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The guys discuss Todd's new product and help Bill prepare for his special day. Then crossing guard Corey B. Mobbin (Ego Nwodim) stops by the show to talk about football and his mother.
So we just lay back and I just feel your body close your eyes keep them open. Doesn't matter. Just don't think too
much are supposed to be like visualizing anything. Uh, would Okay, I get it. Now it's one strike of concentration of relax, ation bowl and baseball hunters and spot. You're really walking on me here. Think about the
heavy weight of my whole body compressing your old bones. Not just compress the oh, not payment. That pain is weakness. Leaving the body. You're feeling good. Not really bad.
Don't sue me now. Uh,
should I leave? Just leave the towel on or Well, how much money do you have give? I don't have it. I mean, you know how
happy Oh, I like this is This is that's just part of what I'm learning in hotel, man. Because you give the option and you you're always working for yourself.
I think Todd is broken.
Wow. That felt. I mean, that was good
Eyes. Good. Find the baseball an haunted house. Halloween's a little distracting. Yeah, it feels like you could just do the spots
that weren't thinking about your problems, where you were thinking about no response I was confined. Fullness. It's forced mindfulness.
It's a little confusing that you're wearing an umpire mask and the Jason hockey mascot the same time.
Correct? I'm wearing an umpire hat and the Jason hockey. Yes. So,
yeah, it's exactly what I'm going for
on I get choking on your bag of chalk.
Yeah, the rosin bag. Yeah, Yeah, I accidentally spell I spelt it wrong. I put racing. You
double down and you
put race thes raisins are in his Chalkias. I like that. Well,
we're new, were Thank you. And if you put that in the West suggestion box everything
I say this I think I could use Maybe next time you should maybe replaced the put a yoga mat on the floor some because I think this the sunflower seed shells kind of ending into my right below that we have both. They're all pretty hard and they hurt on your back.
Did you guys put your hand in the bowl of eyeballs?
Usually people do grapes or something like Yeah,
right. Well, that's what the actual Kauai's Kauai's? Yeah. Did you put your hand in the bowl of long meat tongues? Oh, meet tongues. Those accounts there along meet
once. I once I saw the rial eyeballs, I was like others probably actual animal.
Yeah. And did you guys meet the cow
cap? That's that. Cal is fucked up, but Friendly. Relaxing? Yeah, he's Dosso. He seems to be sedated, Heavily sedated.
That's right. Well, that's the only way that the spc I would let me have
Really? They said, you know, you want
something? Dropped him off with the pound
weight, do not I? So I wanted about I used to work. I
used to work at a humane society and the things people would drop off where Justin saying it
was killing all the dog.
All right, because
if you have an animal
that you can't handle your getting rid of it. Yeah, and so they're trying their best. But you know
what? I dropped my daughter off at the pound, one that
was going to say I had
when I was a no kill shelter. Right knows guilt was killed. It was further
from your house. Yeah,
Yeah, it was much further. And it was a kill shelter, and I don trump totter off there and they said, Sir, we should report you for this, But we're gonna give you a pass because we like your hat.
Bill. Have you
talked to your family at any point in the last couple years
or about them?
Yeah. Yeah. Well, you yourself
quite a bit.
I talked
about them. It's early on. I mentioned them once.
It's kind of just
around. You dropped out. You
want to talk? I haven't brought in my daughter in a long time. Is she still cash? Poor? Still cash poor. She's the She's not liquid. Currently she's illiterate,
Not my daughter is either illiterate or a white supremacists. Right when that tried to drop her off at the kill shelter
because I was too complicated. Not fun to deal, which
is? Yeah, it was too hard
to explain in too weird you couldn't play it out. Shit.
What type? Foods not covered?
No. Well, you know the type. Food isn't hot. Cup
tie hole type. We order starting. We ordered Thai
hold tight. Hold coming. They said it's gonna be another 75 minutes. I don't understand what the way we've been waiting for 75 minutes and they just they just They re upped on the deal and said it was gonna be another 75
tie hole.
After the deliver driver gets caught up every once in a while, it's I wouldn't throw. I wouldn't go around blaming anybody right away. We'll
see. But the thing that I'm really upset about is you know, the thing that we're always
upset politics these days.
This'll kind way here is he has never seen such a disrupt. I feel
you guys just look at the recorder. What do you see there?
That's probably a problem and all. It is a little instrument with eight holes in it, and you blow into it and it makes a nice little sound,
right? That Well, that's my woodwind instrument. The recorder that I have here but the audio recorder that we're using to record
here. Well, the shoot red lights on. So that means the battery is dying.
No, guys, it's filming
us. That camera. Yeah, we did. You put us on candy. Wait, wait. Did I do something in? Did I do anything funny? E winter.
Oh, my God is summed. Dead man gonna host this and show it, Teoh,
It was a dead man gonna host the Oh, okay. I know what's happening. Where is the dead host? Bring
okay. Case paper.
Bring in case in case his corpse and show us what we did wrong.
You know
that Casey case him is the next crypt keeper.
I think you just Look, you just find out something disappointing time, Todd. You were You were gonna be the crypt tested you? We
got you tested for the Crypt Keeper crypt.
Yeah. And you blew the test, right? You blew your tested
you to see if you were dead.
You weren't auditioning. Well,
if that's what happened, I don't know what happened, but I blew the test. Okay? I was in a white room, uh, with a few a few suits, a few network suits wearing
white lab coat,
white down live or like blue kind of Zach Braff on NBC stairs scrubs. But yeah, I believe either way, I blew the test. Forgot my lines. Uh,
do you know them? Now? What were your lines?
Um, not sexually active. Uh, big history of cancer. Big allergic to iodine. But it's fine to put on May because you like the pants like the They
sound like Doug things. You say the doctors up.
Well, whatever was I blew it so But anyway, for these
guys know that the real thing is we We've talked about other things for a while now, but we've been recording this.
Oh, God, way weren't. That's why I was so relaxed. I got, I got I talked about my daughter.
You know what? My
family, I brought them up.
Okay? I always whipping themselves,
whipping his own head
sub something himself. Oh, he's a pleasure from I don't like Hey, Thistle
is bad. This is literally the worst Howard has ever been. And that is saying
I'm I'm sexually attracted to some weird shit. Yeah, and that was pretty normal compared to what I was trying to do. But that was discussed.
It was Well, well, let's just move right on
this race. German. Welcome to the teacher's lounge. It used to be the first, best and only podcast pertained issues relevant to the Hamilton High School community. But now we, of course, are back in college back to basics, learning a thing. Or do that. We thought we maybe forgot on a mortal. Now I'm immortal now. And Howard Levis, I am in med school currently doing well. Still homeless, working on it and very much in love with my girlfriend. Mistress Drina? Yes. I did not know her name was Trina. Right now it's Katrina Katrina. But she asked me to shorten it to Trina.
