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Sam takes three of his students out driving.
All right now, guys. No, listen, listen, listen. Listen up.
You know you're talking about
four weeks ago. This is dangerous. This I want to start this. We're driving, uh, in a car. This has over 100 horsepower, and I need you guys to respect it. And barely is an old old ass car. Mr Weatherman. Yeah, It's the perfect car for drivers. That's you can't get too crazy. All right, now
calm down. We're all calm. Calm down before I take my foot off. Marcus
hasn't even said a word yet, Mr Weatherman.
Okay, good. Marcus, you have in a so far, don't cry or else you'll have a B A still. Now, I'm gonna take my foot off the brake. Alright? Divvied? Yeah, You're driving. I'm in the passenger seat. My foot's on the big fat break over here. When I let go, we're going to do what's called idle ing forward.
Calm down. We're calm. I'm just wondering why we're in the drive
thru What do you mean what? This is where it starts. This is where it starts. I drove us here because I needed a bacon ator for breakfast to get my morning going you want a?
I was thinking about going to Goto.
Wait. Is this a jack in the box? I thought I came to a Wendy's
home. Down. Everybody, calm down. I'm getting get a bigger share.
Hey, Dani, Dani has it going. No, I came to the Came to the jack in the box and accident again.
Yeah. Every night
Wendy's is covered by a calm down divvied.
Come. It's just you here every night
only on a nighttime. Now give me a Salado breakfast sandwich, Breakfast, dinner and give me a large Oreo shake. Extra cherry. Yeah, I know it's usual, but this time, actually, give me the extra cherry.
Calm down in the back
of a large area in the last. Good.
There's a lot of Cherries to you. Is this this guy's voice? Sounds like you driving right now. Yeah, trying fat break. I want you to be quiet
until I take it off. Okay? Now I want 17 Cherries in this. You
can leave some shake out. I know
it takes up space
last the river Villagers, and
he wants room for Sherry. He wants you
to be oh, for charity. I'm helping you. Mr. Weatherman's So I'm going to tell my dad you're screaming at me. Take school. No, No, because you can get a little crib directed Cruz. He's
gonna raise your interest rate on your mortgage.
Oh, that rat bastard. So what if I have a bad least that could be adjusted whenever he
wanted? My dad's gonna stop representing you. I'm calm. Why is there so much shit back? So much stuff? There's like a gym. There's like I'm crunching so much stuff. Those air cannons I'm gonna recycle. It's like a ball pit back there. No show. Wait. My kids can't look. Calm down will finally
be able to get my order ready. You guys aren't getting
anything. You never get it, Mr Sam. You're never coming back, Mr. Saying, Mr Sam, You're never coming back from this. You You're losing your damn mind. Pull it out!
You know what? I want
to go edible for
17 chairs. A
good I'm good man driving for a long time
DVD. Davey. I don't know if it's Div eater. David's divvied. Okay, Shut up. Do you know my name? I think it's Marcus. No, no, that's his Whose name are you? I'm David calm down. I'm gonna get
out and walk, I think.
No, no, Mark, you're gonna get Marcus.
If you get out, you're not gonna be able to get your permit. Stay in markets will protect
markets. Just I'm sorry. I understand that David has been acting irrational in the driver's seat. We know the driving is a big responsibility there. Smoke there. Smoke back here. This car's monkey. Okay, well, where there's smoke, there's fire. All right, yet that I'm worried about. Just get through. The car's overheating. Let's just get through the shack and black. So we'll deal with that when we have time. Okay? Now we
have to get your girlfriend's house again. After this? Yes, you say? Oh, no. I forgot the left. Spend the night there. Yeah. Bernice is crazy.
This this is an overnight driver's test. Okay. You mean you guys seem to keep the car running in case against hot in there, and I need to come back out and we need to peel
in case it gets so come
sniff sugar again. You're so much. You are
so much less in. Say that school
during the hours of 12 to convey called. That's yours when we have
class. Is it Marcus?
Did you think maybe that you would want to take Mr Sam? Do you think that maybe you would want to
talk like this is a live? Has a later was making fun of me. No. No. You making fun of me? No. This is a calm down
and stop making fun of me
having your from here in a good, uh, my walker isn't making fun of
you. Said
a walker to walk
high. And I need a wheelchair. And it's not me making fun of use to stop tipping me out of it. No more fun of me way. We're starting
a six that you use us for a handicap placard because you insist that we always partner
I park area. I worked their way, Mr.
Whether I wanna let you know that, like, I want to let you know that I am legally deaf, but I can hear every word you're saying you're speaking. So they're a liar. No, I'm not.
