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The guys discuss Todd's new play, BKBS and a tugboat tour.
here's under room service
today. Oh, I can't eat. I cannot.
Yeah, I love room service because you get it, and it's It's great. The food is great. And you hunch on the edge of a bed. So do you want it? Yeah. Yeah, I want it cause I want to sit and hurt my back while I eat
what? They just clean the room. So it'll be nice to make a huge mess on our beds. And
I like how long they lied. They let that trace it outside.
Well, that's for scraps of. That's a famous on the floor. One scraps.
I I actually I actually dug into that because it Ah, I was upset that you guys didn't include me on the meal. Last way. I heard a dog like rooting around was not a dog. It wasn't a dog. Okay,
A guard
dog would have some fucking manners.
I was out. You guys locked me out of the room last night. I don't know if you remember that.
Well, I'm looking at the menu here, and it looks like they got a fruit bowl. Says in princes. All cantaloupe.
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Very like just one grape at the bottom. It says princes, all candle A Podd. Hopefully, we get the Great
If we do get the grape. Who's eating the grave?
Probably Gilbert Gilbert here.
Gilbert is down the hall. Uh, it always gets the great over. Gets the grape. Uh, Howard, Sorry we locked you out last
night. Yeah. You know, you guys apologized to me a lot, but things still keep happening. So I'm at this point, you can just hold your apologies until you mean, How about that,
nobody ever says you hold the upon.
Oh, dear. Apollo, the Apollo, your apologies. Until you mean it,
we'll do You never want to get apologized to.
Not unless it's a true apology. Really? Do you have to take some lessons for these people's apology? Like for these apologies that we've seen in pop culture recently? Look, way everybody knows how to a pilot
heard looking me right now. Yeah, I'm whispering. So you know that this is for honorable. I Some stuff happened and I thought a lot about it. Now, let's all take a moment and appreciate where we are in life right now. Oh, I got disease. Sorry. Okay. Here That was a nice moment
here. I'll tell you this. That works for me. That worked for me, Todd, That apology was enough. That's enough for everyone. That's enough.
Forever. I got uh huh. But apology accepted. Thank you.
Apology accepted. That's all you had to do.
You set you can I upon? Yeah, bring the camera in really close, making grainy a picket
Grammy. Shoot it bad. I just want to say, but all the stuff I've done bad to you, I think about it. Okay. Well, good. That's enough. She accepted.
That's enough. I I I accept it. Appreciate it. Yeah.
Podd, you accept the apology accepted all around
Bill, huh? Apology accepted. Do you have anything? You
do what I always do. I'm sorry you felt that way, Okay. Accepted, except is fine.
I've been working with Netflix on my special apology. Accepted on It's an hour long, and it's me kind of just going through some mistakes I made. And except for most of the special accepting that it happens in the special, I'm pretty sure it made it in. I'm sure
you had. You had vinyl, Todd.
Well, yeah. Yeah, and I'm trying to remember
what you don't work with final cut. What do you work with? What your program,
Dobie for my job
is is Oh, so, yeah, I'm, uh, you know, that old school guys still added on scissors. It's a great program. Me, Quinten
Tarantino Who? MacArthur? My youth pastor.
Yeah, he had it all of the church.
You know, I'm still dressing up like a little boy and going to use church. Do you know that
you found a community in New York?
Yeah. I just like, cause my opinions are very child edge. I'm not very smart. I fit in better with 13 year olds. So I go to Youth Church
and a lot isn't a lot of I am and have been Jewish in the past, so I don't know a lot about you. What is Youth Church? What's the difference between that
and adults like dumbed down less is they talk. They talk in a way that it's not the sort of like highfalutin language of the Bible. It's more like it's like a guy who's
just having a nice chat. You and I chime in a lot. My say something's happening to my peopIe. So that's what you true? Just for And I always said, change. Is it going to be happening in your body? And I might, Yes. Sometimes my peopie. Yes,
certainly. You a 55 year old adult man, you dress up as a little boy and you go in and hang out these 13 year olds and you ask questions about puberty.
