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The guys discuss working their up in the entertainment industry. Also, singer Matisyahu stops by the show to talk about his transformation.
Joe Kennedy That breakfast this morning? Yes.
What was that? French Was that French toast?
It have tasted fresh to me. I
really like it was too sweet for me. I mean, thank you so much, Kato, for doing that for
Cato makes spread for us. I mean, it looks like a cereal box in there. You know that balance breakfast?
It is a very We have milk in O j at the table. Yeah, very bad.
He's got He's got the shooting on
the table at the table. But
it's unbelievable. Toe have orange juice with Orenthal James. It's really amazing. Yeah, I feel today's
or it Those been a little bit too. Had too much pope lately.
E I know. I kind of prefer Orenthal with the poem.
I prefer a pope. Three pope free Orenthal. He's got He's in a better mood. Have you
guys ever had or in thought? Half orenthal, Half mango? Yeah,
I love that. Yes, and I found mango to be a little flirtatious.
I cannot believe Chris, get Dad still doing that character around Hollywood. It's unbelievable. O j. Simpson and ah gets hand walking around Hollywood. I have a
question for you all. And I I'm not laying accusations down, but it does it
kind of
seem like Kato's trying to fatten me up.
Uh, yeah. You ate. You got all the bacon you get served all the bacon. Yeah.
He put you a few times and said not yet.
He was, like, had a brush and was basting. You're
right. Practice. He was practice. Um, brushing? Yeah, Like a like a barbecue mop. You and I will say there is a perfect fire pit out back with two little sticks that have ah, stick across the spit. A spit
way described eating Howard's body hard in Stu's body to Kato. And he was really licking his lips. It looked like a light bulb went off over his head.
He almost turned into a animal. Yeah,
and I'll be opportune animal chops. I went to go to bed last night and I walk into my room and there is a bed of lettuce on my I mean, it's a silver platter with last on that
there was chopped up carrots, onions and celery.
And you guys know that I have a mouth guard that I sleep with to keep from gritting my teeth. Little did I know until I looked into the little box that my out guards in there
a whole apple in there. Really. It's almost like Kato wants to roast me like a
pig. I think this Kato have any history of roasting people like pigs are six happened. Nowhere is based on something real life.
I think it's a new thing that's happening with Kato.
I mean, he's getting older. I think he's may be losing his mind a little bit.
You heard that story about a woman who had a snake and the snake stopped eating and she took it to the doctor. And the doctor said, Well, you got You gotta get with snake It's preparing to eat you. That's right, Iran Sin Kato et me on three weeks.
No, que Dios? Definitely. I thought he was just on like a Hollywood diet. I've sort of been following his diet a little bit, but he is not even any
new Hollywood diet. Starve yourself for six weeks, and then each your best friend catching on.
I'm not going to say it's definite, but I did see him Googling number of calories in human thigh
eso He is weight watching while he's during this.
All of this points to Yes, he's gonna eat you. I know. When you initially asked us, we went, huh? And then started listing a lot of the things. But now that we've listed about it seems like he's trying to eat you. Yes, guys. Oh, you
know what I'm going to
say at this point? We all know what I'm going to say.
You are a virgin in a dead man's body. Does that? Were you gonna say?
We know
that isn't what I was going to say. What I was going to say is, we've been recording this whole time.
Oh, fuck. Howard in stews about eight. Uh,
it's more. Just disappoint. I'm not even that mad. I'm really just disappointed.
Now, if Cato eats you, we can't deny that we saw it coming. Yeah, well,
we don't have any plausible tonight.
Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe now Kato won't try to eat me.
Unrelated. Can you measure how wide the table is with your teeth real quick? I'm sorry. Teeth under the table and measure how wide it is.
Oh, yeah, You got him. But you're kidding Teeth. Uh, start talking like that. You at least you adore your night guard at night so you won't grit your teeth. Well, actually, I don't know
that you need to talk about this.
You can t
around. But what is your tongue doing? Yeah, you don't have to talk like
that. Used to be the first basket only podcast predating issues relevant to the Hamilton High School community. But now, of course, we've gone Hollywood. Um, my name is Howard Levis, and I'm here with my friends now regular. Can't you kick my face into the table, though, until I see a dentist? I was talking like that.
You're talking like suffering succotash. I can't help it. It doesn't sound
like it's your teeth. It sounds like your brain is devolved. Listen,
guys, I don't know what to tell you, OK? You guys cuffed this and this is how it's going to be.
This is your
fault. Alright, Alright, I'll introduce yourself. Sam Weatherman over at the WG agency. I've worked my way up. I am now unofficially. Ah, junior Agent
way had a big party for you. This is huge for you. Been blackmailing your way up to the top of the agency, and now you're almost at the top. I found
out some of the some of the deepest secrets that these guys have, and I cant tell them, or else I'll lose my place. But I got leverage. Maybe
that's great. Congratulations. Congratulations, Finger. Okay. Thank you. Todd Padre, theater guru and King of Theater Row on Santa Monica,
King of Theater All
Ryan Rally. Is that what it's God?
Yeah, that's what I'm calling it now it's Ah, it's all the misfits and the punk rockers that there weren't accepted into any of the theater company. And we're putting on good stuff still,
and you have and you've built
a Catholic.
That's right. I have built a cast so well, they have built the castle for me that I am living in. So I am the
king. And how did they build this Is was this just all people of the theater really banded together and built it or I
asked them to, and they did it because they got I don't know. I don't know why they're doing it, but they keep doing it. Um, and people just keep acting like I know what I'm talking about and they're all about it. That's fantastic. That's right. You were doing some
binge theater house, that bench theatergoing. It's kind of like
the place model of binge theater. Yeah, well, um, yeah, it's pretty great. You know, Letterman had Obama. Uh, right. Um, I did You
have something like that?
Well, you know how Clint Eastwood screamed at an empty chair A to the Republican National Convention. We had a similar thing where I screamed at an empty chair. That will, but I took that idea. I said it was crazier and longer than Clint Eastwood.
And was it as if Obama was sitting in the chair? Did you have anybody in the chair were yelling at the chair?
No, the chair was also imaginary, So I was yelling at nothing on It was mostly a roast of the chair. How could you be holding this bad president? It was a roasted chair,
Really? Turning it on its head.
