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The guys discuss losing a Barr bet and share some important news regarding the bottomless piggybank. Then, resident substitute teacher Carly Winston recounts her very interesting history with the Teacher's Lounge hosts.
and the car Thio show
back to sleeping in the campus again. You are Really? Yeah. Well, I don't Have you used
your ass? What happening house? Well, having my house, my ex wife just moved in with her new boyfriend. Oh, my God.
The euro into your house
in my own house.
How did that happen?
I thought you had control over your domain quickly. It happened quickly. Quickly. Was it like, part of, like, a bar Bet Barb it a bar Bet like you
lost a baby. Yes, I lost a bet to Roseanne. Um, bar. And
so it wasn't a bet
in a bar. It was a bit too. Roseanne Barr, the comedian
you were just after
she was in town. This was a huge thing. She stopped eight of the local diner. She is in a nut
convention, right? She was here for a night convention. Yeah, she was here for the net convention. She's doing the national anthem, and
I got a stinger. I mean, what she said every time the
national anthem was one of the best things that's ever happened on television.
Guys, and we Can we
just stop and take a moment how beautiful the national anthem is. It's wonderful. I can't get enough of it. The tops of games.
I listen to it. I wake up to it. You d Oh, yeah, it is. Yeah. Oh, the phone. You
Well, I walk the aisle to it. Really? Every time. Every time. How
many times have you been married? Uh, in America. Three and outside of the country.
29. How s O those air nonbinding. Are you? Just You have those? Is that part of, like, vacation for you? Yeah. Vacation. Part of occasion to go get married. That's the hole for
their binding. But they
can't catch you. When you said yes, they're binding, but they can't bind me. Eso
Roseanne Barr's
in town for the nut convention. She sings the national anthem. Um, and you lose a bet to her.
How did this bet happen?
Well, it's a great question. Roseanne and I go way back.
Really? Yeah. You guys. You guys, You dated her college? Her college roommate?
Yes, I did. Her college roommate, um, years after they were in college, but they kept in touch. She went to her cauldron. It was Tom Arnold. Yeah, right. She and I dated for a minute, right? Uh, and so and he introduced you and Roseanne would love each other. And so we met. We got along. And our That's early strippers. We bet on things were both gambling addict. So that's already so we had this weird bet on we were betting on the Phillies game on and said, uh, is that the baseball game? Uh, yeah, the Philadelphia Phillies. Okay.
I wasn't sure. I thought it was Maybe the that horse, that horse.
I was thinking it was polo. Yes, I thought I called horses Polo horse sport. I
thought it was that thing where all the guys named filled in town get together and they race each other and stuff. I
think both those things I've lost money on both of those. They canceled the fillies with the men because of all those guys who got hurt. Yeah, they'll get hurt in the running of the Phils.
Yeah, yeah. The running of the pills is crazy.
If you guys don't know, there's some wine D streets in our town and a lot of men named Phil You together, we
have the
most fills per capita. Um, and they get together and they let him loose and everybody runs from moment,
just like the running of the business. Normal people running from Phil's owner's name is not Phil. They kind of
get the fills all greased up and little aggravated in a small pen. And then they let them go and they chased the normal people on the street. Yeah, they're upset when they let him go.
Okay, so you bet on the Phillies
game the baseball, I bet on the Phillies baseball team, I said, There's no way. There's no way this game's ending.
What an insane bet. Of course the game's gonna end. You usually bet the Phillies are gonna win or the Rockies air gonna lose.
I have this gut feeling that this game was going
to be a fair, went into extra innings. It was probably
what it was in the 10th inning, and I said, All
right, but it's not gonna be one into going and I
get it. I get it. You mean that's the time to make that?
In the
10th inning, the Phillies had ended up hitting two grand Slams, so they were up 14 to 3
was post that Yeah. After two grands labs,
I said the wrong.
You have a rally cap on or something? What was going on?
It's right. I had my road.
Huh? Huh? Oh,
you're gonna say I know exactly what you're gonna say. Your status guys, I know we've been recording this whole time. Get fucked. May
we do this? We
do this every time. Look, and I don't think we're on the air, but I think that this is also kind on y'all on y'all shoulders here cause I told you last week Let's just go in there and pretend like we started recording the moment we walk into the room. You
know, this is your fault. I don't think it's all my fault. We forgot that immediately after you told us that we're still in bed. I'm sorry you need to say it before the podcast day. Luckily, we're so in
the podcast zone that despite not thinking that we've been recording, we've been saying things like for those of you don't know,
this is right. This is what happens. We are
aware. I think my headphones aren't on. No. Now they are okay. And you know what? Everybody Welcome to the teacher's lounge, the first personally podcast pretending the issues relevant to the greater Levi's presents. UH, 32 31 spank cut jeans, Yes, prison
waste on inseam. And also perfect for the little bad boy who gets spanked
in Walmart a lot.
Of course, these jeans are a gene that also has, ah, sort of Velcro flap, where you can pull down the back, the back but area so you can spank your little child who's wearing them on
with everyone seeing
your legs when Mommy spanked you, where the Spank Cuts were the only old Velcro, the back bottom off,
Hold on. I think we're maybe confused
on what spank cut is cause I thought 32 31 which
is the only size these come in pine away specific. It's well, it's also the number of the Levi cut. Yeah, on 30
2 31 and first for you. That's not the insane and the ways that 30 31 you know
it's similar for you can get a 30 32 32 31. Yeah, OK, don't worry. We'll be talking about these jeans
throughout the episode. Tell us, Tell us, tell us What about the spank cut? Now, the Spain cut is for the parent to release A to release the bare butt out. Or is it for this child to know I'm
gonna be bad today and probably get a spanking? So I'm gonna put Spain cuts on it doesn't hurt.
I think they're marketing these jeans toward the self aware bad Children. Uh, you know that they're gonna have to get their pants shot off throughout the day. Uh, S O they just went ahead and built in a flat. So the child, when he knows he's gonna get spanked, can just go ahead and rip it down. Or when the parents need If you're
trending to call your mom a jackass in public, where the 32 31 spank Cut jeans If
you know your parents are struggling financially, but you have to have that toy at Wal Mart, where
the 33 to 31 spank
cuts. Anyway, I'm Howard Levis, of course. The head of administration and academics here at Swine High School on Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode. Don't you guys introduce yourselves as well?
Well, my name is Sam weatherman. Still a charge of big security here at the school and also in charge of the little boy robot program that's getting beefed up. We've, uh, more dollars to really make sure that that program is safe and, you know, being
taken care of a little boy. Uh, little little. But what was it? Ah,
little little boy. Cowboy, little cowboy. Little black cowboy robot. Little
cowboy robots that are, of course, assimilated into the school to make sure we can keep an eye on everyone.
