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The Teachers discuss Bill's new relationship and Todd's big announcement. Later, Hamilton's security guard Tannis Glassmore (Ayo Edebiri) stops by to talk about filming viral videos and dating a Saturday Night Live cast member.
booth last bad. You know, you don't have to take every sip on Mike. That was just a It
is there. That was a sip that's coming out the top of the cuff. It's not. Yeah, that's not they near
there. You got a huge cup of coffee here, and you're about to take every single sip on Mike. I'm gonna get pretty annoying.
And like those saying, you're sipping from the middle of the glasses, that was, like, lapping it
up. Almost sure. Yeah. I mean,
is his mouth as in touching it. He's putting them his mouth in the middle of the cup and going kind of at the top here, here, like second. So he's not even touching the guys. The guys on the table. He's not holding.
Kind of looks like when a kid tries to get a glass stuck to his mouth so he puts his mouth, sucks all the air out. That's what it looks like you're doing. You're going to get a coffee cup stuck to your mouth tied. I told you this time, okay? Happen again. When
it's happening eight days in a row, it's gonna happen. What are the odds
you're gonna look like what has said that it's happened.
Okay, well, you have that groove
right around your lips.
That's right. So now it's It's almost not. It doesn't come in because it's grooved in right, So I
know the group is going to make it so it happens. Mawr. It's gonna have, Ah, tighter seal like you.
Todd gets his groove back and everyone's jealous. It's too early
way didn't even get a chance to get our group our groove. But anyway, thank you so much everybody for tuning into the Teachers Lounge. It's the first, best and only podcast pertaining issues relevant to the Hamilton High School community. Of course them. Howard. Nope. Levis uh, here with another episode for you,
Howard, of course, quoting his anti Obama bumper sticker. Nope, instead of hope That's right, Howard.
Yes, and there was some delay our loss Good over. Well, there was some delays at the at the production plant, and I just got to say Just go that
I saw you hawking him on the street. You're trying to sell him right
now, but they sold out. Yeah, for some reason.
Now it's still relevant.
Store over
still feels almost like timely. And this was from the to the first election.
That would have been 12 7 years after 9 11 8 eso.
So Yeah, no way. And I ordered 500,000 bumper stickers that just have a picture of Obama. And they say Nope,
dimensionally. These are not. These are not official. So the Obama picture it just doesn't look much like him. So it's
OK. It's actually a picture of Terrence Howard from the original Iron Man
movies, right? That's right. Placed once again,
yeah, replaced it once again. Ah, and ah, you know, I sent in a proof thinking that I would be able to sort of get the actual Obama picture. I was working with his lawyers directly. Was working with Obama's lawyers, drink the drug A. His likeness never came through. So I had to go into production on the, uh, Terrence Howard version.
To be fair, though, Don Cheadle, about 100,000 those from you.
That is true. I guess it was It was a big, big goof. He was rubbing into Terrence our
space. You already got the role treatable. What do you doing? Rubbing his nose in it
Yeah, I already got a whole room and his ass that he's made wallpaper out of those.
Yeah, it's honestly, it's good. I got a picture of it because I started, of course. Ah, an Etsy store where I just sell my bumper stickers, but currently singular, not multiple multiples on De. So I got a picture for you won't sell of in more than one. Well, I got scared when Cheeto bought 100 of them, or 100,000 of right, because I was like, he's going to take my whole supply. Do
you know I
just really quickly want to get the word out on a brand of dog? Not a brand, a breed of dog, but also a brand because of Brand is involved. It's a cheetah Will. It's Ah, hypo allergenic. It's a poodle mix with the Cheeto, Um and yeah, it's hypo allergenic, but it is just it's dusty. And if you are allergic to cheese or like there's intolerant, it's not high. Bradley.
Very allergenic, allergenic to people who are allergic to dogs but not being
a designer dogs. You walk up Thio going to be sick, and
then when you pet him you get the dust
all over your feet? That's right. They're cute. They're
cute. It's half. Cheeto have poodle. It would have been
a Cheeto puff. They mixed it with. Sure I'd be into it is instead of rough, it does.
Go Puff went to your house and I was like, OK, finally, let me just take one. Sheetal and Dina came back two minutes later. I was like,
I guess
we'll take a couple more flaming hot Cheetos.
Oh, yes. Oh, yes, they are. They are. They have an attitude. Oh, yes, they dio they'll take it a little skin off your finger.
You know, I have actually read him some chicken. I was going to say there's there's a heated debate online now about whether or not Snoopy is achy. It'll
that's right, that is very heat. And this is the good thing about Twitter. Is there always debating something I care about? And the Snoopy Chiel argument? I mean, I was the first to retweet and say not Sheetal. Uh, yeah, Charles Schulz. You know that guy never like Cheetos. I know for a fact Snoopy is not Sheetal. The dress was brown, um, and the guy on the swing was going left. All right. I don't
remember that one. What? The guy on the swing was going
very recent. It didn't. It wasn't as big a hit because who gives a shit? I
don't know the building or towards
the Oh. Oh, and I said nanny, not Laurel.
And just to settle the debate, though I do not think that Snoopy is achievable, I actually think he's a laboratory toe, right? My laboratory, tha I'm pretty sure his laboratory toe
he could be got quite Lavergne Labrador and the shape of a dorito
results in stupid triangle dog.
Everybody tweet at us. Ah, drawing of ah, uh, laboratory? No.
Oh, And when we asked for this, you got to do it, cause if no one does that, we feel like fucking asking
way. Been going on a lot of handshakes, and yet anybody respond. Come on, slobs, Just take, Just draw us a picture that way.
You already listed the park. Let's draw some piece
of material but much effort in the
pictures we do in the podcast.
Just a piece of shit. Like God said, if you're too embarrassed
to do from your really count make a burner account tweeted some hash tags. It s to make follow
us with your burner to We'd love to pump up the numbers.
One more
thing. Hurry up. Hurry up with the Cheeto pictures for the Dorito.
