because you were playing the top of the hat. Actually, the snare drum just over there on that side. Well, yeah,
In the marching been Everybody wears a high on. So I went out, you know? You know, I've always loved playing the drums Has been my big thing
way. Really didn't tell everybody how good it gems. But
now this I had a smart Is this hiding a bunch of your hair dye peas?
Yes. Well, the hair dye, please, as you know, are now in third use mode. So I've had to hide them because they've gotten
a little use means Soyo soiled. And
where's this Congress mode? Which means you've gone to the bathroom in the diaper, Come
out maybe the third time I've gotten in the mode three times. Yeah. The hair dye peas are taking off their huge Yeah, they're huge, though. Yeah, good. They're full of shit. And everywhere I go, people are asking me about him.
Well, I saw, Yeah, I saw you the other day at a public. You know, there's fountains that are just holes in the ground, and they kind of randomly shoot up water. Yes, a mall, Mom. Maybe in the middle little atrium area. Yeah, I saw you chasing after a kid with a saggy diaper. You like my hat? My? Yeah. This You read it off of this baby, and parents were obviously freaked out.
This whole thing happens where they just like kids playing these, But it's funny. You never know where the water is going to come from. You put your face in front of one and you go. I don't know.
I'll say this with your history. You shouldn't be ripping diapers off of babies. That's all say that I
am only a red under because I took a call while at the gym. My gym is a middle school bathroom. Are middle school swing set? I was changing in the bathroom, Took a call, went outside. It was worse for me than the kids because they pointed and said smaller than
hashtag technicality, right? Technicality. You only have to go to every other
door. That's right. That's what we negotiated
Family have is negotiable.
When you got big derschau you
really did your right on that one. Yeah.
Um but yeah. Uh, love and drumming hoping you guys Ah e love it as much as ideo. We're
back in D C. Talk to me, Sam. Weatherman here. Big lobbyists for Burger Burger Taco, Giant cannabis. Welcome back.
Cannabis is a new development. They've They've expanded
their went from king cannabis.
It was king cannabis. They bought big tobacco. Now they're giant cannabis and every signals We'd now every singer every cigarette is we had big tobacco is
done. That's true. Philip Morris went immediately out of business.
Philip Morris I saw the new commercial for the Marlboro Man and he's not what he used. Teoh, Barbara Marble Trump. Let's just say it's Chung because it is. Sean does not know how to ride a horse. I will say that Well, that's drops this piece. He immediately drops his piece. That's what the whole commercial is. Peace. My peace. Where can I get a new team
to smoke? Some of these all natural giant cannabis rolled cigarette?
Yeah, it ends with the tagline. You don't need a piece. I don't need a piece, which is a
very clever tagline for a weed cigarette company.
Yeah, I mean, a lot of the glass blowers are in Vegas. They're mad. They are lobbying
the and they are not Get at it. They're not organized. The glassblowers union is really flipping out. It's been covered in the news for the last week or so. I
can't read their signs there, too trippy, too trippy. I agree.
They're all made out of velvet that like velvet,
their messages not carrying, and they'll only lobby
from within their own weird shop. It's like mobile shop.
Well, it's definitely bad news for everyone's best friend from sixth grade.
Absolutely, like some of those friendships, So I guess has known about wheat for 15 years, but acts like he just found out about it. Yes, it is. Peace. Oh, are these for weed? I just do it for the heart. Yeah, the whole pipes. But it's art. Every story is oh, spilled my bond water did it. Stinks of the carpet right here. I hate that Sticks in
the carpet. Right
story with these glass bars. It stinks in the carpet
right here. Okay. Renato Perata, we get it.
Is that just said if everyone's
got the best friend from school
May Granata, Perata. Oh, yeah,
But Aziz, you could tell
everybody's got their Renato.
Really? We're not ever. Todd, call in. Let us know what you think. Ladies and gentlemen, you ve
ever guessed it already. You are listening to the first visitor Doncaster bandaged today they have night school community. But now we are in Los Vegas of the
East. Those, uh, introducer class as you've been taking? Yeah, with a guy. Let's get ready to rumble. Yeah, Ready class
buffer. It's Bruce Buffer brother, but his other brother. There's two brother brothers that do the announcing buffer. Brown brothers no relation to the duffer brothers for brothers who made stranger thing. I will say Bruce and Michael Buffer. The Buffer brothers did do their own kind of show for Netflix about teens in the eighties. But it's just eight kids introducing boxing.