Tend to share west where
you know, the trailer was an imaginary chair.
Everybody in the audience had Teoh. It
sounds pretty shallow.
Imagine that the chair was there.
Yeah, that's right. Well, that's what theatre is is you're imagining. You know, the people are better. What the You're
imagining that theres good dialogue. You're imagining that the props actually match with the person that you all
thier, Uh, that I've been to three
other day. You were. You were I saw your play where you were stomping around, yelling about something, and you were drinking out of a plate. Yeah, or a B pretended as if the plate was a kind. Like you're missing certain props.
So you came to play this cup
title? I did not know that was the actual place.
Oh, yeah, That's the title up played is a cup. Yeah, and that's the whole play is it's kind of extension of the whose owners, anyway, game. We're taking a thing, and you're pretending it's other things, right? But this is just 2.5 hours of me Finding different ways to use a plate is a
I just became an agent, so I know a lot about art. Now, this sounds like crap. His crap. That sounds like crap. I don't
know. I crack.
I mean, I'm getting creamed in the trades. Your
ship, You're pulling out ads you're paying for ads. They cream yourself and I rarely say Cream yourself. I noticed one of
them. You wrote a review. And you youth Padre?
Well, uh, no part toucher Israel. He's a little boy. Had a strong relationship with Les Ont. He wrote a bad review of my play, and I can't remember what happened.
E I was trying to think right now I have no idea.
Yeah, I took. I took out some ads Where I Because if people what is art? If if people don't hate it, right, people like it, it's not art on so that I'm making art there, and I'm letting people know it's bad. I took out an ad in the L A Weekly. It took out an ad in backstage magazine. Um
hey, he paid for an ad on the upcoming
Super Bowl, right? Yes. Yeah. Why did a Dorito style thing? I paid some film students a $1,000,000 Will do. Ah, bad ad of a dog kicking a guy in the balls with a hot lady in the background. Uh, and, uh, and then at the end, it's like, this is how bad my plays are.
Wow, What a
great artistic stance, Because then you never have to make anything good. Yeah. The worst thing is, the more satisfied you are.
If you constantly talking about how you're taking a big risk. Nobody cares when It's always bad. Yeah, I hope.
Hey, guys. Bill. Crazy here. Formerly Chris's boy. Formerly. I noticed the tattoos covered up. Yeah. Yeah. I, um I got the tattoo removed. Um, let's covered up. There's duct tape removed. Okay, That's what they're doing now. You're paying $5000 a debt tape over in the pain. That duct tape Flesh calories? Well, it doesn't look convincing. Well, okay, Maybe I have to get a refund. Well, yeah, I think I think, uh, my manager Chris, was trying to take advantage of me. That kind of done on me, Um, the past in the past few days? We did. I guess the final straw was I auditioned for him. Um, at 7:45 a.m. L a at l. A X. Um Well, we got there, and he said, I need you to give me some money for head shots. You need new head shots, and he said It's just gonna be $35,000 for a couple looks. So I went and I drained my bank account on. I gave him the 70,000 for two looks, Yeah, to look, um, one serious and one funny. Uh, and I love that. I'll show you guys the shots.
Same outfit in both looks. It's just your faces. Different?
Yeah. Yeah, it was It was two pictures. It was two pictures. It was like, Okay, suppose and do a funny one. Okay. And the shoot. So I
was taken in a camera,
lights the whole, you know, a bouncer.
No, no, no, no, no. It was taken on his phone.
IPhone go to the new portrait mood?
Uh, no. No, he doesn't have the newest phone. Um, he doesn't have the newest iPod or even an iPhone. Oh, it's
at least a smartphone with camera.
No, no. Um, he wasn't drawing right. He wasn't drawing. He wasn't.
Here's what I'll say. He was on the phone. The head of a very curly cord departures gate theme, international departures
with a pay phone.
Um, let's just say no. I did. Look at it. Looked like a home phone. That grandma would have that she stretched out into the living room with the bases in the kitchen is what it looked like to me. Um and he said she said, Give me $35,000. I'll take some pictures of you on my phone. Um, and then he said, OK, let's do the sides. And he walked into the international terminal as I screamed. Where you going? Come back. Come back. Uh uh. Please don't leave. Um, so I think he was a con artist. Yeah. Okay, I think so. I think he stole my $35,000. Didn't give me anything.
Will you give me two pictures? No,
he did not. He said he was going to, you know, checking my email. Refreshing it every every five minutes.
You're on the other end of this now. A bad thing has happened, and I Hopefully you've learned a lesson from it. And congrats from that lesson.
Well, it was terrible up until a day ago when I got a good call from my good buddy Sam weatherman. That's right at WG. And he has convinced the team to represent May, which is exciting, which is exciting. Yes, Yes, I'm doing pilot season
I'm proud to have my first client. I'm very proud to have my first client. My best friend, Pilot guy I've always believed in the most isn't what I emailed
you about. Referee. And every time I got a vacation response, but they were different ones. Yeah, I was like, I don't think he's on vacation.
You just keep him emailing me and inconvenient times on vacation.
Are you typing them yourself? Are you just typing? It's not another.
I thought one of these and it actually started with, uh, rode out being can force bases. Yeah, and then of a case. And
I was on a plane and I couldn't find my seat. And I was flustered as I was taking a female and, you know, it just came out how I was thinking.
Well, congrats, pretty boy.
Appreciate that. Fucking look. A room at the top of you just got really artist. I'm a sellout. Okay, I'm going on auditions. You
are doing real real crap, Todd. Thank you. Here's something where? On
the pitch with Tru TV next week.
Drew TV or TV Drew. True Devi. What is it? Isa Tru TV Tru TV or Drew TV
It's all three of them. I just emailed a lot of different places that I'm going to drew TV.
You hear a lot of different places.
And is this truck carries? I would
love you or your emails.
Yeah, I have a meeting with me. Me, it drew TV. Okay. And I'm pretty excited about that. Uh, and then I have Tru TV, which is this is all videos is all like, you know, it's all unscripted digital video.
So you're calling pornography? Unscripted digital video.
It's unscripted digital videos. Um, boring company. You guys want me to say yes because it is really in the door.
the only thing that constitutes what this medium is. There's other things. I think you're leaving.
