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The Teachers are back! They discuss what's new with the crew, plan for a very special event, and take a walk down memory lane.
Alright, everybody. Give me a little give me a little give me a little level. Talk about as loud as you're going to. Ridiculous,
ridiculous, not crazy, ridiculous. Just
1 I said, talk to level you're going to, Bill. I know you're gonna get louder than
Alright. You're probably as loud as I Now you sound
a good talk. Give me give me a bit bills
levels, you kinda have to show them things like a baby taking a picture that gets them all excited.
Okay. Well,
geez. Geez.
There you go. Like, look. Oh, carrot. Car. Oh. Yum. Yeah. Alright.
You're good. You're good. Talk to me, like, give me give me a
little something. 312345. Okay.
You're gonna talk way louder than
that. This is how I talk. No. That's not how you talk. Come on. I'm soft
spoken. I'm an NPR voice. That's what I've been told. I've got a face for NPR and blog. Okay.
Talk talk to me like you're ordering something at a subway.
Good. We got it.
Oh, we got that. Yeah. You're not peeking. You're good. Alright, Sam. Give me a little bit.
Oh, I don't know what to say. I feel put
on the spot. What about what you had for breakfast? Well,
i had 30 eggs. And burnt toast,
as well
as deep cream of wheat. Okay.
Deep cream. Deep cream --
in a deep bowl. -- bowl.
It was both. The cream and what I mean by deep cream is it's been in my fridge for a while.
You're currently
I'm bulking. Yeah. I'm bulking. Well, I'm You look good? I'm blowing up. You're blowing
up. Oh. 0, hey. It has nothing
to do with a gym cycle. You're just
blowing Alright. Can somebody put on my headphones and tell me if my level sound okay?
Oh, sharp. Yeah. Go for it, Sam. I got Tinnitus. Okay.
Yeah. Here we
go. I'm listening. Hi. Howard Lev is here. You're
we not have any
sort of editorial reaction? Turn up and down. Did I do editorial? Or did I just make a sound I went,
ugh. It kinda sounded like somebody farted or something. That's what sounded
like somebody first. Here,
why doesn't somebody else wear
the headphone
in? Yeah. How do you how does Howard Bill? Bill
put these on.
Hey, Howard Lev is here. Oh,
geez. Okay. My stomach. Stinky. You know what? I'm just
okay. Yay.
That made me sick.
Okay. Taz, you try can you just please be
right away? Yeah. Here we
go. Alright.
Howard love is here. Where
watch Chad's ears.
How I'd like to make a doctor's appointment. Okay.
No. It's an emergency. I'm very sick all of a sudden. Alright.
Well, you know what? It doesn't matter if my levels are fine. It it doesn't matter. Nobody cares what I say anyway. So I'll just wear the headphones.
don't say that. Well, my give me the headphones back. Put your voice mails. Phys up. My stomach
everybody shut up. Alright. I'm gonna put the headphones on. Why? I'm gonna put the headphones on, and I'm gonna Who tell you to shut up? Yeah. And I'm so
rude, like,
being spoken to you that way. That
is not how you talk to your friends. Alright.
Well, I'm just gonna put the headphones on and I'm gonna test my own levels. Okay? Here we go. And
howard lives Oh,
jeez, since
he made himself pewed. Puked right in his own life.
Full nuggets. Undigested nuggets. Un chewed
it looks like.
Do you swallow nuggets whole? Of course. That's
why they're nuggets. You don't have to chew them. They make them bite size. You put them in and you just swallow
them. Bite size. Bite.
Bite. Not
swallowing size. It's a single bite.
That's what bite size. That you eat nuggets like pills. You put them in your water.
Yeah. Bigs put in the water. Yeah. I
saw you throw in your head back hard in the driveway early. Well,
they get stuck in there if I don't do it. I have to. There's
no Well, good for I'm hey. I'm glad you're safe. I'm glad
healthy. Wow. I next write your own conversations. Alright. You're back on your pill. Thank god. You're chicken pill. I did notice you your mood has been sort of leveled out lately,
cetta. Mhmm. SSI -- Well
-- nugget pill? It well, here's the thing. I didn't realize that the whole the the intermittent fast sting stuff is such a fad right now. I have been doing intermittent fasting, but it was days at a time. It was it was 2 days of no eating, 1 day, Of eating. Of eating. 3 days no eating, 1 day of eating, 4 days no eating, 1 day of eating, and you kinda let the break go longer. Right. And you're welcome. Actually, for half of the lockdown, I was I was not eating. If I took all the days that I wasn't eating, and then the days I was eating. It was about 50 percent days of eating, 50 percent days of not eating. Now
you're gonna
be able to keep to that schedule now that we're back on campus.
I do think I do think I will.
Because I saw you on some of the no eat days and you were furious. You were so
i I it it was tough to to stick to, but I felt like it it kept me on edge, it kept me alert. And I've talked to the cafeteria workers here, and they all have a copy of my schedule. So they know eat days. They know not eat days. And they I told them, if I come in there and it's
about 8 days. Easy for them. Yeah. To keep up with your schedule? That's easy. As if their job wasn't hard enough Yeah.
They already gotta keep me fully out of there because that's
They have the bunks kids.
You gave them a broom to shoot you out of the the lunchroom? Yeah.
They got the broom now. It's the only thing that works on me I found. Otherwise, I'll find ways in. Well,
see, so I'm not the only 1 who's asked a little bit of the the cafeteria 1. Yeah. So
the sound sounding good? We're
sounding good, guys. You guys ready to get this thing back rolling? Let's get
on the wheels. It's been too long. Alright. Well, when you say
we kick it.
Yeah. Alright.
Snack is
not good with the Accital theme song.
T e
tUR's lounge. Teen's lounge. Fine. Cheers
died. Piring us. Alright. Boom. Welcome to the teachers lounge, the first best and only podcast contained issues relevant to the Hamilton High School community. I, of course, Sam Howard, Levis, your biology teacher, your friend, your confidant. Some would say the kindest man in Hamilton, And I'm here with my 3 good buddies who are always in the lounge with me fellas. Go ahead and introduce yourselves.
Todd Padrey, theater teacher, feminist, PHD. I I run the theater program here for those of you who have been listening to the podcast. You know what to do, baby. And for those of you here for the first time, welcome. You're in for I guess quite a ride. I don't even know what to say. I mean, what we do here is something else. Now, Todd, a PhD.
This is new. I'm really proud of you. I can't believe you locked that down over the break. Alright.
You really Keep trying and eventually got it. I got my
nose in the books. I defended my thesis aggressively. And yeah, I am now a doctor of crap. So that is You I just wanna make your sort of
make your own majors kind of
well, I was a doctor of art and they ended up saying, let's shift this a little bit based on what you're studying, what you're producing.
I've seen the document of your your actual diploma, your PhD. I've seen the document, and it looks like somebody took some white out to it.
Oh, yeah. There well, there was a bit of a white out battle between me and the administration. So it's gone back and forth. I had to get
a typewriter. It's stacked up. Yeah. There's a big bump on. Yeah. It's from what a lot of changes.
Yeah. You got her our photographer to see everything I've gone through on the PH. But I Congratulations. That's the students are calling me doc He settled on a crap. Craft was the 1 we could mutually
agree upon. And it's not poop. It's just useless stuff.