She she would be
killed if she wasn't so mean.
Yeah, well, you know, her attitude is the thing I'm most attracted to. Ah, and honestly, our relationship is really blossomed in the last week. You guys know, as I said before, I am homeless. Ah, and she's actually turned what I thought was a negative into a positive. She bought me a house. Whoa. Yes, but she refuses to let me sleep in it, uh, walks me by it on a leash. Shows me it, uh, shows me through the windows. Shows me how nice it's furnished. Says you'll never have.
Is that a caller?
It is. It's a caller on.
What's that thing in the middle of it is that
shapes needles. It's in its needles every time.
Dark color, but with noodles.
Yeah, It says on it. We have a collar on line three. I don't really get that.
Yeah, I don't get that either. Why would it have said that
it's almost like a bad joke. Well, we were wired. What it say that
because we were walking around Spencer's together and she said, Do you see anything
to feed her
for? I was on four feet. You had feet on your hands and feet of my and we took that. We cut
your human dog.
Yes, I'm a human dog now. And we were walking around Spencer's gifts and I saw a lava lamp I really wanted. She said. There's no am buying that for you, but I will buy you this shock collar that says we have a caller on line three. Uh, and she took my wallet out of my pocket, took my credit card out and charged. She bought 16 of these and everything in the store. Charlie charged $15,000 to my credit card. You could say I'm being financially dominated as well as you. Like
a little spend pig.
I'm her little spend pig. That's what she calls me. Honestly, I've never felt more secure and myself in my whole life than I do right now.
Your face is black and blue, for lack of a
better. Yes. Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. And upgrade you is what I would call
it. There is actually a great and that's the thing. The you can't die, but you can be hurt. And you look like you're hurt.
Yeah. Ah, yeah. Obviously you'll see. Ah, both of my elbows are broken. Uh, that is due to an accident. Not too elbows. I've broken do broken elbows. Uh, that was from from, you know, cleaning, cleaning constantly, and yeah. Yeah, And I fell down some stairs on That's really I did not get B. I didn't get beat.
We saw your fault. You
fall down the stairs? Yeah, we filmed
it and we sent it into candid camera,
and we didn't hear a
word case in case. Um,
what do you do? Get back to us?
We keep just sending it to his estate. That candid
camera? No, we just said it through the state, and we'd love to hear back,
but anyway, I'm completely ever drafted
for 40 friends on Twitter. Find us there, Casey
Casey, Fighters and followers, friend. More funny friends. Um, but anyway, I've been over drafted on my my account completely. Now, I have absolutely zero money to my name, but honestly, I'm very happy you guys, me and mistresses are are doing really
great plains. Why you stuck around us for so long is it seems like you like being treated like
I think I think it was subconscious for a long time. And now it's just sort of come to the forefront. Yeah, it's come to the forefront of my consciousness. Uh, I like being in pain. I like experiencing pain.
Disgusting. Seeing you so happy. That's what's really grossing me out. Is seeing Howard satisfy?
Yeah. Wow, that. Okay, Well, I am. And you're just gonna have to deal with
jealous. I wish I liked pain. Um, Todd. Padre. Hopeful. Walk under the football team. First string helmet right now.
And which helmet? Oh, you're the centers held it.
Yes, I'm a centers home. It and well, unfortunately, a few different centers home. It's because they've got helmet Tom and gotten pretty bad concussions. Um, but the budgets low. So I am a helmet
thing so hard that they are hurt. And you're the helmet around there?
Yes. They're getting concussions. I can't imagine what's happening. Yeah, but it's I have trouble sleeping. Uh, I'm erratic. and angry sometimes, uh, was the same old, So nothing's different. Really? Right, right. But I do get to hang out with the football team, which is nice,
and you're kind of dyed blue. It looks like so at one point, were you the Gatorade cooler?
Yes. I was the cooler, So I had to hold a ton of Gatorade inside of me. Um, And then, of course they use my little dinky is
right. They sort of squeeze it out.
Yes. Uh, and it's weird because I've
seen your Penis many times, and it does have his fingers and the push button, and it starts. P.
I never thought that that was gonna come in handy, that it was always just my cross to bear. And it ended up being the perfect for this
situation. So crazy. And the gator doesn't
taste funny cause your body isn't doing any more of its own process.
Exactly. Yes, my kidneys stopped working or filtering anything out, so that stuff just goes right through me, right? Comes out the same way it came. And still yes, uh, people love it there. Called it Todd Arrayed right now.
Is anyone saying that you're saying
that you stay in that
statement read. A lot of people have said it in response to be like we're not going to call it taught around,
but they
But the word is coming out of their mouth. You know? That's the
deception, David. But I'm not going to say Todd Aerator,
will you shot your own Todd arrayed commercial. Right?
Uh, here, the star. It's me on. And I got all the gay guys from Get rid
get guys from Gator. I don't think you got back to the wrong cup. What do you think this has something to do with being gay? It's ah, bunch of refreshed homosexuals. Is that mites? Gate array. Gator?
What is it? Them? I don't think anybody actually. Oh,
for the Florida Gators.
So anyway, eso you got all the refresh
homosexuals from Gator? I didn't commercial where, but you refresh homosexuals were sweating me. Yeah. So, like commercials that would sweat the orange, You know,
they're not
running around on a court being tired and sweating there, sweating you. They're looking at you and their wanting to be with you.
This is a defensive
video. They were sweating out tiny tots
I Yeah, I paid. I have some friends at Lucasfilm. Lucas
Filmer Lucas
is a feel good film, and
that's a young student with Lupus,
but that he's trying to look for the
Lupus. Lucas, right. Lupus. Lucas? Yeah,
Lubitz's need. His first name is Steven. Steven Lupus. And they were like, we need a first name
to ride with your disease. So, Lucas, Lupus. So, yeah, I worked with Lupus. Lucas. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I worked with Lupus Lucas and Lou Gehrig's disease. Wilson and relation. No relation to Owen Wilson. Okay, so, yeah, they did some of the C. G. It was pretty bad. I guess they don't do a lot of that because they're just college students here right now on their sick. And they're very sick there. L they don't have a lot of time for the the effects. So yeah, the video is little tiny Todd's being sweat out of refreshed gay man. Uh, thanks. Guys were These homosexuals were great. They were ah, a lot of fun on they
They weren't great. You have to get out of your way to say they're great. We weren't thinking they were bad. Not surprised. Todd got
some learning to do
and is the fact that these air gay men that doesn't have anything to do with anything. And is there a way that the audience would even know that these guys are gay? Okay,
I don't like that. I was passing around asking, like winding up to throw a punch line. Is five fighting against not saying something means So, uh, where you go, Howard, you know they got
to do is watch the
video. I just needed
to know It seemed like it was It was a valuable part of the commercial because he made such a huge deal about how these
commercial has seen bythe. I heard it's unbearable, even in a in an unformed aesthetic. Yeah, that's right. I said shoot cameras,
But you end up getting a lot of pieces of paper
with cran on it.
