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Howard moderates a Q&A with director Terry Morden after a screening of his film.
Alright, kid, let's give that film a round of applause. That was wonderful. Wow! Ah, you know, Thank you, everybody for making it here to Ah, this like, Ah, good cultural experience for you kids seeing a nice art artistic film made by one of our alumni. Um and ah, just quickly, guys. Ah, be on your best behavior here because, as you know, the director of this film who wasn't alumni here Ah, he's here and he's here to take your questions. So I would like to ah to hand this microphone over to the director of the film that we just watched. Terry Morton.
I thank you, everybody. Thanks for having me, Howard, your your flies. All right. Hey, this is a big hole in the back of your parents.
See eyes. They're really Jesus. I'm a go get some safety pins.
I have a question for Ah, Mr Mr Levis. Oh, question. Okay. What happened? Your pants looks like Ah ah, go for Got in there.
Now. That's not what happened. Actually, I was sitting on Ah, I sat on this. The once seat in here that doesn't have a cushion on it, cause I wanted everybody else to have a comfortable seat. So it's just the metal frame on it. Looks like a nail or a screw just ripped the back of my pants. But this Q and A is not for me. To
me, it looks like a gofer chewed right through
him. Okay, actually, missing fabric. It's not tourney. There's there's poll Swatch missing.
I definitely did not take my lunch out in the field. I didn't take my watch out in the field. Guys, I know you think I did, and I did not. The butt of my pants didn't get eaten by gophers. Okay, so let's let's keep our questions on track here for Terry here. He
just showed us his movies. I did a I did see you running away, kind of looking back with 1/2 eaten sandwich.
I was just getting my post lunch, John Couple
ago versus
now. Looking back, that's definitely what it was.
That wasn't go. That's where Cofer Zaida had an accident. Had an accident.
Why won't you fast up? I didn't It's not that embarrassed.
No, it wasn't gophers. I had an accident.
You'd rather believe you proved trip. It's
It's a natural process the dopers working? Yes, I'm not some
guys that I did, but that was honestly, my first question Terry was How did you get that footage of Mr Levis being attacked by go over so quickly? It seemed like it happened today. He was in the same club,
right? I fast edited a seaman to my film. Where? Mr Service.
So that was me. And
it was sort of like a shawarma seen e
I've always wanted to do my shawarma And what I saw that moment I was like, This is it
Did you record that song? Uh, my shalwar MMA to the tune of my Sharona Was that using? Well,
when I saw the amazing choice of Clint Eastwood singing Gran Torino Thin Gran Torino, I thought, someone is This is brilliant on dso I want I've always wanted to do it myself. So obviously you know, ideas rattle in your head. And when my shawarma pop did obviously to the tune of my Sharona I thought of it when I saw the Schwarm, Aseem and Marvel. And then I realized I've got a record this and play it over. Howard being beaten by growth
being eaten by go first. That's not what was happening in that clip size.
I have another question for the director. Yes, you. How do you know Mr Levin? Yeah. How do you know him? It seems like you guys were pretty chummy.
Wait. Did seem like the movie was a takedown of him. I didn't
read it that way. Way? I didn't read it that way. I thought this
you enemy
Well, the main character is an amalgam of a lot of people I've met in my lives in my life's, you know, because we leave. We lied so many lives in our one life. And I guess there's a lot of Howard in that main character. He's got a lot of money's never made love of, you know, But you based it on a lot of people in your life. You know? Obviously the wardrobe is based heavily on Howard's word. Trump, Are we enemies? I don't know. I mean, he told me I would never be a successful filmmaker
because you're it is actually trying to ram it down his throat.
Now, Now, Terry, that was a one on one conversation in the privacy of your house and
you told him. He'll never be a good filmmaker in his
Martin Martin. Not I did not say those words. Recently graduated
aggressiveness graduated and went right for the hit piece.
I didn't say those words. There's video of me 30 years ago saying that any kid could be a popular film.