Yeah, you know. So it's the type of it's like Well, you you're It's the stuff you might see in the DVD bin at the 07:11 -- Right. Right. -- a lot of my films.
Yeah. Because your Waterfly
effect part 2. Yes. Exactly. My but the moth Effect, which was my remake
of the whole movie. How did you think of that? The moth Effect? Yeah.
Came to me in a dream.
Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So it's not that a butterfly and a moth look similar and the last word is the same and the first word is the same? No. Okay. Okay. So I saw your thesis. It was livestream.
Your your
live thesis that you did from a like a a storage facility that had a bunch of junk in it that somebody
right. Yeah. So that was Okay. I didn't
think this is from my home. Oh, I thought that was the story. Oh, yeah. No. Okay. Okay. Now that I I was, like, this is a, like, a storage facility.
No. Yeah. You you've seen my home.
Yeah. My bad.
You kinda rearrange. Well,
trumley kept on interrupting my thesis. And trying to sell stuff for my house. And so
all of these stupid stuff. He kept saying I can give you nothing.
Yeah. And I said, man, you've gotten worse for more. Right. But, hey, 8. I'm excited for everyone to be here. I'm excited to be a doctor. The PhD
is an Upgrade talk. Congratulations. Everybody here now know that we've got a doctor.
Dostana House.
Oh, I've stood on a few plane rides, by the way.
Yes. You have. You anytime anybody looks like they're about to choke. And they're simply just chewing on peanuts. They you stand up. I'm in the house. There's a doctor in the house. There's a doctor in the house. Yes. Sam Weatherman's here. Hey, Sammy weatherman. That's right. Not the only 1
with a new certification. I am still the driver's ed teacher and mental health associate here on campus, but I am also the COVID checker guy.
Okay. Not compliant. No. Checker guy. Checker guy. Okay. Certificate. There's also a little bit of white out on it. And you wave the flag? There's like a flag.
I waved the flag for everybody who does not have co when they're tested, they finish.
It's it's so exciting. I it makes you wanna get tested to see you wave that flag.
It's a great idea.
And now, you've made all you've it's you say flag, but it's a set of flags that kind of all say something different. Well,
i've been into embroidery recently. Yes. We're recording from my shop right now. And, yeah, so I made a checkered flag. I made the green flag. I made the Colorado State flag for no reason. Uh-huh.
It just looks Oh, yeah. Colorado state flags mean you have COVID. Right? Maybe you have COVID. And you have to
from our school, you get shipped to Colorado. Right.
Which has been great. Dry out there?
You can dry out in Colorado. They put you far up on the mountain.
Because the because there there's less oxygen there. So it's good for COVID. That's exactly And now,
sandy Good for the virus, good for the person
sam, Sam, I know I know -- Irish.
-- the
school obviously does have a school nurse, and we have a we have a sort of medical staff here. And you are you're sort of existing in a separate department. You do not work in in in in concert with the nurse. You are sort of No.
Competitive forces? It's competitive because it's gotta be an outside eye. They
wanted somebody with no medical expertise and somebody who is equipped with handling rules. Now
when you say they, who who who did give you this response?
The doctors, of course. The doctors have proven the crown. They said someone's gotta check on the school. The nurses are obviously crackpots over there. We need someone who's who watches the nurses. Uh-huh.
Wow. Yeah. You're like I said checks
and balances with COVID. Exactly. You have to have some checks and balances. Exactly. Because people run wild with this compliance. Well, these nurses,
what are they gonna send home everybody that's sick. They won't have anything to do.
Right? I'll go ahead. You know, you come in and you're like, when somebody gets COVID and you're like, do they how long do they actually need to go home? What is you know, because they're like, I wanna send them home for 10 days. And you're like, could we do 5? Could we do 5? Can they test out?
Oh, whoa. And I do get the impression the school hired you, and that's kind of your behavior there. But a lot of it seems to be about insurance. It feels like you maybe are working closer with the insurance than with the health departments for
most of the
doctors that are technically setting this up. But, yeah, it is by way of the insurance.
Yeah. Because you're trying to get the least amount of time home, the least amount of health care for the students
from COVID. Exactly. Right. I have both amount of money in our pocket. And by our pocket,
i mean, the
school, and by the school, I mean, the
code's off. And thank you
for this That's a lot of money.
And thank you for the Cigna tote, the Cigna tote bags? I love that. I've been going to the farmer's market, getting a lot of tomatoes and stuff, putting it in in it. I just got back from the best pharmaceutical meeting. Oh, my. And they give me sigma toast.
Yes. And, Sam, I think this is a Sigma guy. So this is
cignacai, right, that you're working for? Well, this is a frat. This
is a new COVID frat that I've been working
with. It's a pharmaceutical frat. It's a pharmaceutical frat. Well,
let's just cut out the middleman. If you're in a frat, it's because you wanna be successful.
If you're in pharmaceuticals,
it's because you wanna be successful. Let's just put them together right from
and you did a lot of pharmaceutical hazing this week. You were part of the haze. Mhmm. How does that play out? Well, there
are certain pills that are fuzzy stingers, we call
them. Okay. Some stingers. And so
you put a stinger on somebody, the way they don't want it. And that's to haze. You know, when you make
people go down
their pants, they often hold
other's wieners and walk in a circle, and then you give them a pill to make them forget.
Oh, I up. And I I also heard that
that's awesome. That's
awesome. That's awesome. I like a new job. I'm I'm trying to really see a student. The brotherhood. Yeah. It's really nice.
I wanna I wanna go ahead and get
ahead of it because listeners are probably gonna hear you saying this that you're in a pharmaceutical frat, and they're gonna say that you're in bed with big pharma. Crazy. It's you are you are you are able to be objective. Your friends your friends, the community you've created around your sort of and pharmaceuticals, does not does not cause you to to push any 1 course of treatment or anything like that? Anybody out there before you even say it, Sam has more integrity in his pinky than all of you have in your entire body and your whole family and your whole lineage.
You're you're nothing. Grandparents are great grandparents are prepared to say.
Yeah. Yes. Absolutely. The problem
with most pharmaceutical people is that they get into bed with 1 company. Mhmm. I'm in bed with all of them. That way none of them can influence me because I'm making money no matter what pill I send them.
Yeah. And thank you for doing this seminar on Latuta this morning. Mhmm. I really am thinking about changing up my medication. Did
like the spread? We got it from a weird delivery company who
was sort of hybrid. Oh my god. It was all the tuna. Right? It was the tuna. Yes. Yes. It was Latoona. Latoona
sandwiches. I don't know if anybody got the connection.
Latoona Sashimi? I got it. Yeah. Latoona juice?
Latoona salad? Yes. It's so good. What about the
Latunitinis. Very good. Very good. I love those.
Now Bill Kravy over here. Yep.
I'm back. We're back. We're back, baby. We're back in Hamilton. I'm excited to be here. I Your situation's
a little different now though. It's it's Well,
yeah. You know, just waltz back into the head coach. You know? There's obviously a an interim coach still there. And I am the assistant coach now because they were nice enough to be like, you know, get get back out there. Eventually, you'll work your way up. Mhmm. I was not asked to come back to the Spanish classroom because you guys know the only Spanish word I know is Mhmm. Which means. Caliente. And but but I am teaching home ec now. Congrats. So I've got the kids making curtains. We're making casseroles. We are learning Velcro. And that's a big
that's a big unit. It's a big unit.