What? Say that again?
They were shooting the cameras, but they got a lot of stack of papers. Yeah,
Yeah, that's right. It's through. The cameraman drew everything with crab, which
is I believe something that happened Commercial is a hastily
drawn flip book. Look, all I know all I know is that vengeance typical Todd arrayed. It's Gatorade that you drink out of my body that gets sterilized. My Penis is a nozzle.
Yes, I had a few guys that ever making
that. If you guys coming drum about me sweating out of a bunch of homosexuals on, then we all parted together all night. Good.
Really? And, you
know, and seen
what do we dio? Um, you know, what do you do in your party? Ah, you get drunk. You you like, loudly exclaimed that this isn't for you? You know, you stay and then you stay into the graduates to see what
it's like. Right? So these were actually gay man. And
you you part just with and you hated it. I said I hated it the whole time. Yeah, yeah, I had about today. That means you're not gay. Never happened.
Okay, well, no need to double down or whatever were No. No, but none of us have
ever been gay.
Yeah, right. That's I've never even thought about No, Me neither. Good.
Good. Um, I have also never been gay. Good, good
are fine. And these guys were
great guys, that, uh, Bill three frat has really stepped up their presence on campus.
Absolutely. We were getting
a lot of pushback from surrounding people in the town saying that we were more than just a frat surrounding eso. We have been really lobbying hard. Teoh, get our block on frat row. Um,
you want your old Your whole blood?
Yeah, we want over our house. Yeah, we want the whole block.
Um, So what do you do to get it? You're just using normal tactics. Ah, uh,
now we
are. We are blackmailing the city hall, which is a typical frat thing to Dio. Um, yeah, you just find out information about everyone in City Hall and you approach their spouse.
What are you doing, you hacking? Are you having them followed? You hiring a private investigator?
Yes, Yes. I love the Yes, yes, yes, all of the above. Uh, mostly hacking. Yes, I am a very good hacker
and hack who is using the internet to steal information, you
know? No, it was using an accident or someone's house. Is that
hacking? I don't that way.
That's breaking and entering.
Oh, well, I thought I was Ah, new up and coming hacker.
And, uh, so, you know, anonymous Right there. all hackers. What did you think that they did?
Well, nobody knows Anonymous.
So I thought they I thought there's were, like mass that they used to rob places and go in
OK, Well, uh, they might be doing that. It sounds like you are just a low level thug right now. Uh, you've been getting some crazy information. Don't break in my room. There's nothing you'd find on May. Ah, but do you feel guilty
at all for any of this? No, no. I mean, you know, I have I I have
what many doctors have called. You are a psychopath. Eso I don't feel remorse. Good or I have no empathy.
Has anybody ever prescribed you anything for that?
They have a big case of get the hell out of my office. Doctor,
Your doctor has been still it for a while.
Yes. Hey, Waas. Hey. Was And what's that from?
Well, I Maybe it's close to something from a happy Gilmore.
Yeah, or yeah, you can have a nice warm glass to shut the hell up. Classic. Ben Stiller, Joe
Adam. Ology of that. It's It's, um it's that what was prescribed me is the same exact structure as that old joke. Good. And that I don't know where that why that happened. You know what? This But
you haven't been taking a psychic. Didn't, right?
Yeah. I've been taking psych it in, which is a heavy, heavy tranquilizers,
but it only it lasts for about 15 seconds and then stops completely and
get a little message on your phone that says, like a pro. Saikat's
soak zero. It's likes you out. It says, Oh, you're gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine that it stops working and says psych, and then you're crazy. It's
a trick medicine, Um, that they're selling right now, and it really tricks the hell out of me every time
you're supposed to give it to someone you don't like and say I'm helping.
It's like that gum that shocks you. Uh,
it's a parlor, like like a fake. I'm treating my insanity with a parlor trick, and it's not working, but I really feel like a classic frat guy. I mean,
and this is big news. This is big. Um, have you set a date for you in bug son's wedding?
Well, we're still looking for the venue. We're trying to figure out what venue is available, and then we're gonna for sure book the day cause it's more about the venue for
us. So we've been
looking around and he marries. Is everyone in the It's like most frets Were you? Everyone's got to marry the leader or is just certain chosen people.
Well, I was apparently chosen in my sleep without my knowledge.
Good. And I was cool
with it. Yeah, I
The way that your chosen is a long, slow kiss on the forehead.
Yes, a very long slow. Actually, he just puts his lips to your head for about six hours. So, yeah,
if you guys looking for a venue I am. I'm looking to open up the dorms when he really I'm looking to open up a full on performance space because you detaining venue Janet
a few. Ah, soft opens. Yeah, in there where you turn the doorman, too. Yes, Sam's. What was it called? Sam's.
Sam's Pleasure Palace. It was Sam's care. Scared Sands
pleasure palaces, the new the new building, even doing where you've illegally knocked out walls in your dorm in your dorm hall. Create a construct unauthorized construction in
the hotel is You've got to really set the vibe of the building. Can just have a building and put a new facade on it. You've got to change everything. Gotta change the
norm, if you exactly that.
And we said, um, we said you probably need to get permits for this. And you came back with a bunch of crabs, little crabs. And you said these air my permit crabs. And
to be fair, those the contracts that those crabs right are legally binding.
Yeah, because the guy down at City Hall is Ah, big fat man. Yeah, and all you gotta do is crab Is Paul. Yeah, Yeah, let's do anyway.
Yeah. I mean, if you can get in good with the permit crab, you You said you could build. Okay, You've been like a Karajan about your house with that with easily.
Well, the pregnant crab came down the other day and he was, you know, walking through the house of the door, walking up on the walls. Ugo toilet. If you
say something too loud will go back in a show, you won't get
the permit. Very. It's
also frustrating how often he dies place. It's like you go to a job. He's just a dead shells to the show's
touches. A cycle life. I think when you learn about peace and care and what people really want, you're totally fine with death, you know? So there's some carcasses. Still the
dreams. I wish I could. I I think someday I hope I can die again. I'm scared of being immortal.
I really hope so, too. I worry. Started this
carefully for Yeah, I mean, we could always try the Highlander thing and chop your head off and see if it's what kills. You
will see how I'm
feeling at the end of this season.
Always try that
always. It's just that we don't have to try to track,
so I could take it clean off. Let's say
this in four weeks. If I'm feeling worse than I'm feeling now, let's try the high lender.
Great, we'll say, Well, we'll say
if you want it. Well,
so weeks. Two weeks, whatever. So you got the
permit crab to give you some
crab is basically giving me his blessing, he says. I permit everything in here. Okay, Guy, permit crab everything in here and we're really working together to stay up above code and everything.