I went to their website Mason priest elation stuff on there. Um, and I have one with Tru TV also. That's interest. I'm excited about all three. That's exciting, but good. Congratulations on
those pan out. We could maybe work on something, you know.
Okay, great. Yeah, I have. Ah, I have a meeting this afternoon, actually, with the the office who cast Gossip Girl and, um, and Riverdale wherever day.
That's what I would love to have you on that at river.
All right? Yes. You are still
there. Still, there is the set, teacher. I was I was confused. I last week last week. I You're catering. I ended up being on the food, the in craft services and I was like the I'm crazy. Yeah, of course. But I talked Teoh the producers, and I am now in the right for this, and, uh, I, uh it's really fun I wear had every day. Uh, and I give me my own chair.
No one has ever sold job that
way. They're saying it's a more casual teaching environment Where
do whatever. Yeah, but there's a lot of responsibility. Everybody talks to me. I'm working with actors I'm working with. You know what you are what? I mean. Go ahead. I'm a teacher. I work with the actors. I work with the cinematographer. The production?
What kind of how do you wear?
It's just a knife. One top.
What? I mean,
it's like a baseball cap. Kind of just like, uh, making conspicuous. Uh,
is it maybe have, like, ah, past project that you worked on that? It's just like a little wrapped gift maybe is what it is. Uh, say the billing ball show on it has you did not
say billing fall. So on it.
I think I don't know how this happened, but I think you are the director of Riverdale. Know you're either. What? Todd thought your your neighbor Ham Lincoln impersonator working in the
bathroom? I don't know. I don't know. I look no, guys, arm a set teacher. Okay. Ah, Thet teacher. I go to said every day I sort of interface with everyone. I make sure everything's going away. Third, go. Uh,
usually the set teacher works with the actors when the cameras were not rolling and not on. That's what
I thought. That's what I thought. But know that teachers are in the themes like your your like they do a take of the theme and then you walk in. You think OK, that was good, but I think this scene actually could maybe be a little bit better if you think about it. Sort of like this is the last time you're going to see
Archie. You're not teaching. It sounds a little it all intricately directing television.
What? What is your paycheck for a set teachers, maybe like at the most $600 a week. What? Getting paid?
I was shocked at my salary. I was shocked
or what?
I was stocked. Fox. I was shocked that over there are you talking about a thought? Thought I don't know what? That if I was, I was shocked. So you're getting paid a lot. I'm getting paid more than I've ever been paid for any job before in my whole life. And that is $3.2 million for the thieving
Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's great. If you're looking for representation, I'm happy to do it. I away. I think I'm good. I don't know any other directors that are looking for. You know, I've been looking for a long
time. I'm not a director with that teacher. Uh, so I think I'm good. I'm against you. And I think if teachers, I think that you should get into teaching anti union, Really? So I don't need a direct. I don't need an agent. I don't need anything like that. I'm just a fed teachers turn to touch in life. So things are going really good. The everybody seems to love me. They've already talked about, even to, ah, seconds, even for me. So of future of teaching. So I'm really excited.
Are you teaching any subjects? Are you really just talking about the film with
speech? I'm teaching every subject like, uh, interpersonal relationship skills. There's a lot of math in the image. So show I'm I'm teaching math to the kids
like that. Let's add us a cast member to this scene to make it look more filled out.
Kind of like, uh, yeah, sort of. Like, uh, we have nine x rev. If we add one more extra and put somebody at the bar back there, will that make it look
better, regardless of if you're teaching or directing or whatever you're doing? I have got a lot of open slots on my roster, and I would love to represent. Let's talk
about it. Okay, let's talk about Let's talk about
Oh, Todd, come on. Do you want to be an artist or do you want to be famous? All right.
I want to be famous. I want to be famous artist.
There are no famous artist things hard. Maybe you'll be failure. You're seriously. Do you wanna be posthumously
fame. Oh, I want to know that I'm famous. Well, I work. I mean Oh, I've been very infamous. I still am. Yeah, you know that. Except it's fine. Congratulations. You're famous director. You're about to be a big actor. You're representing them both. But I directed a homeless man yesterday, so I think we're all doing well.
In what way is this? I saw you, Todd. There anything, This whole most man.
Yeah, and I think it was very challenging for everybody. Oh,
by directing, do you mean you
challenging in the way that it was unpleasant? You don't want any part of this.
Todd went down to city home. Says he he can solve this homeless crisis in L. A.
Which I was spitballing with you guys. I was like, Let's get involved with This is our city, baby. We love it. Let's solve some crises. I was I could solve it right away. Let's start casting homeless people in not 99. An undersea plays, Um, and they said they said no. And I said, All right, well, maybe a little Burger King Greece seal the deal.
Oh, God. You bribed him again?
Yeah. I grease the palms with the fact that at City Hall
on you bought him Burger King, Greece. Yes. I don't
work at Burger King,
which is a lie. He definitely does. You were covered. Me and Kurdish saw him at Burger King yesterday. You
introduce about hanging a lot like
Oh, yeah.
Does he always introduce himself?
And he says, What's up? This is good news. Welcome back, Eyes. Usually how he into
what toe hanging out with him or Yeah,
that's at the other day. That's what I'm the most jealous of is all of your famous friends. You're really blown up out here.
Hey, what can I say? I'm a riot in the club. All right, people come up to May. It's cool. You know? I'm starting. I take photos,
you go to the club and you be real funny. You go to like, a dance club, and you're just You're hilarious.
Yeah, I'm super funny. Yeah, I'm mistreat little people. I don't know what it
is about that camera you got, but a guy walking around holding a camera in a club will attract the most narcissistic people. Absolutely. And it's really you really have a lot of attractive assholes hanging on. You know,
I've noticed that in L A. If you walk around with the camera, you have famous people just walk up to you and present themselves to you.
Yeah, The paparazzi don't follow the celebrities. Celebrities finally the proper act like moths to a for real. Like get out. Leave me alone like please take pictures. I
was driving by the other night and I saw five actress knocking on the window of a paparazzi asleep in his home.
I have a family. I've tried to do this. Why? I try to sleep with my family here. Mel Gibson?
Yeah. These actors getting unruly with the paparazzi.