It sounds like what you need is a health class, not a church bill.
I didn't get the birds and the bees, so I'm kind of doing really have the delivery.
You got the
No, you got I sent you the birds and the bees.
Yeah. What is that? Service? So we have edible arrangements and the birds and the bees.
You said the birds and the bees kind of is a a gift to someone after they've lost their virginity. A box filled with birds and bees. And you open it up and they fly around. What always happens is they end up in your fridge for three weeks. Then you throw him out.
Absolutely. You eat the bees, and then you throw other asteroids.
And of course, it's allegorical. Yeah, these meals. But you're meant to realize that women have wings and men have stingers.
Oh, I love that book. Women have wings and bird birth.
You said if you just said it moments ago, so I think we couldn't get it.
We got women. Women have wings and men have stingers by our favorite daytime talk show host. You say it with me. Oh, broker.
I wasn't sure, so I didn't participate.
You know, I love that that book, he really makes him being swings in that,
but well, and he should know because as we know, he's an alien. So he has the knowledge of the universe behind him that his book is coming from a pretty universal perspective.
Really? If you don't know, you've been told, you know, you know, you listening to the teachers land first personally podcast about the guards on Hamilton High School. Now we are in New York City, baby, the Las Vegas of the East.
Bright lights, the big sit and
we are in tow. She's penthouse in the Flat Iron Hotel. Look it up. Google it. One
of the most beautiful parts of New York Broadway between 24th and 27th Street.
And we are having a blast and I were talking about this off, Mike, we might not leave New York. No. We left a lot of cities and we feel very at home.
Well, I immediately feel like a local. You know, You walk outside, you grab a big baguette you put on your beret, you just walk around the East Village.
You have been doing a lot of French things here in the, you know,
because of the local. Yeah, that's the
lie. And I have been having a blast to cause I've been headed down to the pub toe, watch some football, eating some bangers and mash and having a great afternoon.
OK, well, that sounds pretty UK. Okay?
No, no, no. We're in the Big
Apple. Were in a big way. Yeah, we're fitting into the hole. The N Y c, uh, culture.
I'll wake up in the morning and I'll go. And the first thing I'll do is Oh, it's a Mexican food. Just two in the New York.
Absolutely. I mean, I like to get up. I like to go downstairs. I like to build an igloo, and I like the lower lure deep into the sub zero tempo of the water We love
New York. Some for everybody. That's right. Yeah, I feel like we talked about before. But this city matches each of our speeds. And our likes the Windy City. It Yeah, it is for us. We keep getting our clothes blown off.
We'll walk around a corner over near the ports and the docks and all of our clothes just go. And a bars? Well Oh,
that's outside. The wind just blew right through here. Picked up
honestly, Windy City. This Podd gas episode is not sponsored by the Line King coming out in theaters very soon. Maybe it's out,
but we're not sponsored by them. So maybe it's out. Maybe it's not. We don't have to know. Uh, are
we sponsored by this episode the hot dog cart, the new New York hot dog cart?
Do you like to smell the burning ist food you've ever smelled in your life? While you after you've already eaten and you're headed to work? What have
you got? A 20. And you just need change and crumples. Get yourself a hot water at the hot dog cart.
Do you like paying $3 for your lunch? If you're local or $12. If you're obviously a tourist, come on down to the hot dog cart.
I don't know if it's your camera or your Hawaiian Sure, or your khakis. But everyone here knows you're a tourist.
Get a hot dog and wash it down with a old faded hot power. A
Yeah, you do look like a big time tour.
Well, you guys, you know, you come. You guys know I've been trying out a few different personas while I've been here.
You ended on tourists.
Well, because it seems
like it's a hopping business out here.
You tried Wall Street mogul.
