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The guys discuss Podd Tadre's very normal high school experience and Stu's sock hop. Later, neighborhood ladies Carol and Linda Johannesburg stop by the podcast to lodge a complaint.
All right. Um, we're rolling here. Let's just get some secrets.
And I ain't doing a secret again, man. Just say secret. You haven't been cutting these things out on. My wife found out, but my wife found out about the money I stole from her. Okay?
You have been cut these out.
You know, anything you said, you're going to cut out. You said you cut out all the bad stuff. I said,
Yeah. It turns out I can't use pro.
I said some pretty crazy stuff.
We've all said some bad stuff. We can't just have that stuff getting out
stuff, disparity, But a charity. I just need to get some levels here, so just give me some.
I said Jesus was crucified as a 33 year old man, so that's not really an admission. Were secret. O R. C.
Just give a few words and I'll get some levels. Jehovah Door to Door Vacuum Hume.
My dog is scared of the sound of my vacuum cumulus stratus. Beefy. These beefy clouds are beautiful. My wife and I took a photo. My wife, the photographer took a beautiful photo of my beef Beefy stick
gas station stop ice cream in the mall. A small team
marble slab slab, mobile web, colder stones, gold ist stones, cold kidney stones. The
golden cold kidney. The gold standard. My favorite actress is Nicole Kidney Kidman, Tom Bruise. Kidneys, wedge power than
levels. Was that perfect? All right.
was that? We were just doing What was that? I kind of blacked out.
Yeah, me too.
We're bouncing around.
All right, let's go get Let's get going. Here. Three Teoh lives First president only podcast about the issues pertaining to amble tonight. Score the greater Hamilton community. I'm your host. Shocking jockey. Todd. Padre. What's up, freakazoid?
That's right. Welcome back. Welcome back to the lounge about toe your your shop. Shocking jockey character is really, um really coming in strong lately.
Yeah, Thank you.
Ah, you've Ah, you're dressing the part. Hearing a lot of black leather and little little hippie purple round glasses. The Lennons, the Landon's
I'm wearing John Lennon's glasses and yes. Yeah. Now, how did
you get those glasses
right out of the right? Off the corpse, baby.
Yeah, It's gonna say there was a story in the newspaper about how his grave got robbed.
Well, the grave was robbed by me, of
course, they buried him as he lived his little sunglasses
nation with Yoko Ono holding onto him.
She is really making a home out of that plot.
It's a hard piece and I, for one, get it.
Let me
let me clear up any confusion. I get it.
Well, I get all art I get. All are I get it
artists Easier than you think. Absolutely catholic. Um,
yeah, everything is art. If you look around, everything's aren't
and nothing is art. That's kind of
what that's so true.
Agree? If there's a conversation about art, I'm always on the I'm on the cutting edge. I understand whatever people are talking
to you. And I like just around my people myself with people who around your people like to surround my people with art that they love.
Oh, yeah. Also soluble
each calling your Children your people.
Ah, they are my people there. My offspring.
You guys play the cops and robber game at the house where you scare your kids As SWAT team, you have to surround your people.
Yeah, yeah, they have. They have Ah two doors in their bedroom. One into the living room, one into their bathroom. Sometimes I I climbed through the bathroom window and bang on that door, you Elian Gonzalez photo. Well, the famous photo villian Gonzalez on a crappy raft. You guys know I have that pool in my backyard. That's that's that's turning Brown because I haven't been able to afford chemicals,
Let's say turned.
I think it can get worse. Okay, I think you get worse. And the moment I hit rock bottom on that pool was the moment I pull the trigger on getting it clean because right now I can't
afford the chemicals. Well, I've been rocked by him a few times on that pool. Every time I dive in,
well, it's only three. You
got it painted. Six. Trying to trick people in the in the head. On
the bottom of that six feet, it says nine feet of the deep in Todd's crack every time. Look, I'm tired. Slash what Todd did a, um an Olympic dive today with multiple visited about 40 feet up. You're just now start of ah, coming out of that You were in the coma. Yes. Yeah, You just came out that Come,
I went from coma to record. Um, and let me tell you this about a coma. It's the worst rest I've gotten in my really know. It was like, Oh,
that's what you hear
about comas. Is that you know, it's rough, but who are they? Rest ful. Everyone comes out feeling great.
Yeah, because as you guys know, I have tattooed all over my body. Do not resuscitate. Thank
you. Only need a once in a prominent place.
It's just a few fall face down Or if you get burned and the whole front of us burned You want to make sure that on the back they know that you would rather be dead than alive. Unfortunately, they resuscitated May and I'm back from 4th 1 That was
a beautiful dive. Good for us. Thank you. Thank you. Making bad for you. You were really tossing and tumbling in that coma. You were You couldn't get a good night's rest.
I couldn't get a wink
e. I thought a comma was supposed to be way more comatose. But
you are having the worst comma I'd ever seen.
It was fully it was as if I had had a a handle of whisky the night before it was passed out facedown on my
way. Slept over there in the hospital. We were there with you to make sure you were okay. We were worried about you. But halfway through the night, I said shut him up and I bopped him on the head and knocked him out. Store and around active coma.
I got there one morning and I found you. Ah, sleep in your order. Lee's car. You had come a walked out of the hospital?
Well, yeah. And eso I'm doing the whole production on its called coma Walk with May. And it's all about how my life was kind of effective.
Now, this is the third planet yet that you're doing concurrently at the school right now, Todd.
No, that's wrong. I am directing the students in the production of The Lion King. My protege pod Todd Ray is doing his own Spirit week production about my ex wife
and that someone else
The 10 year old boy,
the big slip this week. I want to talk about the big slip. When we were all there, we all heard about it. Pod was of course,
we're there. And we all heard about it.
We were all there and we heard it because we were there. The big slip it started. It started going around. Being called the big slip pod was, of course, rehearsing. He gathered everyone. He said, I'm Tots protege. I want everyone to see this rehearsal. I really think I've I've nailed this role of Scar. Um, well, he's playing a lot of the characters, but he he wanted to workshop this scar monologue and within it he said, Look at May. My name's Todd. Oops. I mean pod. Oops. I mean, no scar. That's who I'm playing. I'm playing Todd. Nope. Did it again, I'm playing was
familiar to you because the exact same thing happened to you about three seasons.
It felt familiar to me as I was saying, and I was like, Where is this? This feels like treaded territories. Things happen
in life happen, and maybe it is a psycho. History repeats why it's going
all got distracted from because I or some people allege the Scarecrow, pretending to be made, burst into flames on uh, luckily, I got put out quickly. It was no big deal. Everyone said Todd. It looks like you're just a bunch of straw that lit on fire. This is a scarecrow.