But I saw you. I saw those beautiful photos. You developed a view and modest yahoo at the Museum of Ice Cream.
Yeah, me and modest have been hanging. Uh, you
guys really love that Sprinkle pool?
Yes. Yeah, yeah. We'll get down in that Sprinkle pool. Modest is very cool. Um, he goes by modest. It was modest. Google. It was modest. I e your time going back and he's like, You better be careful. I'm gonna change is too modest. Web. Carl, I would have what do you mean? I might better be careful How that your flexibility? I don't know. Modest is wild, though. Some. Yeah, he's super chill. Um, but yeah. I mean, I don't know what to tell you.
I think I have a barbecue at the house. I feel like I've been so work lately.
Why don't we have a barbecue invite a bunch of people. You do your magic because you're You're charming, Todd.
You do people like when I come up to them and make them look at my magic,
I think I think I would say about 30%. Really do.
Yeah. Here's the thing. I I like your magic, but I really like it. I really like it when you when you mess up, you picked the wrong card over and over and over again. You get super frustrated and go Hold on. It's
set up for the seventh time when it does work. The trick is it hasn't worked six times.
Also not always the seventh time. And here's the gang. Why would they your act in it? Magic and more like presentations of probability and chance?
It's devastating because I saw him do one card trick. 52 times and he still didn't get it right. And the odds of that are pretty hard
because he took out a card every time you
got it wrong. He had one card is a pick a card, any card They picked that one card, the remaining card. He still said the three clubs, and it was not that it couldn't remember it.
Do you guys could tell going into this conversation, I was already in a bad place, right? It just feels like by one. My things is magic that I'm really proud of. And I didn't know people were observing all of the failures and remembering that
way one
time it did work is what people were leaving with.
No, what? That that was an accident. You said a pick, a card, any card. You got that wrong. And then you pulled open your hat and a dove flew out. Then you were like, Whoa, See? But that wasn't even the initial trick that you re enter
that trick with that dove with.
I'm gonna be honest with you guys. I was looking up at the Bird's Nest the other day and it looked a lot like my hat and I was taken. Oh, no, during a bird's nest is a hat tied. And so I think that's what happened.
We've been watching those birds for weeks. Yeah, I've got
a webcam up there
in the nest. Yes, well, it's just a hat. I accidentally switch it up. Which explains why my has been so running lately.
You've had egg on your face. For that.
You have at a on your face, one with on your face. I literally
listen. I think magic. It's cool. OK, you know, if it's good, it's cool. But I think you have to get good at it before you can really perform well. Yeah,
David Blaine was boring at first. Now,
exactly. So I think Take a few weeks, learn a few tricks, and then you'll be fine. We'll
barbecues tomorrow, and I've got on. I'm too busy to learn any more tricks, but everywhere. What's up? Too busy Where? Um uh,
Big duffel bag full of it. Looks like there's a pokey crown
in there. Something, Um Oh, that's because I'm the king. You know, I'm the king of theatre. I don't What would
you say that a lot?
Yeah. Yeah, all of my minions build me a castle. Is not that I work at Burger King, and I'm I'm a joke there. And they forced me to work the crowd around and they think I'm a creep like the guy from the Burger King commercials four years ago. It's not that. Not that I don't work at Burger. Can
you get the King of Fear? The
King of theater? They built Mary Castle. You can't see it. Okay, that's great. Well, maybe you can bring some of the your Riverdale friends, and maybe you could bring some of the agency now that are looking for 70 year old clients that look like they're in their hundreds. And you could drill your famous friends.
All right? Yeah, Yeah, I'm down. I mean,
everybody loves a barbecue in, uh, in Beverly Hills. You know, absolutely.
We should get some entertainment, like, have some entertainment there for people. I mean yet maybe get modest to come down. I'd love for modest to sing a few songs. Could you skin introduced the party, give us a countdown of the best moments of the party? Huh? Um, have you been hanging out? Bellamy Still, Bill Bellamy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good. Yeah. Me and Bill were close. Yeah. Good. Good a lot about him. Yeah, exactly who he is. I stand up comic. Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Not the most notable thing about it,
But the most notable thing, I
think MTV VJs. Yeah, a movie star. I think that Well, I know him at the MTV personality, so but, hey, whatever he'll be there will talkto. OK, slow.
My name is Sam. Weatherman reading for the part of Pepto Bismol. Take Well, if you're better, I thought I would just try something. Yeah, let's take that again. You're actually not the Pepto Bismol. You are the person taking the Pepto Bismol on its soothing your stomach. Big. Understand?
We're really excited. We have a guest today. Uh, usual. Uh, honestly, if perfect timing. Yeah, Talk to this gentleman because he was such a hot topic the first half of the show today. But ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce our guest today. Mr. Moniz. Yahoo!
See my My, my, my yo yo yo, yo yo Yo See my mind My you.
He's holding a yellow. Yes. You see, that said that's what's awesome about might be holding a Yeah. Yo yo! And just come up with that goal. Yeah.
My, my, my You, my, my, my. Oh, you'll you'll you got
having this guy around is great. Oh, my God. Welcome, honest. Thank you.
Because he's hiding his. He's kind of hiding his yo yo. And he's daring us to see his yo you
see my Oyo. But you cannot, but because it's in my hoody. Yes. Thank you for having modest thanks for being here for having me here. Yes, Yes.
Now you're Jewish, right? Yes, sir, I am. Okay. I was asked me and you're not from Jamaica or anything. I beg your pardon? Nothing. Method?
Jamaica? No, I am a Jewish mind. Okay. What is what is the issue?
No issue Jewish. Okay, that must do this.
Yeah, your exit just sounded a little Jamaican. Uh
oh. This is my accent. I'm from West Chester, Pennsylvania.
Modest. Now you have really done a transformation because you used to have the big beard dressed more traditionally. Oh, are orthodox, but now you look almost like a beach bum.
I and I made a transition from my original, uh, RCD routes to you know, just a bit more flavor in the way I Yeah, addressed him. I say a
little more modern flavour.
See, my my, my young bumba
You're all right. That's what I love. Modish. Um, feels good to be in the presence of a true performer. Yeah, you know what I mean? We're still new to this whole l a thing, but it's cool to be around the energy of someone who could just kind of perform at all times.