Okay, what? You came to my home and said to my face, You'll never be a good filmmaker like you said A Jew will never make
that. I did not say those words you'll that I may have said I may have said the culture or the culture of the world right now may never accept
a Jewish guy. I mean, Okay, let me listen now Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese's personality No abound back, all right, just to name a few. Steven Spielberg's Jewish.
I don't
make sure I don't make assessment assumptions.
Well, now you know why I read the movie. Obviously a people
I thought like it seemed like some of it was true. The texts at the end of the movie with that
started with Howard Levis went on to do nothing different. Like they love interest in the movie. Obviously never came
right? Yeah, it would get deep in Mawr like, um, specific to little moments in life. I love interest. Never. Obviously, never came.
I don't know how you got ahold of home videos, and it bothers me that some of that footage was not fictionalized. It was actually pulled
from my real life. So you guys could tell that some of that, you know, I wanted Teoh mesh reality with fantasy. And so a lot of that stuff, you know, the scene of Howard getting dumped? Uh, that was Riel, um, the home video where Howard's parents are filming the whole family. And Howard is just off camera saying, What about me? And they are not listening. They're not. Put him on camera. That s Oh, I
have a question. So I'm a young actor. I study under Todd Bread. I stopped at the Cooper's son. That's right. I'm Bradley Cooper, son. And I study under the stupid Todd Podd. Rest on. I really want to act for my professional career. Talk about the casting of this. How can I be cast
eso? You're curious how you specifically could be cast in the movie
in the future or what is your process?
Well, um uh, that paper airplane headshot you just tried to throw me Did not make it all the way up.
You see it, you can pick it up.
I see your face also. Well, the casting process for this was I needed a man who was so hate herbal, uh, that you could watch for two hours on and just not not love the guy for a moment. And obviously the hardest part of someone who could work with gophers
that was over wrangling difficult,
but go for wrangling was I mean, they say it's hard to wrangle cats. It's even harder to wrangle golfers. But the one thing you give him a picture of Howard and they will behave. I don't know what the figures with gophers, but if you want to be cast in my next film, you know, we do open auditions for every
why don't you? Bradley Cooper, son, why don't you,
um you should know the answer. You just ask your dad. I think I can help you also,
but he's clearly you'll never work again. So, um, good luck. His name is
Bradley Cooper Seuin Oh, you're not Bradley Cooper's some No
no. I wish my wish. I wish I wish Why don't you dio your take Because you were
whispering to me Like I have a different take on this. But obviously the most powerful line from the movie one that that will ah, probably be on the poster.
Well, I don't do the marketing, but I'd like for it to be on the post. Okay. Why
don't you just deliver that? It's four simple words, okay? No, you are the butt munch. Well, how did Was terrible? I think so. What? You know you are the butt munch. No, you are the but mine.
Shea, the more you're doing at the less natural it's sounding. I'm noticing each new take. Sounds less natural.
You are the but And
remember, this is this a Let me give you a quick direction. The scene is obviously Howard it looking in the mirror and practicing his retort to a student later the in that day so
which he later delivers. But the the lot no one calls him
a but no no. Well,
carry an active shooter. In the end, the important theme important context that was left out. You really highlighted you really hide it the act of shooting part of it, but you sort of left out the important floor of which is that shoot, which is that that kid head in the past called me a but Munch. It wasn't a total out of context thing. He'd call me about much. Three days later, he shows up with a gun and he comes in shooting and I said to him, No, you are the butt Munch And he shot me in the leg, OK? Important contact with they school turned with right and a lot of people said it wasn't an active shooter, was a very targeted shooting. Everyone at the school,
everybody went and got a gun and tried to shoot you. That
Wal Mart has never been so busy. Wal
Mart record profits. Walmart was, which was a commentary.
Yeah, and I'll base didn't reality getting the characters an amalgam of a lot of people. But that was based on a real thing that happened on. Do you think I glorified the shooter a little bit?