We got to be getting all of these on January 13th the day this episode comes out. I think that's right. Uh, all right, all of them. Hurry! Midnight Midnight, New York time. Okay, let's go, people. A Todd Padre here Director of the new musical trilogy Duck Boat to Draw Draw,
which is a great
collaboration that you actually doesn't rights were
also no drum cash machine broccoli happ happiest some of the year. The LeBron Claymation commercials,
I think, doesn't
for spray. Not for LeBron
Claymation notes for the From the LeBron's new Claymation, which I'm excited whenever
getting an animation the animation's think trailer for a film
and it looks like they got my money. They have my money. It looks like it's a movie about Christmas and drinking Sprite And ah, there's, like, one question about if you've got Sprite cranberry and I am curious. Um, so, yeah, Todd, Padre, uh, the trilogy of musicals is going Well, we've got a writer's room going right now. I'm collaborating. Uh, really? Yeah. I decided to collaborate on this Things. I've never done a musical before.
I'll say this
though. You did. You did very like forcibly Retweet Tyler Perry's video about how he doesn't have writer's rooms and how he wrote everything himself.
Well, you know the one thing and already should dio is let you know their process boldly and confidently on I love what Tyler Perry's Do it and I watch his movies. And I got this Mr taking hundreds of people to come up with this stuff. And he's like, not just may And I'm like, Hey, that's really cool, man. That's really cool. And so I retweeted it. I broke my phone. Retweeting it to heart. Uh,
say you have a writer's room now, but I You
know, I am working with the room of people. Um, and it's great, it's Ah,
many notable names are
Oh, my God. I mean, it's all it's all the pig writer's room.
Avalanche Avalanche is a great Hollywood drive. The rights for all the Oscars. All the other good stuff.
Yeah, avalanche, um, villages
and hard. You have him in the center square, in
the room. Yeah, villages in the center square. And, you know, we're still trying to break story on this musical and get
him out of those boxes
on top of each other. Hey, it's where he's most comfortable. It was in his Ryder center.
He's comfortable anywhere. Have you
seen him? Oh, human comfortable everywhere he's insidious. And
why he's interested in duck boat to go.
Oh, yeah, Well, yeah, I think you thought it was an actual offer to get sent on a boat to Guam. Shipped. Have in the room. Whoa, avalanches in there. I'm having a little issue with him. Were trying to break story as I was saying, and he just keeps pitching jokes about Whoopi, and it's like, Hey, come on,
he's not here right now.
Start with throws. Eyes upwards.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, What is not up there? Vilanch. That's Dan Harmon. That's right. Harmon's in the room are beating the rap Barnes of the Human Big Frog? Yes. Oh well, Harbin's not not so in the room, but we've gotten skyping in his advice, a circle of story that he's always so you don't even need him in there. You just get a freshman college writing student to explain story to you the way they heard Dan Harmon talk about it. And it's all you need is
an are you? Why are you coming up with any stories like with in the duck boat? Like is their main character
Well, I left the room, work it a little bit. You know, that's I feel up in conversation, little vacuum of power. And we see who the leader is at the end of the day.
Last. You you. Where do you fall into that?
Well, these stuck in his company A He's
way. Although he's stuck. You
gotta stop sipping a coffee. Just
enjoying the coffee. You are suddenly the porcelain mug on
TV. Oh, he's dead. We gotta get a crowbar. So I don't get the crowbar
If you got a group or get a crowbar. Not Flintstones Crow Shape
of the bar. My name is Sam Weatherman. I teach SB and student government as well as student. What's the other thing driving in? Yeah, sorry. Driver. Instructor, You've
changed to student driving instruction.
That's right. Here's technically I am still learning how to drive. I've been taking one test of the D M. V. Every week s so far yet to pass. Is there a limit on those?
Eventually. Do they go? You can
like when you try to recent here. When you try to enter your password, you get it wrong sometimes.
Actually. Walk you out
for three days, right? We can't hear you talk. Um, no, it's actually I have a punchcard. It's like the free sub thing. Oh, so So I got nine times and then they make an appointment for me on the 10th
when I found the work is not having to sign up for another point.
Yeah, it's pretty awesome. It's pretty times the appointment that they usually sign you for 45 a.
M. Wow. I did not know.
First through the door,
first through the door, first in last out. They don't. Every time
you go in, you have all your
paperwork. Todd, we can't hear a thing you're saying
now. I
heard, and this is I heard, and this is Ah, big swing. But they're ah, they're typically I heard, and this is a big swing. But they've also been filming something in there called D m v TMZ. Absolutely. OK, so we want to do this.
It's all the personalities of the D. M. V already around talking about PC pop culture, but Okay, Okay. Yeah,
I say so. You know
all the characters of the M. V. You have a furious janitor. I did not know that 10 yeah, Your is she. I had never
seen a man with a mop bucket who's mad
at a picture taker. I've seen front desk clerk I've seen, like Booth one through 12. Well, you're saying furious, cheering ish senators in there Also thick glasses. Picture takers in there for sure she is she
still saying loudly saying, Take your hat off.
Oh, that's a phrase. That's your catch phrase on the show. You know, they'll talk about Kim Kardashian or some should go
take your hat off. Kim. So it they are talking Bob culture
gossip. Is there anything related to the d M. V there? They're in a d of Harvey Love It is there. So
this is like so TMZ there. Just a second. Eso Is there
TMZ SUV? I'm not sure. You think it's inside of a big SUV?
I'm gonna get this advertised mouth
before you Cheese wasn't stuck. That sounded like a good morning. Vietnam. Whoa!
Well, good morning, Vietnam. Your
mouth is is gigantic. Here's a
finally a compliment from my friend.
Yeah, your lips air sticking out three inches. Okay, Cuban coming, fellows. Most of the
blood is drained from the rest of your face, and it's in your mouth area. What
did I do to deserve the
Your white beard is now stained with coffee.
Okay, thank you very much.
Well, and you're just as ugly as ever. Other. Why?
And who's the belle of the ball to time? You? Well, I, um
Bill, who are you
and what do you
do? I'm still meditating. I've got my meditation courses as you listen. Last week I did that guided meditation which ended up being mostly about the bowl that I hit the top. That makes the noise. And the bowl was sent in and could walk around and was, uh, pranking May, and it got its own prank show of importance. Bowling. Those meditations and your calm energy really helped me out of my bed.
you. I was burnt head to toe in a head to toe cast. And, uh, you playing that ball really got me up. We
should announce
this meditating has fully healed, Sam, or at least eight. I'm not able to feel his pain
Yeah, uh, you don't look great, but you are up and about, and you seem not. I
mean, you just thank
you for the
compliment. Who's the belle of the ball
now? Looks like we're going to the ball together. Don't little,
right. That's an upgrade.