Yeah, not Toby, a tourist to Jake Advantage in that I
have never felt Maura part of a community than I did when I decided to just do the touristy stuff all day long. I
mean immediately were whisked into the worst show on Broadway.
Well, that's subjective. And true
was an alley and you got beat up and robbed,
right? And that's the real New York. They
went by that by that by oh wow.
And then they took a moment. Took some donations for the AIDS Foundation, which I thought was very thought that was
big And they also read a pre written statement denouncing the current administration.
Oh, whoa, That was beautiful. So brave. So hard to do that in New York City.
Nothing braver than reading a list against the the administration to a bunch of Republicans in a 200 seats.
Yeah. What did they get it signed by 50,000 people,
if you 525,600. Action.
Oh, you saw Red? Yeah. Have you come
to one of my plays? We'll talk about both sides before the tide. We will bring up both sides and well, because that's what I'm the first person to say this. You are so in the middle. We are not having conversations anymore. That's what died. I
don't know if you guys know this, but we're all in our own bubble
now. And I'm just feeling it so much that my my phone all the time you're all the time. You're on it right now. You're tweeting at me. Sorry. What? You just tweeted I'm on my phone all the time.
Oh, sorry. I was tweeting. I'm on my phone all the time. Would you say
or just that were on the phones all the time. And so when you play, the conversation is it is all about this idea. And we finally get to talk about some of the stuff that we
don't usually. Not anymore. Who's we in this context?
Me in the audience. It's Ah, it's an open two way conversation.
Yeah. Yeah, I I actually saw awesome surreptitiously recorded footage from the play.
Oh, yeah. No camera.
Sarah Teoh. Well, I'll just say this, Todd. It seemed to me like you were sort of aggressively shutting people down if they decided to speak up.
Right. Your play exists in a box with a two way mirror on it that the audience has to watch you through. Yes. So that you cannot hear anything.
It has a riel times Square person behind a glass that you masturbate to buy. What is this? I like
this part of the times.
A peach. I hit it with my tour group the other day.
I love these New York tours. They take you to peep show, taking a drug den? Yeah. They take you to dirty diaper on the street.
It seems like your play is a lot of, uh I will say the last one I saw leaned, right. You were you for giving it a little bit too much to the other side. You were wanting toe
well, because they're not hearing it. You know, I I'm taking the good stuff from Bill Maher, and I'm going a little further. I'm say the goods time being, I'm saying the things that I know we're all thinking and someone's just got to say I am, um and so you know. Yeah. Okay. If you want to argue with me about it, fine. But all dogs go to hell. Ah,
it's a big point. Did Now does this because there were some themes in the play that seemed. And I know you can't Ah, plagiarize yourself. But there were some themes in the play that almost were exactly like my conversations with the devil.
Yes. I mean, all good writers reuse old stuff.
Not their own stuff, though. Todd, they sort of take what they like from other artists and repurpose their
I take stuff from other artists here. I take stuff from others to do some stuff for my old place. There's a lot of a mammoth in this. There's a lot of man.
You know
enough that I legally have to remove some of it or he gets to beat the piss out of.
And then at one point at the very
and he wrote the contract.
Yeah, and I signed. And quickly,
I get to be the fucking piss out of you is contrary in great
his contracts or even mawr in your face than his plays.
Yes, I have heard of that.
But yeah, I think that, you know, all good artists steal from themselves. They steal from others. Writings reap The Batman, seen in my play is very popular. Writing is
repurpose their one point not even the end you go. And that's the death of a sales.
That's right. Well, of course, it's not the end. That's how you get into the first act eso its right of a writer on the middle of the first act. And it's how you know we're ramping up because I kill a salesman who I play. I play everybody
that going back and forth between those two characters silver going,
I don't think you need to do Geo. I don't Thank you. Gun guys murder. And I don't think you need to do the full costume change each time you say it is for line. Todd, I think it takes up too much time.
It helps me get into each character. I can't do it.