Yeah, we got the idea. Obviously
from West World. Sort of sort of like the show. We have these really human looking robots that air, uh,
in the park.
Which is what? I've been going to school,
right? And sort of, you know, running it for us. They
sort of are in charge of a lot of the storylines for the kid's quest. World was created by a man who also wanted some sons. That's right. I famously cannot have Children and metal out. Correct. You went on
a press tour when you were ah, uh, declared impotent, right? Local
rest works I was. And what it was, I was declared legally impotent. but I'm physically not impotent. I could have sex, but I'm not allowed. Right? I thought the verdict was insane. Some sort of. Hey, me too. It was unanimous that there were six judges that all unanimously voted. No, it wasn't the jury. The jury was silenced. Six judges came in, said unanimously, This man can't have sex. I didn't think that was something that's legally possible. Tell what magical Leah died. I was happy because this was his brain child. And you know, I'm not a member of the Supreme Court Supreme Court. It's absolutely a lot of spring
court cases get get buried and you don't hear about them. But Sam was in the Supreme Court for almost six weeks, and they were weighing in on whether he is a man who can have sex.
It was the P. P. Versus the United States, right?
Yeah, that's right. I was really pushing for for something more than the peopIe, because it I felt that it dehumanized me and made it really hard for me to fight the case as a human being. Well, we're sort of laughing throughout the case, and I said, Hey, this is a big deal for me. You know, I'm not just my pee pee. I am Sam. Weatherman. Of course. You know you
had that famed. I'm not just my people
speak its first of all. I don't know if anybody understands it is tough to give a speech from the stand. Yeah, you know what I mean? It's tough to really
do it all the time in movies, but in real life, it ain't easy,
because it's I had note cards. I had bullet points I wanted to hit. I was trying to do a literal speech from the witness stand, and it's just a different meeting. We used you. I remember
practicing with you that morning. Think your, uh your PB speech? Um And you were You were You're you were on, like, just really? You didn't even need the note cards. And you famously threw him out right before
the bathroom. Well, I wanted the jury to see me
do something bold, and that was a huge
mistake. I was in
the audience of the court and you stood up the same weatherman to the stand, Please. Um and you walked up. You put a little cheap trash can on the ground. You push your foot on it. Opening up. It was one of those foot operated ones. And you threw those notecards as hard as you could into the trash.
Yeah, well, only a few
of them landed in the
trash. I'm sort of flattered and everything, but, uh, yeah, I forgot most. My speech. I lost the case. It was tough. It was a tough thing. Tohave someone basically say you're legally Yeah. Forbade. Yeah. If you like a loving relationship. If you have sex, you goto federal prison. Well, I go straight to the electric chair. It's they've they've upped it since. So they brought the electric chair back for this, right? Yes, Absolutely. Sitting there waiting on only Yeah, I'm in the old electric chair. They brought it back. The oldest one. The 1st 1? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. The one that they just on a couple of Russian spies. They took me in there. It's pretty nice. I will say you're right. It is an antique.
It's nice. It's wow. Wow. But hoping not to get they're trying to stay
celibate. Anyway, I have the security of the campus locked down. I got nothing better
to do That is a huge new thing for you.
That's right. It's crazy because we have a famous virgin. Okay. All right, all right. And you can't have set. Well, you would
know that I legally, you guys would have proof that I wasn't a virgin. If he showed up to my life sex demonstration in the gymnasium last week, you decided not to be. Oh, that invitation was disgusting.
What do you mean? No one showed up, but I'm not so sure it actually happened. The drones have no footage.
It absolutely did have. And what do you mean? Those invitations were discussing. I owe. And I opened 350 condoms. Took the condom out. Yeah, put a little note inside of him and they were lubricated. So the note got sweaty and I said, I'm out to everybody in the school. Who? I wanted to see me have sex.
You just
asked me What do you mean, disgusting? And then you describe the most disgusting invitation. I
don't find that disgusting.
I find that natural. What? You've never opened up a condom and put a note in it and gave it to a woman? No. Interesting.
No no interesting. Well, what was? So can you tell us again? What? What was it for? Why did you do it? Because I'm sick and freaking tired of you guys coming on this podcast and tell me I never had sex before. I understand the
motivation, because last week we really drug You threw the money.
Yeah, that's true. You got, like, one
of the most fun times we've
had on this pod. Yes, we all high fived. There was a blast ridiculing you for being a virgin. Must've made you sad
way. You know, it didn't make
me sad because I've been dealing with this shit for my entire life. All right,
what does that guy have to do to
prove to his friends that he's had sex
before? Look, once. Okay. Okay, that's funny. I mean, I don't have anybody corroborate your story. Any other party that doesn't deny
it, You know, nobody. Nobody's denied having sex.
You've had 200 denial since we've got into this. What are you talking about? Checked with every prostitution town, and they'll vehemently say Yes. I know exactly you're talking about and know the rumors, not trying trying to prod me hundreds of thousands of dollars. And yes, I said, no. That's
unfair. All right, listen, I have had so much sex. In fact, I bet you I've had the more I have had the most sex of any person there is in this room. What? What are you
what happened at
the live sex demonstration that we luckily missed? Well,
I walked into the gymnasium. Uh, my friend Carol was there. We had discussed previously that this was not gonna be emotional sex. This is gonna be sex that was there. Just demonstrates that I was capable. This
is really off.
What are you talking about? This is really knows. You know what? This is a new low for even us. No, it's not okay. You guys drug
me down here. You guys forced me to do this,
okay? This is not I didn't want to do this. We marched Carol into a gym packed with student. No, there were students of them. But what are we inching for new students there? Because it seemed that
there was some sort of distraction. I don't know. Maybe something.
We wait. We, ah, found out and made sure to squash the invite so that no one showed up
to, you know,
trying to stop you from ever having sex. Oh, come all right.
Yeah. I'm starting to feel that way. I'm starting to feel like I'm the
thing that makes you guys feel like Big Man.
Well, I'll just say this.
I'm not jealous. It's not from that. It's not pure jealousy from
you. I'm just sick, man. I don't know what I did. You fuck
Carolyn in front of our just in the gym by
her name was Carole, not Caroline. Listen, maybe and no, we didn't have sex. Okay, I know we didn't, because it would have been weird for us to have sex in an empty gym. That's the first
legit excuse. I've heard from me for never having sex.
You know what? I don't know what I don't know what to say, Guys. You guys really pushed me to the edge Sometimes. I hope you know that. You know, a couple weeks ago, you told me to kill myself.