Yeah. They were stomping out the scarecrow. There was no you in it Anywhere was just loose hay
that had been burned. And no, that was May. So everything is obvious here. The 10 year old boy starring in the production That's not May made a mix up where he thought he was me because he's my protege. He wants to be.
First of all, it's unbelievable that he's so good. Second of all for a 10 year old, let's talk about how he skipped all the grades just to get in high school.
well, yeah, yeah, he skipped so many grades and also this really coincided pod was absent all week
when you were in the Kama Todd.
Yeah, well, that got explained afterwards,
Went by you
by may Wait, Everybody that while I was in the coma pod was so heartbroken that he hey, went Teoh you. As I explained everybody Romanian went to Romania,
right? Just to find themselves.
And that's why he came back with on his, uh, Romania.
And he had sent you all the pictures because we all got the email from you tripped
him, and I'll look past the varying lighting and how his body was lit in a way that none of the backgrounds that he was shot on looked look anything like it was to me. It was obviously Photoshopped time,
and it seemed like the photo shopper had confused Romania for a very tropical location. But it was a lot of him on the B three remaining.
This is Dracula's Castle, and it was just a beachside cabana with the hammock and talking a drinks
question right now. Where
is Romania? How would I know? I've never been Okay, I know that pod, my protege went. And maybe what you guys know is the stereotype of Romania, which is whatever you're thinking of that I don't know. But what I understood Romania to be waas like, let's say you Google the Caribbean, which is where remaining
which we have and all those photos that were in the background where the 1st 6 options
Well, I think you guys aren't mentioning is how exciting it is that my protege spent all that time hanging out with J. Lo on the beach.
Yeah, that seemed crazy.
Those photos also seemed famous.
Yeah, they seemed like her album covers honestly. Like it looked like it looked like she had warned.
It was It was All of them were stills from waiting waiting for tonight
Video. No, it wasn't. Hey, went to a rave with a bunch of cool lasers, and it was dark in the waterfall
protecting pods so much. Todd, I believe you. Thank you. I'm just I want to get my story straight. So when people ask because, you know, I'm I'm wondering about my friend too. And I have questions. And when people are yelling at me pot is Todd Todd, his pod,
their own fucking business. Todd is celebrating its stool. You know what? Why can't there be a successful 10 year old with his name is just mind with two letters switch starring in the play. And also I'm ah, 105 year old man that would So I have a 75 year old man. It looks 105 right? Right. And that's we have
nothing in common. I agree
both fascinating agree. And let's end it here, Todd, if by chance you happen to be the same person as Padre. And you felt comfortable at some point telling us privately off Mike we would be so accept would be so except believe you. You know, I mean,
if you have made it is a student. Bill.
Bill has played two characters in the past as
well. We'll remember Beverly Bethany Heart, if any heart.
Yes, I remember best in a video watch. Lady Alter ego. Yes. Look, I'm gonna tell you guys right now, I don't have a secret. If I did, I'm taking it to my grave. Well,
that's all I need to hear. That's that Take. It's getting real stressful in here where it's hard. It's You know, uh, it's making me think about emotions and I don't want to do it.
Sam. What? Feel something. Don't go back to the Piau SAB, Sam. Of course, Smoking opium no soon all the time. Vaping, vaping opium. That's much
better. It's much better for you. Vaping is the new way to do drugs on the daily allowed
Chill with this vaping. I mean, you started that Long Beach Double Stars cover band. Yeah, right on. And for me, you've just got into a whole lifestyle that is not you anymore.
Not me. I feel like more like me than I ever have. Like
being because of the loss of your little boy cowboys.
And, uh, let's just say you're wearing shorts that don't cover your whole butt crack. And you're not wearing a shirt now in your sunburn.
Yeah, let's just say that. Say it. Let's just say
fine with it. I'm finally apiece with who I am, okay? I've never had more family. Never had more people that love me, me and the junkies. There's family,
these air family that you've met within the past week.
Exactly. And I had a stronger connection. And it's not just because we all like the same things, but it is.
Do you
want todo Yoda soda? Big things? The soda? You'll have big things that we
love. Soda. We love hanging out and drinking soda by our tourists. Yeah, we love it. You all love. Um, beer, Bonk, spears, photos be wrongs or soda getting calm, smoking cigarettes and cars. That's right with the windows. I who's gonna understand me like them? We have so much in common.
I say we I I would love to understand.
I love crazy music now, and I always have. I always have. It's about when you find your family. You find your riel self. You It's not like you're myself wildly in. Have
you been hanging out with this woman named Curly Fry? Uh, that you changed my life? I don't know. Tied? I
do know she has. You have changed completely. Just in in the in the time you've been back in Hamilton.
Yeah. My hair's gone. I have two new nose rings.
Well, your rug is gone.
Yeah, took my hair off because that's not me. I'm not living alive. That's crazy.
The fact that you would show your riel hair means that you are out of line.
We don't show our riel hair.
We do not show a real hair
plugs down to my nose. I
mean, which is saying, look, you do I went a little crazy
when I wanted. They said, I think you need about 1000 hair plugs and I said, Give me 10,000 and put him down to my nose and I look a lot like speaking of Romania, look a lot, a lot a widow's peak of a of a 17 year old vampire.
I ran into your doctor at the grocery store the other day and he
told me he pleaded with my doctor. I said, Man, you really mess, my friend. You fuckin
grilled and you put him on the high seat you put on that blood pressure seat raised it up here. You
can you cross examine
here. I I squeeze that little that little pump until that that blood pressure thing was so tied around his arm, he was gonna tell me the truth. Fuck. You know,
come on. My doctor on trial in the rice Ill
will. He told me. He told me that he pleaded with you throughout the procedure. He said, This is gonna look insane. People are going to make fun of you. And you forced his head. He said you for the
last third of the
surgery vacuum out. You kicked him out and you did all the plus watch the tiny window.
I kicked him out of his own operating room
and see, I support this. I think this is you. And I think that's who you are, and you're finally shows.
But I got pulled hair from the back of his head. Put him on the front of my head. Yeah,
I just feel like you're stacking to get deck against yourself. I
think you look really bad.
Yeah, I think he looks bad, too.
But I think if this is what he wants to look like, because is who he is, we need to support him.