Maybe you should take another page out of a Batman of thing and do a two faced one side dressed is one character. One side. The other
is really tough When you switch to gun guy, you forgot gun, guys. Line You went. Um um And then you just went back to sales.
Well, I went back to salesmen, and then you have salesman I you that I tried to feed it to Gun guy,
But you, you Todd Todd. Oh,
that gun has how many bullets? And then
I think your your psyche is so incredibly fractured. Your brain, your brain, your brain is in pieces.
It is awesome in here. I wish I could show you guys the entire hybrid. It's fucking all offset.
Crazy and painful. It's awesome.
It is the coolest thing. I like it so much that I've never I think for 10 years now I've never stopped. Uh, What? I like to watch something all the time.
C t scans. And they looked like when Jim Carrey's paintings.
Well, to be fair, C t. From the real world Road rules was the administrator.
Absolutely, I'm not talking about I'm talking about when c t. From road rules Riel World Challenge looks at your head and disguise, but he's
struggling. Described basically Jim Carrey painting with Kim Jong Un Trump Talk about art. I hope Jim Carrey never get it to me like he gives it
to Trump. Why were we not in the photos at the D. M Z since we were there a shop? Why were we Photoshopped out of the d M Z phone? It's
crazy, as we were running out with that
were in the background the photo taking food out of North Koreans because the fruit on the flight was awful. Eso we landed started.
Yes. And I'm sorry, but I was hungry. If I had extra food, I would have given it to them. But I didn't have any food and we were
mad because we thought we were going to D Z Discovery Zone.
Way wanted to get in a ball pit and but and pig out on some pizza. Well,
I was like there's no way the flight to Discovery Zone. It's got to be this
long. They're like, now that it's not this long you're going to the demilitarized zone. How did you guys end up on this flight? Push
a woman back into North Korea? Oh, he was escaping.
It was, Ah,
an old woman.
There was an old dissident who had been held prisoner there for 45 years and she got out and I said, Not so
fast. Okay, Kim Kim, She's here. You tattled on
her tattled on her, and they gave me the Medal of Korea.
Yeah, You got the tattle medal.
I got the title middle. I got They gave me a free haircut.
Wish exactly what you asked for.
Well, I got what
you get. You got what you get in North Korea, which is
one day, a high and tight. You
get two options. You get the dear leader of the Rodman.
Let's just say for you they actually kind of split the difference
given to face I would have, but it's inspired. Have been pulling down six rebounds and also silencing anybody who speaks out again.
You've been playing street ball.
Yeah, Yeah, on a divorce, Carmen Electrifying
family. She I think he was trying to get away from you.
Yeah, right now you divorced her, but technically, you were never married.
That's true. That was the big issue in court is you can't give a divorce to someone who's never been married. I might
use that. Please, please, just let me get it on my rack.
Let me get a divorce on the record. Um, but I'm glad to be back in New York. North Korea was for us. Um, now,
this place is cool. It's filled with, you know, just artists and creative types. You know, this is we is where we belong.
Yeah, I said I I actually have heard a couple of your your new demos. Oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah. They're very cacophonous. Has been Really?
Yeah. There's a lot of sound in there.
It sounds like Did you How did you assemble your studio band for the for this?
Well, have you ever heard of Brian Wilson?
Yeah. Oh, yeah. That sounds I love him.
I took pet sounds to an extreme. Really? What does that mean? He had a lot of pets in there, making sounds alpacas, other animals. So I just got the sounds of New York City. Every animal I could find. I got pizza rat. Ah, wow. That's hard booking. It's a really tough booking. Absolutely. I got raccoons and there I got garbage men crashing stuff around. Any animal from New York, I allow in.
Well, and I like the noise and what you're saying about music and how anything is music. Exactly. Uh, I think, uh, I hope you're not releasing these demos because there is a lot of parts left and where you're arguing with the engineer. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of you just trying to score smack. Uh,
yeah. Well, this is the music of the creative process. You know, it's arguing about the engineer saying, I'm not late. You're early, You're early. You showed up on time. I was bingeing. I was bingeing. Ah, so that's on the record.