Like I notice he
when he came to look at the spot, he put a hard head on. Does he
need that? It's like it seems like
a handle. You know,
He was It wasn't him putting it on. He is, uh, positioning into the landing in a shell. Yeah. So,
instruction. He's He's in 1/2. Yeah, well, that's cool. I couldn't get the permit crab to listen to any of my pitches for our new frat.
You just got a lot
of talk. Yeah. You're working on the front town. Uh, we're
town. Summer in the
city. Yes. That isn't That's it.
That is it. Not our song. Just are are what we say
on and it's the dead of winter right now.
Uh oh. There's hell out there.
And I'll say Fred Town is pretty far from the city also.
Yes, thats the whole point of it is It's sort of a comma combine commune sort of thing out in the sticks.
Well, it's a frat
house that is big and has a central leader. And everybody's brainwashed. Okay, A fraud town.
France To me, I've always heard of our like a brotherhood. Everybody sort of equal turn. It'll it'll. Every daddy and everyone's his wife.
Also, everyone's is equal. Except I'm Boggs son's wife, and I'm better than them.
I think we
should talk about, you know, we've been in school for a few weeks now. We're moving quickly outside of school. Has class treating everyone. I took a pretty easy load because I'm an athlete. So, uh, travel with the team and stuff, but I barely keeping up barely holding on right now.
Yeah. I mean, these classes can be tough. I mean, I'm studying communications and, you know, I dream of being a weatherman who gets a little lizard, jumped on his leg and freaks out and falls down. But apparently that's not part of the jab
classes hard. I
mean, it's all new stuff, right? Having tackle new things. I'm in a cooking class right now, and I burned both of my poems pretty badly. I was trying to press, and and you you love those plans. I love those plans. They were my little baby palm trees that I was trying to grow from a pot to the ground. Right, because that's for the Hawaiian portion. theme of the spa. Oh,
you're adding in Hawaii, too. So it's baseball, Halloween, Hawaii and
Spy. I saw the mark Aloha and mahalo is going to say I saw the mock ups of the new, the new design, the mock ups of the moccasins they get. Everybody is technically home. That's
actually that's actually part of There's another. Another theme.
This is getting tough to keep up. It's
sort of there's also sort of going to be like a Himalayan section toe lax and go retreat.
I she said that similar to spot but
cold. And I
did the goat kick the him away and go kick. And I thought it was really jarring and the painful right. But I did leave feeling like I was a different man.
Yes. And did you do the goat yoga where you assist a goat doing their own yoga?
Yes, where you're kind of almost the teacher and you're bending ago they were not love it. There were not amenable Teoh. They do not like you
hoping that after years of forced yoga, they really take to it.
Uh, you guys know you guys have interceding me socially in a while cause class has been so intense. Yeah, I don't like your friend. Okay?
You like that? I like ideo. You're getting big. E o
I d like that. It just it caught me off guard. But, you know, I've been locked in the dungeon doing all my med school work.
Eso mistress Trina is home school again from the
dead. So you're getting
home school to be a doctor from your diet?
Because as you guys know, she knows because well, as you guys
know, part of my eviction from my dorm was also an eviction from campus and college. So I'm no longer than her family enrolled. Eso I'm having Teoh be home schooled in ah, in med school. Luckily for me, Mr Stream A is Ah, you know she is what?
She's been edging you with
open heart surgery information. Yeah, Yeah, she
has been on the brink of learning for
she ever going to learn or just the work up to
the other morning. You love. The other morning I woke up, I woke up and I went toe Mistress Trina's room and I saw she had on on a desk. She had a book that said beginning a beginner's open heart surgery.
And you're already saying Just let me
know And I said, Let me learn. Let me look at it. And she opened it just slightly and then slammed shut. Says you'll learn when I tell you to learn. Yeah. Yeah. And don't tell her this, but I have been sort of sneaking behind her back and watching YouTube videos and learning a little. She's gonna be mad. I hope she finds out. But definitely don't tell her. Oh, definitely. Don't tell her that. I've been sneaking behind her back to learn about open heart surgery.
I check your search history every day, so I just start forwarding her.
You check my search history every day? Yes. That's for
you to hear you search on Google public, you search on
good. Not only is your board yeah, not your
search history. Not only on your computer or private, it's public. Yeah, it's like part of a feed.
Use cognito most.
Yeah, well, I was using magneto mode, and then I changed incognito mode. I say
because only one guy was like, What is
this guy going to
do You Really? Yeah, uh, senorita mode.
If he is in that
burrito mode.
Yeah, I've never tried, but I don't know what it is. Yeah, but I just heard about But now I've been using Cockney mode on Google Mood E you change the mood of
I love going incognito mood when I'm like, out in public.
I don't let anybody read any my social cues because there's a lot going inside that I don't want people.
Yeah, somebody's like but San Bills being a really asshole. Uh, while he's in the incognito
movie, I just use it for when im ah, watching porn.
You don't want, You know, you put yourself in
incognito, public watching, pouring all the strong incognito.
I saw you fucking cranking it on a bus bench the other day.
But you did look sort of neutral. Mood wise. Yeah, so that was good. Nobody could tell that it was gross.
You set. You kept screaming. Is this the 69 bus? Something looking for the 69 to the airport.
Right. Well, I was looking for the sixth day of the airport, which I'm still trying to figure out the code to get on the bank bus. And so I'm trying a different thing every time
you keep
showing up to bus stops, hoping the bang bus will pull up. And you think this
is not a public metro surf.
It's also not a bus at all.
And they're usually
looking toe ad and a man who looks 100 to the bus.
Well, they said the same thing when I tried to get on cash Cab
too ugly to you. Tried to fuck the host.
And he was like,
This is a trivia show,
baby. I'm on the bus.
You're literally not your tell
you if you look at the host of Cash Cab and you don't think you're in a poor note
Yeah, he's got that look.
He does have that. Look, for sure, he looks like he's getting, like, be a creepy judge on America's next top model or
something. Uh, but yes. So I didn't get I've still trying. If he doesn't know how to get the bang bus, let me No way to
talk to the bank. Bro's.
Yeah, maybe I'll ask The perfect He's may be given out of the shooting permits in our town. I know it's a college town, so they should be around soon way
Well, at meetings with the hermit crabs this week.
Yeah, well, I'm just being with him to try to get my shell bag,
right. Well, he could be quite difficult to deal with when it comes to real estate. Yeah, and that's how we view
share. Coat is not your shell, Todd.
Uh, well, it's hard to sell. You don't wash it. Time for your show. Taj. Across
is guessing. Welcome
to your digital course catalog. The following courses have just been added for next trimester. Geology 300. Now that you have mastered what the earth's mantle crust and core are, get ready to dig to China. Religion in cinema Ever wanted to be in a room full of people discussing how The Matrix explores Judeo Christianity, Islam and Eastern religions while setting Neil up for a Christ like hero's journey than this class isn't for you. We mostly just watch the rave scene from Matrix Reloaded.