Bill. Well, well, we're still waiting. You just want me to kill myself. No, no, come on. Listen, You found this school, and that makes me happy. I wish I could. Come on. This is
you guys know you guys heard about what happened? The bottom was piggy bank has either been stolen or misplaced. I don't know where it iss. Okay, Kevin. Kevin McCallister, also known as Macaulay Culkin.
Well, it's out. Yeah, we were. People need to know. Macaulay Culkin
took his lunch break or something. He comes back, and either somebody walked in there and still litter. Somebody moved it or, like, put something over it, and we haven't. We will find it yet,
but it's not there any
more devastating. It's just devastating. As you all know, we keep all the money that funds this school in a bottomless piggy bank that is a pig with its pants. Ceramic pig with his pants pulled to the ground, showcasing its grotesque genitals. Sorry, Imogene. Sort of ceramic genitals. It was designed by one of our best friends, Pablo Picasso,
which we've told this story on every ever
set of the broadcast booth. I don't think people no way. It was designed by one of
our best friends, Slaughter Acosta and no relation to
well, lots of relation to Petey slob. Low, but no relationship. Lots of relations,
Petey Slob Low. As
you all know, I'm not a Petey. Pablo.
Hey, was a singer
Petey slob, Um, from South Carolina? Carolina? Yeah. Come on and raise up. Take your shirt off, stuff it up your butt and put out
what it's gross. Was Weighs heavily related to slob love Picasso
way. Keep all of our money in cash and it's
been stolen. Okay, It's been stolen. Don't searched every large room in the city and we can't find
it. Yeah, on. And, you know, we're leaving this up to you guys. Okay? Yeah. We're leaving this up to the listeners. If you guys want to just act like nothing happened and return the bottomless piggy bank to the room it was in, we will be
no questions And those questions, but we will. We will reprimand the hell out of you. You're gonna hear it from us. You you will hear from not getting off scot free for this. No, this isn't like a polite drop off thing.
I mean, lucky for you guys,
we are making money through all of our for profit ah departments around the school. The doing that lunch room is pretty much a fully functioning grocery store. It
That's right. That's right. Our our theater and arts program is paid for through the next five years because I have you guys heard. But my play, my conversations with the devil is going to Broadway and it's sold out. Really? Yes. Old great way. That's right. We're going to the great
White way now. Now you have been submitting
to Broadway, but you finally got on. And this is the Broadway, right?
Yeah. This is the Broadway. It's Ah, 42nd Street, Newark, New Jersey.
Okay, that's not the one I'm thinking of, but, uh, Newark. A lot of
people think New York is where Broadway is. A main brother.
I thought, you know,
if you wanna watch crap if you want to watch you boring crap, you know, go see your cats there.
Okay? Yeah. Yeah. You're having hand said
Yes, dear Evan Hansen, Hamilton, Ham, whatever you want. But New York, New York's Broadway, That's where the real art
are. Their theaters on 42nd Street in Newark. Uh, well, any
the world is a stage, as they say. No, I know there is not a place where you can sit comfortably and enjoy a plate. Get a line in the water.
What is their
theaters in New York, New Jersey, actually are take place in abandoned smoke factories, which are just factories that just create smoke their
humps smoke out. That's right, which was a booming industry
in the 80. It was a huge industry. Obviously you imagine a city like Pittsburgh God, you know, new work. Any American lake, Michigan and Michigan Old Dick Kensi in England. Uh, the smoke factories. And now those air defunct but disgusting. Still, so people don't want to go in, right. And you could do a great play in there so that I'm doing my conversation with the devil in their
eye. See? Now sold out. Run.
No tickets.
No, I mean, we sold out quickly. Uh,
right, right. You had even
done a regional production yet
you made a lot of compromises. Are just Wait. What did you have to change? Because this is a passion project for you. But in the meeting you get,
you gave in on everything. I'm still passionate about it. There are a lot more references. Thio How much preparation h has helped me over my life.
Hey says, Maybe sponsored by prep age of
the people who sold out, we've instead of Constance that we're wearing nascar style stuff. Body says Yeah, yeah. So, uh,
what all
the big productions air doing now, though, And Bron in Newark. I've I've been reading about it, and every show now is sponsored. Anybody who tries to say that they've got integrity and they're doing the art, their art, for art's sake.
In 2017 2017 if you're not
making money like really money off of your art, you're a bitch.
Agree? Wow, I love that. Agreed. I like a heart of that bitch we're making. We're not bitches because we're making money off the school. Yeah, yeah. If you don't handle Robert, you're a bitch. I love that I love that. Show that billboard in front of this school. I also makes
a gif of that line, I hope. I hope my name is attributed to it in something
I heard
most of your play at this point is a go is Ah, an infomercial.
You heard correctly. Okay, It's an infomercial for X two through four for the hair. Y p. It's a great product.
You use hair white. Yeah, it's for those of you don't want
to shower. Yeah, it's well, it's for people who are on the go and need an alternative solution to the long shower.
Those who don't want to shower with the first I know I've seen
the hair wifey and commercial.
It's the first, the first. Do you not have time to shower? And the whole audience goes, No, I disagree with the way Disagrees. Came here a lot of happy. That's one thing I make plenty time for.
The next question is, even if you don't, I'm sure you're wearing a hat or putting product in your hair. And everyone said,
No, that's fine. So the 1st 4 if
I miss the infomercial, is kind of a back and forth of trying to get on some sort of common ground. Very frustrated. The host is mad.
Yeah, uh, the host is you or your wife because now that's changed because it was you and the devil.
Sorry. Except, of course, well, neither of us are in the play anymore. Due to some of the compromises we had to make. One of the compromises was you remaining nowhere near as faras possible from it was what was the word?
Yeah, I noticed. You're not even out of town. You're not even injured.
That's correct. It's barely my play anymore. But years your baby I'm an artist, you know. Sorry. It's got to sell out, and this will pay for my future art. I'm very confused because
you it seems as if you
sold an infomercial for the hair wifey that takes place here. Y p um
you're very different from the hair wifey, wifey. Their wife eat. That's where the big money is for takeoff. Yeah. Are you tired of your wife being a human that can walk around and talk to you and er well, didn't you always wish your
wife was a ball of hair?
Oh, Herr wifey.
Also this I've used hair wifey as well, and they sound crazy. But honestly,
you fucked a ball hair. Yeah, I fucked in here, right way beyond the hair
wife. He would turn you down.