Yeah. There's about 40 minutes of you waiting on the Staten Island ferry. Just kind of being like words as prairie. I need to see the Statue of Liberty for free
sounds of the city baby sounds of the city. It doesn't feel
like you of all of us are sort of embracing the most gritty side.
Oh, I love it. I love the homophobes I love. I love the racist I I love. You know, when you go into a diner and you order a nice meal very regularly and he thinks you're on his side and makes a bunch of homophobia joke, you're supposed to laugh
better. Where you go in New York, you can't be too polite. Yeah, like an old like guy in his fifties. If you give him just a little room of niceness, he assumes the conversation can be exactly what he wants. After that, absolutely. And it's
on the record.
It's like, How much do I? How much of my culpable if I'm just nodding at what this guy's saying about the women walking by like, Do I speak up? Can I change this guy?
I usually follow their lead and try to one up them. I usually have. Sometimes I've become a group of 50 year old men's leaders.
Do you know you're very quick to join a cold and then become the leader of one? Oh, yeah, but, um, you know, you know, we've been taken in the theater way
have been hooking you guys at once and take is to a couple of cold things for my BKB s. We have almond access. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. What was your guys favorite? Ah. Ticket I hooked you up with
I like the $350 chicken and waffle, Uh, that we got That was really, really small.
Yeah, I was in a moves. Bush. Yeah, it was one of those one bite meals.
Yeah. Yeah, that was pretty good, right? It was right there on the coolest street to like. That's why it's so expensive.
Yeah, I really real estate. I really loved that tour that we went on of that eight floor apartment building that had it's had a broken elevator for 15 years. And you can only use the stairs.
Yeah, well, you know, there's some issues with the permit, you know, but that's what makes it a cool part of but sunny side.
I also saw a couple of the ads that you have shocked. Yes.
Oh, the ones I recorded in shot.
Yeah, Yeah, they're pretty low quality bill.
Thank you. I
really gives you the feel on. I said let me direct this. Let me cut it. Let me use scissors and I'll cut this for you. But you wanted to do it all yourself. Yeah. Just
has that gritty, shady brook and feel. Yeah, I shot it on. Uh ah. Forward facing Nokia. Um, you know how that when your grandma sends you a picture, It That's what I shot it on. Yeah, you could tell you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, like, it's short. It's sure,
Sure. Some would say you couldn't. You shouldn't even call it a video. It's more so just a single picture.
Yeah, it's one still grainy photo.
And I'm pretty sure you spell Brooklyn wrong.
Is it not to ends
knows not to end zero. They're not. At the beginning,
I thought there were two silent ends at the
beginning of uh uh, no. And I know it
sounds like we're beat like that will be a little negative about New York, but we really do love it here. It's just a It's a city of opportunity. And I feel like we have been so stagnant. The people in our lives are holding us down. The other cities were in our holding us down, but We're in a new city and things are gonna be better because we moved. And the new city is what's gonna fix it for? Yes.
Everywhere I go, people hold me down.
It wasn't us. It was our location. Yeah, every one of
them. And it's very I know in the past you go to a new city. You fall in love with it immediately because it's not the place where your problems are. And then you stay there and your problems follow you. That's not gonna happen to us here because my problems don't. I feel
programs don't have legs.
Is that like saying,
Yeah, yeah. My problems don't have legs they can't follow. That's right. Yeah. If you run away, you will be safe.
If you run away, you will be safe.
Well, Dino, three year problems that have legs and as your Children you don't take care of
my kids were coming to of them. Still have me Having kids is also a huge one
of them. One of them lost their legs due to your negligence. Okay, that's not
fair. Well, okay. One of them lost their legs because you ran over them with your
Yeah, not so much negligence as much his fault.