I mean, I don't with ridiculous voice. Guys,
look, And
he's going
through something. It's not our problem. It's his
problem, because I do something bad, Remember, I have ridiculous voice, and that is makes it okay,
that But what they we learned here is you can't trust a doctor in this town. I mean, where do hair plug doctors and I have patient doctor confidentiality.
Well, he said I'm not going to tell you, and I basically tortured the information.
You want a part of them?
Yeah, well, I juice boarded him. Uh, juicy juice board. Yeah. I
never did know juicy juice. Sure do.
They would. They would come in like big metal cans, and you have to poke a hole in the top of, um on either side. And when you poured it in the hole was so small. But there was so much liquid in this big can, it would basically shoot across the stable.
Maybe it's just my You have been doing it wrong. Yeah, maybe. How did
you I remember Juicy juice coming in a little box. You strong.
Hey, you were there. Came a hobo. Juicy juice? Yes. How much is the
juice? How about juicy juice?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, it was like a, um They get sued for a while. They got on the shelves, The
hobo juicy juice because it wasn't part of the Juicy Juice Corporation.
I know you would have to ride the rails to find it. So I rode the rails and I'd get like, a little I rode the rails from seven years old to about nine
years, too young years,
too young. Years of informative.
Yeah. I got obsessed with the boxcar Children, and I rode the rails,
which, uh,
I don't think they do that. Really well, I never read the book. You got
obsessed with the cover, the cover of Boxcar Children. And I was like,
Look at that.
I did that with his stumps. I never read a single goose bumps but I owned almost the whole anthology. Yeah. Yeah. And you told me
where you got so obsessed with this bunch. You got goose bump plugs all over your body.
That's right. I got Yeah, I got plastic surgery. Goose bumps all over me. Alligator. Now you haven't aged well. Oh, my intent was always the cold. I Now I look like an alligator. We have for a while. You The opium is not helping. It was making me a little bit green. You
can't being like you thought it was like people would find you attractive if you just said, Oh, that's just keep me goose.
Well, I saw that one guy on Ripley's Who split his tongue in, Tattooed his body. And I said, This is going to catch. This is this is going to go big. And I want to be that
Ray pleases our Bible for share. Yep.
Ripley's is the New Testament. Guinness is the Bible
in my head. Those two things are the same thing.
No, because Ripley's is more of a Believe it or not, Guinness is more of a world records.
That's right. I get it literally. That is just the believe half of Ripley's right well for why we should just be called or not way we know it.
Yeah, we were Big Ripley like we would show up to Ripley's and Go Thank the way like and they, you know, they give you that option or not.
It's a simple trick or treat way.
We did it enough times that Dean Cain tried to kill himself. That's right. We may really question his life. Is the host of the Ripley's Believe It or not? Imagine this all fake
Imagine a Fall From Grace From Superman Toe Who?
Yeah, I mean, I love that I love the time of that show was on magics. Greatest secrets revealed, you know. And I was him for a little bit. You were the magician. I was the magician. Given away all the secrets, I'd show up it David Copperfield show I'd learn all his routines and I'd go straight to an unmarked warehouse, put on a weird mask and I give away secrets, not the one you're thinking of. I had a competing show. Anybody watch was it was I did a presentation of pilot presentation and all I did was show how How you cut a part of Tiger? Actually, Magic. It was an accident. There was an accident. I thought magic was just about confidence And what? Yeah, Yeah.
What did you just say? OK,
and it was It was, honestly, she shocking for all of us involved, but they didn't.
So they came to a network with a filmed pilot presentation of you in one of those masks for magics. Greatest secret revealed that it was a scream. Ask in that goes in the face mask. And you acted like a magician. You have the music playing in the dance around my you cut a tiger apart and you turned that in is a pilot presentation.
Yeah, I bitch, I was stolen in prison. Yeah, I was in prison for a year. Um, and my sister
did end up selling that pilot was thrown in prison for you.
Yes. Yeah, that actually went to Siri's, um, an ABC family in the early night. I was thrown in prison for a year.
I remember that show a
lot of unsuspecting people who you wouldn't think of. The prisoners only been a year, but out there was some bad ones. Yeah,
I had no idea you were involved. I was a huge fan of that show. Yeah, I was unrecognizable. Wasn't Yeah. Yeah, we get well, because you were a small child.
Yes, Yes, yes.
Uh, well, speaking of small Children, guys, uh, you guys I don't like that means Dio uh, well, you guys know I lost a few more members of the marching band this week because of the whole fund raiser situation. Um, you know, I had had a rough couple of weeks with his fundraising were we were hemorrhaging money. I was throwing more money at this thing. Then we were making and
taking a big swing. You tried to fix it with that big swing dancing party? Yes. And swing is not back, baby.
Yeah, Sock hop you through was a disaster.
Uh, yeah, we have
police showed up and asked you to shut it down because it was done.
Yeah. Yeah. There's too many
reports. Police rarely, um, weigh in on taste.
Yeah, well, you thought you thought that would be the case, but I guess some people drove by and I had the doors and windows wide open so people could hear the music and see what was going on? Nobody was coming in. But I guess multiple people in town complained. I called. I
called in a bomb threat. I said, this party is bombing. Yeah,
they printed them out and they showed me the complaints and it said Anonymous tip from Todd. Padre, this dance is stupid as hell.
Yeah. That could have been from anyone.
No, it was from Utah. And look, I thought you guys would at least come and support me. I thought
I what were their If you remember a couple of key people who brought it down, remember? Do you remember the people
that brought the dance down? Do you remember anything?
This'll mustache, coat and top hat remind you of anyone.
And does this handle and broadside of river
refrigerator remind you of anyone or anything? Remember the guy who was getting food out of the fridge in the corner of the sock hop that kept playing this sex? We should all go toe
the river tower. Asked politely to leave five or six times.
Yeah, that was me. It was really was the fridge. And Todd was there to tell him where you
were. Do you do you remember? Remember what I was
drinking? May remember. That's a lot of told us already. Tall drink. I wanted me
to tell May Sam, you were refrigerator your Todd. You're a tall glass of water. That bill was drinking.
You remember the scene I see meticulously set up. See?
Remember complaining, man in a refrigerator
broadly to the audience
that this is oddly specific. And I have no idea why this is happening right now. These these objects and this man aren't participating in this dance at all. You shouldn't. I shouldn't wait. So and then what about the two cops that showed up? Strippers, strippers? I should have known when they I should have known when they pulled out of Bebe boombox. And
not to be clear, we're also cops. Yeah, they were both. Yeah.