I actually tried to buy a hair wife. He had a sex shop. Romantics, you know,
over on the corner. Then a cop walked in. I had to stop because you're gone straight to the
chair. Yeah, I didn't want it, but I don't know what the rule is. You have sex
with an inanimate object, and you'd be fine.
Well, they have your face up in sex shops like unwanted post.
Yes, but you know, they're old timey, and so I respect that. At least it's, like,
fun and kitschy, and it doesn't say or alive. It just has wanted dead.
Yeah, it's I look out for this man and his 42 cowboy sons.
Yeah, you're easy to spot. Totally. Yeah. Well, at this point, I have sort
of an entourage of my Children. Follow me around my Children. I mean, robots that have program to watch the school
later. Jessica, Uh, way. Yeah. I'm excited to see what happens with this play because it sounds like you didn't make compromises. I'd be interested to see what happens when the show actually goes up. Yeah. I mean, it would probably be a good idea at some point for you guys to maybe team up what you have
to promote my show. You've been promoting sports so well.
Yeah, well, you know, I I
am. I apologize that during my last event, it was such a hit. It was the time when the pig are bottomless. Piggy bank. Which
do that? Does anyone know what that is? It's a giant ceramic
piggy bank. Huh? What? That's bottoms pulled to its ankles. Let's g o on. And you should see it's grotesque. Genitals are kind of splayed out on showing on. And it was done by our friends. Slob Low Picasso,
right? Who? Everyone? No relation to Picasso. Everybody knows this, I think at
this point. But it was stolen
during my last event, which went off really well. Really, Really? Well, um it was a CZ. You guys know we've been I've been promoting. Ah, the school athletic events here as kind of Ah, the way Don King would have just really, really having a blast. Um, and promising, um, lots of different things that happen at these these events. You did
a kind of like a Thrilla in Manila style track event where you had the whole event happening in Africa. Yes. And you promoted the hell out of it.
I really promoted the hell of it, and
it was
huge. I mean, that made the school
almost $30 million. We're very happy for that. It was really unbelievable. A lot of people say it's because we threw
the match. Yes. Yeah, well, I have been Ah, And this might be, um, you know, against the rules, but everybody does it. Um, you throw the matches, you get tons of people to bet on it. And I've been having all of our, um, our athletes just roll over. Really? Just just
can you believe
the in those movies where it's a thing where it's like the guys are feel weird about rolling over in boxing for money and it's like they have integrity? It's like integrity.
Fuck off. Yeah, money is awesome. It's unbelievable. And of course,
all of the athletes here getting paid under the table we're not like the NC double. No
known in. In, In, in, in.
We're paying athletes and we're letting them know up front you're getting C T E u. Getting bad brain damage is going to hurt you for life.
We actually give a scan at the end of the season, and if they don't have c t, we actually just hit him in the a bunch of times.
Well, then they have to give
some of the money back. It's like, Where's the sacrifice? Exactly exactly. But this week, um, you know, I apologize that, you know, things got so exciting that
no, it's just that I'm a little scared, you know, because with these sort of like organized crime type dealings, where you're throwing matches and like bets, you're having people bet on your athlete and then purposely making them them lose. You get
a lot of people that get angry at you. And we know there's been no shortage
of, ah, sort of like vandalism and death threats and like, yes, I'm bomb threats,
which is fair. It's not fair for anyone to attack your character just because they don't like your behavior. I mean, like, listen, I mean, I do awful things that doesn't have
anything to do with my
character. I mean, we I have been,
you know, I have been, um, in talks with the mob. I got in with them. I need protection. Um, as you guys have seen that gentleman Carmine, who's at all the events he is, he's a pretty dangerous guy. Uh, he looks just like Stevens it from the E street band. He looks like the tightest hanky around
his head isn't a hanky and not a head scarf.
Yeah, he has a have a e. He's got a guitar on. Yeah, way
all know the worst part. You can't be on you give me on Mike around this guy without him trying to share your mind.
Yeah, he came in when we were recording the podcast today. Like I was supposed to sing with him. Yeah, he's silently got his backup. Thio you right now I gotta get out of
here, Carmine. And he's also spends a lot of time in the city of Lily Hammer. That's right. That's right. That's right. A
lot of parallels to the career TV bends. And
but we've seen him at the games. We seal way. See lots of people walking up in handing him just envelopes. I'm assuming of cash. I don't know what what
comments doing all He's keeping all the books. I saw someone walk up in hand. Him an envelope that was pretty pretty positive was stuffed with a gun. Yeah, I could really see the outline of a gun in the envelope. Yeah,
and I don't know if this is the thing I should bring upon the air. Not, But it's just a thing that I noticed. I noticed you look into your gym bag after the game the other day. You're Tim in your gym bag. You opened up your gym bag on there were talking
about that guy named gym
bag. You opened up a gym bag.
You open them up on, boy, he cried.
No, he's talking about your bag.
No talking about your job, your bag that you keep her close. And you know the story about you. You opened up your gym bag, and there was, ah, severed raccoon head inside of Yes.
That is in
case I need to let someone know that they're on their way out.
Okay, so it has nothing to do with you being in in hot water, in trouble, in any fashion. It's helping. Oh, is that what that means? In what was interpreted the family, that somebody
put that in my bag to give to somebody else. You
know that I am in it for you. Oh, that's not made a pass. What did you think
happened when common gave you the kiss of death when
he made out
with me just you decide. You know,
I thought that I thought that I was like, Carmen, I really I really appreciate it, but I don't do that no more.
Yeah, I thought he knew
about my phase in college. I think she
might have been suggesting that you might be a dead man's. Really? Yes. That's usually just means in the Mafia community.
So I didn't Carmine make
out with someone and then murder them. Not too. Not too long. Afternoon. Really? You saw you witnessed that you wouldn't make it to murder.
Yeah, I heard about Carmine Will fuck
men and then kill them, right?
That's right. I was up at makeout point alone and I saw Carmine
in his caddy on He made out with a guy on
when he left a body rolled out the front door Now in Europe. But make a point alone. Are you pretending to make out with someone? Are you looking at? Oh,
no, I don't have a car. I
obviously can't have a car up there. And I can't bring a woman up there,
so, you know, make out point Usually is also a lookout point, right? I'm there alone looking out ice
and sort of thinking about how I could never be with anyone. Well,
I'll let you know next time I'm going up there to have sex with someone, and you can come up there alone, and you can witness it firsthand.
I've never bought a sentence less than that one. I don't buy it.