I think that it was nighttime and they were laying down on the ground. If all
you're doing the right,
They were looking at the stars. They were looking at the eclipse.
Which was it? An eclipse or the stars?
Dada say
the stars were eclipsing the moon.
Oh, this guy's obsessed with space obsessed with sprays.
Yeah, well, I did go to a planetarium the other day with a tour group, and that was really fun. You think about the universe a little bit outside of yourselves for once in your
putting those glow in the dark stars on your ceiling of your room is not thinking about the universe, Howard. It's being an eight year
old. It is if you make it. Ah, if you make it realistic depiction of the constellations I took a lot of times, you guys, next time you we turn the lights off in the room, look up there and tell me if there's a single constellation you can't find. I took time on that.
I'm not gonna do that. Okay? I have to just fall asleep immediately. If the lights go off and I'm alone with my thoughts, I will kill myself. So I'm never going to see the dark. I mean, I just keep going until I'm too tired, and then I pass out somewhere. And that way, everything is awesome up there. So I'm sure the stars your beautiful I'm never going to take a moment to take a man. All
right, well, I guess you guys will just never really know. Ah, me or sort of meet me on the level that I'm on That I'm willing these days, and that's fine.
Well, I'm glad you feel like you're growing. And I think the best thing when you're growing is to stick around the other people in your life that refused, Teoh. Because we'll always remind you of what it could be like I came from. Yeah, here's where you came from and we're not gonna hold you down.
I appreciate you guys say I and I believe it. You guys were man men enough to apologize to me earlier. I believe you. When you say you're not gonna hold me
down, why don't you take this? Why don't you take this ticket? It's You will love this. Just go out have fun. Just just take this. This is on me. What is this ticket? Yeah, Yeah, it's good.
It's good. You know, You look at it and say what it is.
You look at it. Look at it. Look at it. This is a tug boat tour. This is a tugboat tool.
It looks like you wrote that. Over. What? This looks like it's actually an I D badge to get on a trash barge.
Yeah, we owe tour Tugboat
tour. Okay, so the crossed out letter, it doesn't mean anything. It's only what the Sharpie has written on there. This is what this is going to get me on.
That is one of the most awesome tug boat tours. It goes and picks up things that fall off of planes as they fly into LaGuardia.
Okay, so you are not sending me to work on a trash barge? That's not what this is.
Well, that's the tour that it's a two month long tour just hours away. 60 hours a week, 9 to 5 every day. And you And but here's the benefit. You are going to get sunburn.
Yes, well, I Well, look, I'm going to take your word for a bill because I don't feel like you would. You would throw me into the fire like I would it. So I'll take your word for it, and we'll just have to see what this means.
I'm I'm really gonna miss you, Howard. Why? I can't believe you're leaving, you bitch. We're abandoning us. Wait right at
our moment of need. Enjoy. Two months on the trash barge. Tugboat, You're gonna have a black
way lower. Look, I know I'm not I'm not gonna have to leave him. I guess you don't want to be on my album, huh? Who
else leaves? Oh, that's right. Every man in my life ever see
you, dad, Huh? God,
I don't have to do if this means I'm gonna leave for two months. I don't have to
dio your you love this. Do what you always do. Run.
Well, I guess I have to give it a shot. I don't mean to hurt you guys. You're making me do this. It's not I'm not asking the lead.
Weaken do long distance. Let's try long distance. Pass me my needle. No past me. My needle.
Sam, this better be a needle player. record.
Yeah, that. No. The other needle. I need
a needle point, OK? Oh, thank God.
I'm I'm gonna do the angriest needle point
I have ever done at you. Howard, that's such a hard thing to do with that emotion. I
know. I just see for 6 to 10 hours separately, chunked up over a weekend or two. And I'm seething to make the meanest needle
point to search. It'd hurt. I don't think this is my fault.