It's a big unit. Yeah. It's a big unit. We spend weeks on Velcro. We spend week weeks. What is it? What How does it work? Hard side, soft side? What is this stuff? It's us learning together.
I I come in and model my shoes because as everyone knows, like, I wear Velcroed together shoes.
Yeah. Get the
ones with so many straps. Because I would usually, you see them with 2, maybe 3 straps. How many do yours have? It's
a great question. You gotta email the Teva corporation over and over again until they're so fed up with you that
they will send you 1. There's your teavers.
They look like closed closed everything shoes. They're so So
that's all straps. Those are teavers and teavers, and they're just
straps all Yeah. Well, thank you for coming into the class and sort of modeling. Mhmm. Yeah. That was that was fun. And also, thank you for coming in for the curtains class. You wore your shirts.
Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Alright.
Think we Barbara curtains. You know? I don't wanna judge, but I was, like, was like, will you come in and show? And
i it's not judgmental. And
artist sees Let me It's something. Yesterday, I wear blinds.
Yeah. There's sort of vertical, the thick ones, and cheap apartments.
But it's an issue. Go ahead.
Some of the sets this year are looking a little bit repurposed as well. Don't know
if it's backwards.
For the for the school plays and
stuff? Yeah.
Yeah. Well, let's just say I stumbled into a foreclosure
so a lot of what we're working on there is repurposed stuff from the house.
I think I think the correct way to determine that is you're being foreclosed upon.
Well, I stumbled into it. It was not it was what because I wasn't expecting it. Excuse
me. Years of bad financial decision.
Yeah. Is this terrible? You're foreclosed upon, but that's the life of an artist.
And you're so authentic. Thank you. Yeah.
But, Bill, I I obviously, when you were coaching the basketball team, we were such huge supporters of the
team. Yeah. Every had another team. Thank you. It
was tough for me to go back to the game. And see you not coaching, poisoning the other team of lasagna. But how
proud were you of how well Bill has taken this demotion? Yeah. I was used to seeing Bill have completely no offense, erratic, irrational, dangerous behavior as the head coach -- Absolutely. -- after the demotion, pretty okay at the game.
I'll say and and and IIII
a closer look, and it Yeah. I'll be honest, it does
sort of
seem like you look when you're sitting on the sidelines, you look kind of like a person who's being restrained. Yes. It looks kind of like you're sitting quietly, but if you look close, your hands are vibrating, your legs are vibrating, you're mouthing along with the coach whatever
he That's the topic for me. Yeah. I I am sketching things. I'm drawing really hard with with a pen clutched, not like you would a pencil, but a sort of like a spear. I'm drawing circles. It's ripping the paper. It's really hard for me to hold back because, you know, I wanna scream at the riffs. Let them play. Let the boys play. I wanna scream. You know, let them play. Let them play. You
were obsessed with letting the
boys play. You gotta let the boys play, Riff. But I do good at mixing Gatorade. Sorry. I'm getting the mixture down. I'm getting closer. Finally. Yeah. I'm getting closer. I was a little heavy on powder, week 1. You saw that. You saw that.
The basketball floor did get stained when it tipped over.
Yeah. Yeah.
It's it was very red and chunky when it was coming out. But they were hydrated.
was a lot like the commercials. The players actually did start sweating powder like the old nineties. I wanna be or whatever those gateway commercials taught
you know which ones they are? Or is that that season?
Totterate. Totterate. Totterate. That was a little different.
Totterate. Of course.
Something I peed up.
I made a commercial
that was directed
by some fairly lovely on the sex rules. If you wanna go back and hear that season. Yeah. But, yeah, you the the players were sweating powder. Yes. Doctors came in, of course, with the COVID coordinator to make sure it wasn't COVID related.
I thought it could have been COVID, so I gave everybody a pill.
Yes. Yes. You were right there with the magic COVID pill, which they're keeping a secret and everybody. Uh-huh. They're keeping their Well,
some people have it. Some people get it. Some people depends on who you connect to do, what companies you're a part of. Well, Cigna
cigna Cigna Cigna does have the COVID pill. Absolutely. They keep them in their little their little
candy canes that that they dance around with.
Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I love seeing because they had a big dance with Alpha free freezer. Yes. And that was a really funny little dance they did when
they were in the
candy canes and then the the women were in miss claws -- Mhmm. -- outfits -- Yeah. -- and they were giving out hypertension medication
to everybody. Yeah. That was awesome. You gotta
get the kids young because I Well,
yeah. That's why they do it
via a beautiful stomp routine. The kids come over and they're like, whoa. What is this? Oh my god. I'm prescribed.
Yeah. I'm prescribed. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, a lot of people out there are probably asking, you know, you guys took a long break from the show. What's what? Why now? That's a lot of time when people come back from retirement, a lot of
people wanna answer questions. Why? And we say, do you mean why now?
Yeah. There
should be
why. Yeah. You mean, oh, no. When happen, but why
is now? Why now? And
we've we've wrecked our brains, you know. Yes. Because we thought we were done with the podcast. And the answer is, because we wanted to,
end of sentence. Shut the fuck up. You fucking losers?
It's time.
But also, it's no time no time is better to come back than than right now as as Hamilton high school sort of gears up for this year's homecoming alumni celebration. Wow. As you all know, most most schools do this. Once a year, they have a big event that they they have all of the old alumni come back to the school to see, sort of check-in, see how they're doing.
And we're not
just talking the sports teams
No. No. No. No. No. Or
-- Everybody. Everybody. -- everybody's in London.
Everybody who ever went here -- Mhmm. -- is invited back to celebrate their tutelage.
Didn't, but you have a big name. Come on. Come
on then.
Over. Clo is John rary. Clooney? You're invited. Clooney's invited. Clooney, we've got the Nespresso out -- Yes. -- just waiting for you.
Including Divido's gonna be there. I was gonna say, Divido, that's already his first VP. Davido, confirmed. Does this Plus
1, and we don't know who. We're
hoping, clooney.
But, folks, so, yeah, keeping keeping the year out to the pot for all of the sort of updates on this alumni situation. Chris, for me,
i don't
know about you guys, but I never went to my class reunion. Neither? The alumni event is my way of everybody coming back and me getting to show off. Mhmm. Right? Yes. And for years, I have not been in a place in my life where I could. Right. Mhmm.
Does everybody remember the SNL fortieth. Like, the energy that room had that's what we're modeling. This is the Hamilton fortieth.
Yes. And when
modeling it after there will be a little stage. Mhmm. And Science
is supposed to be there?
Yes. Supposed.
Supposed Be there. Yeah. Supposed.
Seinfeld. So we'll have to break down some what we're saying in the ads because there's people we've invited. There's people who are supposed. There's people who are confirmed and there's people who are unconfirmed. Right. So and that you may hear more terminologies regarding this. Sort
of a rolling list, and we wanna keep you up to date. As we you know, if we ever hear back from Steve's on, we will let you know.
Yeah. Yes. And, obviously, this will be
don has assumed, I would say.
Don is And the zontarized. His the zontarized will also be there too. But they're unconfirmed. Zertle.