You speak perfectly, yet it's not death. Yeah. What? What, My supposed to No, no. We're being pulled over. Defeated. Three DVD's Shut up. Mr. Samuel, You to us again about your immaculate conception. Know that story is never coming out. I will tease it forever, and it's never coming out to Stella's Mr Any. Put your window, please way over the second window to take my foot off the fat wait booth in the road on the window market. I'll
handle the drive through. You would put on the window,
act like we don't have cocaine,
and open up the window to open up the other window for your real
TV. You get the food, I'll deal with the cops. What do you want? Big? Hey, Yeah, It's two cops over here. Yeah, crops
on this side and the director got me on the side.
I'm dealing with the driver guy way. We're getting some
complaints from inside of the jack in the box dining area, which takes a lot. I don't call What do you guys do it? You're not here standing in a thorough for we heard about Example for my kids. These are my kids. Dale Divvied and Cliff Don't know. It's David divvied Margus. My mistake. Hope Hope off her. They're wearing name wearing Neo Excuse may Are you the guy that was immaculately conceived.
Yes. We're been curious about that story.
Okay, what's up? Off the
weatherman? You don't have to tell them anything. We're not being detained.
Shut the fuck quid pro quo. Okay, you're tell us. The You tell us the Immaculate Conception story. We let you
walk with the cocaine and the
Children. All right, so here's my first memory.
All right. Uh,
pause. Pause.
You like Teoh
in an egg? I mean an eggshell.
And it only gets 14 Cherries in there.
I need 17 chairs. Had 1760. My name's David. My foot back on the fat break where it should've been this whole time.
Sure. We have left right away with a lot with these kids who
you be under arrest. My resting rate. Arrested. Soothe smoking. There is a man. Oh, now there's two cops choking out,
Mr Weatherman, after will being an accomplice to
this surprise Surprise. You're leaving me high and dry again.
I can't believe you
about earlier
when I took my foot off the brake and you kept your foot on your break making me look like ah fool. Well, everyone knows what It's student driver. They're focusing on the teacher,
but who was? Look, nobody was paying attention. Mr. Weatherman, it's fine. I promise. Listen, I know how to drive. I don't actually have to be. I don't have to be in this class and really No, I
think what you 7 30 at night that would be
one of us at this point, can legally drive It seems like you're using us his accomplices.
And I'm hearing no movement in the trunk. Let me. You guys are dead. Let me just ask you what you think. What? Can we all calm down? Yes, because I'm calm as a cucumber and I'm ready to take my foot off the brake. Get my 17 Cherries or else they're in trouble and go. Are you guys cool with that? Do you want fries with that? Do you want euros with that? Do you want todo turning over a new leaf right now?
Yes, I'm hungry. I'm hungry.
Would you like a pita pocket?
Do the third Peter Podd. Of
course, it's on their weird men. What
else is on the way?
Also? I'm kind of hungry kid. I order something.
Yeah? What do you want? You want a pita
powder mill? flour dough, Jack and
I want Can I get that? Like, what's the one? Tomato
tides? Tomato, Todd. Tomato, Tomato. Todd. You mean Tater Tots?
The weird manure. That's the wavering.
Okay. Yeah. Warren, give us some tomato. Todd's in there with the cherry. I guess I Yeah, Warren, right? No, Gabriel. And give us a teeter
Teoh que I'll do the
You have to tell me how you Okay,
I'll get the foot. Uh,
look at me. Okay? I'm keep my foot on the brake. Rev the engine.
I'll get the foot long dot Got what? The foot long dot God,
we want a foot long dot God, What is that home? I
think somebody might have put a some sort of sticker for, like, a website on Arminia. That's not natural Item. Okay, We'll just
catch the way. Want to be about two foot long? I love what she was making a foot long and stop. Jesus. People start the jack of the boxer crazy. My three kids and I've taken out hours passed school crazy to the back of my truck or crazy, is it? 12 inches of steak. What is it? Just believe. Do you know live in America, Sir. David. David? Yes. Your debates. No time to be your Peter. No, not even close
Divvied. You're driving a Saudi? I didn't bring any cash. Crop Director Milkshake. OK, defeat. Get it
weighed. Lap up the bill Check again. I can I know. He should have dropped the 1st 1 We'll drop. Okay. Well, lap it up, Warren! Oh, my God For it! This man and Div eater drinking a milkshake out for the jack in the box pavement.
Finally, this 300 Cristante sandwiches. Good. I'm 17. So these
sealer making out every year? Well, you straight, man. Shut up! You're in the back seat. OK, everybody, shut up. Now I shouldn't have
taken us to drive through on. I'll admit that now the test begins. We're doing a full permit tasked
with through other
right now.
Your pacemaker popped out of your trip. Did your group? I'm just nervous cause your pacemaker popped out of your chest.