I'll let you know I'm going to go have sex in public. That way you can come witness it. Yeah, right now, other
than all of the students here, the school who maybe have disagreements with us, Um, and hate our guts and the Mafia. And, um, El Chapo, do
we have any of these
government Belle and I said governed. Do
you have any
leads on who might have stole our bottomless pit? I don't You
know what? I was at the top of my head. No, but I can't o j can't get out of prison soon
enough. We're counting down the day.
We know his history with getting his own memorabilia back.
Pretty doesn't blow it. And to be fair, I think I think he, uh he's gonna be out soon and he'll he'll go
to bat force. Yeah, well, I mean he's gonna He's gonna be on campus teachings commercial acting class as well. Remember,
if there's one thing we know when o. J. Gets out, he's gonna get in trouble.
attentions Line high students, this is Todd Padre. Today's announcement would like you all to know that they're not to student drop off zones based on how ugly your parents
are. We've
got a fun little guest in the studio today. We're gonna be talking Thio Substance Residents. Substitute teacher. Yeah. Carly Winston. Carly. How's it going?
It's going pretty good. Thanks for being here. Wow, Carly, always when we are in ah, bine, she will come in whether we have to fire a teacher or somebody's sick. Last minute
passengers drop out, too. Emotional distress a lot. Yeah. Sometimes
I just request that I want to come in.
Yeah, well, well brewed it.
Honestly, it's so it's so gratifying. And teachers appreciate it when you walk into the room and say, Hey, you know what, Tim, You don't have to teach today. Carly's got you.
Yeah, because you come in almost
as if you are an unwanted tag team member at a wrestling match.
Tickets for the students. It's to build morale. You make him feel like somebody out of the school cares about them.
Yeah, well, you picked a few teachers asked in front of students before, and it really pumps up the class.
They seem to enjoy it. Yeah.
You're trained. Fighter?
Yeah. Three time champion.
Yeah, you gave
a. That's not another match, David. You're a champion of that blood sport. Lead through
the death. I've killed
three people legally, of course. Obviously in foreign countries where it's legal to kill someone in
a fight. You killed Frank Dux.
First charge was legal to kill one fight.
As long as it's the same inside, they die. Then they assumed the risk
of death, right? But like, despite
your, uh, insane energy and killer instinct, you also know, you know, English math,
English speaking, like some of our teachers.
I do carry around a calculator. Everywhere I go,
you mostly teach a calculator. You come you gave you
busted us into the calculus class the other
day. I gave the teacher a rock bottom
and then started teaching calculator. You changed the whole course?
Well, yes. It's about what kind of words you can type
you immediately type you immediately dying. Five,
8008 turned it upside down and screamed Boo! And then walked out of the room.
the whole class said, I think that's a spoon, but
you didn't do it right.
It is. You're supposed to do it backwards. It's supposed to say you do it backwards. So when you flip it over, it says in the right
way. That's in Spanish, though,
uh, did in the wrong class,
I I'm still new. Okay, I'm a sub way.
Appreciate it. Because of what a lot of the main thing with you was. We couldn't find a subhead all their immunizations, and you had him all.
I travel a lot for all my fighting, so I'm constantly up to date with shots. I get shots I don't need.
You are immune to things that
people don't get immune to.
A very tough constitution. It's almost as if the cocktail of immunization says it has made you immune to every disease.
Is this what you're immune to? Coughing?
Yeah. I can't remember the last time I coughed.
Yeah, you. Ah, you took a, um a drug right in the neck that makes you call for a straight year, and then you're done with it.
Yeah. I mean, even if I tried to cuff. Yeah, I just
tried. You tried? It came out. That wasn't That's amazing. Modern science.
That's incredible. Weapons. If you choked on a piece of popcorn or something like
that, there's no sound.
So just hard wind. Why you so
you you choke a lot. Uh, because you can't cough to let people know that you're choking. So you go down at restaurants a lot silently.
I am an easy fainter, right? So I try not to eat a lot of food before or during any of my fights For while I'm teaching. Yeah. Yeah, because it's hard to signal to the students that about to hit ground.
And that's an interesting Now, that's an interesting thing for a fighters
to be an easy, fainter. Good thing you are so volatile and aggressive on offense because on defense, I mean, you know, you could probably choked out pretty easy.
You just don't let him catch you and just be, uh, you know, going straight
for blood. Yeah. Now we've known you for a while. You're more of a friend than you are. Ah ah, an actual teacher. And you're just someone who covers our ass. Says, um, we met you, Um, at ah, concert in 79. It was James Taylor, Jackson Browne, Jax and Brown. Um, it was
that he was there.
He was in attendance. He he was in attendance begging to get on.
So, yeah, we're not talking about who was playing. No. So James Taylor was in the audience. Jackson Browne was in the audience. Raffi abba concert was nah, but this was a really musician's musician type concert. Yeah.
Yeah. Um and it was you were there on
the contest.
You won the call in contest.
Yeah. So I I got I got to wear one of the ABA outfits and dance on stage.
Yes. What are their
outfits? I was blind drunk than the seven days, so I don't remember what have a war ise it like a gold. Is it
depending on they have costume changes on DSO for part of it, I got to stand. There's a gate between us, but I have to put on one of the costumes like a white jumpsuit with flares. And I got you. I waved to Jamestown.
You kind of looked like you were in jail on state because there was a gate between you and the band on the gate between you and the audience and then a gate between you and the security
and a game between you and the monitor guy. So you were enclosed in gates.
I was calling. I was a caller from jail, but they accepted me, uh, and
Abbas. So work release program. What a lot of people don't know is this is a
little loophole for our justice system in America. If you win a call in contest on the radio, that gel has to honor
it. And that's the other thing. They don't tell you. They say one phone call you actually get to. You get one to friends and family, and then
you get your radio one chance at a radio
contest, and that is your out. And if you happen to win, you are Scott frame,
and that's what happened. That's why cash ended up having to go to Folsom Prison because the whole prison, when the contents, every single inmate and so he was like a ll Fuck it. I'll just go to that.
And those prisoners were pissed off. We're going to a concert. He's not coming to us. And they actually murdered a few guards that night. That's
right. That's right. So you were in
jail on stay at the ABBA concert, and we were like,
Who is that? There isn't No, she won.
Eso uh, we managed Thio get in to your box. Yeah, it was It was not. Not your typical
when you pulled us right into cell. Yeah,
I did it. I did it. And you have to help me break out, which was So that's why I have such a bond. Yeah.
You are on the lam now. I mean, we shouldn't
be saying this name we're using. We're using Ah, suit a new car. Carly isn't Carly's real name,
but no statute of limitations because you've been
out. We busted you out a long time ago. You
have been living free
almost 40 years.