But, folks, yeah, we will we will keep you updated. Obviously, we're gonna Donny Zama.
of course, Zarya's only 1.
Zarya's own will be there, of course. This
entourage. We all know. This
entourage. But we will we will let the the the sort of smaller RSVP list has already gone out, but the wider release will happen in the coming weeks where we'll get things go in and People
schedules start to shore up.
Yeah. And then
we we can really see who's gonna be in those bleachers. We're setting up bleachers much like the S and L fortieth. But
hey, we have plenty of time to build towards that because this is gonna be an absolute blowout. Absolutely. Solute.
For what I am excited for everyone to see is that same week we are putting up the school play and I've taken some of the feedback on my last place they're to me heavy. They're written by me. They are vendettas against my own family. Mhmm. And so this 1
good specific
they're really specific. And I learned a lot getting my PhD and crap. And so this 1, I'm not gonna do that. We're just doing -- I
believe you. -- a
classic play.
Okay. 0IIA big hit, like, something that a lot of Tixty
williams? Shakespeare, who are we talking
Well Look, it's so hard to decide 1, isn't it, folks? Yeah.
I mean, because we just listed off the top 3. Right?
Tosie Williams,
shakespeare, and Peter Bank. 3 of the most prolific
playwrights of all. Well, A lot of people don't know that Peter Pan did right place. There's a whole there's a whole Hookiverse.
A lot of people
who's a whole Hookiverse. Hookiverse
is huge. Yeah. There's
an And that
peter Pan is the author of that story.
Peter Pat, yeah, he's written all the the Well because he just did the first of the Hookiverse -- Mhmm. -- and then it was so big. He started expanding out. Of course. Sorry doing hookah's hook themed hookah's.
But yeah yeah you know he did we saw Tum Tumbus, what's the kid the kid that rolls a lot in the
movie of this? Tumbus.
We saw his origin story.
We saw the Tumbus origin story. Oh, that
was so dark.
Yes. He was well, he was from a cave in Malaysian. Yes. Dark cave raised by snakes and wolves at the same time. And he had to crawl up out of the cave and eat his first sandwich to find and then It
was a the
classic story of Ray's by wolves and snakes.
I have 3 and a half hours. 1 boy is real animals. It's an incredible today. But, yeah, there's so many Ambulance
standing by -- Place. -- that play. What's that? Ambulance standing by.
Ambulance standing by every time. Yeah. And what job used to on Ambulance. On standby.
III the thing I'm most excited for about this this alumni event is actually seeing some of these students that we've had like, I think the first students that I have ever I ever taught have long since graduated and moved on and have great lives. And I'm I'm so excited to check-in because I'll say this as when I was first a teacher, I wasn't the most popular, you know, I was I was kind of a Among the teachers are students. Both. Yeah.
Good to know. And
i I you know, I was maybe the butt of a lot of jokes. I'm just excited to sort of see these kids as grown ups. They've sort of shaken off the sort of petty, childish tendencies, of bullying their teachers and all that kind of stuff. Yes. And I'm just excited to have a nice sort of conversation with these adult
that is gonna be really nice because we're so used to the kids, of course, being threatened by us bawling and being awesome --
yeah. -- that
they were always giving us attitude shooting
products. They were jealous. They were such ballers. Exactly.
It'll be nice to see a mature version of these little shits that used to give me crap.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And because they've all grown up to just do some amazing things. And I'm sure they have fantastic memories about us. Absolutely. And
the ways we acted in class. Yeah. Sure. It it it didn't stick with them in any way, or they 1 thing I am a little worried about, just to
get this out there in the beginning. I'm a little worried -- COVID. -- of confronting, of course, COVID. I have no idea how to control this thing. I'm a little worried that some of the kids, and this is me being fully vulnerable -- No. -- have surpassed me The kids that I used to teach -- Wow. -- maybe now gone on to be tech billionaires -- Right. -- grocery store magnates. That
is -- Gross or managers. -- junk
yard owners -- Yes. But -- any of these things would surpass me. Let
me ask you this and it's an honest question be vulnerable because I I know my answer always.
Do you not feel that that's an accomplishment in and of itself that you raised a generation greater than yourself. Right. Yes. And you almost are responsible for them. I
mean A generation of drivers who don't crash every time? Because think
it, like think about
it like this.
I, for example, was It's okay to be uncomfortable with the crying happening next to you Or
i I mean, they are you the right sort of of people whose mental health is perfect?
Because they met me.
Yes. There might be a generation like that for Sam. People who and Howard, you can put your hand down. It's okay for someone to cry next year. We don't have to move on to the next
right away.
Keep who don't cook and eat themselves because they saw me make their mistakes and they don't need to follow down the same path. Right. You could
their daddy. That's all yeah. That's a daddy move.
How are these fidgeting and see
how are standing up pacing, if you use restroom or anything like
that? Oh, yeah.
I gotta pee. I gotta pee. You have to pee. Yeah. Alright. Well, Howard's got a pee. Let's wait for him to pee. Hoo. That
is just I think
just trying to not get close to crying.
It's tough to see your friends cry. You know? That's it's hard. It it hits weird. You know? I'm so used to
it. It does hit weird. You're right. I'm sorry.
And I think III was gonna say, we should celebrate the people who we've we've we've had a had a hand in creating. Yeah. As you all know, I was my first biology class that I ever taught, I was Anthony Fauci's biology teacher. Right. Yes. Right. Yes. He I a lot of people don't know this. He actually didn't go through high school till his forties. Yeah. He's a late bloomer. That is a huge secret. No
1 knows. Yeah. But
then but then finished really fast. Yeah. Because he's so smart. And so I I look at every time I see Fauci on on on TV, All I can think about is what I did for him. I taught him about about cell biology. You I taught him what a mitochondria is. Yeah. I taught him about MRNA. You know? Yeah. That so that's huge. Has he name checked me? No. Do
who I expected to? Does it bother you? No.
Because here's the memory you have. You've still got a photo of your signature in his yearbook. Hey buddy, you're not slouchy. And I think that that is -- Yes. -- more than him giving you credit. You have that photo you took of your signature in his yearbook, and we all do.
Exactly. And
i'm sure it's still there. I'm sure that the signature is still in his yearbook. It's not like he would have altered it or something. Of
course not. But the town serial killer, Craig Crown, I mentioned you a lot
as his
teacher -- And -- from jail every time they interview him. So that's kind of exciting. He's putting
out a pretty cool, like, Manson, like, album, but
it's kind of a
tribute to you. Hey. You gotta hey. You can't take credit for the good unless you also take credit for the bad. My mess. Yes. And so I will say now here, I do not support what Craig has done. Craig has done. But I do support the art that he is making in my name. Right. Did I fully fund the GoFund Me for his album. I did. You did. Yeah. That was all Well, all of a
sudden, it was done in a day biggest donation, 20000 dollars in 1 day, that was you. It was
there were 2 donations. There was, like, for Craig
crown's album? I did. I did. But it's not serial killer Craig Crown. It's my ex fifth period, biology teacher, Christopher Crown. Christopher is the person who that I who I support. Chris, I know it goes by Chris. They call him Chris now that he's a serial killer.
Is Craig Crown doing a Chris Gain star?
Yeah. Putting
out like an album with a --
yeah. -- with a
soul patch and bleach tips to make us think it's his different person.