Alright, guys. Well, you know, uh, like, usual, We gotta guests in the lounge. We're really excited today, of course, to introduce that guests Cory B. Ma been Corey, how you doing?
I'm good with Scipio. How you doing? How you living. We're doing real good. Good. I'm glad to be here. I'm gonna I'm an alumnus, Alumna. I'm one of the people that used to go to this
school. Yeah, Yeah, that's cool. Were greatly. It's glad we're glad. It's great to glad to have use when I'm
a little nervous. Shook.
I'm a little bit of a big deal, Corey. Be my you. Some people say you are the most notable alumnus
I used to play on the football team here, and then I became across and God after graduation cause I didn't make it in the NFL. But people know that about me. Very
interesting. Ah, a lot of people who don't make it in the NFL, there'll be a commentator or something. You went way down the totem pole and you are a crossing guard at a not even a really respected intersection.
It's one of the most disrespected intersections because
they know it's no cause. It's a section is a walking in a section. There's no cause and people could disrespected. But I think what I do is important.
Your crossing guard at a park in the middle of a party, like on a path
again at James ST Pop,
which is the park that's had the most human on human accidents of any park in the world.
Exactly. That's something that people don't really know, Todd. So I appreciate that. I appreciate it
was not a capital. And I think that falls on your shoulders
story, which you mean fall. So, Musial.
Well, I think if two people are approaching an intersection and you're the crossing guard and you give both of them the go ahead, they crash into each
other. Yeah, that's what happened with your problem. Say that I
I'm saying you didn't do your job there.
Have you ever been across? And God, Bill Crazy? You have a cross and got course. Look at it. Don't understand little Toby across and got me a little to be across the card. You little bitch more. Nobody look at you in. All
right, I will fucking crawl
over this table right now and fucking slap your head. Well, slow
sign. Why? Didn't have a slow sign. That's not even a crossing guard
By moving too fast. People don't remember that. The president No, that is
Well, that's a life suggest way. Learn from that Let's all
take a different under sign that says he breath. You have another sign that says, Terada, your yourself.
No, I'm not a marina. Was athlete at this school play football, right? What? You Joe graduate? Oh, yeah,
we're still
Well, just for the first time, Cory.
Oh, all right. I
kind of wanted to talk to you. Know what? Experienced we have lying ahead of us.
Ah, lot of different things. A lot of things and go, go is playing. So you gotta slow down. You gotta remind
talking about haircuts because it seems as if your hair cut did not go as planned.
I try to do that Michael Jordan from a Black Panther. But instead they just gave me braids in the back shave top.
What was the miscommunication there? Because it's the opposite of that. Here is what it is. There You look
like a monk that went down toe Porter Vallarta for the weekend.
Have beats along the bath. Vacationing Giaka. Listen,
Rosa, me No, no, Listen, you're not going roast, right? I got with that Control
that glory guys. Korea football
team Cory Yeah, Got roasted.
I'm very sorry that everybody's coming at you with such
a coming at me. But, you know, I'm out here saving lives, which I'll do. I save lives at the James State Park. People, people be walking too fast. And I tell him, Slow down, slow your roll. Be president here.
You have a sign that says be present.
Yeah. What's up? What you got to say about it? That's not technically
a bad thing, Bill. I think we're trying to find problems with Cory's measures. You're
trying to find out what he does.
What don't you understand about I'm a crossing guard Seems allow God to cross it. It just seems
like you hold up affirmations to people walking
by after who affirmations after whatever, dog. Look, I tell people slow down, be positive, be present. And, Ted count to 10. No f of
what I see. The usto sign makes you do have a sign that says count to 10. And now is that is that you just want people to stop and take a break for a year. Counted six, 90 no, He's get maced eight
because eight is forever Infinity. I
say that sounds wives. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, you're all
still students here. I've been through the whole rigmarole. A college. Okay. I did this thing.
You graduate.
Worry. A big NFL prospect. It's not like you weren't good enough to be in the NFL. Yeah, They were thinking you were going to go in the first round of the draft. What happened there?
Well, I started live tweeting insults. The other people in the draft, right? Coach came up said, Hey, cool. You got to stop that shit. I was like, Coach, I can't help myself. These dudes are little bitches. So I started tweeting and it was like, You ain't gonna be a good player. You're not gonna be a good team player. So that's why I do crossing guard. And because it's a solo gig, it's a solo gig. Do you feel May
I say so? You were never much of a team.
A lot of athletes that want to do a solo get go, get into Gulf or tennis. You decide to give up athletics altogether,
you know, being across and God is athletic. Be not mistaken.
Eso being across it. Is that your favorite by my
Yeah, that's me not mistaking Genesis 11 No. Oh, you know the Bible better than I do in the
beginning. God created the heavens and the earth.
Tell me that doesn't know. Tell me something I don't. I thought you were insinuating
that that was Genesis 11
What? He not mistaking Genesis 11?
So you think the first human in this line of the Bible when you open it up
is a taunt by God?
Be not missed. A
glorious saying that those were the first words before Genesis 11 Are they re able to the Bible that says Be not mistaken? Yeah. Understood. There's an understood
versus going to go far away.
Well again, Bible eyes, actually. If you If you open up to the first page of your bible, you'll see that the Bible is dedicated to God dedicated the vibrant. Whose level? Because the Bible was dedicated to Oprah Winfrey. Right.
That makes sense. I think you have a new Bible.
Yeah, I think you have a new a
new. Did you bring a bottle off Oprah's Book Club? There were new international version. Yeah, it's a yes. King Stedman is a King seven doing a national version. Yeah, seven men. You don't know King Stedman. Oh, now you're gonna tell me I don't know Kingston. I don't
know. It's just a lot of different stuff in that
Bible. Yeah, because first Corinthians
just says tune. And every day at 5 30 PM
first Corinthians. But what verse? You don't know your Bible.
You know, your, by the way. Don't know your valuable. Hey, New my Bible, Todd. My Bible.
That's right. That's right. I have the first
time my Bible
I reached for a few guns in a night stand and pulled out about first Stedman That saved my life.
Exactly. Yes, what I'm saying now.
Chapter two of Tom Cruise jumping on the couch Yeah. What? What does it say in that? Cause I'm looking at the King Stedman version
says If you get a call, you still gonna have to pay Texas a warning of Oprah's free card. She's years away. That was honest. Yeah, Oprah's a very honest lately, and it makes sense
that you would you would start to turn your job into an opportunity to to affirm people. If the Bible
God, it crosses the hell is wrong with you way. Don't want
to make you upset We're so glad you're Bill. I know Bill
loves to be a little bit
I'm a little
bit you a little bitch, but that's okay. Yes. I'm not gonna be shook by you. What is you laughing? You think I'm a joke?