Kevin and Chris,
they moonlighters cops, their daytime strippers, and they do the graveyard shift. Just police.
Man. Honestly, guys, I'm gonna be honest with you. This kind of hurts my feelings.
Yeah, now that we're re capping it, it feels unnecessarily
mean. Yeah. I mean, you guys know that this is a big thing for me. I lost. We had six members of marching band. We have one now. I have one person in the sitting band, so I got drank. Well, you're here. So you survived. So it's not that big of a deal time.
I'm not gonna explain the science of it to you, but I got drunk and pissed out because he became a man.
I haven't. You know what
I think? And I paid him out, and now he's reborn.
We don't know. We don't know. In the science, we don't know him
like a phoenix. A
Phoenix like Phoenix is very ashes. Yeah. No, no, not diarrhea. Just good. Not just saying I was, you know, just pee. I wish going forward they, like you guys, would Would would help me out. You know, you guys have tons of stuff going on at the school right now. Kids are classless, flourishing. Honestly, I feel like my life is the one that's falling apart here.
I got offered my own home design show after I took all of the kids to the home design off.
Oh, really?
You had a Segway to a brag? Yeah. Sorry. He's asking for our help over here.
All I have to do is find a partner because people want to see couples redesign houses. They don't want to see some man with too much hair on his face.
Well, they just need to find someone who is a believable spouse.
Me and Tucker's holding auditions for our girlfriends. You
your addition with Tom Cruise.
we're doing call backs tomorrow talking about local from bigly
about Thomas. He couldn't you back. That dog
can design ideas like this like Come on jail, buddy.
If there's anything we associate with Tom Cruise, it's just sexuality
licking his chops. I was like Time You nasty, but I'm gonna find the spouse for my home design show. Like Chip and Joanna Gaines from Fixer Upper. Remember them? They have some relationship trouble. They worked it out very cute, and they own a silo together.
What they we should talk about really quickly is we've had we've been efforts of. People tell us that they have been accidentally downloading a podcast. A similar name, The preachers lounge. That's right way Do want to say that that is a different podcasts. They they have been ripping us off
their here in town that ripped us off
and From what I understand their their podcast is pretty great. They've had some really good guests recently.
A rip off artists.
Good guess, But the they're rip off artists
and were normal
now. And the preachers lounges. Not even that's not gonna play on anything. We are in the teachers lounge right now.
Yeah, well,
stupid. So if you end up, if you could go on iTunes and rate review, the preachers lands, call it shit reparative. Recommend our podcast.
Yes. Say this. My guest sex. You should listen. Teachers on just the real deal.
Yeah, well, and barely. They're doing really, really well.
So yeah, and we are not. The numbers are way down. Yeah, so we can.
I think it's mostly because of the confusion. We think that people are looking for us stumbling on these idiot preachers
and the creatures lounge. The creatures lounge we heard about Teacherslounge is bad. That's what. Yeah, a baseball podcast from underneath the bleachers.
There's the leeches lounge. How to live for free.
Yeah, those guys are good at what they do. They haven't made any money. But there's still they just leech off of celebrities and may miss people with money.
Those Dustin Diamond fans started this creature's lounge.
Yeah, And Screeches. He's on every episodes on
every episode of creatures. Yes, yes. Dustin Diamond can't be contacted, but someone is on the every episode as screech.
We'll take a quick break by first of all, what? You know our sponsor today. You know, sitting in the studio sometimes you gotta you gotta be in a chair. Um and for a while we were sitting in bad chairs. But now we, luckily, have wear go best chairs in in town. The Argo Ergonomic chairs, the argon Ah, Mick Chairs by Ben Affleck and the crew behind the film Argo,
as they say, Argo Argo! Fuck yourself!
Yes, that's the tagline. These are political chairs. They're very good. I mean, they're just basically rested up metal chairs.
Yeah, they are as forgettable Is the movie
big movie at the time? Only a big movie for a couple of weeks now. No one ever wants to watch it again. Attention! Students will be using a new bell schedule as of Monday, instead of a five minute bell and a one minute bell will have coach Klim P patrolling with a bullhorn and an attitude.
Double guest in studio today. Uh, we got a couple of neighborhood ladies. Carol and Linda Johannesburg. Welcome to the wound.
I think they're okay. We're here to lodge a complaint. Yes, is way went to the principal's office and then they pointed us towards here. And then someone. David, who did you?
Who did you talk to? Was it a curly fry? Yeah. Hey,
Curly fries been sitting in for me at the reception desk and isn't really sanctioned to do anything, but she's
been pretty helpful way. Is this where we lost weight?
That's kind of what we use it for our
senior all around way.
Love your family,
families, your family, families. That's an interesting Where you're saying that because we live alone. His sisters. It's just us.
Well, but we know you guys are kind of the outcasts of your family.
Oh, that's news, Teoh. I mean, what would be in a bad
way? I just met like you guys were like, though the wild ones like the
past two, we found each other.
This is like the island of misfit toys.
But what you are on right now is the teachers landlords apart Castro teachers and we get we get out, we get some stuff off our chest about the Hamilton community. So if you do have some complaints, would love to hear him. Yeah, I e help you solve them or aggressively disagree with you
people. They say, Please don't tell us what you think or we don't want to hear your neural woman. Quiet. She and we Well, this is a change. What a tree was. I'm Why don't you bring up the notebook? Yes. Okay. It's a movie about Yeah, way give to find a Ryan Gosling is really. Anyways, we'll get back to that movie at one of our complaints. Is just wanted to show you the novelization of Yes. You wanted to show one of open
plan was you just said you don't like the ending
ISS. That has nothing to do with us.
Well, that's a good move. That's our first I Nobody told us what to complain about. That was one of
what happens at the end of that movie. Do they get together?
The old border were together and then they die together Old. I don't want to see anyone get alive. Want them to live for you don't watch my sister. You want that? You have a second complain. Why are we getting old? Is this the right place to go? Yeah,
I've had that thought constantly. You know, As I get older, I start thinking about my mortality and stuff. And it really does start toe on you.
You're in here at the right time. I am a feminist now, and you know, because I
told people on Facebook
all the time. But I want to ask you Is it okay if I ask how old? You both All right?
Now tell me a
way. We're both 54. Where? Consensual twins. You had consensual sex? No, no. Born a different times. And we consented later in life to be twins. Twins get free ice cream. You don't look
like it all in your definitely different ages.
Yes, but we consented upon 54. I'm
sorry. How did twins get free? Ice cream?