I don't know
if you guys saw the the the the he can't release an album under
his name, Craig Crown. Legally.
Legally. He because he's a serialized person. Once
you're a serial killer, they take your name. Yeah.
Yeah. You can't
and then they give it to other artists, Marilyn Manson, someone like that.
Yes. Those are all serial killers. So no. He he's the food fighters. There was all
yes. The course, the
food killer of the seventies, and of course Extina Aguilera. X Tina was a murderous woman. But, no,
the dirty murder also took part.
It wasn't a mistake on
my part.
So you're sort
of looking past his misgivings and enabling this evil man to do art?
Yes. Hundred percent Because people are more than 1 thing which I think -- Exactly. Of course he's the crown of Thorins killer he dressed like Jesus preached to people and then he would take them to his home and he would slowly give them communion, but he was actually poisoning and
it seemed like he did all of his research also.
What's that?
Some of his research was off the
whole He was mixed he was mixed research on what Jesus does. But that that's
1 thing he does. Yeah. The crowns came later. Because
guys came later. Right. But the other thing he does, which is really cool, is he plays early 2 thousands new metal.
Yes. After the fun from prison. Yeah. I mean, honestly,
the aesthetics he sent me some early cuts. And the aesthetic of the album is honestly, like, nothing I've ever heard before. Long mono too. Very compressed. Sort of sound all all the instruments sound like they're coming
through phone lines because they are. Vibe.
I would say, you guys remember that song, Dig by Mudvane, Yeah. Yeah. For sure. It's it's kinda like that. It's kinda got it's kinda got a very choppy kinda like Oh, okay. Like real
dig is by MudVain? Mhmm. Is that the which one's
the 1?
Big, bury me
just underneath.
Everything that I am. Truly taking. Yeah. Yeah. Handbanging
too. Quickly, that reminds me I was diagnosed with McBane last week. I And you're just now
telling us,
i could've gotten you saying that. I know. I know. I just wanna I want, like, some some little
it's champagne container.
No. No. No. No. No. No.
Well, I'm glad we got to the bottom of that because you were getting some cuts and what was coming out was nasty. And we were like that. Well, that might be mud pain. And you're like, no. My blood's like this.
It's just over whatever that thing is, that makes your blood clot when you get a cut that appears globulin
-- Last word. -- last What is that? I mean, biology or maybe the guy that works with
doctors. Hey, listen.
I can get you a tote to fix
that. Hemoglobin.
Hema Maybe. What'd you call me?
Todd Todd.
Well, I know hemoglobin. I
know. He didn't say human goblin. Okay. He said hemoglobin. Are you sure? That's a nickname people who used to
call you as human human god
bless. You called me an even god bless. Nobody. Nobody.
Okay. It was
sorry. Not a little bit. Here is it. I'm not Todds, college nickname, human goblin, always
okay. So I find some of the gold on campus, and I hide it in a little hovel.
And I and I try to kill people who try to take my gold. My precious little gold. Lots of work. And you wear a diaper around. Well, there's no bathroom by the hovels. And now I'm a hemoglobin.
We've all had a tough year, and I think now that we're back, we can give ourselves a break, we can shed that skin, and we can live in this new happy life
that's right.
Speaking of breaks, I think we should jump to a quick break and do
we'll we'll throw it to a couple announcements. And when we get back, we'll get into some of the the the the stuff going down Give
me a break. Give me a break. Break me off a piece of that teacher's lounge. The lunchroom is announcing a new menu item after the frog dissection went so well last week. We got little tiny chicken fingers now. Little tiny chicken fingers. Enjoy them in the lunchroom starting today.
There is now a separate pickup lane for expensive cars and crappy ones. Tell your parents to keep their bad cars away from the nice ones. From
here on out, all students participating in physical education will need full suits. We're talking Congo style outbreak suits because we'll be doing a lot of physical activity this semester. Bring your hazmat suit from home.
If you are participating in third period study hall, do not turn on the TV. If you turn on the TV, we are not liable for the material being shown on it. Unfortunately, we no longer have control over the satellite feed. And there is questionable material being shown on all TVs on school property. So as I said, Do not turn on TVs during study hall.
If anyone knows how to cancel the school's late night Cinemax account. Please let us know because we can't seem to get in control of what TVs it's on and how often it's being viewed. If
anybody knows how to uncross my home TV selections from the school TV selections, We also need help there. It's a wiring issue.
Also, students, please do not quote anything you have seen on live TVs around the school. Quotes, from late night Cinemax, films and television shows will not be tolerated.
Alright, folks. Thank you so much for sticking around. We're back here in the lounge, and Today on the show, we wanted to sort of end celebration of the upcoming alumni celebration.
kinda wanted to take a walk down memory lane here in the lounge and sort of talk to each other and you all about some of our favorite memories. From Hamilton. Obviously, a large chunk of them are sort of documented in previous seasons of teacher's lounge, but this segment, we kinda wanna dig a little deeper and and talk about some of the memories that maybe aren't as widely available or or remembered. Mhmm. It's
been a tough year being away, so we figured it was it was time to pay our respects and wax poetic a little bit.
Mhmm. I mean, I'll never forget when they added on the new atrium. That was huge for us. I mean, we really needed some extra room, but Todd, you were the contractor.
volunteered to be the contractor for the for the build. And it took a little bit longer. I mean, contractors always pushed things a little bit longer. Well, you know,
there's a lot of stuff with permits zoning, planning. Yeah. Planning. Yes. That you refused to do. And I wasn't gonna do it. I wasn't gonna play by their bureaucratic rules for my pot Podrium is what we were calling it Right. And so What we ended up getting was 1 succulent. There's a beautiful succulent.
Yeah, there was egg actually, there's no new atria.
Yeah. Well, no. We never got you. It was blown on the structure, so there just wasn't a lot for plants.
Right. Yeah. So the but III piggybacking off that memory. Yes. I thought it was really nice to see the town come together for the vigil for everyone that died in the atrium collapse. That was a really special memory for
me. I
mean, because think about it like this. Before that day, Yes. October 20 first was just a regular day.
It had nothing.
It meant nothing to do with. This before all week.
Yes. And now and forever, it will be a chance for everybody around Hamilton to come together. Remember those who were lost? Those who left? Because a lot of people left. Yeah. Just out of fear of living in town when this happened. But we know what a lot of
people were calling it -- Yeah. -- second 09:11.
Because of that, there is the great nonunion contractor legislation that was passed. Yes.
You actually got a lot of great building code things passed because of your terribly built built
built? Yes. So I of course spoke before Congress which some people are saying was a testimony, but for me, it was to compel them to change some of the laws. And you
kinda gave them a little bit of the Mark Maguire. You're not here to talk the past.
Absolutely. Well, I give him a lot of the Mark mcguire.
You showed up with a baseball
bat wearing a Cardinal greeting. And a big syringe
in 1 hand.
And can say go up to my right? Yes. Going 4 on to 4 on whenever I hosed those guys.
And you actually brought a little model of your building that and the model fell down and hurt your hand.
Yes. Of course. Lest we forget February fifteenth non union model awareness day.
You did not have a permit for that little boss in that bottle. A
lot of people are thinking are are out there thinking it's a terrible thing. But before this event, February 15, was just another day. Yeah. That's right. 1 day after Valentine's Day.