I'm laughing at your crazy hair. I'm sorry.
Well, you're one to talk
to. My air is
long and dark in its natural. And
you were not a new life. Every time there's a new lie added to your description of your own,
that's a we've my hair were like my awake. Yes. Why?
There's a leak ink onto my cheeks
because die because the die is not set in. So you're telling
me, riel human hair doesn't lose its color and it goes on to your neck when it rains.
Look at all of us. It's raining outside right now. You don't see no dial my face in my net. Oh,
so my hair that was made that I made out of little iron shavings.
So no childhood game, though, is not natural. It's not natural. So you're telling me I'm trying tied as mo bitch? I want to talk
it over here. Cory, I can't walk Oh, What? No, no, no. You
crawled in here when we started. You
drug yourself in here because your legs were
lying to be a powerful athletes get injured. It's not
that you physically can't
you try standing 24 hours 3 65 in a punk. See you don't take a day off. No question that comes to me. My whole family, Meaning my mother comes to the park and has Christmas. We've been
just, say, my mother, my whole family number walking.
Now it's my whole family, cause that's my whole Finn. I don't your mothers alive. Yeah, she's alive. Okay? Yes, she's alive. My mother's alive. She come to the park. You buried in James ST Paul?
Okay. Your mother buried in a non legal cemetery.
Even your walk back of your whole family was not far enough.
My mother. You don't Nobody know. I got a
lot of people who I'm saving at James State Park. Other people who would have died had they run into each other too hard. That's why I got
so you value dead people around you and your china. So you're
buried. Your mother close to you? You hastily buried your mother close to where you do this
crossing my time. I took my time bearing my mom.
Okay, Your present.
Is she six feet deep?
Yes. She buried her straight. Standing up. She was six feet. Very first
over. The top of rate is still above ground. Jesus.
It's like a speed bump.
Just the crown of her skull has. Yeah. Yeah. Good stuff.
You know, that's a little unusual.
You buried your mom standing
up. My mother
always told me when I was growing up with stand tall. So I bury her. I buried her standing tall
just a little too tall. Her headstone is a literal
head. It's just a little tiny stuff. A little rock
on top of a head. Yeah,
And it does have an inscription, though. Yeah. Uh, well, has a face tattoo?
Yeah. Yeah, but it's a face tattoo that says 1947 to 2013.
Yes. What a butterfly In between her brow in the game. Yes. Yeah, he got a butterfly and turned it into No, that was Gucci. Mane turned it into a ice cream call.
That's right. Oh, I didn't know that. I never heard of either of those people. Why
did Gucci mane sour on the butterfly?
Gucci? May I? You know, now that I think about a Gucci mane might not have the butterfly and let just beat again Gucci Mane
game had a butterfly and turn it into l A.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Gucci man got ice cream call.
Well, because the game was dating a butterfly and they broke up. So he just turned it, started
dating the city.
And then Kendrick Lamar should from under. Omar started fucking that butterfly that the game was with that he made to pimp a butterfly.
True Butterflies nasty. That's butterflies. A little video that butterflies are free co I fucked a one. Whoa. Did she
got pregnant with little Half caterpillar half ***?
No, I got a lot of questions about
I made her board. It Don't
trip. You made her avoided. Don't trip across her body. My choice.
You're a
bad man, Gory. I down in a room full trying to defend you. Corey, Honestly, I've been trying t o
think Cory's tortured. I think Cory needs help. I don't think
right here. What? You tell me to my fate. Cory's fucking rotten Bill I will kick your little bitches. I'll kick your little bitch as going on a walk here because I do. In my arms, I say
simply. Step back. You have a lucky wheelchair.
Mine, By the way,
I want you a wheelchair Duty that time. Watch a wheelchair because I don't need everything you need. You head. That's another thing. I wanted the signs. I hope you got everything you need or you almost
sound like a Buddhist sometime. Yahoo. Ah, Buddhist. It's a religion. You're talking about
being a Don't put that on me. Don't put that. Don't put that on the out. Worship Oprah and Jesus Christ.
Okay, I think, actually, Have you ever thought of you have a lot of aggression? Have you ever thought of turning it into some sort of art music or painting or Ah,
I used to read your stay. I used to ramp. I quit. I quit
because you were on the ups.
I was happy because after the football thing, after the football thing, I went into the studio. I was really pissed, you know? Yes. Jermaine
Dupri. Saul, you screaming outside of one of his venues?
Yeah. Pigeon is in the store? Yeah, in Atlanta. I was screaming at a little pigeon. Little bitch ass pigeon. He didn't want it with me. He didn't want it with me, right? All
right. He was a birdie.
Now he could What if the days you could do all things, huh? What the pigeon do
birds can do all things
through. Over who? Straight person. Oprah. Who straight does that put the pigeon? The pigeon was trying to get my bread. I wouldn't read outside. Know somebody was feeding you little pieces of Great Britain. Because Oprah says Teoh cease not in the indulgence of Britain. I e. Bread outside the club. Bright
bright Because you were You were running with
a whole gang of pigeons, right? You lived with them? Yeah. Your squad.
Yeah, that was squad. I was with squad. Then one of those pigeons decided he wanted more power, right? So he so he, uh he tried eat some of my brand of bread I had in my head. Nighttime. Don't take more bread than I give you a little pigeon, little bitch. As pigeons started eating the bread prematurely. I didn't give it that Brit. And so I started screaming at the pigeon. Had to set it straight. Then Jermaine Dupri came outside. So you're
screaming in rhyme and was sounding
cooler. You know, when you unintentionally running be happening, right? Right, that be happening. So not
for multiple bars.
Usually it's like one sentence you accidentally and what
could I say? I had a gift, right? I had a gift. And so jamais jermaine
Dupri. It was a a guy with a mane of hair that was very
Jewish. Super wraps you, Rick. Rick Rubin is a Jew. Main
eso He came out. He said a low man. You got balls? I said I know, little man. I'm a big ass bitch, You bitch. You could be a little bit to a big bitch. So you're taking it the wrong way, Bill craving when I call you little bitch. I just mean in statue. Okay,
So bitch is a good thing,
which is a good way. Then we better misunderstanding allegories. Yes, yes, it all the bitches cause they shall inherit all that. Yes. So So, uh, Juman came out there. Jermaine was like, you got balls for days and I was like, Boy, you craze and I was like, Do you have some chips? How about them lays and I'll be running around the field doing all kinds of place. What, on the little birds? I don't pray. Okay, so all the way arrives were a day a day. Just I quit because I kept getting interrupted. I kept getting interrupted. People stayed interrupting me. So I quit your
sign. I heard I heard your original demo, and it was good, but you left all those interruptions in. So you're in the Versace. It's just constantly people walking in saying I'm sorry. Didn't realize somebody was in the booth.