Sorry, fellas, but yeah, your meditations. Have you said you reached
Nirvana? I did. Yeah, I reached Nirvana. Um, a lot of people say that band was dead. Reached them. Have
you been trying for? For a few weeks now you've been You've been trying numbers hoping that
I've been up in Seattle knocking, rapping on doors where they again. But get him up, get him up. And is a wrap
different from a knock.
It's a hard rockets knock with no wind, hairless, abandoned for your own hand. You work and
knock all your
lose. Your wrist is doing almost nowhere.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. Your slam. But so I've I have found them.
You reach nirvana. Uh, you add it up. Reaching Temple of the Dog, Soundgarden's Pearl Jam,
All of us, all of them. I'm
trying to
figure out a tour with all of them together. All
in your and your only doing bands whose lead singers or dead. So Nirvana, Nirvana Bar, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots is on the
pilots door Meditation.
I think I got off
on the word nirvana and it got out of meditation and mawr about Yes, Sau Garda. Now, Bill, we should we should announce this. Yes, let's announce it right now
through meditation through meditation, you've met what I would call a yoga soulmate. Have someone you've been spending a lot of time when
I'm at my little stinky Matt. And I
think that's your soul mate. Yes, you
said, come over. Let me introduce you to Matt. And I was like, Oh, family bills with somebody, as we've all been wondering
what I am what you mean
You said come over me and matter haven't making dinner, and we're gonna have a little dinner party. And then when we
got there that was seated in a chair, Matt, I will say there was a cutting
board with some like vegetables. Not yet chopped in front of the mat sitting at the table. The
matter cannot cut. Mac is
a terrible cook. He cannot cook. You never finish. His stuff is always laze lazy. He's so lazy,
really. But you know what? You walk over,
he does, and I'm like
you had to
stand up for yourself. Um,
you got to stand up for yourself, Matt. But he's I love
him. You guys were here. Worry meant I met Matt at, um eight. Say
it's okay if you don't know yet. Way could keep talking about something else and you can remember it. I
forgot the name of its OK. Oh, I
remember r e i
r G in there. What was he doing? Was he sort of perusing and look well?
Ah, he was with someone else, right? You still e spoken for
Oh, my guy Stone. Matt, Right out from under someone. They flipped right over when there were There was I think Matt with was with this stack of towels on top of him. So I swiped those off. I was like, I was like, Hey, that was me over there. Did we catch? Did we have, like, a little moment when I walk through this section, I was headed towards the, uh, tense. I was over tent, and that was like, Yes. Yeah, that just happened for
a tent. And you find a man doesn't speak to you. Is it or is it corns?
Very quiet. Very quiet. Well,
I'm honestly glad, because when I heard you're going back to our e I I just got worried for you because so many of your last
relationships have been so intense. I know it's it, but it's not gonna be like yeti cooler. This is gotten This is not at all going to end up like Eddie. That's good, cause we all know cold reaffirm ever. Cole,
I want to say this
ever cold bill.
Yeah, I
think you have been in so many different relationships. Some that old listeners subs will remember some that are new ones have not heard about. But this one it seems like you are now attracted to someone who can't hurt you because they don't speak and they're almost inanimate object. And I think you need to put yourself out
there and you need
to take a risk. You know, I don't report this relationship. Okay. God, I don't approve this relationship.
I don't think it's
fair for you to judge Bill when you've had plenty of relationships in your life that are within amount Inanimate objects
so far. Okay, Okay. I don't know how the mirror got turned on me, but every relationship I've had help in healthy till it ended. Okay?
And I I mean, it may be an animate, but it is intimate. Can an animal a sentiment anima? And I've been saying that for
yes, I did see you guys the other night at the mall, sitting outside by the fireplace, and you were just Might Himmelfarb list those nice outdoor fireplaces of the mall? Yeah. The ones is on the outside of the building.
Fire is all those little marble Lee stone gel thing.
It's beautiful. Like what is
on fire here? What is on fire you're looking at? What is the thing that's on fire? I'm sorry I didn't
hear you over the people waiting to get into the Cheesecake Factory.
You were sitting by those little fish that stick out of the water, the metal fish and you were just wrapped all
up in mats arms. And I just thought it was so sweet. I let you guys sort of be didn't come over. Well, yeah, I was right. He was right here. I was wrapped up in him. I wrote myself under him, and it was lovely. Okay, I was lovely. And I think I hate to say this, but the old sobs
will know what I mean. Jealous, Joseph,
You in a yoga mat? Being in a relationship, Okay. I'd rather be alone than have the crappy relationship you have. I look at you and I laugh because high horns, That is not the type of relationship I want, approve of or need. Because I know myself. And I'm not just gonna get into something with any flat loser that comes
along. How dare you? How dare you? Okay,
eyes don't get into a fight in here, okay? Like, for the most part, we've remained. We've sort of let ourselves, like, you know, never get into any serious fights in here. OK,
I got it. I know. I think Todd might be a little
jealous. Castano, I didn't want to talk to you about this, but I did see you out the other day with, I think a foam roller. I saw you
out. Really? I don't know. It takes one to know one
judging line.
Look, I whatever you saw, it was platonic. Are we talking
about a full roller when I was 1/2 roller. Ah,
but, uh, but you should have seen Todd carting around. So proud. Look, we were driving around like a man in a new convertible with that
thing. It was It was nice while it lasted, but it was nothing. Okay? It was nothing. I didn't even know how to use the thing. Okay,
Now that I believe that, I believe you got some hot, young foam roller toe hang on your arm and you don't even know
what to do. And it
was like, smack you were It was like
smashing you around. Yeah, Okay. You're back. It never been worse. I saw Todd getting rolled by the phone
booth, isn't you? Is
it? Actually, the roller was rolling me and it would you know, I and that's the thing is I end up getting used.
I heard put kinks in its back.
Yeah, it wasn't the right kind of kinky. If you know what I mean. Uh, but no, I think I was just having probably 1/4 life crisis. And I was just, you know, I needed something new and young, and it just wasn't for May.
But I think you're I think you're underselling your emotional connection to this foam roller because I actually saw you go into this morning good section of the target where you met it on and you were holding one of those big old bottles of Evie on just talking about how excited you were to be with this big old bottle
of heavy on right in front of this. Yeah, this this firm road Oh, no cheating on the phone with a big bottle of FBI in target.
Hell out of here. You're a scum dot No offense. Your
slunk your slide. OK? You're a slob. Athletes are sex positive, okay? And that every arm bottle was nice for a while, but that hole is way too big for me. Fellas.