Wait, that's interesting. There is an upside down, but they say it backwards. You have a rumble to get lab, and they
got ready. Oh,
well, let's get rum when they picture to me, I said, You got the upside down already. It's the way the microphone comes into the boxing
right side down, my man.
Like now. Not enough.
Not enough. But yeah. So I'm taking intro classes from Alfonzo Buffer, the third buffer brother.
And you're taking causes from him on how his two brothers speak.
Yes, and it seems like a lot of it is. Don't worry about getting the words right. Just
rushed through this road. Goes fastest possible.
Will now be honest. The reason this is happening is because your place have failed.
Okay, Well, that's one way to say it. Another way to say it is ahead of their time. Players were ahead of their time, and they're going to go down in history like the art of Hitler on and the poetry. I don't
know that they did Artur poetry. I've only heard the other
stuff. You didn't know there was an artist?
No. Everyone talks. Yeah, Once you ruin the world, you start painting GWB, baby.
George W Bush's aren't will be appreciated after his death on those weird paintings of him in the shower and his ugly dog,
he did a nude of me in watercolor. It's disgusting thing you sat for that. I sat. Yeah, I sat at,
um And what's the perspective of it? What? You're sitting What's the
You know, those, um, you know, those frames in porn that no one needs no context, really.
Just assertion. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Little doing the things that you get the fast forward button, man. Or if you're May you go. Where's the Slobo on this guy?
Okay. Slow it down on this guy anyway. You are. Are
you know yes. I'm taking classes like you said. It's the brother of the successful guys. But that's right. All my classes have been relatives of successful people. I took acting classes from Roberta Hanks. You know, I took a I took my drumming classes from, uh, Queef Moon,
The chief's brother. Yes, well, it's not technically a person. He's a moving body of air. It's great drama. Good. Queef is a really sweet male queef. A male? Yes. Yes.
It could be both Now,
also known as a fire to take a fart. Male queef. We've moved.
He changed his name from part. Move like it's a little too
far. It always get. They ruin that word day Far has
been really never has been ruined. Guys, what is up? I mean, it's been a beautiful week. I just gorgeous week. I mean, we went and watch the sunset last night together, and we did that thing where we never just hang out the four of us. And we were like,
Why don't we
do this more? I got to do this more. We start talking about What if we do a weekly dinner together? Something like that. Just you know, Channing. Time together, off Mike. And it was
nice. It was nice. I'm sorry. I had to leave early. Yeah, I didn't miss the actual sort of Crestor.
You left and right when they
dropped the waters on the table,
you said so good to see you guys.
Yeah, tapped water. And the whole time before the waters, you were on your phone.
I know. Uh, yeah. I'm sorry. You guys know I've been dealing with some issues. Um, as you all know, uh, I did, uh, I lost my second book. Yes, I ran away. Maybe. Yeah. Uh, we had a tough time. He's born and, ah, you know, things just got really tough. He started to sort of realize that exactly how he's acting out and Flippy I haven't seen him. I haven't seen him in a found of a public library. Write nonfiction section, hanging out
with the bunkers with a bad books wired. He I heard he ripped your about. The author page out?
Yeah, he'd a said I have no author. Yeah, and he left it where I could see it. Um, you got I'm
going spine to spine with Fahrenheit 4 50
one. Wow. I would have no problem with
if he would have just told me. He could have just told me, You know, he could do that stuff, but just do it at the house.
That's tough is apparent when it's just a communication breakdown and you wish to go back in time and be a better dad. You were so bad at it. And now you're reaping the opposite of the benefits.
And I guarantee 69 with John Ritter. Result of biography. Yeah. You're 69 in the age 69 to page six. They have They opened up, and they just sort of laid across
each other. Oh, wow. Your schedule is full. Look, every day of the calendar has something on it. That is
fascinating. Yes. So, you know, I'm dealing with that. You know, I'm going to counseling. I, uh, with with, of course, my other book. We're going to counselling. Thankfully, I've got my other altering Mount religion. Yeah, incredibly sick. Incredibly saying. And I have a great relationship, but where were you know, that I'm looking at this is an opportunity to get closer to that book. Actually spent some time with it. Read it again.
Many father son activities.