That's right. But
after this event, it was a day for everybody to come together. And celebrate life? Yes. And connection. And remember those who lost and those who those who lived Normally, on
february fifteenth, you're thinking about like, oh, I'm gonna get some snickers that are on sale or I'm gonna get a little bit of sweet tarts, but now I just think about falling cinderblock. Yes, which is beautiful. Was
a little confusing for you because this is not the only non union model association you're a part of.
Course there's the model I have built. But then there's some non union modeling work that I do which is more You had
a tough time joining the actors Union a modeling union any sort of on camera union.
I am union band. Yes. All unions. I cannot join a union anymore because I've scagged so many
times. Right. So You're shaft
heartly? I'm Shaft heart? Shaft heart. Yes. I was shaft hard lead.
Which job got me chef? Hard lead. I was writing half of the third season of Lost. Right. Right. Right. And I got shaft hard lead for that.
And so
yeah. You wrote the yeah. You wrote the yeah. You wrote the second half of that season when the writer strike happened.
Wrote the Diamond episode. The people And
you were supposed to be what now we saw as the smoke monster. You were originally cast in that role, but they decided to make it a wiss Instead with a person.
Well, yeah. They hired me because I was a wisp of a man at the time. This was before I was taking them Maguires. And so, I was walking around, and they said I was too loud. Mhmm. And the smoke monster doesn't talk. Mhmm. And I also they're saying my skin cells poisoned, crafty.
what they say. Right. Right. But now I do some nonlinear modeling. So if you would like a model for any of your I'm talking maybe it's a truck convention.
Oh. That's the first 1 that comes to
me. Yes. Maybe it's a truck convention.
Speaking of trucks, that reminds me of a of of another great memory from
hamilton -- Awesome.
-- as you all remember about 13 years ago, 1 time and 1 time only, Hamilton, sponsored a demolition derby on the football field. Mhmm. Yes. Yeah. It was a beautiful day. Families in the crowd, families raising
money. It ruined the
football field. It sure did. It it it it ruined
my car.
Yes. There was a lot of demo cars and 1 nice new civic. With Sam. Well, it was it was such a shame because it was the first time
i was like, okay, I'm gonna park this car somewhere where I cannot hit anything
oh, we are a lot of the field. And you have right. Accidental devodor.
I finally finally didn't get in an accident --
right. -- and then
right where I parked my car 6 accidents in a row, all these cars backed right up into me, and I was forced to be stuck inside my car like a Sardine for 6 weeks? Yes. As
everybody knows, a demo d starts with all of the cars in a circle driving at each other so fast with people, but people in helmets, suits. I think they just saw my razor leaks quick and really
that they could not
abide it. They had to put some cream then. Into a little can -- Yes. And, yeah, you had to be in there for a while, jaws of life.
jaws of life.
Yeah. The jaws of life came and They had
to fill the car with water and salt. So that I could live off of it for a while
or something. I wasn't sure. Well, the crazy thing about that time in our town was the jaws of life were on the loose, hunting
Yes. We all remember. It was fucked out. And you would think I would be the perfect bait for the Right. You're basically chum Actually, shut your chum. We're talking
about that as a scary thing, but we have to also think about the positive that came out of that demographic.
I loved it. We we made
the school made 60000 dollars --
yes. -- off of the demo Durb. I didn't come look at the man in the camp. Isn't that isn't that cool? No. Look at the man in here. Her book of the a can. Look at the man in the can. Was like a demand. 10 dollars
for a look. 15 for a picture, 30 for a lick.
Yes. Yes. If you
were salty, Yeah.
But under the table 50 for a kiss, I started doing those. And that's my bad. That's my bad. Hey.
It was under the table. I didn't see a dime.
Well, luckily for you, you didn't see a dime. Well, I didn't see anything, really. I was But the the jaws of life eventually found you. We chummed them up, and they got you out of there, and then we blew the chums up. We blew the chums up. Well, you
blew the chums up. Well, you made the chums up. We blew 2 chums up. The Johnson Life still out there. Uh-huh. I think we needed a bigger boat.
It is not what I think she was Well, we we we had an old leathery tanned man coming to town to try to catch it. Yeah. But he had he just ended up singing songs on a boat for 2 days. Like, he never caught him.
Well, he and I got back and forth back and forth trying to top each other with war stories for about a week also. We got distracted. Which was kinda
hard for you because you never win.
Well, yeah. I was good. Lying.
well, you
win, but you didn't fight for the right side. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You stub in the war. Well,
yeah. Of course, he was talking about because he was in that ship that right after they brought the what was the ship that brought the the bombs to bomb Hiroshima and then on the way back -- Yes. -- the ship sank,
shark ate them all.
Yeah. I I do too. But but the sharks ate almost everybody get what boat it is. The main it might be.
Yes. We we've all
jazzy talks about it and I said, oh 0 well, I was on a few ships during World War 2 also. But they were all a wall ships. These were these were guys that were running I ran away from Normandy. I ran away from you, Ajima. They kept finding me again. And
you can get signed
up by technicalities?
If you look, there's some photos of d day And there's 1 ship in the background, and you are taking the hardest left. It's And then the boat is up on its side, turning away.
Wake on the soldiers. A lot of people say d day was such a disaster because so many soldiers got knocked over by wake from a boat that was tried
to be.
Yes. Interesting. There were a lot of boats out there that day.
Like, and if you listen closely to some of the the the recordings, you're you'll hear throttle. Hit the throttle. Away. Away. We're we're backing out of this. Yeah. Mommy. Mommy. Hell help
help help. Oh, I'm shot. I guess I'm dead. Nobody
can shoot me again. I'm dead. Turn the boat around. Turn the boat around.
Yeah. So yeah. But that the demolition derby was a great memory.
Yeah. It's such an exciting
time. It's an exciting time in Hamilton history, you know. I'm sure I'm sure some of the demo derb competitors will be at the alumni event.
Yes. Oh,
They'll be there. Yeah. And they're they have have you ever seen that thing on the Internet where it's like what we're gonna look like in in 30000 years, and it's like a person with a big, huge head with a lot of fat tissue on the neck. That's what they look like. Oh, I thought that was just
too little posted pictures of me.
No. It's a it's an example because it's from sitting at a Oh, that your
lookbook? That was the lookbook. That
was my model
lookbook. I'm
sorry. But I interrupted.
That's why my That's where the demoDs guys looked like. Their bodies have kind of like through, which I don't believe in, evolution. Evolution. There's sort of gelatinous. Yes. They're gelatinous, like, fishes with the big noses. You know that fish. Yeah. Absolutely. We all know exactly what But your whole thing
was evolution is, there's no way a gorilla had sex with a man. You can't get over that -- Right. -- not that missing piece.
Yeah. How how do you seduce a gorilla. It's so hard. I don't buy it.
You know what I mean? That's what's happened. You've you've
signed on so many things. On the wrong side of that? How do you a girl and have sex with you. Bill back in. They will not. They won't.
We both tried Bill Champagne wine.
You got it? Well, you
you were so eager to prove this that you tried many different things. You winded and dined
the gorilla. Well, I wanted to prove prove the missing link. Mhmm. So I took gorillas on dates. I winded dine.