I heard you
went Teoh Vegas and hooked up with some of those tight pants that you wear underneath shorts. Go down pressure.
Did you have a compression shorts in Vegas?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, my good man.
Well, it does it
if you post the pictures accidentally on Facebook.
So what's your audio text? Someone got a sharp because I'm trying to text people trying to text my name.
You trying your Facebook
post was Please, Greg, don't show these to anyone, But look at me. Hooking up with these compression short
and who is great. That sounds like a name generic name that was just made up on the spot. You must have
a whole separate group of freaky friends.
Yeah, I'm talking about Greg Ryan and Colin. Greg groups Ryan Stiles, Colin Mockery, my riel friends who I do comedy with,
You know, that's right. Todd has joined the traveling. Whose line is it anyway? That's the announcement that way. That's troops. They wanted some diversity. We decided
to go with white male age over any other version of it. And I'm traveling with troops mockery and, uh, style.
You have to roll without Drew Carey. Now we grow without your Kerry, and I heard some time My section of
the hoedown is the longest of the four.
I heard they've been You know, how
they'll get like a big, long piece of Styrofoam or something. You have to, like, make it you use props. I've heard they've been using your body as a problem.
That's right. And they can't stop thinking of things. It's such a long part of the actress. You can shape my body to end a thing.
So you're not on the tour
performing a seat on the
bus or are you in the
trunk? Are you in there? You Anyways, are you a hatchback of Bob's trunk? Well, I'm a member
of the clan, OK?
Oh, ok. All right, folks, take that out of contact. Clip that that one group of
monsters get Makes the word clan impossible to use. Bears rolling clans. Okay, look, I
think it is in the KKK. Is that really what a
group of theirs is called a
claim? I don't think
so. I'll look it up,
looking up, everybody. Look, I'm not going to sit here
and defend the word plan to a bunch of idiots, All right? What it comes down to is I'm a member of the Whose line is it anyway? Cast. Okay. They bring me out for one part of it. They also play my ribs like a piano for some of this art.
But you dio Todd, you do ride around in a trunk and let's be honest. Why were you in Vegas hired that you might have had a cameo role in A in a residency by one of the famous?
Okay, Yes, I'm carrot tops. Eyebrows. Now,
Todd, I gotta say, thistles. Your biggest theater success. Yeah, How? You're like a Vegas piece of trash showbiz.
Also, because that doesn't pay enough. So during the day, guys on the street flick may they pay
it little your numbers written all over the
great 696969 on my body and flick me and tell people that like
there's ghosts. Yeah. You need to
wipe your head offices text for 22 for a titty job. I don't even
know what that IHS if I wipe it off or get paid
I four way for one. Hey, titty job still t t
job? Well, they write down all the writing that's on your body
Weight the neck trying
to turn around, Turn around.
I have to
ask you a question because it z also in the room here. But how are you balancing all of these responsibilities in Las Vegas with teaching at this
school? How
my bouncing Everything I do in Vegas with teaching at the school. Simple space time continuum. Okay. I am the blue guy from Watchman. I am in all these moments at once. Right now. You're
Dr Manhattan, Doctor. Thank you. He's called the Blue. His character's name is Dr Manhattan. Yeah, In the story
of the watchman, a guy wanted to save a watch in a machine that did a bunch of stuff. It killed him. I was trying to steal the watch from a scientist. Andi. I ended up getting stuck in a super machine. That makes me live all of time at once. So right now I'm here talking to you guys. It's 50 years in the future and I'm getting kicked out of a club 25 years ago getting kicked out of
every other moment.
Besides, right now
it's two days from now. Carrot Top is wiping me up in front of a mirror and say, You did it again. So there's
like it's a It's six weeks from now and your Frank Caliendo is light.
It's six weeks from now and the guys waving his hand in front of me to let for Kelly and don't know it's time. It's time for the show today. It's one or two days ago and I'm I'm ah, little puppet. I'm a little like a terrorist puppet, the Jeff Dunham using what s So I just the big reveal is in a
blue guy like bigger male and that the show is bad now.
You like the first season they went away from. Some of the stuff is supposed to fall on May. Oh, and let's just say downstairs, he and I are a little different.
How do you mean? Because where we all know that he has a famously large Penis. It's rarely covered.
That's right. Now imagine the opposite. Heavily covered up in
time. You have to admit that it's time.
Do you go by? It's never and, you know, you're just Todd. But now that this news is out, do you want to tell everyone your real name? I mean, your doctor. What?
Right. As if I was Dr Manhattan. Yeah. Um, well, I'm assistant Professor Hoboken.
Waste our time. That's a bummer. That's a bummer. What? Found TV's assistant Professor. Professor Hoboken would have been fine. I would have loved it. I don't come
up with the names way. Can we use your powers?
Yeah. What do you want? It? I
don't know. What do you
like? Only be able to tell us what club didn't kicked. What? You can kick that l A
club in Hollywood? No, not that. Well, to different parts of time. I can get two different Ellie
exits, but you are dressed in club attire in the airport.
That's yeah. That's why I say yeah. So that will be true for the rest of the show. For the forever. Um uh, take a break.
Yeah, I feel like we should be
May I just did it. All right, guys. Thanks so much for sticking it out through the break. There were really excited. We got a guest in the lounge today, as we always do. And we are so incredibly excited to you Have a nice little conversation with the yells. Ah, the security guard here on campus. Tannis glass. More Tanis house. How it's going is what I said.
It goings Well,
eyes classic. Tana shot him.
We do not let him look like an idiot there ideo except his misspeak and say I'm gonna streak that way to
I've been reading a lot of self help books this past week, honestly of bread about three or four books this week and a lot of them Ah, in the jury to self help are also about helping others. And so that's where I sort of found myself. In
that moment, I feel like it's affecting your security guarding around the school. I mean, there were some kids spray painting one of the walls out near the back of the school, and you just kind of came back there and you were like, Hey, what are you guys doing? And they were like, we're spray painting this wall were tagging it up. And you're like, Hey, you, do you? Which was from a
book you were reading? Yes, you do. The book
was called you, Do you? Yeah, by yo yo, Ma, actually, yeah,
about your your mom.
That's the That's the
one you got to pick it up. Honestly, it's very short. And about I would say 3 to 4 pages long. Yeah, well, four, if you include the title page that says The title of the book. You know there's always that first page that's is the title of the book. You sew it inside, the exactly
is there really
one word on each page? Is that why there's three pages?