Yeah, yeah, I have a sandwich. Biggest. I am biggest. I am. It's like people don't see me. So do you think Who thought that she was funny? Cause I heard a little snicker. Okay?
It was It was not Not to you. It's funny. I didn't think was fine. I was amused. It was just a fucked your girl likes really. I'm into that love new thing. I discovered that I enjoy
Oh, wow. Oh, yeah, I've got a girl. Never
mind. I didn't fuck it in. I didn't fucking Oh, never mind. I'm
your So he didn't impregnate a butterfly.
Because if you fucker butterfly, if you do a no or fucker Butterfly, you still a virgin? No,
I say that's right. Yeah. Older, You know, uh, what very simple question. You should know the answer, Teoh
asking somebody in South Lake where they from? You don't ask a Really? Are you trying to bang on me?
That's that's why I had a lot of trouble in a
note specifying your age was gang like,
yeah, you know, ask. Somebody ate with
us for that whole world of age gangs
are really jumped by a bunch of two year olds the other night. Yeah, and they were throwing up their diapers. Really captured by
a bunch of geriatrics the other
night. Really? They were throwing up their day.
Say, what age was there?
They were, like, 64 to 67
down to 64 60 78. A
group. They are just losing sort of some of their control.
Have you guys been hit up by the M s 13 year olds? Scary crew.
They're scared.
They're going priority and they are mad. Is this the Microsoft 13 year old? Yes, 13 year. Okay. They
pop audits have coming on their keyboards. You know, they come on a keyboard because they like climaxing or what? You mean climaxing like coming, would you? Me? I said, coming here. Keyboard.
Okay, so their ejection.
You always trying to one up me, Bill. Crazy gravy. Okay. Oh, yeah. What do you say it is? Not that. Okay, then. Okay. Okay. Then you're trying to do some. You drink, you crawl across the table, stepping
back. Bill Torrey, Calm down, guys. Listen, let's try to get this conversation back on track. Or we brought you in here for a very specifically and we want We want advice about what you have, what it takes to get through four years of school at this college. Okay? And that's why we brought here. So that's what we're going to talk about, Guys, we're not gonna argue anymore. I
especially I feel like it's great for me that you're here cause I'm a hopeful walk onto the football team, right? Yeah, I would have been a tackling dummy and a t, uh, for kick offs on I'm opened. Actually make the team, sometimes soon. Do you have any advice? As far as that goes,
You've got to be a cheerleader first. That's what a lot of the people don't know. Yeah, you everyone's overheard. Yeah, because you never heard it cause you're not on the football skill, right? Right. So you got to be a cheerleader first.
Literally like Like you have to cheer for the team where you literally have to join the cheers.
You gotta join the cheer squad and then, uh
oh, you work your way up?
Yeah, but that's why you always see there's always two big buff guys on the cheerleading team. Future football player? Yes. Picture stars. Future stop
now, That is why I saw a like £380 man at the top of a very bad pyramid.
Hello, girl back
Shannon Sharps First big thing in the stadium was u G l Y You ain't got no alibi. He screamed someone.
Hey, did He didn't. And he took off, went an NFL, played in the NFL, and now he's a commentator, right? He kind of took a traditional path
right crossing guard. He got into the NFL, which is already different than you
weigh thing. This was kind of a personal choice to not get in. I couldn't stop. Live tweeting. Okay, I put a guide, and it's not for lack of skill. I got the skills, baby. Right. What position did you play running? God.
OK, so you were a like
you were like a fullback. You blocked for the running back. You were
gonna know Cory was a running guard. I've seen old tape. It honestly, really confused. A lot of defense is because she was a Really It is a It was a position that they used on the football team of the time. I've watched some tape. Essentially. What it was was, uh, they hike the ball core would be positioned just right of the centre. Like the ball. Cory would just take off towards the sideline, leaving her his man unblocked completely.
T area. It is a cavity during the football games. Another thing people don't know to write this down. You all write this down. They serve bread.
Oh, shit. For his best
were just know he's taking note to school rock.
It's crawling over to you. Now who? I'll just
just kick his hands.
34 six Did miss it. Skate goes off of your right they serve bread putting during the football games. Write that down. You don't know that. So while Ali, all at the football games. Tailgating ruin for people Day seven brand player serving secret bread pudding. Yes, in the least busy time. Yes. And it's the best bread pudding is made is actually made by Wolfgang Puck.
Really? Really? Yeah. So wait, That sounds like one of those mass produced things to get the supermoon.
No, he come through, he come through. He's seven bread putting. Wow. Yeah, Yeah, this said so that's why would run off the field and go get me some bread pudding. Comeback game over. Whatever dog you played a few
games you ran off the field, were gone for 30 to 45 minutes and came back. Scott
crazy that you were like in all America. What's your schedule? Of course.
That was all America. My grandmother was born in the US My mother was born in the US and so I was out. I was born in the U. S s ST generations of people born in the US Oh,
so you were awarded strictly an all American because you were. It was 23 me. Yeah. It was in a work given out by 23 me that said you got a certificate that said you were all American.
That's not what we were talking
about. Oh, what you're talking about, Like
as part of a you know, like when the best players in the record and I will say this I feel like you guys should have done some research on Cory before the episode. I get a lot according it also get, get all American in football. But that's because hey had created a position for himself, and he was the only person s that had been added to the team.
But they pretty well, because they realized you were gonna You booked it to the bread pudding so they would hide the ball on your back there.
They started a new drill in the work, the lead up to games, and it wasn't a 40 yard dash, but it was to the cafeteria dash. Yeah, Yeah, you were the
leader. You know, people got trampled in that dash. People's lives was lost.
And you have you had a 3.2 to the cafeteria
GP A Yeah.
Oh, wear the cafeteria. You you scored a 3.2?
Yeah. Yeah, that was me. I really did. Dan,
remind me what the story is here. Were you the first player to ever drown a coaching data rate after a big win?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay, coach and exploring the gator
It on his head. You have a little
dead. Tied him down with a bag of bricks. His neck down about the paper bag of bricks. Yeah, a paper bag. It seems
like it would break you in his immediately
submerge. Yea, Well, I worked it out with kids in a science lab way did a little they Listen, that's another thing. Make friends with the kids in the science lab. Okay, This is good advice. A some cool ass kiss. They all got anxiety, but they cool this foot. Yeah, On God. Yes.
So that is good at my job
on God, That means I swear to God.
Yes. Oh, I thought you were starting to trust offensive one of us on guard.
You know it. Pull out a little soy. Yes, a little sore. Just because I want to make too big of this thing really is a pocket knife
and it says, Remember the moment.