You kept I would say you kept the banana factory in business. 6 months longer than it should have been around,
which is our third cheesecake
factory. It's something to find out dishes.
Oh, I love the banana factories, bread. The bread they start out with at the banana factories. So good.
Yes. It's all served up here. It's our favorite bread. It's those
long pretzels. We love when they throw that bread down.
I'm eating all those and leaving the rest.
Yeah. The
question is, When you go to banana factory -- Mhmm. -- which banana do you get for dessert?
Oh, good question. It's a hard call. Because they got,
like, 50 different bananas.
I'll do a caramel a caramel
carmel dip. Yeah. Carmel dip.
Carmel nut dip. I'll do I'll do a chocolate dip. I'll do I'll do honestly, I'll do the 1 that they make with they make with the slathering of sunscreen.
Oh, yum. I did the I did the oregano banana the other day. It was surprisingly, I love herbs in my desserts. Me too. Me too.
It's tough because you know me, I get the usual banana scampi. And once I've had that, I'm so full. I don't even know if I wanted
to Right. That's the issue with these manufacturing places. They fill you up on the bread and on bananas that you don't always want a banana at the end.
Yeah. Absolutely. You have the bananas. You
don't wanna
get the main banana. Yeah. That's right. I always take home the main banana. And it sits in the fridge for weeks, and then I eat it. Exactly. For
me, memory wise. I'll say
Just thinking of memory, I think Bill forgot what we were
doing. Yeah. Do you remember when the Hamilton soccer team won the state title?
Oh, my god. I look at that flag we have up in the gym of the state championship. And I think of that day, 79, wasn't
it? 79. Yeah. 19 79. It was just such a boon for the town.
We were such young bright eyed bushy tailed teachers.
We were. I mean, I
remember we were rabbit fans, face painting, big long Ricola. Yeah. We were playing the Ricola.
Which is, of course, what you call the little
horn that you guys people believe. You always
see us in Ricola Ro.
We we we didn't notice.
It smelled like eucalyptus down there in Ricola Rome. You
would not hear you would not hear a cough from anyone on
ricola Road. Ricola Row? We're dressed up. We're it it's on a grassy knoll almost type. For
almost And the thing I remember most about that that sort of era was was that was a time when, you know, we were younger, obviously, so we could move a little faster. Yes.
I remember the night of that game. Yeah. Lost to stay.
going out after that game with a couple of the other teachers and a couple of the parents. And the and a couple well, we'll say it. A couple of the kids came out. Papping a couple of beers.
Yeah. We'll we'll let kids drink. We
what an accomplishment. They won the state.
Only good athletes. Good athletes can
then do whatever they want. As long as it's in the house. Yes. Because you're not getting you know, you're doing it under our roof. I'd
rather it be under my roof -- Yes. -- because I'm a bad parent. I can't drive
Yes. I can't come get you because I'm drinking.
Yeah. So let's all do it together. You'll flip me over at the end of the day. My habits
aren't a problem as long as you adopt. Them.
Absolutely. You know, as long we're all in together. That's that's really how how we approached it. But that that night, I I specifically remember having some of those heart to heart that you can only have when you've had a couple, and you're feeling good. Yeah. And you're talking to a
student, and they're not saying much back, but you're really talking a lot.
And you're really gripping their shoulder hard, telling them how proud you are.
And really, you're horrible. And they're asking you where's the bathroom? Yeah. I just need to know where the bathroom
and you are. Real that none of the kids are drinking. Right. And it's kind of just a bunch of adults sort of It
might just be you sipping moonshine out of a Mason jar. Then
you realize we got all this extra moonshine, I better grab another glass. Of course. I remember that, like, that night like it was, yeah. Yesterday.
Oh my gosh. But
let I will tell you 1 thing. I cannot drink like I used to. They don't tell you this kids, the older you get can't even have wine without feeling bad the next time. Absolutely. And that's a new take.
That is that is interesting that well, have you noticed this the older you get? I mean, maybe it's just me. Yeah. My body hurts and weird, plays it all the time that I wasn't
expecting don't tell you that.
Oh, yeah.
For a lot of years. And now I feel it every day. Yeah?
I'd run when I sit down.
Yep. They
don't tell you this folks. You're gonna get off. They don't tell you this
about getting older. I have to take a shit every 6 minutes. Yeah. And
they don't tell you.
They don't tell you this about getting older. It becomes much harder to make women women be attracted to you.
That's right. Because you have either fully loose stool or fully locked up. There's no in between.
Of course, they don't tell you this about getting older. Your vision goes so bad that they will not let you drive and you have to drive around but you can't see anything and you're hitting things all day. You get red light green light, red fish, blue fish, or
is it? Every
you have sight. Absolutely. This is tough. They
don't tell you this they don't tell you this about getting older than when get older. It it hurts to chew on mashed potatoes.
Yeah. I
haven't done a mashed potato in 10 weeks. There's appreciation.
They don't tell you about this when you get older, but you're allergic to almost every food.
hey. They don't tell you, but every food makes you blow up in the neck. Thick, swole, red swole on your hands and feet and everything. Now here's
nothing about you getting all of that. Is looking through the popular artists. You've never heard of 1 of them.
No. Not mom. It's like, who is it? Bobby, who? Can we put on Kansas? And they
did. And we also have to tell you this about when when you're that you're getting older, and he just gets a little bit harder stay up past 8PM. Oh.
That's okay. I'd rather stand than go out.
Hill you by what you got, your normal opinions become offensive.
And they don't tell you you're double down on them. You're double down on them when you tell you
when you order, you cannot learn anymore.
No. And you
think everybody else is wrong even though you've become almost 100 percent wrong.
Yep. They don't tell you you're a hundred percent wrong when you're old. They don't tell you that.
That's the hardest thing nobody tells you to stop except for what they're saying stop. And
as you guys know, I've actually pitched this to the school. I've pitched I've pitched a new course of study
for anybody
who wants it that sort of gets you prepared for actual future. Yes. Because we spend so much of our time when you're in school. You're learning about, like like, the sort of regular stuff, math, science, all this kind of stuff. They need to start a class. It's just like, hey, in 10 years, things start to get hard and you don't know why. And and it continues that way, and here's a few little pointers. Put a little bit of money away.
know, moving money away. Don't eat so much salty food. These are things that nobody's telling the kids. Yeah. Physical activity.
Compound interest.
Oh, I mean yeah.
Compound fractures.
Oh, gosh. I come out of that. Well, you're compound bow. Your your investment account is compound fracturing.
His compound fractured yeah. At about I think 35 percent a month, it's getting more and more broken. Wow.
Yeah. And what does this mean? It's just doing the opposite of being diverse fight?
Yes. Yeah. It is all. These are
falling off.
But it's oh, yeah. You you you invested with that company eggs in 1 basket.
Yeah. And let's just say they cracked, they broke they fell. The premise was all you you put all your eggs in 1 basket.
I've heard of this saying It's hard because you can't sell
when it's low.
No. No. No. It's the
time to buy back in because it's low. It can only go up. So I see why you're hanging on to.
Thank you so much. Yeah. My money situation got very bad once a cool hack guy got arrested said. Napster. Napster. Napster was doing all my money for me. And so I was investing I had a lot of money in on the limewire. I had some in the bear chairs. Smart.
The bear shares.