Well, no. Sorry. If you want to complain to us, take it to Baskin Robbins. You go in there and say I'm a twin. They have no other option. But the offer You ice cream to
any ice cream place this will happen.
Baskin Robbins, Baskin Robbins were twins. Doesn't make sense now where they weren't consensual twins. So this is their way of giving back to the prison of a life that they lived. And they want us toe have ah. Ah, better opportunity than And of course, they died at the age of 31. And that's why they're 31 flavors. Story
flavors went up every year with their exact
and business started when they were one.
They are genius. Very one we wouldn't give to have started any kind of business. I certainly know you to complain about that. I got
two of you. No offense. Look like you don't have a lot of money. What do
you see? Oh, offensive to women to comment on their finances.
I'm sorry. I'm still learning on a big feminist, so
I know I've seen your face booty. Just baseball. We're all over it. Okay? Regs are in style this year. We're trying to keep up with the the people. Yes, people
here, the dirty, oily rags or in style, because that's what you guys were wearing. Yes. Look, if
we spend, they kind of blow in the breeze. don't get our bodies.
Of course I want to put those rags back.
Yeah, well, just turn. Wait. This
one's yours, Todd. Sneaking a big peak. Crazy.
Well, yeah, I appreciate
hot doing that thing where you cover your face like you're holding your eyes. But these going cracks in between his fingers.
Look, I have not sexually attracted Tyler. Don't work
way. Wouldn't buck either of you, ever.
It's the right thing.
Well, have you know we're closed for business? Yes, Guy of my sister. And I need nobody else I have in my sister, and I'd need nobody. What
about five minutes ago? And you said you both wish you could date Ryan Gosling.
Oh, yeah. Yes. What? I wouldn't. But I'd ask him to be. My sister s staring seok changing. I
seen you guys. You live across the street from the school is in like old house. That is
a tear down e. Oh, yeah, I know. I heard you earlier saying that you are, you know, interested in home design. So I do take offense to that. You know, you even have a partner to comment on our house about how day
I I agree. I don't have anyone in my life right now, so I can't
flip out with that hairline, that's for sure. I
am expecting good. I'll fight both of you women Right
now. I don't want to fight. But in your defense, a true feminist would see a woman as an equal and challenged her to if I'd yes, Daniel thanked all who could learn. Some women believe you're not on your Facebook feed.
Israel Women Really Feminists fight women
Very good. You can read way
because the font on there is tough
aerial send like the Disney character Way tried to get it in dingbats, but no one can read those. They're just symbols. Yes, areas. E o teacher,
My name written in dingbats It's just
four little lunatic. You guys came to make some complaints. Way might not be the official body, but
know, we got some pull on.
Can I am at the school
because you're always shaking your fists out in the front yard, yelling about the Children. They're all over our long They're your yard is about your lawn. Yes, exactly. And several of them have painted naked Portrait's of us on the garage Why you accurate? How would they know? How could you? Sure, kids? Yeah,
I'll be honest. I was staying at the school late a couple of days ago and I drove past, and I saw what I could only describe as you two.
Okay, Jane, the Pinterest
in front of No in front of your house painting making portrait's of yourself on your garage.
Well, no, we were correctly because my nipples are bigger than they painted smaller. So I had to white out this evening, darkening.
So you guys only correct when you're lampooned in mural form? Yes. Okay.
I suppose you took ownership. That's good. That's nice. They were They're gonna be there. You might as well make him
flatter. My body hurt. You
know the blimp. The blame is it flies over 30 minor league baseball game Usually, um, it advertises tires.
We don't know about the tires. Which matches our catch freeze way. Want a quiet blame to quietly promote quiet Theo led screen. It says, s h a JJ, JJ, JJ, JJ change,
Theo. Because I just saw a balloon with a bunch of age.
I told you I told him. I said you just It'll just look like a bunch of Oh, pipe down, Carol. Okay, you know this issue home early together
is that blip the shushing of the blimp? Is that about our sporting events? Are
you guys Teoh
Event the fishing of lambs like? It's like the running of the Bulls. But it's a town. It's got the shooting of the bland.
Another play on running of the Bulls in our way had running on the field. Well,
now I only have a few instinct mind, so get ready to repeat myself forever.
The fishing of the blimp was the quietest Hindenburg we've ever
seen. Queues? Well, now what do you think
about two? Extreme quiet. That's my question. You
will say your house is very well.
Yeah, that's what we mean. We can hear our own homes. I can hear the walls. I can use the pipes. We have stuff to say to each other about kind of things. And that's my other complete. We can't say our stuff. It's
where your house sort of looks like a stationary Noah's ark.
Thank you. You bite. There are
there's animals. And there you guys were screaming at each other.
You sure and God is going to save us when the floods come screaming at us. But it won't float. It's a how says you. You don't know what's underneath. What so what? Hope. And that's why they made the movie home alone. Sorry. Oh, you're
pulling the DVD out.
That's on nd I have taken the liberties of typing up the movie. Just script for anybody wanted to take a look at. I've taken the liberty of checking her grammar.
Oh, this isn't exactly script form. This looks more like a novel.
Yes, I don't have the money for final Draft way. Only have the money for novel.
It looks hit like here. Maybe you were watching the movie on mute because it's just describing
to each other. What is so important?
I would love to tell you. Oh, come on, here's one when you have to. I'm watching the movie. Hope floats on mute. May I joy off? What do you think's happening in the movie? Sandra Bullock. What a catch. Things like Dad's.
Was that a thing you might talk about? It Was that a word for
that you might think about? Yes, I can't remember all my conversations because everyone else is too good.
Well, have you tried complained that you said no one listens to you, but some of these things you could complain to the City Council.
We have way. Absolutely. Have we march writing? We complain about the movie, the Notebook, and he said he can't do a damned thing about
which is crazy because the head of City Council is Ryan Gosling.
Exactly. And then we asked him to be her sister, and he denied. But then he put earphones on us and invited us to be on a podcast at the City Council. It's happening to us. It just keeps happening. It turns out we're big podcast stars now on us. What do we do? Because it looks like we live in a ratty house. Well, that's what we do. We're unpaid protesters, Okay, It's a full time job. We don't have our own show, but we will get a guest on literally anybody. Guest on it, Teoh get anywhere.
And that's when you guessed as a Australian. Geese
were known for accents. That's another thing. I can't hear us practicing or accidents, right. We're soy funny, and we do any very Uh,
that is really funny. Yeah.
You should be in our house just one day. Do you want to come to the house?
Uh, yeah, I guess I'd love.