Yeah. Yeah. Is that does that? I think. And they still get her. I
think you're fine. I'm not a lawyer, but I think your phone what should
we just say? Her real name
way might as well. And then just see what happens. Is that okay with you?
Ah, you know, I have been getting a little bored, so
let's see if we can
get you wanted again. Um,
so we
know we know her real name. A very, very wanted woman. Um, who is our Our sub? Our go to sub who now goes by Carly. Um what is her name?
Way? Could've brought you. Remember my real name.
Hold on. Wait way. No, we know
what you were known as, um, crispy way. We remember that you were known as crispy crispy the murderer. That's what that was your famous name that was going around in the mid seventies. You were
You would murder people and then singe their hair
to make it look like a fire. But no one ever believed it.
Yeah, no one bought it. You just sit there. Hair you
didn't like a little lighter lighter, and see
you right off the papers. This
house burnt down on this person burnt down. What's going on with you? Because that seems so wrong.
I I got a bad perm. I say 72. It was a big, big craze.
Now what would you consider
a good perm because I've seen perms and
in front of you right now. So you might You might be able to use these as an example on one
of the shining star perms.
We've all had a bad perm. Let's be up front about that. Everybody who lived through the seventies has gone through a bad patch,
specifically went into my barber and asked for the bad perm
and I I asked for the chicken berm. How was that? Well, I don't know. Chicken parm, that's where kicks its name, right? Um, and they have a
brining technique to make a perm look like this.
But basically it's just a
regular perm with marinara sauce.
So think it over the wash thinking they Brian Okay, it's
very near sauce with a nice hunk of fresh mozzarella melts.
They take you over the wash sink and they Brian your head and hair. It's obvious what my hair is right now. It's super curly with marinade sauce and a little more months. Yeah, they said you underneath the heat lamp and they melt the cheese right on top. So I'm sorry. Crispy. You you
had a bad perman. You were pissed.
It's a sense of
me, too.
It's a sensitive thing, Of course. Of course. I mean, I'm scarred from it physically. Yeah, that's why I don't have hair on top of my head.
And we have been We never wanted to ask. You wouldn't want to be rude, but that's how it happened.
You're sporting the most classic male pattern baldness with home over and everything. You know, usually you can walk
up to a bald guy and sort of go like,
Hey, what happened? You know, way Didn't want to do that with you.
Well, yeah. I mean, when a woman's walking around with Hulk Hogan hair, it's called Ring
I and silky your hair. And I would also
say whole coded body,
right? Yeah, you look like Go get them. It's wonderful. Tan. So
you're bringing the Fu Manchu back? Yes,
that's I didn't shave today, but sometimes I
wonder Way. So that's a day's growth through. This is
It's actually just from the last a few hours.
Really? Well, you know, when you're getting all those shots, some different things, you're gonna start to happen. You've gotten taller since I've known you. Yeah, I noticed At least a couple of ground having a Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah. And it seems to be all in the torso.
How here
growing is full torso, your legs that not blood.
So you got You got okay. Obviously we know what you look like. A super long torso. You look almost exactly like how they, um you know what?
You're you come in here and yourself whenever you want. What's your day to day life? Like when you're not doing that?
I make a lot of lists.
Oh, really? What you want? What, you on lists or you more? You're working Buzzfeed.
Uh, we'll both try to split my time, but, uh, it's not like a grocery list. It's a lot of names of people. Um, grievances.
All of history's greatest people kept list. Nixon. Uh, scary killer Schindler.
He was a good one.
My Aunt Tammy. Uh, Santa Claus.
Santa Claus? Santa Claus?
Uh, I don't mean to assume, but
greatest list. Keeper of all, we almost forgot. Tracking it twice has been on
a couple of his list, if you know what I mean both. I don't I don't
I don't mean to assume, but most people who make lists of people of names. These air sort of your kill lists, You could say where you've got plans to, uh, you know, uh,
murder was a burner.
Yeah. Would you say that's the kind of list you spend your day making?
No. These are all just alternate. Uh, alternate personalities that I could possibly take on. Oh,
I see. I see you have your
list here with you.
Rhonda. Tina, Just first names. Salon JJ.
Oh, hold on. You're not telling me that you are also Beyonce's sister?
Well, I was
one of your
Listen, we're giving a lot of reveals away today, but yes, I am.
My God.
Wonder you kicked the crap out of J. C.
That was you beaten up Jay z and that elevator
didn't see that camera in there.
Yeah, usually check for I cannot believe you are. So hold
on. Hold on. Rhonda. Tina Salon JJ. So, uh, your salon JJ, Beyonce's sister. Are you Rondo?
Rousey? The fighter?
One of them.
Oh, my God. There's a lot that was you beaten, Jay Z up. Is Rhonda Rousey an elevator?
Yeah. Yeah, there's another video, but Jay Z's gotten
beaten up in almost L. A. Every elevator he's ever been in. If
he finds himself in there with a person other than himself, it's beat up its Yeah,
think about it. He was also beat up by Tina the Lama from Napoleon Dynamite.
Oh my God, I was thinking it was Tina Turner, but it's Tina the lama from Napoleon
Dynamite. That was also me. I was very close to Jay Z
Friendly friendly Or
are you? Are you assuming assuming a different identity to beat Jay Z up because you secretly have beef?
It's not beef. It's I'm sexually aroused by him.
Um Oh, so those air like little fights, a little foreplay, little passions.
It's to confuse people around us because we are in love.
Wow, This is unbelievable. You are. You are. You are our favorite sub. You're also crispy from the seventies. You're still on your Tina. You're Rhonda Rousey. This is unbelievable. You know some people, it's the 80 20 rule. Yeah, 80% of the
work gets done by 20% of the people.
You're doing a lot
of the work of the population out. Wow. And this list is long. This list is long,
long, long George Scroll. That
more of us great is the scroll. It's like a
receipt. It's like an accountant's receipt right on his calculator. Right. I do that when I'm Arthur the accountant.
Martha. Oh, I see are when
I make that list. I see numbers are math
right now. Teach you type out the list on a calculator.
I'm an
observant guy. I'm an actor. So I like to look at people's inner learn. And you are not nytr observant right now.
Yeah, I wouldn't say you're either at
the moment. Really? Who among us has a play on Broadway? Uh, none of us really sold the rights to be an infomercial. How is Yeo Factory? Did you make for it? 40,000
$4000? No shit. Coin Way. Right now, she is
worth 0.7 cents.
Shit Coin. Tha This is big news. This is big news. Shit. Coin was just
in U. S. News and World report is the worst investment you could make in your life.