Another status as remember the Titans. That is wack for the movie, right? Yeah. Yeah. Met Denzel Washington. I'm a Denzel Washington and I met Denzel Seattle. Would you
like more? He's a smaller version of Denzel Washington who lives inside of
you. Call. You say Seattle. You say his name three times he appears out of does l just comes out. I kind of like a Mini me. Yeah, well, but it's dense. I was a big do so to do, to come out. Just a regular sized dude, right? Yeah. I like Denzel Seattle more. He a little more Down to earth
now. Inside Denso, Seattle What did you think about Denzel Pike Place Market?
Denzel Pike Place Market. He here a kind of a little bit because hey, just like them birds that be outside the market eating bread. I want to send them back because he was nice to me. Be clear. He was nice, but e I get the sense he a little bit. And did you meet
Denzel? Fresh cup of coffee?
Oh, yeah. Didn't felt fresh. Couple coffee was inside a desert pike place market Yeah, it was cool. Kind of quiet, but quiet. But it's still wide, you know. Did you meet D'enzo? Little Cuba. Sugar? Oh, no. Cuba shook again. He got a swing. And how did you get
him out? You have to scare him out of the car.
You got a scare? Him out of the coffee. You got ta to shake the coffee. Shoot the shit out of that coffee. Uh, and then Denzel Little Cuba should came out. But it also Denzel Splendor. Oh, really? Stuck up, bitch. I
know Denzel Washington was a Russian doll type of situation.
Yeah. Again, man, he e
I mean, there's also he Denzel Washington exists inside of Denzel United States. Oh, so we're all inside of a We're all in a sort of symbiotic relationship with Denzel Washington.
Have a symbiotic relationship with something You want a withering
away. Your sacrificial second everywhere you're getting nothing. Oh,
yeah. We're living in harmony,
You know that Die on your next dog. I'm sorry that I on your net
from your hair
from your ho. How? Come on. So you're
telling me that underneath my skull I have a little bit of a magnet And every morning I put iron shavings on my head. Shit,
I didn't say any of that shit. I just said a dialling. No. Next thing feels like you're accidentally admitting a lot. Oh, come on, guys. This is my hair is not my son's comment.
Cory, stop crying. Your son's what
comes out of
your hair? Um,
because it's riel crawling. Taste like real hair real. Here, stop eating my riel locks. Just don't take this. Tastes like I am.
You're getting past the hair. That's head down. Look,
I think that beating may
I think I think things have come in a little bit out of
my sucker. Fish needs me. That's a
cute little burp.
Cory, listen, I think it's almost time for us to get the hell out of here. So, Korea, is there any way we could get you to just give us one little piece of advice? Maybe like we all have a long time left at school. Here, take that out of your shirt. No. Yeah.
You treated me like I was a fine dining entree. Taste set up shit. Set up a little.
Your personal shit. I'm I supposed to taste good
Look, you look like you taste good. Well, bitches be tasting good. Okay, Look, my piece of advice for y'all is when somebody shows you who they are the first time, make them prove it a couple more times.
Okay, Okay. So don't judge a book by its cover.
Judge it by page 15
written. Try to Rick, read the book a little more,
read the book a little bit more, skip to the end, and then come up with a conclusion. But then, even then, don't be sure of your conclusion. Consult with others because you could never really have an opinion yourself. And as for me, I see that you feel me on me.
And I think if you want to take advice from my failed football star that didn't make the NFL,
the NFL
crossing guard nears dead moms Corpse
Be clear because I could be on the football team,
right? You just you just couldn't stop, mean tweeting.
Yeah, yeah, but you know what? Some of my mean tweets got red on Fallon. So how about death?
I mean, they were rustic. Me. How about you? For spelling mistakes and career
suicide. One of the only
times Jimmy Fallon took the gloves off and really let
someone have said I
don't like kicking someone when they're down, but
no way. Here we go. Yeah, a little bit.
Farrell was It was Fallon
Kimmel. They both little little
bitch been called mean tweets where they mean read mean
tweet. Which one was out watching? Cause both of them white motherfuckers.
Honestly, Very true. Very. They're both named Jimmy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it
doesn't matter. I never met another quarry. So was dope about me. Is my name is so unique. Thought that she was funny. I think our video You supposed to my dog? I'm
okay. Hey, I am a girl called towards friends.
Were friends were good curling up. I'm afraid I'm your friend. No, I don't. My dog Corey better watch out or I'll fuck your ass
and then abort your baby.
Yeah, Yeah, I didn't duty. Abortion dog. I think the abortion A doctor. Okay, a doctor. All right. Yeah. Which doctor? I know that man way Didn't even know the man saying Did your abortion? No. Do you know Dr to digital Hair cut? You're saying I have plugs? I have bad white plugs that I I brown They
nobody thinks those look is good. His plugs.
We're not going to give you plugs on the taste like looks like plugs. The Zahra realize like shit. Bitch. Ok, OK, guys. Thanks. We're gonna put you over my knee right now. Get your ass up, OK?
Spike me? No Little hurt her. You can't feel your ass. Tell me
you can feel this, can you? You paralyzed bastard. Cool. You take that strength and you paralyzed. What? Bullshit? Because I don't. I wish it was quiet for police tickets, Bill. You fuckin gone too far. You get a feeling test them on Don't From the way from the way you bend the corner down. I didn't feel shit. You did. You found that shit. You are tough. Emotionally, Physically. Holy Shouldn't feel shit. You
from the waist down, bitch. Okay, My new mixtape test long from the waist down. I'm not scared of you. You a fucking clown. You want what? You want to talk shit in around? Uh Okay, bitch is about to go down
and now all rhymes with flocking to the door here of the land around
everywhere rhymes with a kill squad Check Squat down. They listen to me. They don't talk to my squad. They listen to me. I don't know the voice of Corey Be well, Corey. Honestly, it was You don't see all I don't A a right. There's no resemblance. What, you want a
couple it, boy? Fuck! Shit. No, they still owe. You know I'm about to duck, Quick, get your ass
up here on my knee.
Shit! I feel sure that face now I feel shit your face don't feel shit. You dio What are you trying to prove out? There's something out because you're feeling I don't feel that shit.
Okay, listen, I think if we let this go on any longer, it's gonna fucking Yeah, get out. Okay. Well, listen. Thank you, everybody. So much for tuning in today. And, Corey, thank you so much for stopping by. Even if we really didn't get to talk about the things we wanted to talk,
pick up time. Except if you can, please. Because I still owed a the record label money. So I don't write no more. Uh,
be able get your big state
on amazon dot com. Okay, amazon dot com Corby met Corby. What's my last name? Robin. Mob. After you get your ass beat like that, you forget a thing or two. Corey, be mob in Corby Mob in, Uh and And I appreciate all the help on there. All
right, guys, Thanks for listening. And by
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