Okay. You like soda? Yeah, we have lots
I love said. I mean, would you mind if I brought a friend or a family member
way? Love him? Do you like strawberry soda?
Oh, my God. Anything that isn't that isn't brown anything. Fruity soda. That's how
we get our nutrients. Yes, Free soda.
Now, a lot of people say soda is just empty calories. There is no nutritional content. Uh, you says that most, most nutritionists names name
them if you're still going to a doctor in 2017 stew. You're crazy.
Yeah, Internets for if you don't know a name in 2017 year old and I'm fine, Yeah, I don't have the money. Don't know way
you gotta self diagnose. I mean, I self diagnose myself. Um, with that bump that was on my calf, I lost my whole calf. I self diagnose myself like it's probably
diabetes, really adult
or as a juvenile
yesterday, it's going Well,
uh, I have a question for you guys. Um, you chose to move in next to the school. Yes, Yes. Uh, did you not visit the property before? To see kind of like what? You know, when you buy a house that's near a train track, you probably wouldn't. You would want to see what that sounds like before you put down a down payment.
So we bought it in a d m. Yes, we did bite in a d m direct message on Instagram about how that work I'm so glad you weigh. Saw posting of a woman having fun She said House or so we thought. I'm fun. She's fun where sisters We d under and said, What's the deal with the house? She said, For sale, we said, Okay. And we send her our bank. We Venmo We've been with the bank to Yes, I actually by accident Put my life savings on a subway card way sandwich. Give cardio your life. So we painter and Sandra Jewish, mistaking how much money is on the table. It's irreversible. $200.
That's your life savings. Yes, you know they do. They do have machines now at like some department stores that you can put a gift card into it and it will give you money back.
I saw the movie X makina. I'm not falling for that. I don't like machine machine. Do
you like the ending of makes Mac? You know, No talk about
how will we be able to hear each other, don't you? Now, I don't
think the kids at the school, er that Wow,
it's not
like an elementary school. There's not a lot of
Oh yes, they are. They yelling about facts. They're yelling about fiction, of course. You take their side there, your bread and butter. Your baby's You put the magic tickles. Your baby's you brought the magic tickles you. That's where they came from. That I
don't know. A student is not baby from women. A student is not a is
you percent on us, e.
I promise that none of these students were birth out of my dick. Hold.
I mean, I do keep up with my kidney stones, but they're not my Children.
So I will say your kidney stones tend to be on the quieter. They are you like my like my necklace. I haven't heard a clink yet.
It's a Guinness down.
I went to your kidney stones ballet recital. And I thought it was just beautiful.
Thank you so much. Yeah, it just sat there next to a bunch of other kids dancing. And it was on B label.
I went to, unfortunately, your Kidney Stones championship basketball game when he got dunked on
or you got dumped.
Yes, Unfortunately, it's tough when your son's a kidney stone, because occasionally when he's playing, sports will become the ball way. That's my sad way.
Were invited to your kidney stones Bris. Yes, that's right. Thank you. Leaving for. And there was a lot of quite foods. Nothing crunchy.
Yeah, it was the only as you know, I'm, um oil. And it was the only bris I've ever done that ended well.
Usually botched the circumcision.
Oh, yes, yes. Well, you the one. The one thing boils have to do is cut the foreskin off. The next thing they have to do is suck the blood out on. And I refuse to die either. I refused to do either. When
you get there and you go way I've seen you do many breasts and you always show up. You're ready. You're you're you're ready to do it. And you're like, What
the fuck am I doing this disgusting. Yeah. When you let me
just make the father do it underneath your your
Yes. You're a bit of a brisk Bruce. Kind of stop. I'm missing out on the chatter outside. Always say a jokes. Wait. Do were known as the funniest
to each other. Is that
Eisen? Sensual, twin funny system. How did you two meet each other? Um, through her mom. Now, in that case, the war a woman did birth us. But I don't feel like I feel like because feminism is, you know, happening now, Very president on your Facebook page. I'd be from a man or woman.
And I've been saying that I've been saying that while childbirth is a miracle and there's nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman, a man could do it to
R two d two details.
Really, it's after I had it come down to
Oh, I really
like tied when something terrible happens in the world. You're always immediately first to post saying thinking of the victims of whatever's happened with a shirtless photo of you.
Yes. Words speak louder than actions and body speak louder. than everything. And so what I'll do is I'll send my verbal condolences. And then I will put myself in very good lighting, looking sexy. Maybe if someone died, I'll post a photo of myself holding the movie that they were in or
something like, You put a you It's you, Francis flag like softly over you. But with a shirtless photo
tied at my correct that you were the first person toe hope that 2017 was better than 2016.
Yes. Yeah, I was doing that early. 2016. I said, Get me out of this year has been tough and I mean, they took prints from us. You know, everybody
Kevin can wait that
way. Didn't. Yeah, just died.
Well, that would they took. They took my favorite character off of it and replaced her with Leah Remini, who have hated since you left Scientology.
They were big King of Queens fan way for us. This'll is king and put him in a truck and go today any
time. I mean, I agree with you Any time my celebrity leaves the Church of Scientology were always
superb. Oh yeah. If it's liberal Eastern Scientology, I do the church's work for it docks those motherfuckers. I get their secrets
up. Three. Any time a celebrity leaves, I'm bombed
and you go. And you made a rebuttal documentary to go and clear, didn't you? Yeah, I
love that
it's going was called Going to Hell on It was It was all about How Everybody's Going to Hell, except for by my beautiful friend David Miscavige. It's a lot of photos of us shaking hands and rolling down motorcycles together. I mean, miscarriages, you guys know is the coolest
guy. He's awesome, is good to talk to all of his style. He's wearing big, thick pinstripe suits.
Is one of diet is very thick. We were actually members of Scientology for a couple of years. Well, am I escaped you being a skank right now? Well, are we skank ing? I mean, yes, skank. Before every sister has. Yes, I mean, only if the appropriate music is, of course, a little skank away through every album. But I used to get back to Scientology way we may build, but left mainly because it was so loud on it was very loud. It's very science based, and we were in it for the tautology. Yes, they really covered it. We don't believe in science. Histology? Yes, Lee,
You goes like tautology. You don't like rheumatology? No, no, just ology.
Don't. That's a great Let you take the lead on this. It's just a
It's a study of people who are a little taller than average. Right,
Sam? She said, I'm taking me. I apologize. Go. Is it because she's a woman? You know,
that's what I used to think. I don't do that anymore. Todd has been teaching me.