Ah, you know, as a smoking, mostly just I'll take it out for a hot dog and soda on. We'll talk. Yeah, you get two
100 pages have fucked up Tiki together in the pages. Pages are
sticking together, we not put this. Can we not come at me with that? It's not my fault
if you spill a soda all through your son and the pages stick together. I think that's the soda. Spillers fought last
year. Okay? I didn't expect to be attacked when I'm going through something like this. Okay, guys
were met. We're figuring out whose fault it is that we can heal. That's what you
gotta find playing before you can put
it on. It's anybody's fault, you know, You have. You make the right these books. You do raise a big sodas. Okay, Well, you set him out there, and you you want to just let them sort of have a life of their own. Let the world take them in. Ah, and sometimes they make decisions that you don't agree with, and you just have to kind of accept it. And I have decided that I'm not gonna write any more books. Whoa, I'm not going. Teoh. Getting is very so Flippy getting my fingers tied. Fingers? Yeah, eso I'm not gonna writing more books because
you sure went down the road. You want to write?
No, I You know, I have decided I thought long and
or lose your hands or anything else.
I will give that up if it means that I don't have to go through this again with another.
You don't even wanna have, like, a little magazine down the road or anything.
You know. You know, this is this is ah, decision I've made. Um I'm no, I'm not gonna write anything for the rest of my wife Who is going to do the surgery. Why
don't you just wear an eraser? Yeah. Sorry. Just wear any race
that's get No,
you don't have to go so far as to doesn't think it
doesn't feel is good too, right? If you've got an eraser,
you know they've got they've got medications. Now that you can take that numb your hands so you
can't even hold a pen. Yeah, that's right. Why tie your fingers? I don't want to medicate. Okay. I don't want to medicate. That feels like it's a slippery slope. You know, I start taking these medications to in my hands. It
just feels like another drastic measure.
You will be so drastic. Times call for drastic measures. Guys. Two cups, two cups on your aunt about drastic measures, guys.
Just mild measuring four quarts for
courts. Lower. Drastic. I I can't be convinced. Otherwise I'm getting my fingers tied. And that's the
You know what? The end of the day. This is selfless, and I like seeing that out of you because you were doing your radio show. You were writing the books for yourself. I don't think you write those books, you know, for the world, wrote him for yourself. And now you're realizing it's time to be a little selfless and and suffer a little bit for the greater good.
I think you are actually becoming incredibly saying I don't think our when you wrote the book, but it's funny how that looks sort of raised you a little
bit. Yeah. Now this experience, I would love to read about Yeah, This feels like a real honest experience. Okay, Don't don't get no what? We know. What have you thought about doing audio books?
I have thought about doing Orel. Uh,
get your finger stand still. Do world. Orel is great.
I might do an audiobook.
What about shitting out of? But just shit out a book? You could do any o you do or all you could do anal. Tie your fingers for sure. But you could do oral or anal and still be above board.
We'll see. Maybe I'll shoot
out a book. Girl, I'll do an audiobook. I know. Well, I don't think this isn't about me anymore. You know, I'm
so different, almost violent, you know? You know, you sound so mature. So thank you so much,
Sam. What? I bet you wanted in Iraq crazy If I So get that
Oh, my God. Will let me give it a try.
Spanking in Just were really responsibly is Thank you. Thank you. Wow. Have another. Okay. Oh, more a stick to the back. Oh, who?
A golf ball off the forehead. All right, what else? Hey, let's
see how cool Keep himself slice hopes, Ice a pizza. Run my fingers down His spy credit card Got Jack. Let's see how your ex I'm here with you right now and I want you to relax. Peaceful, right? We've never seen No, no, he's just snoring, right? Doesn't he snores sometimes without calling us late?
Yeah. I can't remember what the story is with that, but he has a thing. Like
just snoring. I'm awake first. Ever awake snorer? Enough about me, Guys. You guys have had a big weeks to So let's we should probably just leave me in the dust.
Huge week. Cigarettes, Air dead weight is universal Now Universal. We'd Yes. How are you doing with these CBD hamburgers? Oh, the CBD burgers are great. Yeah, They zonk you out and they fill you up. You can eat one of these CBD burgers and not have pain for a week. Wow. These things are injected full of CBD. No THC because we don't want you to get high. We want you get healed. That's the new thing with high, not heal healthy. It is for
my not healed.
You've become such a aggressive businessman mover in your shaker. Thank you. You've broken at least 10 hands just with aggressive handshakes. Absolutely
other people's hands. Not even your hand.
No. Yeah. Other people we
can't bluff my hand. Well, I I carry around those spring squeezes, and I've been doing those all days because I'm stressed out for handshakes and
show it is about a strong handshake in business. That's
true. Oh, yeah, the stronger the better. if you had a strong handshake, that person will do whatever you want cause they're like while you're bigger than me So I've been crushing hands and taking names. Wow.