Was outfit all American flags, looked a little bit like a hero to us in the
Ottawa That's interesting, you know, I don't know. Do I think guns rule. Yeah, you know, So maybe that bleeds into my subconscious when I'm making a film a little bit, please. Um,
he leads,
but, um jeez, uh, sorry. I'm a little distracted right outside that window. There's, like, 40 gophers just looking through.
No, those are gophers. That's my
poop. That you're that you're moving stacking on top of each other, poop.
I'm seeing your
group has a napkin, and it's for and a fork and knife. And it's like the
straps staring right at you wants to get back into your butt. And that's what's
appetizing time going over. Your limit is we can eke out of the back. They this guy's gonna eat. That's not gophers, huh?
You go, Tonto. Yeah, it's not your clothes on first did want to eat me. It would be very embarrassing because they're a little tiny animal that shouldn't have power over anybody, okay? And the and the fact that they did have power over me would make me feel very, very uncomfortable. What's my strength?
You sat in Mr Weatherman's Soybean Field. You got some soy on your butt cheeks. And now the gophers want Teoh.
I did sit in the soybean field. I ate a lot of the soybeans. Bad reaction to soybeans. Instant diarrhea. It's not.
Are you a soy boy now? I think you're a soy because he'd be too much so you can turn into a
soy boy. I would love to be a soy boy. I wish I could eat. You want
to be, so I want to be, I said, That's a debilitating.
I would love to have a community of people to talk to you about something.
There's there is a hanger of 40 to 50 soy boys slowly dying near the airport that they're trying to just Teoh give care to while they while they pass away,
have the hangar was the best place that you
find. It's too many for the hospital Look horrible. So a boy
I know you want to be a part of the community, but the second you mentioned that I opened my twitter and it's already trending. So, boys, they're saying no, Howard for soy boy so they
know what they're saying.
You're sorry,
boys. Air rejected you to an extent where it is
trending. Christ. I can't get a break. They can barely mutter words and they've come together on how they don't want you there. How is popular with some? Go for I mean, not That's not I know.
I mean, I know it's a little different gophers and ground hogs, but I will say the ground hog came out this year and said, You're gonna be delicious for six more weeks.
That's Are you kidding me? He said he been married. He put me on the menu. You put
You are now on the road in menu, and that's the problem.
You're like avocado toast to go first. That's rarer. Lighting on fire
here. What's keeping them poor, you son of a bitch.
Oh, you've charged so much
for your flesh. I'm gonna make a movie about this
now this is an allegory. I don't think you should make another movie. Teddy, Terry. Teddy, Teddy, Make another
minute. It is Terry. And you just heard him on my stash and make another movie way.
Teddy, Teddy. 10. Get doing a cripple. I guess
we should get ready for to go for two. Failed.
Yeah. SA brought back another movie.
Thank you. So cute I have ever done. Teddy, I love your arms. Wait, I thought you
know these. Making that noise with his mouth. Those groupers trying
Teoh Running into the room. Howard, They stopped there. They're bowing and is Oh, my God! We're like listening to the farting like it's Ah flues Giving them a lesson. Diese Pied Piper,
How is the pirate party escape? Howard?
Oh, my God. They're dancing there. See? Walking. Who knew Howard was so talented?
Hello? Hello, my friend. All he Smith, That's all.
When he said friends, they'll turn around The word turned on 00 my God! He is now begging. Go first, please. She's This man is too sad to make a move. Oh, my God! The soy voice Voice Storyboards were coming
Teoh Boys World War Z But with soy boy Let's drink some milk. Babies
of ah Sui
Hate Bill Perry are formal. Rotana
guys, I like you. You like
me? I know Mom A is soy, So I estrogen
level are through the air. Ok,
all right. This Q and has gotten out of hand. Sorry, boys, if you don't have a question for me about the film I directed Tag. All right? Yeah, OK. We
owe about cash I love
to be
cast as a solo.
Jesus Christ, you sort
Bradley Whitford, Bradley Whitford Seuin
Bradley went outside trying. Yeah, we're so I bis Wade, I love the arts. Do you want to take a look at my reservation? How about my riel? Get out ahead. This is my mom. Where can be twinge in a movie?