Yeah, I'll defend you to shut up. You cannot talk to women like
Thank you, Todd. We'd love to be quiet. Now, that's respect. What a good man. You could learn a thing or two. Maybe you shouldn't come to the house.
Actually, I can't learn anything. What happened? Yeah, This is new. There's something wrong. What's going? The doctor said my brain has stopped The doctor.
The doctor told us under duress that he told you this. We tortured?
Yes, it's the doctor that was in the house. Oh, there was a doctor in the house and it
for the show house. Yes. Okay. And the same doctor that did your plugs.
Yes, we all see Dr House. Yeah, we all see Dr House. You told me a
good idea. He's on this plate.
He's right. He's very stressed out all the time.
There's just out and he seems a little conventional.
And he's actually in character as his character from, uh, house. Yes. No. Uh, Stuart. Little great classic love. He's in character as Stuart Little's dad. The No time way.
Right? Right. And you and I know all about this. So you're my brains full and it's not dead, But it's done.
Yeah, because you're having having to literally forget things. It's one and went out.
What happened? Kelly Bundy and that Married With Children episode.
That's right. I the other day learned a recipe for Italian spaghetti and meatballs, and I had to give up my knowledge of left turns.
Well, we're already questionable in the first place.
Circling this. Go for a while going today
driving. I
actually am. Yes, that's right. That's right. Or I waas
you. Do you know what? He has a wife Sincere? That's right.
Oh, um are you looking to fill the position? We have licenses. Do you have any cars with 2 to 3. Wheels, motorcycles, tricycles
like like one of those. Like strike meter Maid.
Yes, it's cheaper
or mater man for those Or meter man
meter. Man, I apologize again. I'm not. You
got to read this guy's Facebook. I
noticed you haven't been liking any of my posts. Um,
I don't even go on CNN anymore. Just go right to your Facebook page. I got the
news. I got the new I report the news Now on my page. That's
right. Getting edge news.
Yes, on
It's just the fact. Quietly So that's why we're obvious. No exclamation marks, no emoji.
I'm doing it as
long cab. So there's no scream.
It's right. So when you read, it could be too loud also.
Yeah, all reading is love. That's why we only watch movies and then write our own novels. You don't read as we go.
Sounds like you guys might be a little crazy. I don't I don't know.
Can I just say it again?
I don't want to be rude, but it's like you can't take any noise. I mean, maybe it's because there's a little negative noise in your own head. You know what I mean, you ever think about that?
We might have a mind. I allowed to think
Well, yeah, you are.
We thought that was for men. Can you give us a moment? Sure. So what you gonna do for dinner after the podcast? I don't know. Ok, sorry about that.
So we thought you were going to take some sort of moment to have a big realization
that a good god you can think about now that you know, you can think Oh, I don't know. You got to think about I don't know. OK, well, you welcome to think about dinner, Okay? Okay. So you were back. Sorry about that. It was another sister the
again. We really thought you were maybe gonna have a serious realization sends, like you had a longer conversation.
Three. Serie is the most important meal of the day.
Ah, that's that. That's the opposite of what a lot of people say.
No, you don't need all day. Then you have dinner to you to stay awake all night. Everybody knows that Tonight. Eight information. Is
it like tonight? Us?
It sounds like the opposite of tonight because you eat dinner at night, right?
Yes, we sleep all day. We should have mentioned that too loud. Please.
Now, that's what you should have led with. Because I kind of wonder. I understand that you know when you're trying to take a nap and your kids are in the next room banging away on their drums or whatever. Like that's
way work this sister graveyard shift. Some people have sisters, but days there's this is just my name. It's true. There's not a lot of nights Sisters who is representing the systems. Who
is in charge of this? Who makes the shift? Who makes your schedule way
you believe in God? But you did you find gotten? That's what sort of separated you from the Church of Scientology.
I don't look good in Navy. God is with us every step of the way. So I couldn't stay. I could. And of course, I had to consensually leave with my sister.
Um uh,
has any of our issues been solved with the loud? What's
to this? Um how about this? If you do ever complain, I'm going to give you a phone number. Specifically about noise. Yeah, not your own phone number. You can hang on to those, uh, give you number, you can call and it'll go straight to Sam who's at our front desk, and you can let him know
that will probably go to voicemail. The other option is we did reinstate the suggestion to about front. There's just a tube out in the front lawn of the school that you guys can just drop your suggestions and playing through to
love Teoh. And
also you guys ever want more than $200 not in subway money. But you also gave it away. If you're looking to flip your house, I think it's got great bones. You want to
sell us to thank you.
Great book. Yes, I've never heard that compliment.
That's because you're not us. Yeah, when we want by a construction site there, like
I will say, That's about the only feature of you that's recognized. Where
there are few you've seen
are put. Yeah, there are a few skeletons that are building a, um a Y M C a downtown. Maybe it's them. Was it them? It
must be The skeleton construction workers
seen is a nice bones. Yes, yeah, it's the only time we've been paid a compliment
Well, we've got up Thanksgiving coming up soon. And so we wanted to talk about do a little segment that we always do every Thanksgiving where we pardon a turkey s o. Pardon somebody in your life that's a turkey to you Who's maybe wrong view. You guys have someone you want a pardon? I'm gonna do one. Um, I think it's time for me to pardon myself. I've been a turkey to a lot of people. I've heard a lot of people with my actions. Yes. And now that I've developed this great relationship with a 10 year old boy who's not me, I'm realizing my own humanity. And I'd like to forgive myself and through that, everyone else is also forgiving me. And I apologize.
What a rich relationship you and pot have.
It's very I mean, it's very incredible. And it's very beautiful. And I never thought I could love anyone, Period. Uh,
what? This is inspirational. Can I go before? Yes, because I got a lot of people. I got a lot of turkeys in my life that I would love to forgive, but I got a look in the mirror and I gotta forgive myself. Yes, you did. I have got. It's just give myself for all the mistakes I'm making. You're not a bad guy. Think so? Either Bad things were happening to me. Not because
of me. You're not doing your job, but all you're addicted to opium. You have neglected your friends and family for a new family of Juggalos.
And I gotta forgive myself
for all that stuff because that's why I'm
unhappy. You need to forgive yourself and that change.