And you've through your lobbying. You've really infiltrated D. C. But you can't crack Elizabeth Warren. She's the one
I can't. I just can't take Your money is impervious toe lobbies. She's impervious to marijuana. She's impervious to Burger. She doesn't have nothing to bring her over on. She already has a house. I don't know. I know. And I figured I'm like, Listen, Liz, this is the next wave was that already loves it. She's the kind of lady who loves to be called a short version of the name that she didn't ask for. So I say, Liz, baby, people want burger houses. People want a weed chimney. Okay, People want to live in a full state of CBD comatose. That's why every food you're
pushing your like you're pushing further down the road of what you want for people. Every
I want a weed chip. Yeah,
So, And just to be clear, this is a normal fireplace, and as the fire goes up, the chimney is made out of a brick of weed and that lights on fire.
You got to keep the neighborhood smoking, baby. We're all living in these McDonald hamburger houses, and now it's like, Well, we got to be hiding. Enjoy. This feels
like the neighborhood isn't consenting, though. There goes the neighborhood. I just wouldn't want someone to blow weed smoke in my face
as soon as usual
on the weed smoking everybody's face
as soon as you sign the deed, you got the weed smoke deed every week, but
every week, every time you get say that one more time for me.
Well, it goes both ways. It's smoke weed, every deed. When you get the deed, you must smoke weed. But once you're high, then you're going to smoke the deed. Baby,
I think you're so deep in
this. What, this? Whatever you're lobbying for, that it's getting It's getting Teoh
anything. I'm twisted around.
It reminded me of usto twisted.
I don't what, like a joint
I every time you're young Bonk Bonk. Now that I like, so you wanna
build over easily concern for your health, safety and well being than you said Changbai.
Sound that immediately right here. Two words that kind of sound cool Together I'm back junk bond that ashamed made us oh Chung buying. And we'd be Is that a nonstarter? Is the chart among the Tommy Cheung signature bond? Yes, Absolutely. Well,
it's tomorrow. Borough Chung Ball is another man's
Marlboro. Tommy Chong and Billabong, that's all. Working together
All revital way, Bill. So
your name is Bill? Is that what
you're trying? 11 were
open Bill into the next ad campaign. I haven't told you this, Bill. You have have intelligence, but we got you all set up for the bill long campaign. We're trying to get the old d c money of the skull and crossbones You well, relations for this. When were the audition? Let's just say you can't afford
it Just time that your it seems to me like you're kind of capitalizing on bills. Current notoriety,
Chong Every bombs Jon Bon.
So this is this new This is this new Give away where you can smoke chart
with everybody everybody way Look, a little bit of chunks. Remarkable. Yes. You've been practicing for all these years loading up his body as a weed reservoir. Now he's on the road with us He's found
fulls in He's become the thing he loves
Absolutely. Chung is completely for gone self and become a human ball He was gone wrong Billy Bob Smoke weed every deed Chung bahng BBC is burger taco Taco
B c CBD BBC CBD I don't know what Bill CBD BBC See me d l You're rocking back in court
I injected Bill with a tincture of THC CBD, burger, burger
Taco just gave me a little shot.
Bill, I feel like you've been like low bottom ized maybe by the by the alumina Lou Meth Adi or you are So you're like a year old, so malleable it's a friend or is that excites
Michio Cbb BBC
Now this is what it is. The CBD industry is getting so big that we're now trying to move to England. Were home the BBC advertising
CB filming some some commercials with Bill.
It's the opposite of the office way. Start with that. You know that the office has started in London and came here in London decided in London Mustache Bill, I think you
need to take a few deep breaths right now.
I disagree. I think
you got at this speed. We'll see where
you take a few deep breaths of this. Every bond.
Big dab. Ma Ma, I threw up. That's right. Big dabs with our new spokesperson. Double Strawberry. Yeah, Barry CBD BBC Because we're already a new sponsor through the out bill with double strawberry Darryl Strawberry dabs. That's right. Darryl
Strawberry, a famed drug addict, is how sponsor is a case of
Chung Bond. We got Double Strawberry and that's it.
Yeah, it's the appetite of the
Okay, So it's just these two things. It's just Jon Bon and dabble. Strawberry BBC seem
to be slowing. And we also got Chiana Reeves. We'd sleeves
their papers. Some Reeves is, is promoting. You know, the Adi Rears has sleeves. Well, we take those and we roll. We rip them off of him and then he goes and does Chippendales thing. This is for the weak La Pee and then weigh Roll up ciggies with him and we smoke him with Darryl Strawberry and Chong's there Chong bahng. We'd sleeves. Do you get it now? It's the opposite of the office, just like
somebody fell asleep in 1999 and we're hearing their dream
So you're saying Where is three business leaves in 99? And this is a dream? No new reality was
like, No, it's not the new reality
that way.