It was shit. Coin is
we all know what shit coin is. It is a currency
that is based on a room full of shit. Yes, in
with Constance and we accept it at my closed folkish up. We accepted it. My bad fancy ice cream place on will be
exactly. Is that still going? You're bad. Fancy asking place.
That's better than ever. Really big right now. Wow. Lot of money are
only accept Bitcoins.
We only accept shit coins. A lot of people are saying like a shit currency at a place where you buy food that sounds terrible on it's like, Well, love it or leave it, Idiot.
I love stroking of your store level, and I tried,
um, your new flavor corn
cream corn God, it was cream corn, corn cream, corn. Um, God, it was awful. I mean,
like, I got it and I hated it.
It's the consistency of cream corn and then on top of the consistency of corn on the cob,
it's hard to go through. Why is the creamiest part the base? Theo Cream, I think,
should be on the top. Well, if it ain't hard to hold, it ain't fun to eat. So that's kind of ours. Our situation there is all mushy in your hands. You bite into the top and it's difficult
now if I remember
you serve your ice cream in the husk of an old fish that gets thrown across the room. That's right.
That's correct. Anyone? I was going anyway, I'm
an observant man. I know. I see people and I see what's going on with them. And it seems like you do not love yourself. And so you're trying to be all these other people.
I would agree and also disagree with that statement. Okay. Um, I I love myself, but I also I hate myself Probably more than I love. Yeah, I think that's something that we haven't caught him. We've been bonding.
You would agree.
I would agree. I would agree to disagree.
Okay. Okay. Everybody people are
nuanced. Alright? You don't look at somebody and say that person's
all happy. That person's all sad. I disagree. Everybody is one thing.
Why don't you go around the room and label whatever one thing is teach. What
are one thing is
I think you might be right. You've got a great
judge. A care lands on us.
He's got a lot like your character. But I do think you've gotta do me last. You are
an absolute scum bag. But in what comes to others.
Your God, you know, others s Oh, my thing. Tortured creative Gene.
Pretty self grab a pretty self congratulatory, but we'll go with.
Okay, Uh, yours me, Mr Crave. Yes, Um, go to my mind is that you have married
judge my hairstyle ways, overpowering everything else about something that I'm doused in Marineris
with Tehran. Is that in the street gonna be? Oh, a rich inner life.
I'm sorry. I got a chicken permanent bill. I think you got to stick to it as that trend sores. You're gonna be an early adopter, not a weirdo anymore. Assume people start wearing I've been the earliest adopter of the worst things. That's right. Some of them. I'll say. Some of the things never even took off your So they ended as soon as I did them. You still do. P 90 X, right? Absolutely. As soon as I started doing
it, everybody said was done. We're done.
We're done. You're late. Adopter still
tarnished. Um, I picked up a fidget spinner the other day and 40 kids beat the shit out of me.
Yeah, well, that'll happen. Yeah,
uh, all right, Sam, I would say you. Ah, Aye. Angry depressive. What? That's hit. That means he likes it crispy. I would say again, You hate you. Hate yourself. So you're looking for someone else to be. That's your one thing. And then, Howard, you're a
virgin. Smiles smile. Everyone in the room, you're gonna say that. I don't think that he was grinning like way. Should have seen that coming. That's ridiculous.
It's the reason I was always bad at poker. Is my When I'm excited, You could tell
you would always roast someone right before you place the bet on the way. We could always tell you've got a
good hand because you call Howard a virgin.
Yeah. What a tale U S o now crispy. Uh, Christy, you have Bill
Clinton written on this list. You don't tell us your Bill Clinton?
No, that's actually I wanted to remind myself I play cards with him on Wednesday.
Okay, so this list
your card games, just writing his name down. Okay,
Well, yeah.
How are you going to remember the poker game with Clinton?
You're going to say weekly game. You're
going to say with Clinton. That's true. It's slick, Willie, Like, around the table? Yeah, you've hung out with him,
E. I mean, pretty nude. So naked. We all are.
Oh, you play. Who is at who is at this poker is, like, really spoke with crispy the murderer. Bill Clinton. The murder. How many seats? Agreed? Agreed. We all know how you feel about what A lot of
people know that the feed could cut out right before he said I did not kill that woman. That's right.
Roseanne comes to Roseanne. Yeah. I mean, she's just when she was in town,
yourself around, you mess up, you find an axe moving into your home? Yeah, You
probably not a lot of bar bets. Well, yeah, Yeah. You, Bill Clinton, Roseanne Barr. There's a couple others that fill out this table. Are there? Are they famous, are they not? Usually
we, uh, we'll slow down one of our vans, and you know, we'll ask them to get in.
Slow down. You don't go into
like a like a bang bus type of situation like that's the only van I
know that slows down and gets people in
our party is banging in there. Yeah, six loud. The bang bus
gets me almost every time
you guys know about that gets you? Pulled you into the bus. Well, we all know what the
bang bus is. It's a it's one. A very popular porn site or by the Bang Brothers. Yeah, the Bang Brothers. It's a bus that cruises around town and gets vulnerable people inside. And sometimes they're Ah. Sometimes they get, um ah and II mask. Ah, blindfold put on them and then, like, they get blown by a guy and instead of a girl, and it's like, Oh, we got here.
I think you're thinking of the bait bus. Oh, I'm thinking of the baby.
Whatever it is, it's getting accidentally blown by. Guys
keep getting, and I keep
walking the same streets hoping to not get picked up again. But I always do. I'm always back out there anyway, you guys, you you kidnapped people to bring to the poker game.
Yeah, we blindfold him, blow him and then
weigh very much. It's kind of
how we all got initiated. I mean, Bill started it, and I'm really Yeah,
Bill has
a bang bus or a baby is,
uh, it's a It's a bait and bang select Billy.
Ah, well, you know, uh, we wanted to do Ah, little segment today because we are running up on the midway point of the semester, and we kind of wanted to just do a little midterm. Chicken? Yeah. Turn raids. Giving ourselves a great
teacher gives you a note. You know, says this is what you need to work on for the second half of the year. We're gonna give ourselves a little note.
Yeah, and we're not going to give each other a note now
because everyone knows what you know. It would be a waste our time talking about your Honestly, you
don't have to go. Well, the rest of us will do it. We know you want to lose your virginity, and that should be at the top of the list.
So we'll go to N f. Well, great ourselves. Family. Yeah. All right. Well, great ourselves on our performance for the first half of this semester, and then we'll give ourselves ah, goal and our expectation for the next half. Uh
OK, well, I'll start. I think so far this semester, I'd have to give myself on. Hey, Plus, I think really opening up. I'm closing off to my
father, but I'm opening up as a father. I think our defenses air strong. The TSA has never been more militarized.