Yeah, and modest. I saw a video of you a few months ago. Um, since you're so unrecognizable now, people don't know that Modest has maybe walked into the coffee shop or something. And you had walked into a coffee shop and there was a guy there kind of a guy who was just bus king or whatever playing a small gig in the coffee shop. And he was playing one of your songs. And he did not know it was you who had walked into the coffee shop. And then you start singing along with him to your song. And then eventually, at the end of the video, you fess up that you're modest yahoo, and the guy is blown away. Does that happen to your lot? Are you now kind of like going around trying to see if people are doing your stuff And you say, Actually, it's me
all of the time. I love the time Every time I go, you know, my son is very popular among the coffee shop busker crowd and community. That's right. So exclusively they love it. So, you know, I changed myself. You know, I said this in in my first song, huh? Strip away the layers and reveal your soul. You got to give yourself up and then you become whole. Yes, you're a slave to yourself and you don't even know. Yes, yes. Uh, wow. I had to strip away my layers before I walk into the coffee shop on literally the basket. Yes, the car. I took off most of my flute and I walked in with a pair of daisy dukes on a halter top that I had gone under all of the layers.
And this is to throw off the scent. It like that might be modest. Yahoo. No, it couldn't be the guy in the days
like Jewish thing the daisy dukes and tiny sharing like the underwear. Legally, Mormons
wear big underwear,
wear my Hasidic way. I wear daisy dukes and a top full of Rhinestones.
Uncomfortable? Yeah, when you mean it is my nipples, Is it? Is it Rhinestones on the outside or the inside of the pants or just full of loose Rhinestones?
The halter top is covered in Rhinestones and inside of the pan in the pockets of the pants, which are very thin layer cotton full of Rhinestones in case one files out my shit. Hot glue gun battery power is I blew the Rhinestone back on too much.
It seems like you're not stripping yourself of many layers. You're adding to that lay.
I have stripped myself of all of my layers and revealed my soul. And my soul is a person wearing a house turned up on some roller skates. You
have any? Is this what you're holding in by their hands? Pump pom pom.
See my bump of most? My hands
almost looked like a cheerleader from a high school movie. Yes, I'll stay
like that's what you're trying to look like. You're neither from
college. More rather, my favorite movie is F. You good fired up Yes. Fired up. Love it. Love it. Amazing.
And the big effect for you is that you wanted to look like a female cheerleaders.
Yes. Fired up. Amazing women. Actually. The halter top that I wear says if you all right, I personally glued the rhymes owned onto the F and onto the you. Okay? And, uh, the Daisy Duke shorts.
Yes, around. Oh, Jesus.
Daisy Chart. That's a leadership,
Jim, you're playing that up is a sharp modest, But that's a bullshit. And during your days, I didn't hear
anything come out with the fire. You could just sort of started to smell in here. Slowly. It was quiet.
It's like you. You sit. You didn't fart at all with
my beautiful dio. You sure
your pants and you tried to play it off is just yourself.
You pinched off the stinkiest log I've ever seen. You
have to go. You have to go.
Okay? Yeah. Now, models, you've been working on some new music. Doesn't have anything to do with being a cheerleader now.
Yes, I feel of my sons. Do a few. Yes. I remade the fame sound from the movie. Uh, I remade. It seems over in the movie. Bring it on. Uh uh. Bring it out to me by Black really made it. Okay. Made
it into a reggae song. Wow. So
regular Jewish, uh, Regulus Hey, Jude rages triggers rakish. Which radio? Ronald? Remember Ronald Reagan, the
protester who was sort of protest ing Ronald Reagan time using
yes. And he was like, uh, Reaganomics is bullshit. You remember not popular.
He was actually busting one of myself. E I walked up to him and said breaking no mixes Month most. It's all my mom would summon. Wit was edited. I'm in with you. Never heard of the righteous on. No, I have it. That's my bad ottoman. Rusty way
now, are you? Maybe try to help my friend out here, Sam, Isn't it currently an agent? Are you represented musically
now? No, I am not. I'm look currently looking for representation. When I stripped all of my layers, I also dropped by representation. You drop them? Yes, I do. Yes. They weren't doing enough for me, right?
Because if I was your age and I feel like I would have maybe the impetus to drop you since you have sort of given away everything that you're known for you. Because have you with style Have you changed your name to modest Google?
WebCrawler? I have not changed to Martha's WebCrawler yet. I am still currently seeking out some options. Okay. Marta's AskJeeves Marta's being, uh I'm liking much is being modest being.
It sounds like you're related to a cast member of friends, though, or something like that.
I'm not familiar with the show. Chandler bring Chandler Being modest being is what? That's his name. Chandler being There was no friends person. I was more about Caroline in the city. I
didn't know those were to the two camps you had. You
had to watch one or two when I was growing up in the 19 nineties. Uh, we only had three channels. And both of those shows game on the same theme. Just
a bunch of other. Yes. Was Seinfeld or Grace under fire?
Wow. I really enjoyed Brett Butler.
Hate that. Scientists have a butler. Guy e. I love Butler, but have you seen Butler's new show?
No. Didn't know it existed.
Yeah, it's actors riding in boats, just letting the saltwater riding in boats, drinking coffee? No, thanks.
Here is much focus on the boats in that episodio is
mostly about the salt water hitting the actors
because they don't really even have an interview
with their holding coffee. And they changed their name afterwards because they realized most of what's happening is getting a
system right. A rough boat ride with two actors who don't want to be there
because they just put a little black squares over the coffee. Kind of sensitive crazy assed, long as you don't change it. Too modest for a four error not found.
I was thinking of Martus Mailer. Damon. A few names have run across my mind.
Now what do you want? You need to change your name so much. Yeah,
uh, strip yourself of layers and reveal your so and you change your name involved in Olive. Okay.
Sounds like there's one lyric that you wrote that you pretty passionately not really supposed to. When
I wrote that lyric, I was like, Oh, this is going to get him Thats one is the Wythe.
I would say Maybe because right, first year, big Orthodox Jew, then you're a female cheerleader. Maybe you're having trouble having staying power because you kind of Why? Relying too much on gimmicks?