I'm out, so I like you got Howard Todd. My goodness, I don't
make fun of Arka danger. You take vitamin d Whole milk straight So much soy it turned us and Doha dying White Milky Man Look at my Razali Luckett by real
And so that was my film. Uh, soy boys eat Howard. Does anybody have any questions? Obviously. Incorporated my last Q and A with you guys into the filled derivative to meet
Was the title based on what's eating Gilbert Grape?
Great question. The title is not, but obviously the song at the end. Waas
Oh, thank you.
You're welcome. Any other questions about the film?
Yeah. You know, I was just scratching. You didn't
say? Yeah. Um
now, students, we do have 45 more minutes. So any questions you have free to fire him off um, let me think what happened in it.
I could talk a little bit about the funny stuff that happened on Set
on a And whatever he says. It's not true. It's not true. He's making it up, so he's making it up about me.
Uh, we cast Howard as himself. In this one and onset, there's a table called the crafty Table Craft Services. While the food is, um, well, they set up a one for gophers, where they served Howard to the go first.
It's not even remotely true is now. It is not what happened. They
didn't sound like imitates. The thing is the true story. This
is a true story. True, said story. Gophers would come up. You know, if that's a free time, they'd be like I told myself I was gonna get too much our today. But here I am.
I'm swaying
and tired of getting eaten. I'm second tired. I'm getting a guy, have todo get eaten. Our it's
in their deep. We don't know what to do
about some reason. It's funny. Oh, I
mean, it's a It's a great argument to make that you're sick of it, but you're saying it literally while I'm brining you
hot Brian. Hey, hey, hey. The window. Was that a movie about a Q and A Or were we doing a Q and A. And part of it was the movie. Uh, I'm confused.
We are now two years in the future from the Q and A that inspired the movie Okay at the
movie start and that Q and a end. Or that was that was all the movie. Well, our tour, you said. And that was the movie. It
was all the movie I was, but I took liberties plot wise when it got unbelievable. That's when I was
Oh, my God, I was asleep. Mr. Levis, he you and they going to start soon? I don't know. Uh, you've been asleep for, like, 15 minutes. Sorry. I think
security is canceled. The movies canceled the Q and A is cancelled. We're not doing it. We're not doing it, Terry, go home.
What do you mean?
Go home? I don't wanna watch your Stephen movie.
Terry's been sitting here watching you sleep for 15 minutes
just right for you. The way I could show my moving through our Holocaust film. I guess our doesn't want. Oh,
no, not about that. It's not about the subject Matter of the movie. And
what happened in your dream out?
I didn't have a dream. I I barely know anything about the holocaust. It keeps being hit.
It's a thing that happened a long time ago. It's what we've talked about it. It's fine.
Don't brush over. Hold on. I'll open the door. E. Welcome to the theater. High Pizza delivered.
No, no. I've never seen a pizza man this small and Harry? No. Absolutely
not. What is this? Just keep the pizza. You gotta come over here. It's hard for it.
Uh, I'll throw you. Might you throw me their seat?
Can't. My arms were too small and I don't have opposable terms.
One of you kids go grab the receipt from that
high tiny pizza delivery I am under wherever they can. You grab important question. Sure, Mr Levins. He wants me to get you closer. To what? Now? I think he needs you to sign the receipt.
I don't know. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm not scared.
No. Lavish your pants. Yeah. Yeah. You're boiling off. They're made of wax. What? I don't know the girl who's in the pizza box. I know. Yeah, I was a real man, and I delivered a bunch of golfers to you, and I don't appreciate you calling me Harry or Tiny. They're both
true. I don't know what to tell you.
Every house I go to to Harriet tightly to be a pizza man. Well, are you a go for pizza? No. I'm a pizza man who got paid some money on the sliding serves of gophers up so they could eat. Howard, I am just a tiny Harry man who is fed up with having my body described. Okay, well, that makes sense. Okay. Thank you, Mr Levis. No trip. Of course. No. Get out of here.
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