At 50 bearshairs of limelight. Did
you ever get any Kazaa or Morpheus? Oh, yeah. Well,
you got
in a fight with Morpheus that time. She got in a fight with Morpheus at that hole
Yeah. Well, Morpheus kept trying to take my friend, Neil, away.
Yeah. And you threw some whole wheat spaghetti at him and he missed? Well,
he moved very fast or I threw it very wrong. I couldn't tell. But yeah, you know, that I was hanging around with mister Anderson and Morpheus kept trying to steal him. And I was like, things are cool here. Nothing changes. Life is beautiful. We went great. Morpheus
is a clapped toe.
Yeah. He's a thief.
He's a thief.
He stole my glasses by the way.
That's right. That's right. And then, can you believe it? Famously wears them around town.
Yeah. That's my
look. Not to mention the long code in the summer. That's me that's hot. That show you. Long leather trench in summer?
Long leather trench bending when people try to
shoot you. But for
me, it didn't work. I've been shot 5000
Each that, 50 cent. And you Hey. At 50 cent, if you're listening, remember
-- Yes. The invite still stands.
Yeah. 50 percent is requested. I think he's on the requested list.
And he wants it to be his birthday. Don't do nothing
where you pull up next to me in the Bentley and look really happy and then speed off laughing.
No. No. Yes. 50 cent, you were humiliated, Sam you've in haunted his dreams, I would so
god, he keeps pulling up to me. Feels like we're gonna get
into a cool conversation.
He hits me with a quip and
then he leaves. You have a lot of conversations out the window of your car, just sitting. Yes.
I'm constantly screaming help. Please. Alright. Someone get in and drive. Somebody
tell me what the light means.
How do you get the trunk open from the inside?
Yes. I have locked myself in my own trunk. I call it taking myself hostage now
on accident. Right.
I don't know. If I've done it twice if I've done
it twice, I've done it a thousand times. You know what I mean? I can't even keep track anymore.
Yeah. Well, you
you gotta stop vacuuming your trunk. You know, you're in Well, that's where I clean. How do I get the crumbs out of there? Okay. Never mind. You gotta stop eating in your diet.
That is advice I
want. That's that's the beginning of simple actionable advice. But I get it. I mean, a trunk, that's a nice little lay down area. It's basically like a it's a it's a garage chaise. It's a garage
chaise, and it's also key to adventure. Mhmm. If you have the access and monetary means to go through a drive through and a good trunk, you can have a nice
little meal anywhere you want. You can't and I don't know how you fit back there. You got 2 tens back there in the trunk of your car, 2 big And do not.
Forget the tweeters in the front, my man.
The sound system is Oh my god. It's so low in the back and so high in Twinjie and Trevor. Yeah. How did you how did you soundproof the trunk so the bass doesn't even come out? Yeah. They're studying your trunk. That's right. Well, I took the mattress
out of my home. And I put my bed mattress in my trunk surrounding the speakers. Right.
So you
almost can't even hear them at all.
Yeah. It's gonna say, what's the purpose of the base
have the vibration. I can feel. Can
i wonder something? Oh. As you say you can feel the music, but the only music you hear is is radio jingles because all you listen to is talk radio. You don't listen to music on those tweeters in those offers. Music to my Talk radio is.
remember the day the hair show came to Hamilton. That's true. Remember their show. Yes. And then we all got free cuts by students, Well,
first of all, we thought it was the Blue Angels air show --
yes. -- and it was kind of It was Chris Angel's air It was you got Chris Angel's hair showing.
We all got hair freaked. Everybody remembers. My hair still disappeared.
And that's why, not because I'm losing It's because Tricae's know your
hair grows long if you
like. If I let it and if I can find it. But Chris Angel disappeared it, and it was on his Vegas special. You know. You wish you missed the ticket. You just
know Chris Angel is sitting at his house with
tons of hair Well,
how do you think he keeps his the way it is?
He's acting.
He's here. He's perfect. He's stuck. I'll stay. His whole lot. You're right. We
have talked about. There's a few talk He constantly talk about it. Chris
angel to me looks awesome. I weak man. He is what a man. He man. Peak Man. Yes. Peak Man, Man, crush, Peak Man. 5 2
purple hair. It's meant to be black, but you diet so black that it's purple. Yes. You look poor and rich
at the same time. His hair is actually 0LED0, my. It's has Hello? Yes. You see control of an Apple phone? It's a true black
It's a deep black.
Someone should tell him it needs to be recalibrated,
except it is purple, ma'am. Right. It's a it's a it's an it's like an early level o LED. It's, like, 2050 Tino, Ellie. And by
the way, Chris, you are not invited to the alumni -- No. -- the alumni events. No. Because we don't want
the stage to disappear because it's gonna be a lot like the SNL 4
chris is not invited. Do not just poof in to the event.
You guys do not
a big magic Don't celebration with cameras rolling. It's
not 1 of mind freak our our entire We
the only 2 magicians that will be there -- The
mathematicians. --
are you know who? The 2 A big our probably our greatest alumni. We think we haven't seen a mascot. We haven't seen a mask up. But
we're pretty sure the masked magician is 1
of our great The mass magician. Yeah.
Well, his attitude
is very indicative of being taught by us. Well, he definitely probably
took my class ruining secrets. Well, he's
a feminist.
What's that? He's a feminist.
He knows exactly how to talk to women.
The masked magician. Yes.
Yes. Absolutely.
He doesn't
a word, and they're like, this is how we prefer men, quiet with a mask gone. Absolutely. We actually hope he'll poof out of here. Yeah. And then Should we
keep the second
leadership secret? Yeah. The the 1 of the tiger guys.
Yes. Oh, Siegfried Oroy. Sieg. Siegfried
oroy? Will be there.
See freed.
Yeah. Oh, we all are Roy. And Roy are are gonna headline. Well,
jeez. I mean, guys, it it feels so nice to get back into the lounge by think we are about about a time for
yeah. We do have we've got a lot of stuff to plan. I mean, the fact that we were able to squeeze this episode in is actually America. Our schedules have just been so all over the blade.
I it's been 1 thing after
that's another thing they don't do when you get all trying to link up your schedules.
It's a replacement period
of being in and now being out while being a year older. And it's like we are of our several lives and families. Well, lives for us.
Well, yes. My friends is like schedule an active appointment a bunch of events.
Ma'am, it's like when we don't schedule it, we're more than advanced and we're not hanging out. Yes. I'm just like my work life has become my social, man. I'm not social, man, become work. Man, the ultimate switch of refoaks. It might be a redneck.
what my doctor told me. He said, this might be permanent if you don't get inside and put the sunscreen on. You might have a red neck.
So Our daughter our doctors
our daughters are are doctors slash our doctors daughters.
Have prescribed us all or have diagnosed us all with we are redneck. Yes.
The diagnosis is clear. The treatment is still out.
I'm so happy to be back
in the lounge. With my fellow teachers. And it's so exciting. The next few weeks are gonna be incredible, so excited to to see all of our old friends. Can
i ask guys 1 thing before you before we all go? I know we've been recording in the cramped room this whole time. Will you guys take these COVID tests real quick?
Sure. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Great. Is it nasal or oral? Enol. Yes, sir.
Yes. My man.
Out and the call is on.
And call me back home.
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