Yeah. What gimmicks? Yes is me. This is everything that I am Martha's Yahoo Orthodox Jewish person from West Chester, Pennsylvania,
dressed as a female trail leaders, Rhinestones and shorts. What? What's your I mean from Pennsylvania? You got some connection to Israel? Why do you like Los Angeles so much? We're trying to figure the city out.
You know, I it just something in the air here. Some people call it smart. I personally call it ambition. Andi, you know, I feel like Los Angeles has a a theater community that I want to be involved in out. This is interesting. Oh, is it all right? I really enjoy all of the please I watch on Santa Monica Boulevard.
Really? Maybe there won a Todd's Price goes types, directing and writing and starring in a few of these plays on the money. That's the complex.
Yes, it the complex theater. The pack has not allowed me to put my shows up there. Know what they said to similar? So I've had the guy. I built my own theatre on San Mark in Wilcox, the cradle of art in Los Angeles,
cradle of art That's a strange now attack using Are you referencing the cradle of civilization using Artisan Benton on Santa Monica Wilcox?
Actually, I'm using the term cradle of civilization, and I'm making it about my theater, mostly filled with, uh, young like minded white rebels.
There used to be a post office on that Connor, and now it is an animal hospital. Yes, starring Betsy said,
I think that Joe is gonna have more practice.
I did not watch, you know, I was more big Caroline in the city.
But if you do enjoy the theater there, I mean, I'd love to put you up in one of my pair play shows, pay pay or play shows a pair of play. It's a pair of plays. Yeah, on DSO we picked two plays, and we do we doing both simultaneously, And the idea is just to pick, which to follow. If they're bored by one, they watched the other, so it's real blast for nobody.
It's also there's one set, but there's too plays going on on one set way middle
where the sheet in the middle and we purposely picked two plays that you should not belong in the same place. Eso uh, We do it right now. We're doing the train robbery on seem from inside of a house and we're doing those at the same time. If you'd like to be in one of those, I mean,
I would love to. I would love to be in the train robbery. I also have been working, if you don't mind me work shopping one of my own, please. In your theater. I've been working on my marches Yahoo adaptation of Fences by August Wilson. Really?
Now, that's just famously kind of not a show about a Jewish white man. Uh, no, no, that. But,
you know, how do you adapt? How did you adapt? What? Your big changes.
Oh, okay. Well, when at at the time where the sun comes to Troy, the father then talks to him about him wanting to play football. This actually have a sheet here? If you want to read this with me, you
have the actor? Yes, Mr Padre. Well, yeah, I'd like to think so. Unwrapped, but yeah, that's right. Unwrap
any repped actors in the rule. There's a couple of doctors.
Are you okay? You want to read it with the repped actor
wg you with wg? Yes, Yes, I just joined Sag. Who? This Ad Actors Guild? That's right. It was expensive. It waas Yeah, I'm sad. Eligible William Griffin Endeavoured? Yes. What is What's it called again? William Griffin, Deputy William Griffin And every I am William Griffin merged with Endeavor The agency
Endeavour originally was end merging with ever. Yes, Yes. William Griffin was originally will I Am's agency And Blake Griffin's a
four way merger. A lot of bosses end being one of the far.
Yeah, if you just want to see read that scene from Fences together, I guess I'm too much of a shit. Hold.
Thanks. Time. There was a part for a distant There's two actors and I will be playing the part Denzel Washington played in moving right, because I think I'm the most similar to him as Martin. You will be playing my son, Okay? And, Mr Padre, you will be playing my wife
now. This is very cold for me reading. I I've seen five minutes of that movie. Okay? It's quite enough about
the house. The dialogue been tweaked. Yeah. Okay. I'm probably not gonna matter if you
listen your agents here. I'm not gonna let you get in. Anything that wouldn't be good for Okay, Good. Will you protect me? I will protect your, um OK, cold rating. This play. Absolutely awesome. Top. Nobody cares.
Make sure when we're done with this. You feel like you're nine. This? Yeah, OK, Yeah. Great. What's the pain? Because you're on ripped. I'll be giving you the non union rep. Great. So he gets kicked in the ass and told to shut up. Shut up
from the But the buzzfeed commercial confidence.
Do not sign that you do not. Cite says
14 hours of work for $100 8 weeks later,
it also told me at the top what they're getting paid.
600,000. But you're not thinking
about the amount of opportunity. Okay, There you go.
Oh, God. I just signed that with this blood
opportunity is just blood opportunities valuable of money in the
10 ways to fuck struggling actors. Is that a list?
Yeah, I love that from this thing's got detect. It is from a website that I quite enjoyed modest. I'm
looking for a writer actor director. Someone who is a multi hyphenate was close to my life. See? Mumbles way.
See your dirty
bum. It's not chances. Stop asking, is it?
We've seen your butt, Mama. Let did. Okay, get a balance.
That really this is warming me up. Perfect. See, my bum bum. That's my favorite song.
So far, you're about to
see my my, my, my Careful, Tom Green's is barely digits these days. He's gotta be okay. All right, so we're gonna read this place.
Okay? All right. It starts with you coming in to ask me. Good. Modest. Yes. Sudden.
Can I have some walking around money walking around money? Is that what you request? Yeah. I wasn't walking around money for just walking around. You know, maybe I want to get a coffee or slice of pizza. Or maybe buy a shirt.
Let's me ask you something. Do you see me having a shared down know? Exactly. Because when you strip yourself of layers, then you've You're in Vienna. I sold. This
is good. Wow. Okay. Bye,
honey. Good highlights. Shut up. Todd, you missed
your cue. Sorry, I got nervous.
Come on. You're supposed to enter with groceries and say that there's an agent. There's an agent in the room. Tots are so I can really make your life better there. There's industry here. I can take you all the way up to Lloyd. Okay.
All right.
I think Mom's supposed to be in here with groceries at any minute.
Hi, honey. Here. The groceries. Uh, can I have my per diem now? D m. Sorry. I'm riffing.
Don't don't have improvised. How disrespectful. Okay, but you're supposed No, you don't leave yet. You ask him about his clothes. Sorry.
You can say that line again.
Where's your shirt?
Strip yourself of layers and reveal your soul. You got to give yourself up. And then you become whole your slave to yourself and you don't even know. I thought this is your big moment. It says you break down. You've had enough. This? Oh, Why
didn't wooden enough
of this? I am. I can't do this. Writings. Bad
writing. Your horrible You had your moment there to be emotional. I'm gonna
be honest.