That is, It s you who on the first page and then do on the second. And it's a really sort of cliffhanger moment
because this has put the
book down right here in the page to
take a walk, take a little stroll.
You know my to do you're contemplating on the stroll.
What does one dio and you turn the page and come back after the walk? And what's nice is, he says, it can be any length of time that we does recommend 27 minutes for the walk
length of, ah TV show, kind of
kind of some of the one commercial welcome Rachelle, which
I am known to do. Oh, yeah,
you still like to support advertising, but oh
yeah, I see what the first commercial is. And if it hooks me, I'll
watch. Howard the other day said, This is sand. It's kind of like food, and we're like,
Yeah, it's something. It's kind of like things it's not. Not exactly, not exactly texture
wise. It's like some food today. But
what is? OK, I want to talk
to you. About what? Types of food you're eating later. That's similar to
what? What type of food is similar to ST uncooked grits? Uh,
and he got it.
He probably bright back to us. And we swung and missed
because cooked grits, they sit the two heavy in your stomach, right? Yes, but you don't have, you
know? Well, they I ie grits to clean me out. Uh, it's kind of like sandpaper for you.
Yeah, like a filtration system. If
I for by accident eat some, that might be poisonous, I'll get a bunch of Great. So that
it just How often are you eating things in my reports?
Well, I mean,
full froth, horny, horny frog, frog, goat frog or whatever. You think it over that video. Yeah. Toe an actual an actual
horny. Got it. I was afraid it
was gonna poison me. Could. Well,
thank you, Rodney. That's when most of the poison comes
out, right? That frogs jerking it. It's gonna come. And Howard took the
bullet a
zero. Wake me those grates. Give me those.
Great. I want to see a frog. Come,
and that's discussed your helpful level
it and don't fall in love with me. Do you have to eat it? Are
that if you see abroad jerking off, eat that
shit or kill it or smash it or search some because you will be in a relationship for 10
of your prince? Could be or
or some horrible frog boyfriend. They always asking for sex in your apartment in a loveless relationship. But you signed the lease
that seemed very like from your story. It seemed like you access the very real moment.
What are you talking about? Well, you just have a
lot of war.
Stop, Stop, please. Please. Tennis pretty
quiet about a personal life, but is always complaining about this deadbeat boyfriend.
And also you are currently taking off a locket and putting it in her pocket.
So the bag Dan is we're going to figure out
who this person is. We
know you
got a deadbeat. Be up. I like to keep my private life private and my work life public,
and you keep your work like real public you. You've got, what, 200,000 followers now
on my security instagram And it's mostly me doing funny videos, making little quips. You know, I love my quips
grips. Also, you like Teoh to set the metal detector off on kids and then, uh, I come sort of like, do feel like field surprise.
I think that's funny. Yeah, I think that's very funny. You making kids walk on lines on their hands are making kids spin. I'm making kids jump. I'm doing lots. I'm doing tests like that.
I thought it was touching. You told a kid that they were under arrest for wheat. You plant it on And then when you when you put them in the cop car, the cop turned around and it was their dad back home from Iraq. Yeah, A being a very touching reunion.
Well, that was
only because I had done it previously the other previous week with cocaine and instead of their father, it was their dog, and I
and I sort of and I missed some of those viral. I was close, but I missed. The dog was
coming back from Iraq. Unfortunately, the dog couldn't drive a cop car that crashed the car and killed both
thing. The whole thing
was when the kid came out of the other side of it, he could hear for the first time.
Yeah, we have similar to a piece of the car wiring actually went into his head and sort of made of makeshift cochlear implant, right? And it was really I'll say it cool. They're pretty freaking cool.
I say 2020 were gas in ourselves up here. And you could say if something did was cool. Yes,
like the other day when you handcuff 20 kids at once.
Well, it was also, can I say, one pair of handcuffs? But
you know, there's a definitely
a problem, I think in our school district, with kids not eating enough of their lunch. Ah, lot of kids
at this school almost finished their lunch, and it's leaving the very small way. Need these kids to get your just proven a point by you. Accufit 20 risks in
one handcuff. You kept saying
one adult size handcuff. Yeah, If you get a lot of ninth graders in there, that's that's how you do it.
Yeah, you cannot use these. We need these risk to be bigger way.
Ask yourself up, though. Let's say something.
We cool? We did as fast as we can go. Howard, Uh,
blood blue. Some guns. Go time blue. Some guys go tennis blue of late Go have blew off my bandages. All right, Bill made
the biggest sandwich in the world.
Wait. What? Uh huh.
That was a lie. We all told the truth,
All right? I lied.
Hey, can I say something? I feel
like in that moment you lacks confidence. I don't want I don't want I don't want toe project. I would hate to project, but it feels like in that moment, you lacks confidence a lot. And I don't know if I said this already. Um, the car crash that happened that killed the kidding Their dog, actually, a piece of window hit me in the head. So my memory's a little Not as good as you still be. So I don't love us, but I actually have been reading a lot of self help books on one book that I read really spoke to me. And maybe some of the advice will speak to you.
Oh, good. Believe in yourself. No, a Rod Steward. Son. Really? Your Stewart? You believe in yourself?
Believe in yourself on. And you can pick that up on any Amazon prime.
And do you mean the website Amazon prime? Or how does this work on micro technology?
Luckily, I am. So if you
are old foot firm
uh, he is is a Motorola. Hello. Well, so I can actually show you on my phone. Open it up. Dial 911
Theme assess
for the U nearest representative. And they find somebody eventually for
someone who
did it, I Now this is tennis,
Ok? Wary today I'm doing okay. What are
Oh, you just said excited. Excuse me. Uh,
let's speak to your nearest represented, Please.
would like to buy. I like the
way I would like
to buy a book for a friend. I'd like to be gift, please.
Okay, friend. What Would you
like to buy the book? Be leaving yourself
by Yo Yo, Stewart.
Yes. Does anybody know the school's address?
Can you hear him? Can
you repeat? Sorry, Actually, don't repeat. Keep going. You're good, right? Sorry. Excuse me.
1400 each ship pig.
Okay. What's your
emergency? Hey, no matter what I stopped. I This is not This is
not representative of my believes.
I'm a dispatcher here to help the public. I know. Where would you like? I would like it. Look,
you blue Blue.