You know what? Take this. Howard, take this. It's another ticket. Take this. It it is a hospital tour. God, you are so hospital tour. Really? Yes, that I know. It says underneath it. That is it. It is asbestos removal in mental hospitals and Long Island.
It's well, the dates on this are the same as the trash barge. I don't think Can I do these at the same? Oh, I see the times. So ones 9 to 5 and then one is six tonight. Yeah, perfectly. Do overlap.
That works almost perfect. I'm sure one of them will be a little immune. Or if not, you'll just be punished for in your leg.
Yeah. Do not be late. Okay? but
tell you we'll
leave without you.
Tell you. Don't be
early. Do not be alley
barely. It's almost worse to be earlier than they don't respect. You think you might
just too many bodies, Too many chiefs?
Well, um, it's
been a kind of a tough one. It's been a
tough one. I think next week will feel better. Yes, thing next week will feel better. We love the city. I think we just need to eat.
Because if there's one thing in New York, the longer they're the last tired you get
Yeah, I just need to be rejuvenated by the up all night thing.
I leave New York in Vegas so refreshing I I I It'll be You know, the saying Vegas by the six day, you feel like you need to stay longer and I feel the same about New York.
Yeah, I love I've never gone to Vegas. And after the first day been like I need to go. I know that I have a few more days here, but I need to leave.
So we're here for the long haul. No matter how bad it gets, I
bet we never leave New York.
Absolutely. That's bad. Well, I got a couple big auditions coming up. I didn't want to jinx it. Um, yeah, yeah, probably relation. Yeah. Um, thank you. Thank you. And the audition is the job, You know what I mean? It's get the addition. That's the work. When you're an actor looking at that, you gotta leave that up to the people. A top. Um, so Yeah. Um, pretty excited about what I'm auditioning for?
Yeah, I zida Hamilton. Is it Hamlet? It's Hamlet. Hand Hamilton with him. Ham Liton? Yeah,
I haven't heard of that.
Oh, well, um, I wrote it, and I'll be directing.
And you also have to audition, and Yeah, well, not offer only on your own project.
Unfortunately, there's just, you know, it's just the business the director demands. Director. Yeah. You gotta, you know, You know, even, um, even Robert De Niro had to audition for Meet the Fockers. You know, it's just the way the business works. Yeah. Um, so we'll let you know how it
goes. Who? Good luck to you, Todd. That's that's really great. I'm hoping that when I released my album, uh, you know, big things happen as well.
Yeah, you know I have
making it is the thing. It's not about the response. You just gotta make it finish it and put it out. Yeah. Process Process. That's good. I'm excited for your release. You've been talking to Spotify. I I've been emailing them.
Yes, Yes. You have one sided conversations with Spotify Technical support. Um, I've actually looking at Brick Mortar location for BKB s. I know it's pretty excited, and it's in Dumbo, Brooklyn. Um oh, I'm sorry. No, it's in. Uh um What's that little rat's name? It's ingratitude. Bressman know Now, now he's his cinderelly. Cinderelly, Gus! Gus Gas, Brooklyn Bridge. Is that Is that something? Is that any?
You know what? Let's keep this part in.
Uh, right. We will. And as we all know and this happens, sometimes you gotta end of episode. Yeah, uh,
Howard will not be over the next episode. He'll be
in the trash barge skyping in,
But maybe maybe they'll be. Maybe they'll be apart casting the barge. You can dio. I hope not, but we'll see. Um And, um it's time to stick the landing. It is time to stick.
We've had a perfect routine so far now we just gotta stick it.
We've got an old Russian man in the corner cheering us on.
One of my legs broken our teammates air right there, ready to carry us.
As long as we stick the landing, we will be American heroes.
And here comes the dismount. Darth Vader. Darth Maul. Darth Your With Darth Simple. Darth Zazu has a lovely bunch of heads Offenders Ben Jews Nathan Lave, Nathan Les Waas Original Nose Avengers The bird cage Birds are birds, boobs and these have dicks by our own stay.
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