I am not. I don't handle pressure. Well, there's too much pressure
from your real life. Your divorce, your divorce proceedings, your you're dating a 50
and your sentence of years in prison for your divorce
look modest. Yahoo! I don't think your play could go up on my where I put up plays the writing.
Are you kidding? Are you kidding? See my mind? My yo, Are you kidding? What do you mean? I cannot go upon your stage. Do you know the stages that I have? Bean requested by the Great Theater? Greek Theater? Why? Henry Fonda Theatre. Wow. The Jane Fonda Theatre Major Fund A theater? I
tell you what, I don't care about all those funders, okay? You're my hand kind of don't want none.
Your egg. I don't want to find it. Who? Who and a fund A don't want No conduct. What is it?
Yes, My co producer, Anna Fonda don't want none of your conduct.
What's it? Got my content?
That's right. You guys knew exactly what I've been. Apparently
you're and fun to Don't want no content.
Listen Modest Yahoo. I'm floored. I'm floored by your talent. I'm floored by being blessings. I would love to sign you right now and so I can send this upto Lloyd and he would approve.
Draw up the contract. I signed Everything Okay, Here you go. I am putting this show up at the Hudson Theatre. Excuse me, Todd. Notches even used not to recover Central State. No, I can. I am not allowed to call it the cavity Centrist. A timeless quality Hudson Theatre. I'm putting it up in the coffee shop, Italy. A sneak show. Somebody will be standing there singing one of my songs. I will walk up and finished the verse.
Okay. Well, um, at the same time, you could go to that, Or you could come to write down the street. Were during my all white version of roots.
That sounds like something. I want to be a party. Oh,
you can't be modest. All right. Uh,
you can't dio.
That's against everything. Do
you have any? Do you have some script? I cannot be. Oh, yeah,
Yeah. I got the script. Uh huh. That's right here. Okay. Okay. Uh,
this is a good
idea. This'd is gonna be very scary.
Okay? And I need someone here to read the sun role. Also
way. My agent said good things. It's good move. Hey, God. Not read
this time. That should be good for
you. Great. Uh, God brought it up. You gotta read all the parts.
Listen, you read the slave master already. Could can take Dollard the sun's line off, so Okay. Sounds good. All right.
Hey, you're there. Get out of the field. Come here. Come here. They're
okay. What do you want?
My porch. It needs sweeping.
No problem. A good man.
What did you
call me? Your good man? I'm sorry. What are you supposed to college taking on this rewrite?
I'm supposed to call your maps.
I'm glad I acted out of this. You're putting this off nightly. Uncomfortable being three feet away from it.
The idea that my name would be anywhere close to this is hurting my own feelings.
I personally love I would love to do some original music
for his. Oh, really? Modest. You want to do original music for all white version Your triple For I would love to. Okay. What would be your song? Oh t o
see my my, my, my Yo yo yo yo yo You okay? My, my, my You horning around I get to know your piece. Wanna be close to you? Yes, I'm so hungry. You like
water for my blood when I get thirsty. Slave Wow, that client right there. Wow, Really impressive. Looks like Todd blew it. And Sam got a new client. A big pie in is John who? Anybody
here read WG except for me Now.
We asked Howard Istres body is, of course, repped as a t that nurture big quotes
you were saying? I mean, if I do Well, you could introduce me to Lloyd. I know you've been working under Lloyd. A little bit of a junior agent. That's exciting. I'd love to work with.
Yes. Absolutely. A lot of people are sort of Florida, and they meet him there. Sort of star struck. You know, this is Lloyd from Entourage. Uh, he's my boss. And and it's great. We who have a great relationship. He is now a V senior Asian, a WG running the whole ship. Hey, says not into the ground, but
And you are. And you're currently bugging his house. His car. That's right. Searching for any secret.
I'm searching for any secret trying to blackmail him. Any time I need him, I'll just yell his name. I'll say lied on. Then he pops right out. What year? Death. Still. That's right. What am Lloyd? It's how he's comfortable. Honestly, it's taken me a little bit of time to get used to that. I was more used to being abused as a gender agent, but he likes it the other way, you know? So I give it to him.
And every relationship someone needs to be abusing somebody else in
this industry. In this industry, we're finding that to be true.
Yeah. I mean, like, I'm excited for a possible new modest tour, cause I would love to be a modest group, be absolute enfant and, you know, follow you around with you. I mean, obviously, I got my camera. I mean, I have to pop back to L. A for some pilot season staff. Um,
what pilots are you going out for? Oh, there's going
out for pilots even. Right? Yeah. Show
season. Oh, I want to write original music for
that. Oh, I think they would have you. Modest. Yeah.
I mean, they're still pretty early on in production of composer. Yeah. Shakira was attached. She waas, um, big scandal. She got a d attached? Yes. You know the scandal?
Yeah. There was some creative differences between Shakira and the pilot season musical director. That's right. um 21. Which is a yes, 21 Pilots. Yes. Yes.
That's the musical director. Director of pilot season. They had a big scuttle.
Yeah, well, Carrick a man and said, uh, hit. My hips don't lie. And they said, Well, they obviously did, because you promised us that you would. Your hips promises that you would do this
for $3 million but now you want four? Well, I also heard, though, that there with that was only part of it. The rial creative differences were actually with the subject matter of the show. She thought it was unfair. Take on a biblical story. Uh, she she didn't like. They made punches. The protagonist, I say. So I think we should see stepped out. I'm starting my teeth.
It sounds so stupid saying your teeth hurt, but it's just a tongue issue. Still,
because during the break, you put your teeth back in and they took
right. It took almost better than before.
Yeah, Your smile straightened.
Well, I call
and see that you had. In addition, I walked in. I said, Those teeth are really taking.
It's weird to be reanimated in a dead person's body. The body must be all over. The
pain is a little crazy
to go back it. If you did want to do an original song for this pilot season show, I think it would have to be a little more original. Your last three original songs have all been the same song. Essentially.
Did I? Did I write those original means you wrote this song?
Yeah, I guess you're right. So you you wanted to sell the same song to every TV show? And
what he did say he did. Hey, like at the very end, there's one word that usually is about
the project. Right? Right. The one ended with slave, right? E Should I try when I would try?