Sorry, Officer. Hi. This is Howard Levis from Hamilton High School.
Oh, I almost
I'm really sorry for my buddies here. Um, but in an effort to sound cool, I just want to say pick.
Yeah, eyes for you. You're not gonna get your book. You I don't want that damn book. And now the
representative hung up and I couldn't even apologize for they hung up. So I hope everybody's happy with themselves.
Sam, you're awfully quiet. I didn't have people to say you. Oh, you're spineless,
Thomas. I'm sorry. Absolutely. I I was sort of on the fence there when I started talking, thinking like, maybe I should just just do the actual thing. But then I peer pressure got peer pressured into being an asshole, that Howard and I feel really bad. I wish I had done the other thing. But then I did thing that you did the right thing.
Howard, we hate the five. Unbelievable. Don't show up at our house
on 911 for a book, sons. One of games on crime to me. What a
way to say Pretty good. No matter where you stand on the police, you do have to admit that was a pretty
broke his finger
punch walls every day in order to get the strength and stamina one needs to be is a cool security.
That's right. I see you a lot of people to the speed bag at the gym. But you just do the cement bag.
Well, I do have some of the hardest knuckles known
to man. And you are. It shows clearly it shows everybody respects, you know. Are these crashing on my boyfriend
you want to talk about? No, I just
saw your phone instead. Pick up some T p on the way home.
Well, tedx goes often goes off, he goes off.
Okay, We get a little info. So he is a deadbeat, and he also has stomach trouble.
I don't want us to be putting together. Quit. Fine. It's Pete Davidson. Almost.
Guess machine gun. Kelly,
you're close. Well, you have the silhouette. Wait a second.
Yeah, well, like she Kelly has a little bit of
truth to it. Pete and I were
going through a hard time this summer, as everybody knows, he was dating a string of hot women models, singers, even. And when we were on a break machine gun was rolling through town on his guns and roses tour. And
okay, when machine gun Kelly has a guns and roses store Wait, Kelly a bucket head on. Very good. Well, they did a little
switch up because bucket that is not wearing the bucket Anybody,
right? So he's Guns n Roses? Yes, and is bucking. And even there booking it is their kids. What bucket has them in the guns? Wait a sec. Keeps Michaud. When machine gun Kelly
was rolling through with bucket. Hey, you hosted
them? I hosted them in my house. Right. Well, because Pete was gone, right? What was going on? And I have I have a spare bedroom slash office. Okay? Yeah, and I don't really use it for myself. It's more Pete spaces for jokes, but when I mean
Teoh space for jokes, I heard about
this year's sandy little stage set up to the quarter. He does on joking terrace to
come in here. So he's not writing his comedy. He's doing jokes alone in the room.
Yeah, I can sometimes if we have one of
those doors that has a little bit of space in between the door and the floor. Not every door has that. Our door for that specific room in our home. I was like, You says, yes. Did he come up
with? I would suck a dick for a $1,000,000 joke in that room.
Well, yeah, The acoustics are really good for his brain, so he comes up with a lot of his best work. They're
kind of just outside the door with head on the ground looking
that it sees my shadow. He gets very feisty and a little bit cool. I would
one. They've changed it. Now they do. Ah, ground hot day with Pete Davidson and you at your
Davidson sees tennis's shadow six more weeks of ah, poodle desk bits.
Lauren is very dependent on way. We
gotta cut update by
former. You want to talk about texts? Bill, Look at these text from Lord. He's blowing up my dang phone way. No
ghettos to put him in
one of them. just is more popcorn, but I think it's
more popcorn. Question mark. Like maybe like a sequel to More Cow Bell.
He's pitching Sequels. The
Borkowski likes to pitch. He's good thing, this
one, says Gillies Island.
We just sort of like maybe bringing back Gilly, but God Gilligan,
cryptic Texter. But I think it's always worse.
Lauren. That text is out of date in two different generations.
So this is what
Lauren does. He text the spouse of his cast members here,
here, and I just want to put a pause on you. We are not married. We are live in partner way are also not legal partners under the law because he does not want me on his tax papers. I would answer either, Really.
Oh, I want to know how it feels for you. What I think sandwich is their respect forward, that he does call you on its tax.
It hurts my feelings, my respectful words. There's no does only did he write
you in is not in a dependent but as an annoying
Yes, yeah, on And I said, and I have to say thank you considered me right, and it kind of
brought down your bill.
A lot of money back. You get a break for being claimed as an annoying I can
say this to this day. My parents claim me as annoying.
Well, it costs a
lot to put up with somebody.
Oh, yeah? Yeah, that's that's emotional money. I mean, my daughter and my ex wife had been claiming me as an annoyance.
Yeah, since day one I was claimed on my ex wife's is a nuisance.
Oh, wow. That means you gotta pay.
Yes, I had to pay a lot for her. It's it's kind like alimony, but I we don't have any Children. And I'm just annoying around town, so I owe her money around like Yeah, yeah. Bad, Bad.
You see Todd Vance out in front of the froyo place. Examine
Mr Look bad.
I'm less my nickname. Mr
Go. Mr Look bad is always looks so bad. Yeah. Music references
to send audio message to lower.
Mr. Look back. I
mean, if you like Gilligan's Island, he's gonna love my version of Dr Feel. Good Bye, Motley Crue. I need to see your tax guy or woman because I don't know what Which one is it?
I just want to thank you for that. I don't think it's only of your business.
Okay, well, I just would like
to thank you.
Okay. It's not eso that's personal to you, who your tax person is now and what their gender
is. Okay, if they have a gender
and if they have a gender, Okay, it's interesting.
Find my tax present is a non binary A college student from the local
community college. Okay,
that makes me worry for you. And it's not the non binary part. Well, Todd, one thing can still be OK, but if you pair it with a bad thing, am I not allowed to say anything
by? You know, Todd hates community. Call it. I'll have. You know,
I went twice
because you graduated and went back or
because they didn't do a very good job of teaching
me anything. I went twice.
They had to retake college.
I had to retake the
whole thing.
What sounds like community college was not good for you.
Why would you? Why is that what you
would draw from this?
So that into chew
it did it? No
offense. I mean, you're sort of entry level
security? Well, yeah. Thank you. You. Thank you. Well, I'm
actually, uh this is actually my day job. Oh, yeah. I'm also a bouncer at night. And I am, uh, actually the smallest bouncer in the Hamilton district.