Yeah, and I'm hardened. Speaking of friends and family, uh, that's inspiring me, actually, to go good. Um, I'd also, like, departed myself. Okay? Yeah, that. See that? Because, uh, because I I've made some bad choices this year. Ah, specifically with this fundraiser specifically with how I treated kids for not actively participating in the fundraiser and refusing to sell the paper that I slaved over to make Ah ah. And in firing those five of the six members of the sitting band, I think those were bad choices. Ah, new information. Oh, yeah, I did. I fired them, left the bank. I fired them because they didn't meet their quota. They didn't meet their quota and I fired him, and I just want to let everybody out there know that I I I am forgiving myself for that
double double much. Makes me think of my mom. She wasn't very good to me. Um, she was very neglect full as a mother when I was younger, I didn't pay a lot of attention to me and had a lot of her own things that she was doing. And I was kind of left to my own devices much through my childhood and teenage years, which made me kind of turn inward. So I would like to forgive myself. Oh, wow. What a turn. Wow. Didn't see
I didn't see it coming. Not your mom. No, no. Now hold the grudge. Sometimes it's important. Hold a grudge towards others I will never forget.
I guess I would like to forgive my sister. Okay, which since where twins is kind of like, forgiving myself. I forgive her just because her voice isn't loud enough to carry over top of all the teenagers outside our house. And I hope one day she can project, and until then, I forgive, Um funny, you should mention this isn't fun. It's actually quite hilarious. I would actually like to forgive myself as well. In honor of my sister. Yes. Um because to forgive of one self, when you're a consensual twin consensually forgive your sister's what's or to forgive your sister is to forgive yourself. Yes. And I would like to forgive her, um, for being too quiet, actually. Oh, do you think I should finally speak up?
Well, my guys Oh, that
was it. No, but that was done. I
just feel so good that we've all got off, are grown in this moment, shown compassion to ourselves and others. Fuck my mother.
I would listen to audio. Kill
yourself. Kill yourself, Mom. She tried to Gilly, like, three or four times your moms for
the first time in your life, listening to something you create.
I know
she isn't, but I hope to God she dies. Soon. I exit the walmart on 67. I always go in there and I fuck up or pharmacy that she runs off. Mom.
Honestly, Bill, I'm very attracted to you. There's nothing more attractive in a man. And then when he talks about how he wishes his mother was dead Carol, look at barcos for my house slipping show, and I like you
a lot. Company audition next week. Man time are having auditions, but be careful for time. He's
What do you think Tom would like my sister is? Yeah, we'll be there. Is this okay?
Feminism wise, Todd. Like what I'm doing in my
Todd, Because I feel like he knows way allowed to go Thistle
is a great question. And since I'm enlightened and I will answer it as an ally to women, I would say that this is okay. As long as the ladies air okay with it.
Okay, well, we'll go ahead and ask some ladies and soothe way
it. But ask your girlfriend thing
this time, not as a protester.
Oh, Hey, you guys. What? I just got a text message. It's a picture of Anthony Weiner's Weiner.
From whose number?
Why did you It's a
block number.
Let me check my, uh, pink razor. Here,
let me check my phone. No text. Why would you take your
managers reply? I'm gonna reply.
Is this How dare you alive?
You, Howard, Are you alive, you bitch?
Well, this
must be someone else, right? I mean, somebody knows that Howard's here got the
however it is replied Boo,
as in a media Halloween. Haunted is
in, uh, India Halloween question mark.
Good. Great film. Great ending. Yeah, the ending. I would they say No. No. Well, what does that mean? That's
the end of that.
You think that Howard's goes to sending us accidental pictures of Anthony's Weiner?
You think you know your you don't mean Howard's in Hell?
Howard's Ghost has LTTE service
email subject line. Buh uh, asking media Helling. We open it. Yeah, that's And wow. Anthony Weiner's Weiner
Wade's Anthony
Weiner's Ways. Weiner. It's ah, it's Ah, it's It's scrappy and it's from new trees.
Very kind wife like Shit
Way Seen this woman before. It has New Jersey. Yes. Tattooed on. Sure you notes from New Jersey S E.
I don't know that That's not what we're talking about.
Oh, then we must be seen in other news, I
think Kevin Smith,
he's a favorite. All know, very good. Very good ending. And
no one that's crazy. That development Howard must be texting us from hell. It's
the only explanation. Uh, well, what you will try to get to the bottom of that stay tuned will definitely be here next.
We also don't listen to the preachers lounge.
Hold on. I'm just getting any hell. What is any hell? What is that?
I know Did. Is there an app on your phone? It's a new app. Oh, whoa. You're just gonna fire?
But the
ashes air in the shape of Anthony's. We've
Jesus Christ. What?
Are you okay?
Fuck! My hair's gone. It's getting pretty spooky in here. I'm spoked.
Why's everybody looking at us? We're not scary. No thes air. Our bones. Remember? We already covered this. Wait a minute. Moons. You know things.
Get somebody with those skeletons.
Ghosts? Skeletons, are
they? They're floating up there, floating up the
heads on the ceiling.
They get make it fly. But they carry
door there. You know, I was a door, but I was wrong. Just like a couple of confused flies. Are you Are you shitty ghost with no like, ghostly stuff? Be quiet, guy. You from hell? By Howard. Are you bad
ghosts who can't go through walls?
I'm a naughty goes what that is. Just not use
a bad
girl. You're a bad girl. Aren't all girls bad? And all girls goes, you tell us what Todd wrote that book. All girls go to hell where he's trying to re visit and change.
Wouldn't know We don't read. What's the ending Like
Theo? End of all girls Goto hell
to $2. Sharing a piece of spaghetti is the
sequel to all Girls or dogs.
Yeah, these air Two books I chose to write on I'm tryingto trying to wreck on both. So
you chose to write them
and I thought about it for a long time. And he said, I'll finally put
this trip. I've written some books that were not by
choice essential blood Central
books that I was forced into
Your choice. Thank you for sitting back down, by the
way, somebody opens the doors way straight
up. Ghost. You don't have legs. You just have dresses that go down into nothing.
Also catch us next week on the Preachers lounge podcast. Better not. We are very popular on that one. We're also going to be on the creepers loans, forecasts The Creepers lounge. I didn't even know about that 10 yes, it's create creepy we Lear at each other. We say things about soggy bodies and body, but very creepy.
Okay, well, we'll check it out. Um, this is OK. This is crazy,
but, hey, we're still normal. Carl, this is crazy. Do
you think
Howard could maybe be with the wind release?
Well, if they're even Dad, I don't know.
With windows aren't dead, they're to six sets of twins that went missing. But I have 11 alleged of murdering, and I didn't know that they're not dead. We get to the bottom of this and we'll check back in next week. Until that. Thanks for listening. Thanks to the Johannesburg ghosts. So next time, stay.
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