You guys are awake.
You guys were just so high right
now. I think you guys need to take a deep breath and just relax a little bit because
you're right.
I'm honestly, I just found out. Global warming is not really a big buying. The current told you this. Well, the blue meth. Adi. So all the big boys here in Washington told May. Well, global warming. Israel. The planet is warm. Okay, what is nigh way? You think it's not? It's not Why you? Why you think snot greenhouse gases? It's not. It is. It's it's greenhouse grasses. Well, it's greenhouse grasses. It's it's it's because it's actual heat. So when you crank up your card, that's global. Warming is the engine is
warming from cold people trying to warm up?
Yeah, the aluminum body
told you that the reason that the earth is getting hotter is because too many people are cold and are turning on heat.
Yes, we are at 98.6, heat me Earth up all the time with our bodies.
Our bodies air here.
So why do you think I'm shivering?
Well, we all know why this is the illumined bodies. Big thing we know it's a bunch of fat white men who want the A C on high in every room there in it. And they say global warming's from people trying to get warm cause they're hot already.
It's that I think that might be it. It's ruining. May
I think you I think you're just being lied to by fat white man. I mean the our brokers and alien. The view is aliens, this
disease rich white fatties trying to control it a
seat saying that women
and black men are aliens. That's the perspective.
No, it's not fat White man, e, I think for sure, based on available. Who was
in the room when you're talking to the body that's and lights and men's
Yes, fats and much. But there's no correlation. That's what you're trying to say. You think that the Don Correlation Don
Corey later you guys, we have to
get doing No, we rule from now on. No
one Good correlation. Wake this. That's a play on Dundas. Honestly, that's Zac's leg.
Political Mafia. Things that are related to each other, I guess.
Yes, exactly. I think. Or maybe it's like, Yeah.
Like Don Imus related? I don't know. It's too hard noted that idea.
No, not that. Listen, I think we
can safely say all the time we've spent the van. Today has been a waste.
Today was a waste. Today was a waste. That's okay. Sometimes life's a waste. You don't listen to this. Don't listen to this. You've gotten this far. Turn this off. That's the title. Don't listen
are turned back. Rewind it all, but listen to it as you go.
Yes. Listen to it in reverse. Like the Beatles album that says Hail. Satan says when you play it every verse. Okay, I e
feel very. You guys have the munchies right now?
Now? Yeah. I'll tell you what. I want to eat a big
burger. Burger? Taco? Yeah. Give me one of those. Please don't put please. Where's sauce?
You're eating close enough to Howard's years that it put him to sleep. Uh, your SMR eating put him to
get out
time you started to tell. Um Well, how we doing on time Here. Got it. Okay, well, so and that's the episode for bread. And that's the
might Have a big mike imprint in your forehead. I guess Class came down a
little class. They treating You had to take a boxing mike coming down,
take a boxing. My I think the biggest knocked your as out and everybody went ding ding ding over that one. Drop it from 50 trouble. They put tomato the corner and
drop a heavy. We put me back,
gives you take care of you. Got this? You got this time. Did I worry about that? Might want some wags on you.
Weights off an old guy. It was an old
guy. They were excited and wags off you just way
to the end of the end. So the girls Children of all ages, standing in this corner No. Todd hailing from New England, Massachusetts wearing a city 250 kilo. A big band butter
being is that butter
butter reads back. And you know that this is the end of the episode because it's clear to you. So I want you all to do this right. Do this right now with me. Let's end the episode. Yeah, all right. What? You are harmed in the episode, too. It's not just on May. It's on. You guys have you turn it on its on. You guys are home to turn this off right now because nothing's gonna happen after this, because the episodes over all right
might be unless each year. But in this episode,
what about the most interesting man in the world?
You just started visiting men in the world. Says what? Tasmanian Dole.
Just end it. Clean ending. Todd, come on.
And speaking of clean ending, no, don't talk about Was the night the but diaper?
Yeah, this is a nice divey. Sell a product that sort of London. Are you
tired of having diapers that air for too many things? No. Well, good news. We found one that is just for your butt. It's the but Dai
Pai Tau, and it's not for babies anymore. It
now is it for whole people, and it's not. It is not just for old people,
Todd, and it
is for everyone. That's that's that's That's the show show.
You got to cut it
and that's a wrap. Yes,
smoke weed, every deed. Stay
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