And, yeah, I feel good. I think if there's anything that I
need to dio its toe open up to my surroundings a little bit more, I think I am a little on the defensive because defense is so in my brain all the time, so you wouldn't give yourself a lower grade. Um, just despite that, we have kicked out many goths from the school with no questions asked. They're not even allowed. They're getting straight up profiled at the TSA. That's why I'm giving myself in a plus. Okay, I've said from the beginning, that's all I got
for your security on campus. And we lost our bottom. Was piggy bank
okay? Not my fault. I mean, we are all saying OK, OK, so we're not walking back from an A plus two a day, my okay, down their way, you
know, complimentary. So let's see, so far this year, I have put up a play with my starring myself in my ex wife, written by the students that I sold to preparation H. And, um uh What was it? Hair wipes, baby hair, white pieces. No eso. Now, after I have about three months to put on another play and find something to Dio I've been trying to find religion this year. That's going really well. Um uh
so Well, you're not even talking about it. You brought that up
at the beginning of the season. You haven't touched on it, so it
didn't go well. Nothing interesting has happened. Related,
Frank. Specific to reference Rabbi, uh, for did I not mention that I'm a rabbi,
huh? No, you did. You did. You did. You were around your
half, rabbi. Have pope. That's your hat.
Also mentions that you've got one of those Yom occurs, but that's like a belt buckle. That sort of has words running. Yes. Has asked me about my judios.
Yeah, and people say, um Shalom and arrivederci, Thio the same. The same sex.
So anyway, I I'm generally pretty hard on myself, but a
plus, I agree. I think that's a great great I think that's a great great Taking everything into
account, being fair to yourself being fair to the students.
I mean, just offer Go ahead. No, no,
I mean, I I
feel like a plus is a little high. I
was gonna say the same thing because I think you have to take into account the fact that you did sell out. Aah! And you did compromise your art. And as an artistic person, I mean,
I feel like that's Ah, that's gotta dock you a couple points. Yeah, you're right. A minus now. That's right. Yeah. I think that's what we were looking for.
Let's remember here, guys, you guys haven't gone yet, so let's not be too critical. These great. No, I haven't. I haven't heard
the two of these grades, and I've learned that you guys gave yourself a little too high. Um, so me, um I ah started out this year trying thio lead our athletic department, um, to victory on and get us on the map as a school in the ring of athleticism. Sze, um and I immediately ah ah flown. Flew in a bunch of kids, um, that were from other schools and stuff. Uh, and And when we weren't winning, I immediately rolled on the idea of winning and just decided to promote the events. Um, our sports teams are winless. Yes, they're all winless. Um, we haven't won a game in anything. Um,
go fighting pigs. Underscore. Wow, that's quite a
feat. It iss
it is. Um uh, that's what people have actually been saying in the lunch room
when they get about the fetus about when they get served defeatist.
That's quite a quite a feat. That's quite a feat. And it's a funny
pun. Um,
you gotta laugh when you're eating human food. Yes, yes. As everybody
knows which. We didn't touch on it all
last week, and we had the lunch lady or the dinner lady here, and we didn't mention for feeders once, but that's a huge thing that we are still serving, and we're serving last week. I'm gonna forget touch on that,
but yeah, we're totally windless.
Um, we have ah, All of our kids are involved now with the mafia. Very much are on the Mafia's payroll. They are all, um, getting death threats, receiving death threats. I'm receiving death threats. So
I have to say, with all of
that negative stuff that, uh, that has been happening to me. Um,
and I'm taking that all into account of how bad I'm doing and how how dangerous the school is
now, I might have to get myself in a plus. I really would. I'd give myself an A
plus to say Okay, what were our own best critics? Everyone knows. I think you gave yourself a little bit of a pass on some of the maybe illegal doings point shaving. Uh,
did have you did purposefully have our team roll. We'll roll over and and lose on purpose, which, as the athletic director, I mean, that's not a great look, right? I am. I want
changers grade. Okay. All right. All right. I'll give myself an A minus. But that is only wow, because I am in hot water now with, um, the authorities, because you're not even supposed to bet at all on high school games, and I'm running a straight a bracket. We are humble where
we've been humbled, humbled, and Howard's a virgin so crispy.
Well, I mean, I've done a lot for the school, you know, I've been in this this trimester I've been in about maybe,
and we should we should tell everyone that that's how
we, um the school year here is in trimesters on their very instead of semesters.
There's 19 of them.
Yes. Uh, yeah. I'm not sure how many trimesters people have when they have babies, but that's how we do it here. I
wish there was a way to use the to analyze the word in some fashion and find out how many troops. How many trimesters
were investors from getting pregnant from a man from a Mr And, I think tries that you're putting. So who knows things? First trimester, I think you agree. You put in it?
Yeah. You know, I've been in about four times and in one day, and, uh, I don't want to go. I don't want to go too high. I did start the little fighter club. Um, where's
were the smallest people in the school
fight? You gotta teach them and we want it. We want our kids to, you know? Well, they're all my kids that are at the school S o. I swear. You make
sure you make your sons and daughters fight each other at the school.
Yeah, to show everybody how tough we are in the you know, even our own blood will draw blood from the blood. That's why I called my kid's blood.
Yes, yes, yes. They all have their terrifying Children. Yeah, there are around campus soaring up gang signs. So all week long, All week long.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the greens. And you know that Typical blood green gang Green's. You know
what I'm feeling? Gangrene green. Yeah, but they are sick too.
They have unattended wounds that they got from the hospital.
Yeah. When? When they fight, I say, you gotta learn to heal. And I don't. I don't kiss their booze or, uh, wipe them. Right? Yeah. Way,
Way speaking for all four of us, none of us got any love or physical attention from our mothers. And we all turned out great. I think that is the way to do that.
I don't know if
you should speak for everyone when that when you say that. But for us, it was all true. So in this case, it worked,
So I was gonna give myself, You know, I'm I'm the most home,
right? So considering that you're dirty, six sons and daughters fight each other at the school when you've come in four times in one day. So you've only been here one day. What would the great
I was
gonna? Same generous Bauer, don't be hard on yourself. I'm
hard. I was gonna say B, but you know what? I don't think that's good enough. I I should I should have a little more love for myself to give myself an A minus.
Wow. Whoa, Molina,
not a plus. Wow. Honestly, you're feeling so tuna, humble bee tuna. Um wow, that's hey, humble beginning. That's beautiful, you know? And I know you guys don't want me to do this, but I'm gonna
You are? I thought I already went. No, I didn't go get our A plus virgin. No. Right. Come through the roof.
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