We really do. You wouldn't let me into the blue
room. The other
that was yes. I wear my hat night so you probably couldn't reconcile. I
knew it was you. We didn't say anything. That's why hide it. You don't say hi, Dan.
I know I did it. I was like, I would I would report on cool with my I was cheating.
You were cheating
on that. Always cheat. No matter.
You were cheating hard,
you saw who I was there with is I mean, I was
cheating. But you
do. Liz. Liz Khalifa,
me and Wiz Khalifa were their role in
town and wife and people.
There's very sexy people in our town. And if you're not catching the rapper and if you're not on your game, that's on you.
Listen, you gotta when whiskey for Rose up, you have to go meet
up. You have to. You guys both know
what to do in whiskey leaf rules.
You got
very fair. Is it? Is it the baby? Um, whose big now? Everybody like a baby. Uh, the baby I got caught between the baby's fist in his thighs when he was doing that dance
chop your really? I look at dinner when he throws his hand in the air and kind of puts his arm down. Hey, knocked you on the head, gave me a concussion, and then the
jab walkies beat the shit out of you. Real.
That's what he was looking ugly. Yeah. Yeah, which is like Javal walkies if you know
what's ugly and what's not. Take off the way.
Yes, the old slobs. No, uh, that
the jab walkies are the ugliest dance crew in history. That's why they were the through.
I actually one of one of them is really handsome.
Oh, but he's tricked them. Yeah, and so I think I think it's more
about leveling the playing field. It's like how when I hang out with you guys, I pretend to be really stupid. That's like it's this. It's
the same. Use me. It's the slower you rco
know its's an act. When I hang out with you guys, I'm like I got to come out of their level.
Oh, you think you're above us?
I think. Oh, I think
I think you're the 1st 1 in the group.
Oh, come on. I think you're done with all this. You eat poison?
No, I eat frogs.
I guess he's got a point there. Would you
guys say is the smartest group?
Did you just say
you're sorry? Wait. Is everybody saying their own name?
No, I threw my voice.
Okay. Um uh, loans me. Yeah. What up, Doc? It's me. Feel you
throwing your horse
and still saying that you are yourself.
Don't understand before you don't understand it at all. No. Okay, so give you me, doc. Wags bunny, you get what's up. That's quotes. But it's wags, buddy. Everyone takes Lauren about quacks. Buddy already did. I sent a voice. I said, Really?
You are quick on those voice. He replies,
Yeah, he just texted back Woody Harrelson's man
Harrelson, Duke Wags bunny I just off all of text. Can we make it about weed? Would he insists
Damn, that means Pete's involved
for sure. A man.
No. I mean what? I don't
have a live in boyfriend. We're 10 years
along with Pete Davidson for 10 years.
Yeah, on immediate admission.
No, it's OK. It's OK to have a little boy. The cool kids ago
would probably think it was really
cool. I came outside keys
25. So the same h.
You're in your late seventies, emotionally the same age. Although I thank you any
time someone says that I go forget the complaint,
I think. Well, I
think that's awesome. 75 year old woman
did. David look, and I
say I got a rocking bod and that's it.
That's true. Your face is pretty gross. Tennis.
My body absolutely undeniable. Damn Well, that's why we're my head at night. That's exactly yeah, I already
brought that up. Go. I want to circle back to this. You're the smallest bouncer. And Hamilton,
just think about that Well,
because you bounce the most dangerous club in Hamilton. And I wanted what
you get blue. You get
tossed out of the blue room, Constant.
Yeah, well, a
lot of shady characters come around gamblers, hustlers, wheelers,
dealers, blue face and the blue man group. Eyes
are nest.
Well, a lot of them carried eyes, eyes That
sound is made with knives.
Yeah, that's how they got good at rhythm
staff on. You look
like I don't want toe, you know, judge you by your scars, But you like you've been stabbed a few times by the blue man
group in your face, you got blue paint all. Oh, and
you're bleeding. Yes, well, some wounds never heal. And that actually owed only refers to the stab wounds in my face that were left by the Blue Man group. Not any emotional lose
catch. I heard
they did catch a group of them, but they couldn't pin it on anyone
of That's right. The same.
They're the largest crimes in to get in the US. And I believe the reason why the government does not stop them
or closer shows is because
many of them are involved. You'd
be surprised
who's in the police.
Look, tennis. I love this conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theory. I'm a security member.
Some of the highest people up in the government or in the Blue man group. Newt Gingrich is a blue man.
Newt Gingrich, Graham,
Woodrow Wilson. The first Blue
That so goes all the way back.
It goes up and back and diagonal in many ways and also sometimes possibly even most likely
forwards. When my ex husband was murdered, I
Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. That's OK. I woke
up in the middle of
the night. We set separate rooms. Uh uh. We slept in separate rooms and I woke up just, like, feeling this be And I was like,
Damn, that is a stank e beat. And
I was dancing and I was
dancing. Oh, two hours, just you know, I was in and I was bobbing
My head went in my other room. Dad. Wow. I think it was a movement. I
would have to assume That sounds much like there. L o
e. I think it was
investigate the sound for two full hours.
It's abusing. All right. You got a todo toe. I'm sorry. The DJs own. Let me investigate. I'm so by investing on the damn d j. So sorry. He said that to you, Bill, because that's very nasty. Thank you. You may be book smart, but you're not street smart adult.
I agree. 100% agree. Taiwan lasted minute
on the streets. That's
why I don't ever go out
there. I stay here in my car at home. I only stay in
the hours recording from his car a microphone way. Can't
even see him. But the microphones running out the door took
you get mad. If
the sounds good, he's providing audio
chest with his new ride. Tell
him what it is.
Our good. Tell him it's a 1966. Oldsmobile
is your new ride. It's a it's rumble. And I notice that the oldest staying car you got swindled by the used car Deal.
Inhaler down diesel, baby.
Oh, my God. Wait. That was you in the car? Yeah, I called the scrapyard they're
coming with. No, you are smashing through smashing once was this'll
call on people wear all this crap you told on the car.
Well, 1st 1st
what? I have my operator to connect me to the smash yard. Um, And, uh, which is actually owned and operated by the dance smash
mouth. Whoa! Yeah. Hi, Some.
Now it's your smash car.
Get this man. John, go smash their commercials. So you need
to tell me that the smasher is on their way to take my car Now
you better
get out of your car. or I can't. I know. Let's call exhibit and see if it gets your faster than smasher.