Yes. Yeah, because if we're gonna want to sell you all across the industry, we're gonna need to see your different styles. We love the style you bring, but let's see how you can tailor
it. All right, here we go. See my mind My, my yo, yo yo, yo, yo yo see my my, my Oh, see my moment of bum bum bum t o run long ago. When I get on the plane, just sit in the seat and the new become him. Your claim to yourself and them don't even know. So I got on a plane and then became the band. Hey, that's it was featured on this. Have
you read the script? It's about a plane that every episode turns a different person into the band. Hain
Oh, I was just going to go in pretty cold
and just hope my confidence Ah, was good. Yeah, well, you did great. When you read my play. We'll sorry we'll say you a excellent Corita.
Thank you. Thank you. Todd blew it. Obviously, it's almost as if he has absolutely no talent as an actor. Hey, my huge!
Are you going to come over to the barbecue tomorrow? I got a fun, fun party plan that's in the back house. Just the one you were telling me about?
Yes, Yes, it's were in Kato Kaelin's back out the whole spread.
Well, we're OJ's Backhaus and Kato Kaelin's back.
He still there? Yeah, I love the yard it OJ's house. You have to walk on the side of the, uh of the side of the house. But here's the issue. You walk on the side of the house at night time. There's an air conditioning unit on the side and pokes out. You popped your head. Blood everywhere. Yes. Yes. All
right. And if you're in the back house, it sounds like an earthquake or something Having anyone, anyone. Um and that's the only real bad thing about
that. Do magic show.
I'm gonna do a magic show at the party tomorrow. I just have to get off my shift at, um,
What's he gonna think of Burger Kate? He's trying to think
of some other than Burger King. He's looking around King, um of Queens.
You're working in Queens? Uh, that shows been off the air for a while.
OK, it's coming back this file. It's easy. Okay. You know, they asked me to do the things that they would you like to hear. Yeah, really. See my my, my, my Yo yo yo, yo, yo yo, See my mama You. My eyes are getting weary. Back is getting tight. I'm sitting here with traffic on the Greensburg breast tonight, but I don't care, cause all I want to do is catch myself and drive right home to you because maybe, oh, my life, I will be a king without this crowd, you keep falling down, all right. You're
just a wealth of talent and fresh ideas
that almost sounded like where you're really voice, that you went into what, like a non Jamaican man's voice? When you're saying that
I don't understand what you keep saying Jamaican, I am from West Chester, but
he's just getting more Jewish throughout the interview. I
see. Um, well, um, I thought that sucked. I don't think good, uh, Yanks and
obviously super pissed from his audition earlier. Todd's a little personally entrance
fences sucked. Your writing was bad,
Todd, you don't have to face away from us. Also. That's the obvious
thing. I just saw something over here,
but you're facing away and you're talking into the microphone that's attached to the table, but pointing away
from us. It's just weird. I just don't want Oh, uh, no one should ever see a man cry. My God, people he doesn't know. He's looking into a mirror space. The whole Lang can see that So you can cry, Todd. No one sees it. River.
This is really embarrassing. Is he crazy, huh?
Yeah, looking that. Being
around the other side that windows crying to
my God. Doesn't you know that's a Muir? Thank you. It's Todd. Really stupid. What? Producing is mine. What do you think that isn't? What is
it with every episode in somebody having a breakdown? I don't know. Ali. What is tough concert? We need a thick skin
out here. Yeah, a lot of people don't have it. I mean, I was trying to turn back into in Austria's last week until WG picked me up. Thank God. If I lose that, I'm obviously get him. My, my, my my base is gonna crumble. I was thinking about growing back. My beard unto W g e picked me up, so I play 18 to look younger.
Better Charles models. Yet you have been trying to get on the CW. Yes. How old are you? You're 35. Me were 40. 40 40 40 playing 18 on the CW show.
Yes, These honesty. W very normal. Go on, Riverdale. This
breaking news.
I know he I've been I've been I've
been sending I sent an email over. You already have got him a job. I got modest a job on next season of arrow.
Oh, some modest spoke was your face time bodies? Yeah. You got a job from an email on time. Can get anything in this down
side. You've got a tough enough or I'm never gonna wrap you.
Oh, God. So that's that's cool. You're gonna play a suit is going to be a superhero on
air. Oh, yeah, But he himself is whichever one he wants. That's what they really be. The flash you could be some other ones should be the flash or some other ones. So I gave Bill. My son is really male.
Yeah. What are you gonna pick?
I think I think I want to pick the king without a crown. Good,
good famous superhero. God, this shit modest. Took his really study. I e four feet away from you is great. It will engulf your head.
I don't know if I could take it much longer, so I think maybe talking like talking like my tongue the full and I'm sorry. I live. I got table stomped by a fucking 77 year old man. Time it Fuck my mouth up. Very sorry about that disease. Quick.
He curbs down power back to talking to the guy in the other house. It's gonna be fine. Thank you. Thank you.
You realize that they're both talking at the same time? I think. Okay, listen. All right, well, I'm gonna see a dentist for sir before next week. Definitely get this figured out. Modest. Yahoo. Thank you so much for being on the show today.
You want to leave us with one more original song? Different from the one that you
should. I have worked on many TV show themes on, uh, pick it. Pick a television show for our friends. Friends. Okay. Your time in the city Steam song Didn't have any lyrics. Uh,
maybe do. And for our see our show, the teacher's lounge.
Ah, yes, Yeah, sure. Easily. Easy.
It doesn't have to be easy again. You should just be good. That would
be a breeze, A piece of cake. A piece of Westchester, Pennsylvania cake.
Okay, well, whenever you're ready,
see my mind? My my Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo! You see my my, my Oh, see my mom Model bone bone Way A. You are online around doing a sit in your seat in the teachers lounge. You're beating on your meat. Want to be close to you. Yes, I'm so hungry. You like water for my blood when it gets thirsty? What's this fear? When it stopped being about that? That's really That's how about I believe What's this feeling of? I rip a hole in that scene. I give myself to you from the blessings of my being. And I sing to my God songs 11 8 and I want to see right now. Teacherslounge
Wow! All right,
that was That was honestly great. Very
good. Sitting around beating my meat, Yes.
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