Well, it's still under the skin. You could see of that line. I agree, But still this is your body is rejecting the
pacemaker about the reject. You guys second, I reject you right out of the car and I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna eat
in. I want you in the lobby of
Jonah. Reject is there. I do see a button on the seat Says reject. What happened? If I push that there's
a reject, but there's an Egypt. But you know, if you want to be rejected, I'll tell the whole school year loser If you want to be injected, I open the sunroof right out. So if he
if you press the region but the whole tomorrow tell Oh, yeah, I got pre
written stuff on all you guys Talk about race. If I'm pressed to reject button E mail to the whole student body,
don't know what all
threatened emails all day long. If you don't calm the down,
you go for that. I called for back up for a free code for Burger.
Let the cops out. David, Let the Okay, Alright, alright. Give me the key. Yeah, right.
E I can't open it with I'll pop trio. David, you go out and get him. All right? Excuse me. Cup you You're just Wait, wait. Oh, wait, wait. What? You're changed. You wait.
There's a big egg in the trunk back here. They know. What about that? Don't look at that. You look at it.
What? This is this. Are you part of the origin story, right?
No, that's not my son. Wait. You know there's an unquestioned egg.
Thank you. Is that the fire smell? Is incubating an egg.
Oh, my love. Do you have a big Sarah Todd breakfast? Just good. I could be honest. My world has completely gone away. It's just you and me Sour now,
but I think he's just so he started as an egg. His mother gave birth to him. That's what he said. Oh, my God. I'm pulling up. There's a whole There's a whole biography here. Oh, God. Autumn. Well, bacon all day long. Good. Jack in the box. Bacon. Check
your that story will never be. You heard it. He's injected me into the sun room way slower
peeling off the sun roof. I'm getting peeling off the thunder of good the dirty. Did
you were going to go forward to make a left? We're gonna make it left out of the drive way. French
houses. I'm going to drive back to school. You sure you will. I'm gonna
drive where I let you because my foot's on the brink.
I'm going to drive back to school. I'm going to report you.
To who? I got the whole school in my pocket. Baby, Are
you kidding me? I can't. I can't talk to anybody.
You can try. Try to talk to someone about me. I got dirt on Everybody said
that way to us. And I want to divvy. That's your life ending. Everyone's gonna help Teoh. What? You know what
I'm talking about. No, Your your little little pigtail. I have a vestigial tail. You can't tell anybody,
Digeo. I don't know
you, Mr Sam. Yes? Um, I would like to say that you're a really good teacher. I know. And I think I've learned a lot tonight and I think I know how to drive nose. So maybe I should go home. I'll just get out here and I'll taken uber You live really far away from here. Marko,
You know what? I do this, you know how
to drive. And hey, I got this saying which I'm really lost in right now. Why don't you sit up in the front with the big break goes all the way across the floor and you make sure that we're not going too fast when this crazy man DVD drives us to my girlfriend's house
and I'm sitting on your lap or do you see
that I got in the back to really enjoy the sandwich and I started Check out for a while, Okay? As long as everybody could stay calm.
Yeah, Yeah, we've been We have been,
like, when people tell me they've been called right
with Yeah, I get up in the front
yard. Okay, let's alternately loser minutes on, get up in the front seat. And here we go. And
oh, rejected, Rejected. Rejected. So my feet tail to Levi's. You know, about my big day
we're gonna know about my pick knows
already. Oh, wait. You didn't have a job.
You walked into the school and everybody just knew already. Marcus. Oh,
he's coming back. Todo you gotta move the car. Wear those cops
left. I just murdered three of my students, and I kept the story say forever.
Sammy. Well, you know what? Let me get another shake. Get Let me get a
gym mocha this time and pause. So this is what we kind of Ah, from the script you gave us, uh, made for your autobiography, but it does feel like it doesn't really tell a lot of your actual origin story wear.
Now, we were hoping to get ah, a little bit more of the
Immaculate conception. Your mentioned? Yes. It's just Lionsgate's very lands. Gates is very interested in your origin story in
the brain when I
lions gates. Okay.
You know,
I thought I was gonna meet with the big guy. Tell a very your aliens gate, man. Yeah, well, Amit Lionsgate's Whose here
what? We can connect. You should
put more like Hunt ease in there. I send my responsibility. This is may build Cravy e. I was in the room earlier, I for coming with me. You're confident? Yes. Yes, Yes.
We'll look. Uh, we will take your movie into consideration.
What is just, like story? Christ immaculate. It's immaculate.
It just feels like there's mentions of some eggs
killing a cop like that.
Well, the killing of the cops is hot right now for sure, but the killing of students is not so hot.
You know about the weird menu? Very. I'm gonna judge
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