Can't listen. I
pimps the car quicker. They might come in.
They might leave. No,
my windows I have, though I have the windows shake smash about this
mesh Dottie once told mate ice my car. Oh, it's that just is beautiful. Is every guy's voice sounds
a lot like yours, Bill.
Oh, yeah, I did that
video. No joke. That was smashing this car, but as well Wait,
Someone's in here. Someone's in here Way. Bathroom. Our Get out. I can't. It's the doors or Jim, Get out! I can't. I'm going. I'm gonna break him out. I'm getting in a good way to put the seat back. I'm cutting the seatbelt. Oh, you got my stomach eyes that I, Mike really throw stitcher. Okay, I got Yeah. Yes, I forgot. You know, because of the accident? Yes. Hit my head. Share It is affected up. No, no, That's
the cheap stitcher given the premium. Good singer
Premium. Got it? Tossed it. Thank you. All right, I'm gonna teach you of Howard. Oh,
no. The stitchers lag
Ono braszczok The citric crashed did your sex since your socks. Is anybody out? Seven trouble. It's picture. Is anybody else having read it? Just on Reddit quickly. If it see if anybody else somebody says how all of them. Is that a thing? Was that the old one? Yes. Yes.
It looks like exhibit scared him off.
Okay. You Oh,
well, exhibit. What you gonna do to our bodies? Car? Hey. Really likes surfing and also dogs. And he's a virgin. Exhibit and wrestling exhibits right in the
step down exhibit. He's
really smart as well. And, uh and that's what I have to say
for those Are all the details about me exhibit Different. Wrote it all down.
All right is I came back for blended
and when I traveled often I pick up
back since the peak of accents very easily. And this is something that people say about me and talk about in circles were my friends. We
all know that about you exhibit.
I know. How was London? Oh, they ever ask? It was lovely. I had a lovely time. I did lots of good things that one can do in London.
I went to the bookstore Lou Drink, spill on that while I
went to lots of different box. Um, penny, um, carriages you picked from carrots Didn't awesome double do that too. In fact, I put them on top of each other. What a triple decker. That's one.
Wow. And did you put like beverages
inside lots. I put beverages appropriate. Teoh England. So yes and no gray and water
water in England, they dio know. What did you get? Uh, they're not just
not just like us, actually. Very different
now. Is it true you print the queen?
Yes. She's told now our jazz aquarium interview, remember?
Yes. Yes, in a bum. Also card son is on top of her shoulders.
Wow, Charlie ST Johns, Johns And Pete has lots of long hair now. And this is the sort of
seeing that I am capable of doing
the kinds of the view. Oh, my God, Is that isn't isn't spun it great. Funny more. Did
you think it was Woody Harrelson?
I thought I thought
it was Woody Harrelson, but sweet.
But anyways, I guess I was off. I didn't
watch a lot of comedy in London. This seems different.
Oh, What about this? Wrote about this one suffering succotash, Peter.
Awesome. Just awesome. Investor Griffin. Yes. Yes. Investors doing doing
clever. Very clever. But
boy, what's your name? My crazy. How would you like
to come on the road with
Oh, my God. Bill on exhibit. Oh, no,
I e Oh, yeah. I like you.
Thank you. Exhibit. But I don't know if that's for May This road life pimping stuff
I need I need
a road dog on a groupie And I need someone who will make me love The road is lonely and cold
there Hours ago
exhibits staring after the sunset accepted Things attributable
I dreamed a dream of diamonds doesn't words It was sad loaded. London the Where the hell is Tanis? I miss tanning. Harmonize. Oh, really? Do Rio you weigh? It's kind of hard when I do it. One at a time. Good embracing. Okay. Bags of it should be here
Any more Saying nothing. And he ran honest. I think you touched Exhibits. Heart?
he looking at in healing. And then off into the sunset. I never seen anything as beautiful as that
seemed so. It looks like he left behind a two year lease. Did you sign a lease, What you were doing and do it with exhibit.
Yeah, Um got my own apartment. Oh, I think I'm ready to leave my toxic relationship. Pete makes me feel bad about my face. And he makes me feel bad about being in my late seventies. And I deserve to be with somebody who didn't Doesn't do that. And who only makes me feel bad about my hot body. I
want somebody bad about your hot body
tennis. I had to break your your describing may. That's what I'm like.
Todd, what are you doing tonight?
Uh, well, it's six hours from now. Yeah, I'm at home trying to microwave. Ah, hot pocket.
What if you're in my new apartment trying to mike with a hot buggit?
OK, do it. And I can pour glasses. Pino or plum. Why Sheet on the back row?
Someone Uh, yeah, I'm just gonna have Teoh, do you? But Papa by a target with male. So
let's I
want to show you off to a couple exes.
You have multiple exes that work at a target
existed? Attorney?
Yeah, I would be honored.
All right. You know what you got yourself into there, but, uh, man, I'll take
you for being here to
teach. You didn't exhibit out of here? Yeah,
he was a
hard you could tell he wanted to. He was just waiting for us to ask him to pimp our car.
I was
stunned in that moment. And I'm sorry that I couldn't advocate for you or your safety because he really was gonna take you on the road and not let you.
I mean the power dynamic. I was just like I cannot
much more powerful than you. Very clear. It's very clear you are. You are. The weaker one
of their relationship would have been bad.
No, Todd, you're stuck in the cup again. But you're completely stuck.
Todd, don't get out of the cup. This is working for me.
Okay, Well, all right. Could if I wanted to, but since he told me not to, I'm gonna stay in the
you know what? Okay, Todd. Staying the cup for
their skipping off together. Here's the two
things for future episodes. You are stuck in a cup and you are assistant professor Hoboken.
And May and Howard are, of course, trapped inside of a crushed car. Were saved just in the nick
of time. That's right.
Yeah. Times. Thank you so much for being here today. We really appreciate your time. I was great getting to know you a little
bit. Sorry. Were you talking? I ran off with Todd. I had to come back to here where you still talk?
Oh, yeah. I can't see out the windows in the car. So I was just I assumed everybody was still sitting around the table so that I could do a little sign off
my left. Uh, OK, well, back now what? You know, I You can see just how All right, we'll figure this out, baby. That
escalated quickly. Uh, you know, making
love and the grass next to the school.
Thank you, everybody. For God's way, Tonto.
He's a sleaze. All right, well, everybody, thank you so much for listening to another episode of Teacherslounge until next time
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